Team Donald – Biggest Loser “No Excuses” 2012 Challenge

Great news! I hit my goal for opening my Vera box! Whoohoo! After I weighed myself Tuesday morning, I ran downstairs and tore that box open!!

That is great!! Congratulations :cool1: I really love that idea. I don't really do so well with rewards because I find that I don't always follow through, but if I actually ordered myself something I've been wanting and had it sitting in the box in front of me, I think that would motivate me. I may have to do that! Again, great job!!
Evening all! It has been great being a substitute coach! Looking forward to Christopher stepping up as coach tomorrow!

Getting late and someone else "needs" my Ipad:rolleyes: so I'll say goodnight for now! TTYL...............P
Yay Team Donald!

You have no idea! I had a kid fake (yes we are absolutely sure he faked) a seizure during testing...2 times! It was hilarious. I know I shouldn't say that, but trust me...this kid has done this before. Who knows what will happen tomorrow?!?!

That is quite impressive. I have had students cry during the test or just refuse ... but never fake a seizure. You are a saint Jill!

It's late (for me) and I'm tired. DS5 is sick with a horrible cough and a fever. We saw the doctor around 7 pm and they are treating him for croup (with steroids). The poor thing was up all night coughing (Delsym did not help at all), so we were too. I'm exhausted. So, I'm heading to bed and hoping he sleeps better tonight and feels better tomorrow. I will try to make more time to post tomorrow. Sorry :(


Hoping he is feeling better soon!

Happy Wednesday morning friends! Here is today's QOTD:

Share a list of five reasons why you have decided to lose weight. "I'm sick of being fat" doesn't count.

BONUS QOTD: If you have time for only one ride at the Magic Kindgom, what would you ride and why??

BB in a minute to chat..............P

1. I want to feel better. I have back issues and I always carry my weight in my stomach.

2. I want to look better in a bathing suit.

3. I feel better when I am eating healthy.

4. I want to get to a point where I'm not thinking about losing weight.

5. I want to see my sons turn into adults and living independently.

On this note, my brother-in-law was just diagnosed with colon/lung cancer. He has 5 children and is only 48. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. .... and please my Donald friends, if you aren't feeling well, please see your doctor. Don't put that visit off ..... take the time to take care of yourself.

Hi Donalds!

I am excited to say that I am doing much better. It took me awhile to fall asleep last night, but I slept through the night! I woke up after an appropriate amount of sleep. This was the first night in too long that I didn't need 10+ hours of sleep! Things have calmed down a lot. The major drama from Sunday has passed and I am feeling better emotionally. I have been playing around with my meds (with my doctor's approval) and think that I have found a better plan. He works in the afternoon today, so I will call later and leave a message with his secretary. She is not the friendliest person, but I met one that is even worse so I am trying to take her with a grain of salt. What ticks me off is that I have spoken to both of these doctors about their secretaries upsetting me. I'm not calling to schedule a yearly gyno appt; I'm calling because I'm dehydrated from diarhhea or exhausted from vertigo. :headache: For some reason they don't think those are of concern. :confused3

I did a little shopping yesterday at Target. There are some great items in their Dollar Spot. I think it is Jill who mentioned starting to scrap. They have some scrapbooking items for $1. There are also a few Disney items. I got my sister magnets of the Disney Princesses. Those will go in her Easter basket. We really don't do Easter baskets anymore, but she and my BIL will get little items like that that I pick up cheap. I scored a few good deals at CVS so my BIL is getting a new (of the same kind) razor and a package of blades.

Target also has a bunch of bug/insect stuff. I started thinking of how I could use some of the $1 items for a language lesson. And, I know some teachers who have a stash of "special" pencils for when a student doesn't have one. You know, the ones that are not yellow so that the student will definitely want to return it to you when class ends. :rotfl: Target had a couple of options for those as well.

Kathy: Hope DS outgrows his seizures! He is such a trooper.

There will be Healthy Habits this week and I have a surprise planned. Here's a hint: If you get any sales ads in print, don't recycle them yet.

I am so glad you are feeling better CC. :goodvibes And thank you for the Healthy Habits. They have really helped me lose weight when I put my mind into following your habits. This is my goal this week.

Good Morning! Here is today's QOTD:

You've been given a time machine!! It is a one-time-use machine and it is stuck in REVERSE, so you can only go BACK in time (You get one trip there and then back to real life). What time period would you go to and why? Who would you like to meet or what event in history would you like to witness? You CANNOT change history in any way (like you can't prevent the sinking of the Titanic or prevent Pearl Harbor), but you can interact with people in history.

BONUS QOTD: Name your favorite UNDER-RATED Disney character...... someone who doesn't get the attention they deserve!

BBL to chat....................P

I just listened to an author on NPR talk about books she wrote for young adults about "Dastardly Dames". I would love to go back and see Cleopatra. That woman had to have had some spunk in order to kept her name in the history books for so long.

My favorite ride is Splash Mountain ... it just says,"Disney" to me.

I would travel back to 1946. The 2nd world war would have ended and while rationing would still be in place here in Ireland people would (from what I've read and what my parents have told me) have a renewed enthusiasm for life. I'd like to visit this time because both my grandmothers would be alive and I'd love to meet them! I never knew either of my Grannies , my paternal grandmother died when my dad was 12 and my mothers mum died 6weeks before I was born so I'd love to get the chance to chat with them and hear from their perspective what my parents were like as kids:)

I dont have 1 particular character in mind but I'd love to see disney add some character meals aimed at boys! I'd love to be able to dine with the toy story characters or maybe the pirates:)

I agree with this. They used to have a "villian" dinner, and when I looked into booking it (years ago) they quit having it. :sad2: My boys would have loved it. I do have to say we ate at 1900 with Cinderella and her family. This was a wonderful and entertaining dinner for our teenage boys. The evil step-sisters were fantastic .... very embarrassing for my boys!

Thanks for coaching this week Pam! :)

Can you believe it is already Week 12 of our challenge? This is the last week that we will spend as seperated Donald and Mickey Teams. Though many of us are looking forward to the merge, let's make this last week of Team Donald a really strong one.

So (re)introduction. I am Christopher and I will be doing my best to serve as the coach for this week. According to the description of what a coach does, I get to be the hostess ;) of the thread this week. I will do my best to lead you ladies (and any other lingering gentlemen) down the right path this week. And do not worry, I am a man who is not afraid to ask for directions. So if there are any questions regarding TOM :scared1: I will kindly defer to Pamela or Janis or Jill or anyone else who wishes to chime in on that territory.

Anway, I am in Switzerland which means that I am currently 5 to 9 hours ahead of most of the rest of you (only 1 hour ahead of Ireland). So the QOTD will be up early and I will strive to keep up with replies throughout the day but evening posts by you all will be left for morning before I can respond.

About me. I am an American who has been living and teaching musica t an international school in Switzerland since 2003. I love my job. I love the place where I live. And unfortunately, I also love the abundance of chocolate, cheese and croissants. I have been on the weight roller coaster all my life. Being a "husky" kid and coming from "oversize" stock where food was used to celebrate good things, comfort the bad things and generally readily available for any mood in between. Both my parents have been diagnosed with Diabetes in the last 10 years, so I have had the wake up call to do something about my weight once and for all becasue I do not want to have the same challenges in retirement that they are now facing.

So I have tried many programs and succeeded many times but alway found myself back in the plus category. I am pleased to have found this challenge because for the first time I have a group of like minded people to keep me motivated, reassured and simply cared for.

I hope that we can make this the best week for us all.

Now down to business:
  1. Remember to send your weekly weigh in figures via PM to dvccruiser76. Make sure you put TEAM DONALD in the title of the message.
  2. Really consider the Healthy Habits this week. If you have not done them, why not give this week a try. CC has put together a great set of HH for us this week and it should be both enjoyable as well as helpful to make the week the best it can be.
  3. Post messages. There are a lot of names on the participant list but not so many people that are posting. If you have been lurking, we understand. But take a chance and say hi or ask a question. If you have been struggling to stay OP and feel that it is embarassing to post this, take a chance and do so. We are a very non-judgemental group and have all been in the same shoes at some point 8even within the time frame of this challenge). So post. Taking part in the conversation may give you the boost you need.

I will post the QOTD in the next message.

Have a great day DONALDS! ANd here is to a healthy, happy, week 12!
For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Friday March 16 Thumper from Bambi

"Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat." I made that last part up myself.

How have you increased your "greens" since starting the challenge? (for us lets consider "greens" to be Vegetables and fruit in general) Have you got the same opinion as Thumper regarding greens being awful? Do you tolerate them, embrace them, continue to avoid them? Do you notice a difference in your success in a week if you conciously incorporate more "greens"?
Oops! I forgot today's bonus QOTD! I grew up a huge fan of the Rescuers, and I would love to see any of those characters (especially the Madame) used more. I might have to watch that this weekend...

Off topic, luvpoohandcompany do you listen to Duke Special? I've always wondered how popular he is over there. (I hope I'm remembering it right that you are in Ireland).
Hi Heather you remembered right I am in Ireland:) I used to hear Duke Special music on the radio all the time but not so much lately:confused3 My daughter went to one of their concerts too-they were a great band. I must do some digging and find out what they;re upto now! Did you like their stuff?
Those are great reasons!

Oh, I love Peter Pan's Flight. Isn't there a part where Captain Hook shoots a cannon? I remember on some ride that even though I knew it was coming I still jumped.
There is and I jump too:rotfl2:

Hm. Well I would love to go back and work with Walt Disney when he was at Laugh-O-Gram Studios just to see the beginning. Also at the opening day of Disneyland!
What a cool idea:)
Newsies is one of my favorite movies and in high school I was in journalism. I wrote a paper over Pulitzer & Hearst for my English class. I think it would be interesting to go back to the Newsboys Strike of 1899 just to see how it all went down!

Bonus: Oh, hmm. Possibly Milo from Atlantis or Oliver from Oliver & Company!

A weight loss bulletin board is a great idea! I have a pinterest and have a fitness board on there so that keeps me motivated.
I keep meaning to check out pininterest and keep forgetting to until I hear it mentioned again:rotfl:

Titanic would be extremely interesting! I went to one of the Titanic Museums and it was so interesting. Sad, but fascinating. I love the movie and the history of it.
So many things happening here this year as its the 100th anniversary of the Titanic. New buildings/museums opening, titanic charity ball and concerts taking place and loads of pubs and restaurants are redoing their menus and serving food that was served on the ship!!

Whew, finally got caught up reading everyone's post!

I started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred yesterday. It was tough! I'll only be doing it on my off days, but still a good workout.

I ran 5k outside today! I am so proud of myself. It took me about 50 minutes, but I am just glad I finished it. My legs are killing me between that and Jillian.

Hoping to see some good results on the scale tomorrow and finally hit the 140s!! :banana:
Oh I really hope you have success today-crossing my fingers (and toes) for you! 140 is amazing I hope you get there today:banana:
Have a fabulous and healthy day!:goodvibes

Me too!! I think I'm going to read some trip reports now :lmao:
:rotfl::rotfl:Thats exactly what I did:rotfl2:

Evening all! It has been great being a substitute coach! Looking forward to Christopher stepping up as coach tomorrow!

Getting late and someone else "needs" my Ipad:rolleyes: so I'll say goodnight for now! TTYL...............P
Pamela thanks so much you did an amazing job as always:worship::hippie:

Mary•Poppins;44336917 said:
Hoping he is feeling better soon!

1. I want to feel better. I have back issues and I always carry my weight in my stomach.

2. I want to look better in a bathing suit.

3. I feel better when I am eating healthy.

4. I want to get to a point where I'm not thinking about losing weight.

5. I want to see my sons turn into adults and living independently.

On this note, my brother-in-law was just diagnosed with colon/lung cancer. He has 5 children and is only 48. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. .... and please my Donald friends, if you aren't feeling well, please see your doctor. Don't put that visit off ..... take the time to take care of yourself.

Sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. I hope your family finds the strength you need to cope during this tough time:hug:

I am so glad you are feeling better CC. :goodvibes And thank you for the Healthy Habits. They have really helped me lose weight when I put my mind into following your habits. This is my goal this week.

I'm making this my goal for this week too! Definitely helps focus my mind plus I get to daydream about all those resorts again;)

I agree with this. They used to have a "villian" dinner, and when I looked into booking it (years ago) they quit having it. :sad2: My boys would have loved it. I do have to say we ate at 1900 with Cinderella and her family. This was a wonderful and entertaining dinner for our teenage boys. The evil step-sisters were fantastic .... very embarrassing for my boys!
Oh I might have to look into 1900 just for the fun/embarrassment factor:rotfl2:
Thanks for coaching this week Pam! :)

Good luck at the scales today everyone:) I'm going to hop on in a moment so wish me luck (even if everyone but Christopher is still asleep):)
For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Friday March 16 Thumper from Bambi

"Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat." I made that last part up myself.

How have you increased your "greens" since starting the challenge? (for us lets consider "greens" to be Vegetables and fruit in general) Have you got the same opinion as Thumper regarding greens being awful? Do you tolerate them, embrace them, continue to avoid them? Do you notice a difference in your success in a week if you conciously incorporate more "greens"?

Great question Christopher:thumbsup2. I definitely do better when I get my daily quota of fruit and veg but it doesnt always come easily/naturally to me:lmao: For me the best way I've found is to tick off the number of portions as I eat them at the top of my food tracker;) I also count my water intake in the same way so I can quickly see if I'm falling short on either category:cool1: I like a large enough variety of both fruit and vegetables but sometimes I have to make a real effort to add them in:confused3 I always feel so much better when I do and tend to do better at the scale too:thumbsup2 Definitely have much more energy when I'm eating right:cool1:
Good Friday morning everyone.

Busy day today. Hoepfully the copy machines will be up and working so that I can copy the tests for my calc classes. I have a meeting today about a student. He has missed half his classes this marking period. The good thing is that I miss my hall duty:banana::banana: I don't have to watch the bathrooms for a day.

Thanks Pamela for filling in for our missing coach.

Welcome Christopher. You get to make me think when I wake up.

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Friday March 16 Thumper from Bambi

"Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat." I made that last part up myself.

How have you increased your "greens" since starting the challenge? (for us lets consider "greens" to be Vegetables and fruit in general) Have you got the same opinion as Thumper regarding greens being awful? Do you tolerate them, embrace them, continue to avoid them? Do you notice a difference in your success in a week if you conciously incorporate more "greens"?

For the last couple of weeks I have started my day with a smoothie consisting of a banana, blueberries, yogurt, wheat germ, flaxseed and milk. This takes care a few fruits.

For lunch I have been packing a plastic container filled with carrots, peppers, snow peas and grapes. I then either have a hard boiled egg, or a small piece of cheese for my protein.

Then there is usually some sort of veggie with dinner.

I have not noticed a big drop in weight but I do feel better and I have been having a lot less stomach problems.

Off to get ready for school.

Have a happy and healthy day.
For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Friday March 16 Thumper from Bambi

"Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat." I made that last part up myself.

How have you increased your "greens" since starting the challenge? (for us lets consider "greens" to be Vegetables and fruit in general) Have you got the same opinion as Thumper regarding greens being awful? Do you tolerate them, embrace them, continue to avoid them? Do you notice a difference in your success in a week if you conciously incorporate more "greens"?

Thanks for coaching this week!! :yay:

I went from eating not very many at all to eating tons since joining this thread. I'm quite proud of myself. At times I do hate them, especially when I fix them the same way over and over but often I look forward to it, especially a few select recipes. I try and have at least one meal a day that includes a mix of frozen vegetables on the stove. It is low calories and gives me a lot more food to eat so I am less hungry! I think it has probably helped in weight loss, but even if it hasn't I'm still healthier. That being said I have found a lot of favorites such as steamed broccoli and carrots. I used to think I would only like raw vegetables but now I perfer steamed to anything! I've also found a huge love for peppers.

As for fruits, I prefer more, just because they generally taste better. :thumbsup2 However I don't eat as much fruit because it's so sweet and I just don't care for it in large amounts.

Good luck at the scales today everyone:) I'm going to hop on in a moment so wish me luck (even if everyone but Christopher is still asleep):)

Good luck to you too!! :banana:

Hope everyone has a fantastic day today!
I'm finally out of the 150s! 140 is my ultimate goal for this challenege, but I'm just happy I've gone from the middle number being a 6 to a 4! :yay:

Today is my last day and it's Spring Break! I'm boring and not going anywhere since we are trying to save money for WDW so it'll probably be easier to workout and eat next week. I have a date with Jillian Michaels this afternoon. My legs are still sore from 30DS and running the past two days, but I power on! :goodvibes

ETA: I also just wanted to thank everyone on this thread for being so kind and motivating! I'm sure without this thread I would have gotten discouraged many times, had many questions go unanswered, and never pushed myself as hard. I firmly believe I would have not had so much success on my own! So, I'm very happy I joined this challenege. :goodvibes
Just a quick hello and good wishes to everyone as you weighin today!! It's been a busy week, not enough dis time, and I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone over the weekend.

Thank you Pamela for coaching this week, and welcome Christopher as this weeks coach!! It's going to be a good, good week, I can tell!!

Have a fantastic friday and wonderful weekend everyone!!!:)
Thanks for coaching this week!! :yay:

I went from eating not very many at all to eating tons since joining this thread. I'm quite proud of myself. At times I do hate them, especially when I fix them the same way over and over but often I look forward to it, especially a few select recipes. I try and have at least one meal a day that includes a mix of frozen vegetables on the stove. It is low calories and gives me a lot more food to eat so I am less hungry! I think it has probably helped in weight loss, but even if it hasn't I'm still healthier. That being said I have found a lot of favorites such as steamed broccoli and carrots. I used to think I would only like raw vegetables but now I perfer steamed to anything! I've also found a huge love for peppers.
You should be proud of yourself for making healthier choices and giving new things a try:thumbsup2 Doesnt hurt that they fill you up either;)
As for fruits, I prefer more, just because they generally taste better. :thumbsup2 However I don't eat as much fruit because it's so sweet and I just don't care for it in large amounts.

I've been trying to eat fruit as my dessert when I'm craving chocolate-not always successful but I am some of the time:lmao:

Good luck to you too!! :banana:
I'm delighted to have finally lost 1lb AT LAST:dance3: After gaining for 2weeks and then staying still for a bit its good to finally shift a pound:worship: Now I have to plan how I'm going to fit in some extra(or any)exercise to help with St Patricks Day celebrations and its Mothers Day here on sunday so that means No Cooking, No Cleaning, Nothing chore like all day for me:woohoo:
Hope everyone has a fantastic day today!
I'm finally out of the 150s! 140 is my ultimate goal for this challenege, but I'm just happy I've gone from the middle number being a 6 to a 4! :yay:
:banana::banana::banana:I'm so chuffed for you:banana::banana::banana:
Today is my last day and it's Spring Break! I'm boring and not going anywhere since we are trying to save money for WDW so it'll probably be easier to workout and eat next week. I have a date with Jillian Michaels this afternoon. My legs are still sore from 30DS and running the past two days, but I power on! :goodvibes
Keep it up-look how well you're doing:thumbsup2
ETA: I also just wanted to thank everyone on this thread for being so kind and motivating! I'm sure without this thread I would have gotten discouraged many times, had many questions go unanswered, and never pushed myself as hard. I firmly believe I would have not had so much success on my own! So, I'm very happy I joined this challenege. :goodvibes

I agree with you on all of the above. I would definitely have given up long before now if you guys weren't there to keep me OP so thanks from me too:)
Wow this a tough question......I guess I would want to go back to the roaring 20's in Hollywood and be a part of the golden age of cinema and the early years of Disney Animation. I love the fashion, the music, the romance.....ahhhhh!

OOoohh.... great idea!

Bonus Question.... Well I am not sure how you did it Pamela but you just set up my whole week of questions for next week.You must be psychic. I thought it would be fun to focus on some of the minor or even bit characters from Disney animation and gleem what kind of lesson we can learn from them. So I will withhold more details on 7 that I have identified until my coaching begins tomorrow. But I will say that one of my favorite Under-rated characters in Yzma from Emporer's New Groove. Granted she is a villian but she is just a classic example of Disney comedy in a villianous manner.

Yup....that's me.... just full of ESP!!:thumbsup2


Hello all you Donalds. I can not believe that we are already finishing out week 11 of the challenge and that we wil be merging with the Mickey's after only another week as the Donalds.

I have had a pretty steady week and think I will see progress on the scale though i wish my food journal and exercise journal were more completed and reflected my week better. I always learn more when I have it to reflect upon at the end of the week and see the number on the scale.

Beginning to seriously worry about my cruises coming up and the temptations I will be facing. Worried that my plan will be just that, a plan.. I need to turn it into action during that time. gott a get my head on for that.

I hope you all have a great day. Will try to pop back by later.


Get that plan in place! Write it down and carry it in your pocket.... memorize it. Make it NON-NEGOTIABLE!

Pamela-jusst wanted to say you look amazing in your jiminy cricket photo-definitely the fit look we're all aiming for:cool1:

Awww...thanks. I actually was down about another 5-7 pounds the following year when I took DD to Disney and so of course I like the pictures better, but that one is okay too! That was May of 2010.... and that same little boy in the picture is now approaching 5' 11" tall!! :eek:

BTW yip my kids are spread out just a wee bit:rotfl2: 1 in each decade from my 20s-not planning to add one in the 50s decade:scared1:
Same husband, no he didnt work away alot:rotfl:just the way our family turned out and we love it even thought it wasnt exactly planned thatway;)

Sometimes God's plans are best!

Healthy Habits Week 12: We're Going Deluxe![/COLOR]

This we are going resort hopping at the Deluxe Resorts.

For all 7 days:

1. The Contemporary: It is a monarail resort and home to Chef Mickey, The Wave, Contempo Cafe, and California Grill. Best of all? After you indulge in the wonderful food offered here, there is a walking path back to the Magic Kingdom. Exercise each day. The length of time is your decision.

2. The Polynesian: I don't drink alcohol, but I'm guessing you should follow a Lapu Lapu with at least as much water! Drink 64 oz. or more of water each day. In the spirit of Kona coffee, you can count up to 16 oz. of coffee or tea toward your water total this week.

3. The Beach Club and the Yacht Club: I would absolutely love to live in one of these resorts! Why? Stormalong Bay! I could spend hours just looking at it. I can only imgine the calorie burn I'd get from swimming in it. Well, since I don't have a water park in my back yard, I better stick to counting calories. Each day, journal/record what you ate and its portion size as well as one nutriona aspect of it.

4. The Grand Floridian: Wouldn't it be wonderful to dine at Victoria & Albert's or to have High Tea? I would love to meet the Mad Hatter and the Wicked Stepsisters! Why? It's fun! Each day, do something for you. It can be fun, relaxing, short, long, etc., but it has to be something you chose to do.


1. Wilderness Lodge and Animal Kingdom Lodge: Can you say theming? If it wasn't 90+ degrees and so humid, I could have fallen asleep under the beautiful trees at the Wilderness Lodge and been in vacation heaven. Experience your surroundings. It does not have to be with nature, but you have to be present. Yoga and medititation are great choices.

2. The Boardwalk: I don't know much about this resort, other than that it is on Disney's Boardwalk. However, I do know that as with most general boardwalks, there are shopping opportunities. But, we are going Deluxe and have already spent our budget on our resort room. Alas! There is a solution! The PIN! Use at least 1 coupon this week when you do your grocery shopping.

When you submit your points for the week, include how much you saved using coupons on groceries only. This week, there will be 2 prize winners: 1 from the team with the most participants and 1 from the team who saves the most money!

Please feel free to ask any questions! Have a great week!

OOhh... loving the coupon challenge! I already did most of my shopping for the next week or so, but I'm always up for a challenge! We'll see what I can do! SO GLAD you are better today! Hope that continues!

I would love to go back to the 80's when you had to be really really wealthy to have a cell phone and there were only tvs and not many computers. Of course I would miss all of you but there are somedays I just feel like technology has gotten out of hand and I wish things were more "simple".

Umm..... just exactly HOW YOUNG are you?? I do NOT want to go back to the 80's..... living through them once was enough.

Hi Friends! I have been busy enjoying the beautiful weather we are having. I have kept very active and am getting in my runs. Eating on the other hand is not so good. So I have been a maintainer the past few weeks. Its not what I want to be doing but at least I am not gaining each week. I need to make a Plan because that is what I have been lacking.

This wkend we have a St Patrick's Day 5K we are running. It is right before the Parade. The forecast is 68 and sunny so I am crossing my fingers that stays that way so we can have a nice day.

Hope all of you are doing great! Keep up the good work.

Share your plan here if that would help.

Hm. Well I would love to go back and work with Walt Disney when he was at Laugh-O-Gram Studios just to see the beginning. Also at the opening day of Disneyland!

ME TOO!!!!!

Newsies is one of my favorite movies and in high school I was in journalism. I wrote a paper over Pulitzer & Hearst for my English class. I think it would be interesting to go back to the Newsboys Strike of 1899 just to see how it all went down!

DId you know that this is becoming a stage musical? Not sure if it is premiering on Broadway or off, but I KNOW that I saw an ad for this recently. Just can't remember where I saw it.

Whew, finally got caught up reading everyone's post!

I started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred yesterday. It was tough! I'll only be doing it on my off days, but still a good workout.

I ran 5k outside today! I am so proud of myself. It took me about 50 minutes, but I am just glad I finished it. My legs are killing me between that and Jillian.

Hoping to see some good results on the scale tomorrow and finally hit the 140s!! :banana:

Have a fabulous and healthy day!:goodvibes

Fingers crossed!


Can you believe it is already Week 12 of our challenge? This is the last week that we will spend as seperated Donald and Mickey Teams. Though many of us are looking forward to the merge, let's make this last week of Team Donald a really strong one.

So (re)introduction. I am Christopher and I will be doing my best to serve as the coach for this week. According to the description of what a coach does, I get to be the hostess ;) of the thread this week. I will do my best to lead you ladies (and any other lingering gentlemen) down the right path this week. And do not worry, I am a man who is not afraid to ask for directions. So if there are any questions regarding TOM :scared1: I will kindly defer to Pamela or Janis or Jill or anyone else who wishes to chime in on that territory.

Nearly did a spit-take with my coffee at this last comment! :rotfl:

Anway, I am in Switzerland which means that I am currently 5 to 9 hours ahead of most of the rest of you (only 1 hour ahead of Ireland). So the QOTD will be up early and I will strive to keep up with replies throughout the day but evening posts by you all will be left for morning before I can respond.

About me. I am an American who has been living and teaching musica t an international school in Switzerland since 2003. I love my job. I love the place where I live. And unfortunately, I also love the abundance of chocolate, cheese and croissants. I have been on the weight roller coaster all my life. Being a "husky" kid and coming from "oversize" stock where food was used to celebrate good things, comfort the bad things and generally readily available for any mood in between. Both my parents have been diagnosed with Diabetes in the last 10 years, so I have had the wake up call to do something about my weight once and for all becasue I do not want to have the same challenges in retirement that they are now facing.

Getting healthy to enjoy a future retirement is a definite GOAL..... one that is getting closer EVERY DAY for each of us, whether we realize it or not!

So I have tried many programs and succeeded many times but alway found myself back in the plus category. I am pleased to have found this challenge because for the first time I have a group of like minded people to keep me motivated, reassured and simply cared for.

I hope that we can make this the best week for us all.

Now down to business:
  1. Remember to send your weekly weigh in figures via PM to dvccruiser76. Make sure you put TEAM DONALD in the title of the message.
  2. Really consider the Healthy Habits this week. If you have not done them, why not give this week a try. CC has put together a great set of HH for us this week and it should be both enjoyable as well as helpful to make the week the best it can be.
  3. Post messages. There are a lot of names on the participant list but not so many people that are posting. If you have been lurking, we understand. But take a chance and say hi or ask a question. If you have been struggling to stay OP and feel that it is embarassing to post this, take a chance and do so. We are a very non-judgemental group and have all been in the same shoes at some point 8even within the time frame of this challenge). So post. Taking part in the conversation may give you the boost you need.

I will post the QOTD in the next message.

Have a great day DONALDS! ANd here is to a healthy, happy, week 12!

Thanks for all of the reminders! I always forget about that stuff.

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Friday March 16 Thumper from Bambi

"Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat." I made that last part up myself.

How have you increased your "greens" since starting the challenge? (for us lets consider "greens" to be Vegetables and fruit in general) Have you got the same opinion as Thumper regarding greens being awful? Do you tolerate them, embrace them, continue to avoid them? Do you notice a difference in your success in a week if you conciously incorporate more "greens"?

I've always loved this quote. When the kids were younger I had printed it and put it on the fridge!

I've always been a vegetable eater. We ate a fairly healthy diet when I was a kid and my Dad has always had a garden, so I was introduced to a wide variety of veggies at a young age. Of course, that doesn't mean that I enjoyed them! :laughing: But starting in my teen years I did start enjoying more veggies....heck, I was in my 20's before I would even eat cucumber, so it is always a learning process. But now there isn't hardly a veggie that I don't enjoy (well... turnip.... :rolleyes1 ).

I eat veggies at least two meals a day and more often three. Usually broccoli, spinach, onions, and/or peppers, in my eggs at breakfast, a HUGE salad for lunch (mixed greens, baby spinach, carrots, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes), and two veggies with dinner (last night was roasted green beans and steamed carrots). When I am feeling the need/desire, I do some juicing.... carrots, cukes, celery, beets, sweet red peppers.... usually with some apple mixed in.

Fruit I don't eat quite as much of because it isn't "free" on WW (well.... on old-school WW at least) like the veggies are. I usually eat an apple or pear every day, and some berries or grapes. My fruit is usually about two servings per day.

I would be HUNGRY much more often if it weren't for the veggies and I'm sure I would be eating more things that I probably shouldn't. I love the idea that I am eating such healthy stuff AND I enjoy it!


Good Friday morning everyone.

Busy day today. Hoepfully the copy machines will be up and working so that I can copy the tests for my calc classes. I have a meeting today about a student. He has missed half his classes this marking period. The good thing is that I miss my hall duty:banana::banana: I don't have to watch the bathrooms for a day.

Thanks Pamela for filling in for our missing coach.

You are so welcome!

For the last couple of weeks I have started my day with a smoothie consisting of a banana, blueberries, yogurt, wheat germ, flaxseed and milk. This takes care a few fruits.

Sounds yummy!

For lunch I have been packing a plastic container filled with carrots, peppers, snow peas and grapes. I then either have a hard boiled egg, or a small piece of cheese for my protein.

Then there is usually some sort of veggie with dinner.

I have not noticed a big drop in weight but I do feel better and I have been having a lot less stomach problems.

Off to get ready for school.

Have a happy and healthy day.

TGIF and have a great weekend!

Thanks for coaching this week!! :yay:

I went from eating not very many at all to eating tons since joining this thread. I'm quite proud of myself. At times I do hate them, especially when I fix them the same way over and over but often I look forward to it, especially a few select recipes. I try and have at least one meal a day that includes a mix of frozen vegetables on the stove. It is low calories and gives me a lot more food to eat so I am less hungry! I think it has probably helped in weight loss, but even if it hasn't I'm still healthier. That being said I have found a lot of favorites such as steamed broccoli and carrots. I used to think I would only like raw vegetables but now I perfer steamed to anything! I've also found a huge love for peppers.


As for fruits, I prefer more, just because they generally taste better. :thumbsup2 However I don't eat as much fruit because it's so sweet and I just don't care for it in large amounts.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day today!
I'm finally out of the 150s! 140 is my ultimate goal for this challenege, but I'm just happy I've gone from the middle number being a 6 to a 4! :yay:


Today is my last day and it's Spring Break! I'm boring and not going anywhere since we are trying to save money for WDW so it'll probably be easier to workout and eat next week. I have a date with Jillian Michaels this afternoon. My legs are still sore from 30DS and running the past two days, but I power on! :goodvibes

I don't think you're boring. :laughing: I think you meant "bored."

ETA: I also just wanted to thank everyone on this thread for being so kind and motivating! I'm sure without this thread I would have gotten discouraged many times, had many questions go unanswered, and never pushed myself as hard. I firmly believe I would have not had so much success on my own! So, I'm very happy I joined this challenege. :goodvibes

We're glad you're here too!!

Just a quick hello and good wishes to everyone as you weighin today!! It's been a busy week, not enough dis time, and I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone over the weekend.

Thank you Pamela for coaching this week, and welcome Christopher as this weeks coach!! It's going to be a good, good week, I can tell!!

Have a fantastic friday and wonderful weekend everyone!!!:)

Looking forward to hearing about your week. TGIF and I hope the day goes quickly for you!


Morning all! Well... I finally had a small loss on the scale today. Not as much as it should have been, but a step in the right direction.

Ended up with a double-workout day yesterday. I had already done a few miles on the TM in the morning, but DD couldn't get her carpool to the Y last night, so I had to drive and decided rather than come home (since her practice time is shortened since they are tapering), I would hang out at the Y. Since my "official" workout was already done, there was no pressure.... I was free to pick and choose what I wanted to do. I did 20 minutes on the stairclimber.... and then did another 12. Then I did 35 on the elliptical at a great steady pace. My favorite bike was broken and most of the treadmills were full, so I called it done at that point. But that brought my exercise yesterday to a total of 103 minutes, so no shame there.

If anyone here is doing a low(er) carb diet and would like a recipe for a pretty yummy muffin, I have a new one! It was sent along to DH by his sister and we made it yesterday and again today (makes a single serving that cooks in the microwave.... super quick and easy!) and I found it pretty yummy. That said, it isn't particularly low cal or low fat, so it isn't something I will be indulging in.... but PERFECT for South Beach or Atkins or the like.

I can hear the TM calling me ever so faintly! :laughing: I'd like to ignore it a bit longer, but I'm anxious to get to my scrapping table! BBL to chat........P
I'm a little behind this morning, but I have a few things I needed to post. (Excuse me for being a litlte selfish.)

If you haven't already, please read page 129 of the Team Mickey thread. There is a very important announcement from one of our Princess 2011 runners on it.

My doctor's secretary called this morning. She actually woke me up, but that was after a great night's sleep, so no harm done. He is fine with the med changes that I discovered as helpful and I couldn't be happier about it. My mom called this morning and when she asked, as usual, if anyone had called, I told her and she was very happy. My other doctor (I have 2 doctors and 1 APRN prescribing meds) called on Wednesday and said I could taper one of my meds. I had called to ask if I should refill it at the suggestion of my APRN and he was gungho about me going of it, just slowly. My nutritionist teaches my stress reduction class and she was very excited. I should probably e-mail her today's news now that I think about it.

Today is a Friday during Lent, which is always an OP day. I need to go eat breakfast and then I'm probably going to Target. I never made it there yesterday.

Have a great day Donalds!
For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Friday March 16 Thumper from Bambi

"Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat." I made that last part up myself.

How have you increased your "greens" since starting the challenge? (for us lets consider "greens" to be Vegetables and fruit in general) Have you got the same opinion as Thumper regarding greens being awful? Do you tolerate them, embrace them, continue to avoid them? Do you notice a difference in your success in a week if you conciously incorporate more "greens"?
I have increased my vegetables for sure. But completely eliminated fruit. This is the guidelines of the program I am following. Though fruits will be introduced back into the prgram as part ofthe consolidation phase of the program.

I tend to eat a lot more raw vegetables than I used to eat. Gone are the sautéed in butter or smothered in sauce day of eating my veg.

Great question Christopher:thumbsup2. I definitely do better when I get my daily quota of fruit and veg but it doesnt always come easily/naturally to me:lmao: For me the best way I've found is to tick off the number of portions as I eat them at the top of my food tracker;) I also count my water intake in the same way so I can quickly see if I'm falling short on either category:cool1: I like a large enough variety of both fruit and vegetables but sometimes I have to make a real effort to add them in:confused3 I always feel so much better when I do and tend to do better at the scale too:thumbsup2 Definitely have much more energy when I'm eating right:cool1:

My hope with the questions this week is to help us stop and really think about what we are doing to our body as we make these changes. The improved energy is a definite plus in my book too. Well done!:thumbsup2

Good Friday morning everyone.

Busy day today. Hoepfully the copy machines will be up and working so that I can copy the tests for my calc classes. I have a meeting today about a student. He has missed half his classes this marking period. The good thing is that I miss my hall duty:banana: I don't have to watch the bathrooms for a day.

Thanks Pamela for filling in for our missing coach.

Welcome Christopher. You get to make me think when I wake up.
That's my goal this week. Getting the brain going first thing in the morning surely helps burn more calroies, right?!?!?

For the last couple of weeks I have started my day with a smoothie consisting of a banana, blueberries, yogurt, wheat germ, flaxseed and milk. This takes care a few fruits.

For lunch I have been packing a plastic container filled with carrots, peppers, snow peas and grapes. I then either have a hard boiled egg, or a small piece of cheese for my protein.

Then there is usually some sort of veggie with dinner.

I have not noticed a big drop in weight but I do feel better and I have been having a lot less stomach problems.

Off to get ready for school.

Have a happy and healthy day.

I think that this is a great reminder that all our victories are not necessarily related to the numbers on the scale. Being able to recognize that the healthier choices are leading to feeling better or disappearing symptoms that have been plaguing us as we unwittingly were poisoning our bodies is a great achievement. And it definitely helps me open my eyes and realize that where I was is not where I want to be again.

Thanks for coaching this week!! :yay:

I went from eating not very many at all to eating tons since joining this thread. I'm quite proud of myself. At times I do hate them, especially when I fix them the same way over and over but often I look forward to it, especially a few select recipes. I try and have at least one meal a day that includes a mix of frozen vegetables on the stove. It is low calories and gives me a lot more food to eat so I am less hungry! I think it has probably helped in weight loss, but even if it hasn't I'm still healthier. That being said I have found a lot of favorites such as steamed broccoli and carrots. I used to think I would only like raw vegetables but now I perfer steamed to anything! I've also found a huge love for peppers.

As for fruits, I prefer more, just because they generally taste better. :thumbsup2 However I don't eat as much fruit because it's so sweet and I just don't care for it in large amounts.

Way to go on increasing your "greens". You are right that it is sometimes tricky to find a variety of ways to prepare them. I will touch a little bit more on this in tomorrow's QOTD.

Good luck to you too!! :banana:

Hope everyone has a fantastic day today!
I'm finally out of the 150s! 140 is my ultimate goal for this challenege, but I'm just happy I've gone from the middle number being a 6 to a 4! :yay:

Today is my last day and it's Spring Break! I'm boring and not going anywhere since we are trying to save money for WDW so it'll probably be easier to workout and eat next week. I have a date with Jillian Michaels this afternoon. My legs are still sore from 30DS and running the past two days, but I power on! :goodvibes

ETA: I also just wanted to thank everyone on this thread for being so kind and motivating! I'm sure without this thread I would have gotten discouraged many times, had many questions go unanswered, and never pushed myself as hard. I firmly believe I would have not had so much success on my own! So, I'm very happy I joined this challenege. :goodvibes

CONGRATS on the scale victory today! That is something to be very proud of.:cheer2::cheer2:

Enjoy your time off. If you have not put together a plan for the week, I encourage you to do so. Sometimes having the extra time in your day can lead to wandering to the fridge......ok, maybe that is a self observation but worth being aware of it.

I had a week vacation not long ago (Ski's a Swiss thing) and I did not travel or do anything extra as I am saving for Spring Break which is coming in 2 weeks time. I enjoyed being able to shop when I wanted. Go to the gym when I wanted, eat my meals when I wanted and not be stuck on the school schedule. But having a plan made it so much easier.

BTW....thanks again for the countdown that you made and sent to me. Today is "15 friends on the other side". It hangs over my desk at school and the students are constantly looking at it and asking questions. I will definitely use it for all my Disney countdowns!!!:cool1:

Just a quick hello and good wishes to everyone as you weighin today!! It's been a busy week, not enough dis time, and I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone over the weekend.

Thank you Pamela for coaching this week, and welcome Christopher as this weeks coach!! It's going to be a good, good week, I can tell!!

Have a fantastic friday and wonderful weekend everyone!!!:)

Thanks for the welcome. I am a bit nervous and hope that I can live up to the great leadership we have had so far. But I too have a really good feeling about this week. So let's all make it happen!!!

I agree with you on all of the above. I would definitely have given up long before now if you guys weren't there to keep me OP so thanks from me too:)
And I chime in on this as well......THANK YOU ALL....I would have given up (again) long before now if not for the support, encouragement and celebrations that are found here. I count myself lucky to have found my way to the boards.

Get that plan in place! Write it down and carry it in your pocket.... memorize it. Make it NON-NEGOTIABLE!

Oh I am working on it for sure.......and when I have a plan I am usually good at following it to the letter. I just also have this worrying problem that I have to get over.....:confused3

Sometimes God's plans are best!

OOhh... loving the coupon challenge! I already did most of my shopping for the next week or so, but I'm always up for a challenge! We'll see what I can do! SO GLAD you are better today! Hope that continues!

This one will be tricky for me. Coupons are not a commodity that is used here in Switzerland. I will look carefully though so I can try to meet this challenge and help team Donald up its total.

Share your plan here if that would help.

Fingers crossed!

Thanks for all of the reminders! I always forget about that stuff.

I've always loved this quote. When the kids were younger I had printed it and put it on the fridge!

I've always been a vegetable eater. We ate a fairly healthy diet when I was a kid and my Dad has always had a garden, so I was introduced to a wide variety of veggies at a young age. Of course, that doesn't mean that I enjoyed them! :laughing: But starting in my teen years I did start enjoying more veggies....heck, I was in my 20's before I would even eat cucumber, so it is always a learning process. But now there isn't hardly a veggie that I don't enjoy (well... turnip.... :rolleyes1 ).

I eat veggies at least two meals a day and more often three. Usually broccoli, spinach, onions, and/or peppers, in my eggs at breakfast, a HUGE salad for lunch (mixed greens, baby spinach, carrots, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes), and two veggies with dinner (last night was roasted green beans and steamed carrots). When I am feeling the need/desire, I do some juicing.... carrots, cukes, celery, beets, sweet red peppers.... usually with some apple mixed in.

Fruit I don't eat quite as much of because it isn't "free" on WW (well.... on old-school WW at least) like the veggies are. I usually eat an apple or pear every day, and some berries or grapes. My fruit is usually about two servings per day.

I would be HUNGRY much more often if it weren't for the veggies and I'm sure I would be eating more things that I probably shouldn't. I love the idea that I am eating such healthy stuff AND I enjoy it!


Thank you. And great answer. I know my QOTD is more of related questions along a theme but my hope is that I am able to get us all to really think and get our heads around some of the things that we are doing. Rather than go through the paces just becasue....awareness is a key to success. We'll see how the rest of the week goes with my QOTD and see if I am successful.

TGIF and have a great weekend!

We're glad you're here too!!

Looking forward to hearing about your week. TGIF and I hope the day goes quickly for you!


Morning all! Well... I finally had a small loss on the scale today. Not as much as it should have been, but a step in the right direction.
Well deserved and long awaited. CONGRATS:cool1:
Ended up with a double-workout day yesterday. I had already done a few miles on the TM in the morning, but DD couldn't get her carpool to the Y last night, so I had to drive and decided rather than come home (since her practice time is shortened since they are tapering), I would hang out at the Y. Since my "official" workout was already done, there was no pressure.... I was free to pick and choose what I wanted to do. I did 20 minutes on the stairclimber.... and then did another 12. Then I did 35 on the elliptical at a great steady pace. My favorite bike was broken and most of the treadmills were full, so I called it done at that point. But that brought my exercise yesterday to a total of 103 minutes, so no shame there.

That's the way to roll with the day and make it a positive for you. Great job!

If anyone here is doing a low(er) carb diet and would like a recipe for a pretty yummy muffin, I have a new one! It was sent along to DH by his sister and we made it yesterday and again today (makes a single serving that cooks in the microwave.... super quick and easy!) and I found it pretty yummy. That said, it isn't particularly low cal or low fat, so it isn't something I will be indulging in.... but PERFECT for South Beach or Atkins or the like.

Is it bad for me to admit that I as a single guy don't have a mcrowave? If you can guide me how to adapt it to the regular stove, I would love to have a copy of the recipe.

I can hear the TM calling me ever so faintly! :laughing: I'd like to ignore it a bit longer, but I'm anxious to get to my scrapping table! BBL to chat........P

Well team, it is my chance to thank Pam for stepping in the last couple of days as the coach. You were awesome. Always an inspiration. I hope I can live up to your example.

I reached 40 pounds lost since I started on 10 January. I have all of you to thank. I am so glad that I found the DIS boards and then followed my questioning mind when I saw someone's signature with a Team Micky symbol. This is the best place to keep me going.

I will check back later to see if others have come by to chat.

Here's to a great week!!

I'm a little behind this morning, but I have a few things I needed to post. (Excuse me for being a litlte selfish.)

If you haven't already, please read page 129 of the Team Mickey thread. There is a very important announcement from one of our Princess 2011 runners on it.

My doctor's secretary called this morning. She actually woke me up, but that was after a great night's sleep, so no harm done. He is fine with the med changes that I discovered as helpful and I couldn't be happier about it. My mom called this morning and when she asked, as usual, if anyone had called, I told her and she was very happy. My other doctor (I have 2 doctors and 1 APRN prescribing meds) called on Wednesday and said I could taper one of my meds. I had called to ask if I should refill it at the suggestion of my APRN and he was gungho about me going of it, just slowly. My nutritionist teaches my stress reduction class and she was very excited. I should probably e-mail her today's news now that I think about it.

Today is a Friday during Lent, which is always an OP day. I need to go eat breakfast and then I'm probably going to Target. I never made it there yesterday.

Have a great day Donalds!

Glad you're doing better and getting your meds sorted:thumbsup2
Just went onto team Mickey to say congrats to Lisa-truly amazing:)
Great news! I hit my goal for opening my Vera box! Whoohoo! After I weighed myself Tuesday morning, I ran downstairs and tore that box open!!

I've had a busy day. DS is better and the 70 degrees here is wonderful. So, DSis and I took my dog for an hour long walk at the park. It was so nice to get some fresh air and chit chat with my sister. I cannot wait to get back into running outside, but it was more important to get my dog walking today. The poor thing is in her crate all day, so this walk wore her out. The problem? I ate too much sugar today. I lost it on a donut and a couple cookies. Oh well, back on track tomorrow.

Hope everyone is enjoying this great weather! I know in western PA we are loving it! Enjoy it while it lasts. Who knows what'll happen next week!

:cool1::cool1: Well Done my friend!!! VERA is such a great treat!

Good Morning! Here is today's QOTD:

You've been given a time machine!! It is a one-time-use machine and it is stuck in REVERSE, so you can only go BACK in time (You get one trip there and then back to real life). What time period would you go to and why? Who would you like to meet or what event in history would you like to witness? You CANNOT change history in any way (like you can't prevent the sinking of the Titanic or prevent Pearl Harbor), but you can interact with people in history.

BONUS QOTD: Name your favorite UNDER-RATED Disney character...... someone who doesn't get the attention they deserve!

BBL to chat....................P
I would go back to the 50's....poodle skirts and sock hops! I would also figure out how to buy some Disney stock while I am back there!!

Your reply inspired me to make my own weight loss journey bulletin board. I'm going to go back to Target today and pick up some of the items I saw and make up some type of inspiration board. I have a space near my bedroom door that would be perfect for something like this. I'll see it whenever I leave my room and can easily check things off when I go back in to change out of my workout clothes. ;)

Glad I could be of help!! I'm just beginning my "Dream Board" for my 40 things by age 40 and I love to look at inspiring!!!

Healthy Habits Week 12: We're Going Deluxe![/COLOR]

This we are going resort hopping at the Deluxe Resorts.

For all 7 days:

1. The Contemporary: It is a monarail resort and home to Chef Mickey, The Wave, Contempo Cafe, and California Grill. Best of all? After you indulge in the wonderful food offered here, there is a walking path back to the Magic Kingdom. Exercise each day. The length of time is your decision.

2. The Polynesian: I don't drink alcohol, but I'm guessing you should follow a Lapu Lapu with at least as much water! Drink 64 oz. or more of water each day. In the spirit of Kona coffee, you can count up to 16 oz. of coffee or tea toward your water total this week.

3. The Beach Club and the Yacht Club: I would absolutely love to live in one of these resorts! Why? Stormalong Bay! I could spend hours just looking at it. I can only imgine the calorie burn I'd get from swimming in it. Well, since I don't have a water park in my back yard, I better stick to counting calories. Each day, journal/record what you ate and its portion size as well as one nutriona aspect of it.

4. The Grand Floridian: Wouldn't it be wonderful to dine at Victoria & Albert's or to have High Tea? I would love to meet the Mad Hatter and the Wicked Stepsisters! Why? It's fun! Each day, do something for you. It can be fun, relaxing, short, long, etc., but it has to be something you chose to do.


1. Wilderness Lodge and Animal Kingdom Lodge: Can you say theming? If it wasn't 90+ degrees and so humid, I could have fallen asleep under the beautiful trees at the Wilderness Lodge and been in vacation heaven. Experience your surroundings. It does not have to be with nature, but you have to be present. Yoga and medititation are great choices.

2. The Boardwalk: I don't know much about this resort, other than that it is on Disney's Boardwalk. However, I do know that as with most general boardwalks, there are shopping opportunities. But, we are going Deluxe and have already spent our budget on our resort room. Alas! There is a solution! The PIN! Use at least 1 coupon this week when you do your grocery shopping.

When you submit your points for the week, include how much you saved using coupons on groceries only. This week, there will be 2 prize winners: 1 from the team with the most participants and 1 from the team who saves the most money!

Please feel free to ask any questions! Have a great week!
I've never done HH and it looks like I just can't resist this week!!! I'm just about to clip coupons!!

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Friday March 16 Thumper from Bambi

"Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat." I made that last part up myself.

How have you increased your "greens" since starting the challenge? (for us lets consider "greens" to be Vegetables and fruit in general) Have you got the same opinion as Thumper regarding greens being awful? Do you tolerate them, embrace them, continue to avoid them? Do you notice a difference in your success in a week if you conciously incorporate more "greens"?
I love greens such as spinach but I still have a tough time with lettuce. I like to eat it, but I HATE to make a salad. If somebody came here everyday and made me a salad I would eat it...happily! I do need more greens in my diet though...

Hope everyone has a fantastic day today!
I'm finally out of the 150s! 140 is my ultimate goal for this challenege, but I'm just happy I've gone from the middle number being a 6 to a 4! :yay:

Today is my last day and it's Spring Break! I'm boring and not going anywhere since we are trying to save money for WDW so it'll probably be easier to workout and eat next week. I have a date with Jillian Michaels this afternoon. My legs are still sore from 30DS and running the past two days, but I power on! :goodvibes

ETA: I also just wanted to thank everyone on this thread for being so kind and motivating! I'm sure without this thread I would have gotten discouraged many times, had many questions go unanswered, and never pushed myself as hard. I firmly believe I would have not had so much success on my own! So, I'm very happy I joined this challenege. :goodvibes
WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Thank you for inspiring me to stay on my journey!!!

Well team, it is my chance to thank Pam for stepping in the last couple of days as the coach. You were awesome. Always an inspiration. I hope I can live up to your example.

I reached 40 pounds lost since I started on 10 January. I have all of you to thank. I am so glad that I found the DIS boards and then followed my questioning mind when I saw someone's signature with a Team Micky symbol. This is the best place to keep me going.

I will check back later to see if others have come by to chat.

Here's to a great week!!

Look at you and the 40 pounds!!! You are on your way to those coasters!!! THANK YOU!! for being our coach this week :)

Howdy Friday afternoon!

I finally finished my calls for today and have yet to get out of my pajamas! So much to do now before dinner with the girls tonight! Foodtown has Chobani on sale for $1 so I better get my butt over there before they run out! I also need to hit the gym. I have been a bad gym goer this week....lack of energy and just an ick feeling since yesterday. Ive skipped out on my WW weighin too :(

Ok, back on the wagon (again) and motivation for the rest of the day!!!

Happy OP Day Donalds!
Thanks for all the encouragement!! :goodvibes

I agree with you on all of the above. I would definitely have given up long before now if you guys weren't there to keep me OP so thanks from me too:)

WOOHOO on the pound!! :banana: Way to go!
And Happy Mother's Day to you!!

Funny thing, I was watching a couple Ellen Degeneres videos a few weeks ago. One was hugh laurie and they were playing a slang game. One of the questions he asked Ellen was what "Chuffed to bits" meant. She guessed it meant angry. I had no idea it meant happy, so I guess I actually learned something watching Ellen! :rotfl2:

I'm a little behind this morning, but I have a few things I needed to post. (Excuse me for being a litlte selfish.)

If you haven't already, please read page 129 of the Team Mickey thread. There is a very important announcement from one of our Princess 2011 runners on it.

My doctor's secretary called this morning. She actually woke me up, but that was after a great night's sleep, so no harm done. He is fine with the med changes that I discovered as helpful and I couldn't be happier about it. My mom called this morning and when she asked, as usual, if anyone had called, I told her and she was very happy. My other doctor (I have 2 doctors and 1 APRN prescribing meds) called on Wednesday and said I could taper one of my meds. I had called to ask if I should refill it at the suggestion of my APRN and he was gungho about me going of it, just slowly. My nutritionist teaches my stress reduction class and she was very excited. I should probably e-mail her today's news now that I think about it.

Today is a Friday during Lent, which is always an OP day. I need to go eat breakfast and then I'm probably going to Target. I never made it there yesterday.

Have a great day Donalds!

Glad you are off one of your meds and getting better!

CONGRATS on the scale victory today! That is something to be very proud of.:cheer2::cheer2:

Enjoy your time off. If you have not put together a plan for the week, I encourage you to do so. Sometimes having the extra time in your day can lead to wandering to the fridge......ok, maybe that is a self observation but worth being aware of it.

I had a week vacation not long ago (Ski's a Swiss thing) and I did not travel or do anything extra as I am saving for Spring Break which is coming in 2 weeks time. I enjoyed being able to shop when I wanted. Go to the gym when I wanted, eat my meals when I wanted and not be stuck on the school schedule. But having a plan made it so much easier.

BTW....thanks again for the countdown that you made and sent to me. Today is "15 friends on the other side". It hangs over my desk at school and the students are constantly looking at it and asking questions. I will definitely use it for all my Disney countdowns!!!:cool1:

Thanks for the welcome. I am a bit nervous and hope that I can live up to the great leadership we have had so far. But I too have a really good feeling about this week. So let's all make it happen!!!

And I chime in on this as well......THANK YOU ALL....I would have given up (again) long before now if not for the support, encouragement and celebrations that are found here. I count myself lucky to have found my way to the boards.

Well team, it is my chance to thank Pam for stepping in the last couple of days as the coach. You were awesome. Always an inspiration. I hope I can live up to your example.

I reached 40 pounds lost since I started on 10 January. I have all of you to thank. I am so glad that I found the DIS boards and then followed my questioning mind when I saw someone's signature with a Team Micky symbol. This is the best place to keep me going.

I will check back later to see if others have come by to chat.

Here's to a great week!!


Thank you!!
I am pretty strict with myself when it comes to calorie counting and snacking. I have been entering my calories on myfitnesspal everyday since January 16th! :banana:

With that said I definitely plan all of meals while I'm eating the current one or at least keep it in the calorie range if I haven't planned anything. Hopefully with Spring Break means more runs outside or bike riding! :cool1:

Skiing sounds like tons of fun!

That's awesome!! I'm glad you and your students are enjoying it! It makes me happy my hard Disney work is being appreciated by more than just me. :rotfl: We are on "68 wishes on a star" right now!

WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Thank you for inspiring me to stay on my journey!!!

Look at you and the 40 pounds!!! You are on your way to those coasters!!! THANK YOU!! for being our coach this week :)

Howdy Friday afternoon!

I finally finished my calls for today and have yet to get out of my pajamas! So much to do now before dinner with the girls tonight! Foodtown has Chobani on sale for $1 so I better get my butt over there before they run out! I also need to hit the gym. I have been a bad gym goer this week....lack of energy and just an ick feeling since yesterday. Ive skipped out on my WW weighin too :(

Ok, back on the wagon (again) and motivation for the rest of the day!!!

Happy OP Day Donalds!

Thanks! Hope you start feeling better! :hug:

Apparently I didn't quote the post that said something about Newsies. Yes! I saw that they are putting it on Broadway now. I would love to go see it!

Well, I am officially on Spring Break. :banana:
A friend and I wanted to try this pizza place that is right beside the university so that is where we went for lunch. I was pretty dissapointed. The pizza was okay, but it was expensive. And I think pizza is one of those trigger foods for me that I just want to eat slice after slice. I had 2 small cheese breadsticks and a thin slice of pizza. I had half a salad with spinach, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and some olive oil vinegrette too. It was good.

I took some "before abs" pictures on Wednesday after my first 30DS workout. I plan on taking another set after or just before my half-marathon in May and comparing them to see how much I've progressed. Wished I would've taken some pictures in January.
For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Friday March 16 Thumper from Bambi

"Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat." I made that last part up myself.

How have you increased your "greens" since starting the challenge? (for us lets consider "greens" to be Vegetables and fruit in general) Have you got the same opinion as Thumper regarding greens being awful? Do you tolerate them, embrace them, continue to avoid them? Do you notice a difference in your success in a week if you conciously incorporate more "greens"?

I have made a BIG attempt to eat more vegetables and it has made really helped me lose weight. For breakfast I keep a bowl of berries on my desk ... open so that I eat it before the mints I have for the kids. At lunch have a salad or a piece of marinated chicken with mushrooms or broccoli. And at dinner, a side salad with my veggies on my plate. I really am not a veggie person. My mom did have veggies for dinner at night, however, they were always out of a can. When I first tasted fresh vegetables cooked .... WOW!


Can you believe it is already Week 12 of our challenge? This is the last week that we will spend as seperated Donald and Mickey Teams. Though many of us are looking forward to the merge, let's make this last week of Team Donald a really strong one.

So (re)introduction. I am Christopher and I will be doing my best to serve as the coach for this week. According to the description of what a coach does, I get to be the hostess ;) of the thread this week. I will do my best to lead you ladies (and any other lingering gentlemen) down the right path this week. And do not worry, I am a man who is not afraid to ask for directions. So if there are any questions regarding TOM :scared1: I will kindly defer to Pamela or Janis or Jill or anyone else who wishes to chime in on that territory.

Anway, I am in Switzerland which means that I am currently 5 to 9 hours ahead of most of the rest of you (only 1 hour ahead of Ireland). So the QOTD will be up early and I will strive to keep up with replies throughout the day but evening posts by you all will be left for morning before I can respond.

About me. I am an American who has been living and teaching musica t an international school in Switzerland since 2003. I love my job. I love the place where I live. And unfortunately, I also love the abundance of chocolate, cheese and croissants. I have been on the weight roller coaster all my life. Being a "husky" kid and coming from "oversize" stock where food was used to celebrate good things, comfort the bad things and generally readily available for any mood in between. Both my parents have been diagnosed with Diabetes in the last 10 years, so I have had the wake up call to do something about my weight once and for all becasue I do not want to have the same challenges in retirement that they are now facing.

So I have tried many programs and succeeded many times but alway found myself back in the plus category. I am pleased to have found this challenge because for the first time I have a group of like minded people to keep me motivated, reassured and simply cared for.

I hope that we can make this the best week for us all.

Now down to business:
  1. Remember to send your weekly weigh in figures via PM to dvccruiser76. Make sure you put TEAM DONALD in the title of the message.
  2. Really consider the Healthy Habits this week. If you have not done them, why not give this week a try. CC has put together a great set of HH for us this week and it should be both enjoyable as well as helpful to make the week the best it can be.
  3. Post messages. There are a lot of names on the participant list but not so many people that are posting. If you have been lurking, we understand. But take a chance and say hi or ask a question. If you have been struggling to stay OP and feel that it is embarassing to post this, take a chance and do so. We are a very non-judgemental group and have all been in the same shoes at some point 8even within the time frame of this challenge). So post. Taking part in the conversation may give you the boost you need.

I will post the QOTD in the next message.

Have a great day DONALDS! ANd here is to a healthy, happy, week 12!

Wow Christopher ... you have really inspired me here. Thank you! I too think this is going to be a really great week!

( ... and dag ... I am coaching in 2 weeks ... you are going to be hard to beat!) :goodvibes


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