Run w/ me to the Princess 1/2 Marathon 2012


DIS Veteran
Jan 23, 2002
Welcome - here I will journal about my journey from being a overweight Pumpkin to a glistening princess whose ultimate goal is to "run down the middle of Main Street!"

A little bit about myself - my name is Tammy, I am 42, married to DH, Doug, for 22 years, have 3 wonderful DD's, Kristen 21, college junior, Kaitlyn, 19, college freshman and Brenna, 12, 7th grade. I work full time and really the only hobby I have is scrapbooking and I don't do that too often.

I started weight watchers on 12/4/10 and as of today have lost 37 pounds, with the goal of losing about 52 more.

In effort to aid my weight loss, I started the Couch to 5K program on December 15, 2010 and faithfully continued with the program 3 days a week and I graduated the program on March 27, 2011. It was amazing that when I started the program I had trouble running 30 seconds and at the end of the program I was able to run, all be it slowly, for 30 minutes.

Now, I'm not quite sure when I came up with the idea to run in the Princess 1/2 marathon, but I did and it has stuck. I assume it was somewhere around the time that the 2010 Princess was held as the wonder people for these boards came back and started posting their reports and utube videos, that I thought "yeah, maybe this something I could do."

Before reading their reports, I envisioned what a "runner" should look like and it was not ME! Seriously, I'm way overweight and not the least athletic - there is no way that I can run 13.1 miles and maintain a 16 minute mile. I never knew about run/walk intervals and that you don't need to be a stellar athlete to compete. I didn't realize that there are people out there who are going through the same things I am and they participated and finished. So after watching so many youtube videos, I started doing some research, reading the DISboards and asking questions. A light went off in my head - I already starting my training, all I needed to do was continue. I printed off Jeff Galloway's 21 week training plan to a 1/2 marathon. I made up my mind, I can do this, I WILL do it and my I recruited my middle DD to run with me. She is a soccer player and ran cross country in school - she was excited to do this with me.

So let the training continue...after I completed the C25K, I ran my first and 2nd 5k runs - my youngest DD ran with me and we had a great time. I started with Galloway's program and am currently on week 5. I am up to running 35 minutes straight on my weekday runs, then I do 2/1 intervals to get to 3.5 miles. I do my longer runs on Sunday and my longest run to date has been 5 miles. 5 miles, did I just say that - yes Virginia, 5 miles, with 2/1 intervals. Wow, that just amazes.

I am still toying with exactly how to run, how far, how fast, do intervals, don't do intervals and that kind of thing. So basically I am a work in progress... each run is a new experience for me and I seem to learn something new all the time.

I hope you come along for the ride - I will be posting about my weight loss experience which goes hand in hand with my running experiences - should be an interesting ride. I started this journal so I can be held accountable and so I can post my triumphs - hope you enjoy!
Here are the Races that I have planned for this year leading up to the Princess 1/2 Marathon in February 2012:

4/9 - St Jude Kids 5k
4/23 - Alzheimer Awareness 5k
5/7 - Run for the Kids 5k
5/21 - Armed Forces 5K
5/28 - Coppersburg 5k
6/5 - Zooma Women's 10K, Annapolis, MD - DD qualifier for WDW 1/2
7/17 - Erie 1/2 Marathon - this will be my first 1/2
9/9 - Amish County 5K
9/18 - Philadelphia Rock'n Roll 1/2 Marathon
10/15 - Hershey 1/2 Marathon
10/31 - Marine Corps 10K, Washington DC - my qualifier for WDW
January 2012 - WDW 1/2 Marathon
February 2012 - Princess 1/2 Marathon

I will update this list as I add or drop things and with my times
As I mentioned earlier I am doing Weight Watchers for my weight loss. My meeting day is Saturday and I have a wonderful leader and we have a very active group with lots of success stories.

Right now I am on a roller coaster and some days have been ups, while others have been down. My weight is moving in the right direction, but I have been struggling lately.

My current goal is to get under 200 pounds - to be in "one"derland. I had hoped to reach that goal by now, but my scale is not cooperating - I have a little over 2 pounds to lose to reach this goal, so hopefully it will happen in the next week or two.
I am currently on week 5 of Jeff Galloway's 1/2 marathon training schedule. Here is my schedule for the week:

Tuesday - 3.5 miles - I did 2/1 run/walk intervals

Thursday - 3.5 miles - I ran for 35 minutes, then did 2/1 intervals to 3.5 miles

Saturday - 5k - I ran for about 18 minutes, then switched to 2 min run / 1 walk intervals

Sunday - 3 miles, will do 2/1 intervals

I am still struggling with running non-stop and doing the intervals. I guess i need to find what works best for me - its a learning game.
Sounds like a great plan! Good for you for doing this! I had a similar experience on these boards that inspired me to try c25k again...and to imagine that someday maybe I could do the Princess Half. I don't know who it was anymore, but I read a TR on the main TR boards about someone who did the 2010 Princess, and it really inspired me. I don't have to be skinny? I don't have to be a super athlete? Wow!

I'm just at w4d3 of c25k so quite a ways behind you, but I'll be cheering you on! :thumbsup2

Tammy you are doing great.I would love to join you in the weight loss portion and keeping track of our running.I have done marathon weekend for the past 3 years and Expedition Everest last June so next year I am sitting it out for Disney races.

Haven't looked but is the Princess in Feb. again? That is tough for training here.January is when our weather gets it's worst-the day we came home from the race this year we had a foot of snow that night-we made it in under the wire.

The Philly 1/2 looks interesting though.

Keep it up

Hi Tammy,
Congrats on how far you've come already!! :cool1: It sounds like you have a great plan. You're story reminds me a lot of my own. I started with C25K also as a complete non-runner and non-athelete and I followed the Galloway plan (sort of) to the January 1/2 this past year. I'm looking forward to following along with your story.

BTW. I will also likely be at the philly RNR half and I'm planning on the Disney full and Jan this year.
Today my DD and I did our 3rd 5K run to benefit the St Jude's Children's Hospital. We had 3 locakl races to chose from, my DD picked this one becasue she wanted to help the kids.

Here is a pic of me and DD before the start of the race


I had a goal today to run the 3.1 miles in 40 minutes - that would be 3 minutes faster than my last race. Well, I made it in 43:10. I didn't make my goal, but this course had a few hills both up and down (the ground was wet and I was terrified of falling and rolling down the hill and I have not trainined on any type of hill, so I am very happy with my time!

We had a great time, my DD fininshed in 27:27, she was hoping to win her age group, but we found out after the race she the youngest age group was under 20 and she is 12 - so she didn't get a medal.


Tomorrow's run will be 3 miles - I will be doing it outside.
Sounds like a great plan! Good for you for doing this! I had a similar experience on these boards that inspired me to try c25k again...and to imagine that someday maybe I could do the Princess Half. I don't know who it was anymore, but I read a TR on the main TR boards about someone who did the 2010 Princess, and it really inspired me. I don't have to be skinny? I don't have to be a super athlete? Wow!

I'm just at w4d3 of c25k so quite a ways behind you, but I'll be cheering you on! :thumbsup2



Congrats on your C25K - keep it up, its a great program. I have had to work hard on my thinking about what a runner should be and look like. If I run, I am a runner, no how fast or slow and no matter what I weigh. These boards are so inspiring - lots of great stories out there - hope you get to do the Princess marathon too!

Tammy you are doing great.I would love to join you in the weight loss portion and keeping track of our running.I have done marathon weekend for the past 3 years and Expedition Everest last June so next year I am sitting it out for Disney races.

Haven't looked but is the Princess in Feb. again? That is tough for training here.January is when our weather gets it's worst-the day we came home from the race this year we had a foot of snow that night-we made it in under the wire.

The Philly 1/2 looks interesting though.

Keep it up


Thanks Linda - I can't wait to get to Marathon weekend - it seems so far away!

Hi Tammy,
Congrats on how far you've come already!! :cool1: It sounds like you have a great plan. You're story reminds me a lot of my own. I started with C25K also as a complete non-runner and non-athelete and I followed the Galloway plan (sort of) to the January 1/2 this past year. I'm looking forward to following along with your story.

BTW. I will also likely be at the philly RNR half and I'm planning on the Disney full and Jan this year.

Thank you - I'm excited for the Philly 1/2 - it sounds like alot of fun!!
Thought for the day...

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars!!
Congrats on the 5K and taking on those hills! :yay:

What a great experience to do with your daughter. I can't wait until mine is old enough to run with me. (she is 3 now) I saw lots of parent/kids teams at the Disney 1/2 and lots of marathoning parents who were running the 5k with the kids the day before. I think it is a wonderful thing to do as a family.

happy running!
Here is my schedule for the week:

Monday - AM - indoor walking DVD, 30 minutes, Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred, level 2. Spin class in the evening

Tuesday AM - 3.5 miles on treadmill - 35 min run, then switch to 2/1 intervals to finish

Wednesday - AM spin class

Thursday AM - 3.5 miles on treadmill - 35 min run, then switch to 2/1 intervals to finish

Friday afternoon - 3.5 miles outside - 35 min run, then switch to 2/1 intervals

Saturday - DOR - we will touring NYC and see a show!!

Sunday AM - 6.5 miles outside - 2/1 intervals - this will be my longest run to date - hope I make it.
Congrats on the 5K and taking on those hills! :yay:

What a great experience to do with your daughter. I can't wait until mine is old enough to run with me. (she is 3 now) I saw lots of parent/kids teams at the Disney 1/2 and lots of marathoning parents who were running the 5k with the kids the day before. I think it is a wonderful thing to do as a family.

happy running!

We are having a great time together - she is very supportive of me! WE are going to do the 5K runs together in Disney in January and February - she is already planning on what we are going to wear!
Hi! I was doing some research on the Princess half marathon and came across your thread. I'm 24 and despite running track in high school and college as a sprinter, i hadn't been very active since graduating so I decided to run my first half marathon at WDW last Jan. If you're interested, you can read abt my experience in the link in my signature. We had an amazing time and I've since ran a couple 5ks. I'm also signed up to participate in the Expedition Everest Challenge, Disneyland Half, Wine & Dine half and the 2012 WDW half. I"m hoping to do the Princess in 2012 as well but I'm still figuring out if the dates will work out for me. I think your dedication is very inspiring and I can't wait to read about the rest of your journey!
Hi! I was doing some research on the Princess half marathon and came across your thread. I'm 24 and despite running track in high school and college as a sprinter, i hadn't been very active since graduating so I decided to run my first half marathon at WDW last Jan. If you're interested, you can read abt my experience in the link in my signature. We had an amazing time and I've since ran a couple 5ks. I'm also signed up to participate in the Expedition Everest Challenge, Disneyland Half, Wine & Dine half and the 2012 WDW half. I"m hoping to do the Princess in 2012 as well but I'm still figuring out if the dates will work out for me. I think your dedication is very inspiring and I can't wait to read about the rest of your journey!

Thanks Whitney - I love your trip report, sounds like you had a great time. I can't wait for January to be able to experience it myself.

Sounds like you have a busy 2011/2012 planned - how lucky for you to do all those Disney races - I would have loved to do the Wine and Dine, but we have a trip planned in August and then we are doing the Dream in November.
Today's workout is week 6 day 1 - 3.5 miles on the treadmill - I barely made it through - today is the first that I am seriously doubted my ability to do this running thing.

I'm thinking maybe I'm pushing it too hard - I really want to run faster, but my body says no, not yet! I tried intervals of 3 min running and 2 min walking and increasing the speed, but I couldn't maintain it, so I dropped back to 2 min run and 1 min walking at a slower speed and managed to finish my workout, but now my legs hurt.

I'm frustrated - it seems like this should be getting easier, but it isn't. I keep telling myself that it takes time and if I lose weight running will get easier and as I continue I will get faster and stronger - just wish I could more results!
Running can definitely be frustrating when it comes to the training. When I first started, I could barely run 3 miles without stopping but before I knew it I was making comments that our run for the day was ONLY 8 miles. Just look, you've already made in week 6 of the program. It may not seem like you're making progress but you are! Just keep it up! Trust me, running through the castle and crossing the finish line at the end will make it all worth it!

Also, have you joined one of the WISH groups? I've been looking into it but I can't figure out how it works. I'd like to join one and potentially find a running partner for the WDW half but I'm not sure if you need to be invited to one or if you can just jump in??
Running can definitely be frustrating when it comes to the training. When I first started, I could barely run 3 miles without stopping but before I knew it I was making comments that our run for the day was ONLY 8 miles. Just look, you've already made in week 6 of the program. It may not seem like you're making progress but you are! Just keep it up! Trust me, running through the castle and crossing the finish line at the end will make it all worth it!

Also, have you joined one of the WISH groups? I've been looking into it but I can't figure out how it works. I'd like to join one and potentially find a running partner for the WDW half but I'm not sure if you need to be invited to one or if you can just jump in??

Thanks Whitney - I'll keep plugging away, tomorrow is my next run and I'm actually looking forward it to. My long on Sunday will be 6.5 miles and I thought 5 was far!

I did read about the WISH groups, but couldn't find any info on them - I would love to join a group as well, it would be fun to know someone else who will be running in January - if you find anything out, please let me know.
I decided last night to try a spin class - now I have done these in the past at another gym and I really enjoyed the instructor, the music and the activity.

The class last night was different - I didn't care for the instructor nor her choice of music. Things might have changed since my last class several years ago, but this instructor had us up and off the seat for the majority of the class - I wanted to use this as cross training on my days off from running, but I think my legs were more tired from this class than when I run :confused3 and my butt hurts this morning! Maybe it was just because I was new to it and need to build up my endurance.

I'm going to try it again Thursday night with a different instructor and see how that goes!
My regular meeting day is Saturday, but due to committments the next few weeks, I can't attend my regular meeting, so I switched to Tuesday for a few weeks. I miss my leader and my meetings though - this group likes to talk and talk and talk.

I knew the weigh in wasn't gonna be good, Monday night was a horrible binge eating night for me. I was tempted to skip weigh in, but then what good would that have me, so I bit the bullet and went anyway!

So the result - I was up 2.4 pounds from last week - the good news is that according to my scale this morning I am down 2.4 pounds from yesterday.

I have to get myself back on track - I have been playing with the same 2-3 pounds for the last week - I am ready to back to losing consistently every week.

My current goal is to be under 200 pounds - hopefully by the end of April, I have about 4 pounds to go!!


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