In Search of My Body - Not the One I Ate, VOL 8...It's Never Too Late To Start Again!

Nancy! Wednesday nighter again. :confused3 Down 1.4. I want to keep my word about checking in every week until goal. But I'm still obsessed over scale. NEVER GOING TO CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More below.

So I'm going WT H and weigh-in. Next week - waist, then thighs and then hips (which I hate b/c I have none - think hips are beautiful and get very sad when I lose size from my a$$. :rotfl:) and then weigh-in on the fourth. I'm VERY HAPPY about this. I will not get obsessive about loss or gains on measurements - although I'm hoping for losses of course.

HI LAR IOUS, Kat! Yes! We SO need an opposite for WORD! :lmao:

Lisa, my lovely Lisa. DVC. I am in AG-O-NY I tell you. I have no idea what to do. I started a thread over on the DVC boards and am getting opinions there. But I have to decide and go under contract by FRIDAY. OMG! Dying.

My gut was to spend a bit more and go with BLT seeing as that I know we will stay at World way more often than Land. And I think I would have been comfortable with that plan had I not found out that the pool is sub-par. Pools days, how I love thee!

And the practical side of me says that since I don't use the 11-month booking window, go with VGC. Cheaper! Points are points!

Going crazy.

After two blistering hot days (hit 94* degrees today! That is HOT anywhere!), and now it is 60* out! Craziness. But the front came through and now it is positively lovely out there and tomorrow it will be 75*. Perfect.

So extended OKW not an option?

This is VERY exciting Erika. Somewhere the answer is clear. Look - the kids are getting older and sooner or later you're going to have to do at least one prime holiday trip. SO where? Where would you run to in your head if I said go get your room.

I LOVED Christopher's idea of both - I"m like sh!t I didn't think of that. But only do that if you are buying enough.

I have loved spending your money in MY HEAD. Loads of fun for me. :goodvibes

So exciting - can't wait. :woohoo:

Flat, straight, happy. :)

I LOVE your words Kat.

I wish I knew who has small ****s in our mix - that could be their motto. :lmao: Don't mind me - I'm exhausted. :lmao:

E- can you send that front to me please? It is grossly hot and humid out. Ugh...

Hi Lisa - nice having you back!

Oh Paula. Let me tell you. Your post about gaining .7 sealed my thoughts. Let me tell you. Both of the authors are kind of anti-scale for various reasons. They believe in using it but once a month. Now I know it is A TREMENDOUS tool for many. TREMENDOUS.

So one the authors was asked in the last version (The Ultimate Fit or Fat) - "Mr Bailey - we know how you feel about the scale - do you own one? " (sarcasm and poking at him).

And he says, "yes". Why? Because I can be rational about it. If I've gained two pounds it could be many things that come to my head. Could be I exercised in severe heat, could be that I DIDN'T follow through on my weights and have lost muscle. :laughing: Or I just need to check my program. But there are many many people who can't be rational about it and therefore it's not a good tool for them at all.


And I was thinking how I will never change and I should just accept myself and that I'm not Paula. And then you post the most beautiful line. A rational .7 gain - how you're not worried b/c you drank a lot of water. I laughed and laughed Paula - I wish I was you but I'm not. The scale rules my emotions. You are rational.


Should be headed your way, Paula. I think it is from Canadia (on purpose) and is pushing south.

Lisa will love this--Kel calls Canada Canadia...because surely Canadians come from Canadia! She knows the correct way to say it now, but we all still say it Canadia because it was cute when she used to pronounce it that way at age 4.

From Canada or Canadia :lmao: (love it) ?????? :surfweb::rotfl: :rolleyes1 What a big place to be so powerful.

Please I had the ninety before any of you suckers. And it was near ninety today. And may I remind you all to check a map and that most of Southern Ontario is farther south than many US states. Should we start with Maine and then visit Dawn in Minnesota and then check in on Steph in upstate NY? Shall we cause they're all further NORTH than Toronto. In fact, the most southern tip of Ontario is the same latitude as Northern California.

Okay, I'm finished. :rotfl:

For now. :rotfl:

And the temps are falling for Thurs/Fri and back up on the weekend .

Just in time for the most glorious day of the entire year!!!!!

I've got to go measure my a$$. May it live a long and big llife. :dance3:

I so have to get sleep. :rolleyes1
Day 6

After leaving the park last night, we got on I-5 heading south to San Diego. Our resort was actually in Carlsbad (about 20 miles north of San Diego) right on the Pacific. Even though it is part of the Hilton Vacation Club, the accommodations just don’t compare to Disney Vacation Club. I swear, it spoils you for everything else. The bonus, though, is the view. We are right ON the Pacific, and that is worth a lot.


We were beat from being in the parks and driving down, so we found a great Italian place and had an awesome meal. SO good with LOTS of Chianti!
Today we slept in a bit—both went for a run—and then loaded into the car to head to the zoo. It was so nice that it didn’t open till 10—the extra time in the morning was awesome. Weather was only so-so. Mid-60s and overcast. But at least I was able to go for a comfortable run—and I went straight to the beach. Got a nice, long, uninterrupted run in…ending with these babies!


Jeff and I were both skeptical as we had heard so much hype about the San Diego Zoo…and we just couldn’t believe that any zoo could be that exciting. I am happy to say that we were wrong! We really loved it.


So beautifully done. There were some exhibits that were a bit too “zoo-like” (cages, etc.) for our tastes, but most habitats were really well done. And lots of lush, tropical, exotic plantings.




There were definitely some things that Animal Kingdom does much better, like the huge savannahs. But this has just so much to see. I won’t go through everything step by step, but here are some pics of the day:







We spent about 4 hours there and then walked through famous Balboa Park (kind of like NYC’s Central Park) and then we went to the Gas Lamp District in downtown San Diego. This section of the city is all restaurants and clubs and shoos—all right on the bay. Very touristy and quaint. One thing that we both really wanted from this part of the trip was GREAT Mexican food. And we definitely found that.

We ended the day with a swim in the pool and a movie. SO nice. Just a really good family day.



Today’s plan was Sea World. Again, they didn’t open till 10 which was perfect for us. Got there and the place was EMPTY. I mean no one. We heard one employee say that there were less than a thousand people in the park! Can you imagine?!!?

I hadn’t been to Sea World in decades and the kids and Jeff had never been. We first saw some friendly folks…


We headed straight to the ray area. The girls and I were all about the touch tank. Riley and Jeff…not so much. They wouldn’t touch a single thing all day! It was hilarious!



I cannot express how empty the park was. Seriously, there were times when we had entire sections to ourselves. And the kids kept asking, “Are we allowed to be here? Is this section closed?” Because it was just so desolate! This is the cue for one of the thrill rides there…a simulator (similar to Star Tours, different theme).


We saw and did EVERYTHING, though often it was hard to get pics. There were a couple of highlights from the day. The Shamu show, of course. No surprise there. Stadium had so few people in it!




We loved the penguins, beluga, sea lion, sea otter, and shark exhibits. These were all indoor pavilions with glass partitions, so it was pretty tough to get good photos.


The other big highlight of the day was the dolphin area, of course. (For those who don’t know, I used to work with dolphins in the Keys when in graduate school and so I have serious issues with these animals in captivity. Which is why it has been forever since going to a place like Sea World.) Of course, the girls and I got up close and personal while the guys….again, not so much.


Since we had the park to ourselves, we had done everything—and spent as much time as we wanted to with everything—in about 4 hours. Seriously! So we decided to head out and hit the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. It was Jeff’s birthday and that was his choice. YUM. We all love it there. Then it was back to the resort for some quality pool time, of course. And also time to pack for our early departures the next day. SAD!
Good Morning Everyone!

I wish I knew who has small ****s in our mix - that could be their motto. :lmao: Don't mind me - I'm exhausted. :lmao:

That would be me!

KAT - I forgot to quote you - my location! I LOVE Yellow Submarine, and regularly have the song going round in my head - its such a happy song!

I have got THE busiest weekend going on!

Tomorrow night me and my Best Friend are going out for a meal and cocktails then to the cinema to watch Sex and the City 2.

Saturday night we are going on my SIL to be (my brothers fiancee) Hen night! We are going out at 4.30pm :scared1:

Sunday DH is going to London to watch his team play football so I am going to help my mum move furniture

Monday is Bank Holiday (day off work! :)) so hopefully I'll be able to relax then! :rotfl2:

Hope everyone has a great day! :cool2:
Morning ALL

Kelly, Sex in the City, Let me know how you liked it. Monday is a holiday here too.


Lisa, I was lMAO " have to go messure my butt" You crack me up!!!!

Kat, Meg, Liz, EE, Paula, Ronda
Have a great day ALL!!
Nancy! Wednesday nighter again. :confused3 Down 1.4. I want to keep my word about checking in every week until goal.

Way to go on the loss, Lisa!

So extended OKW not an option?

This is VERY exciting Erika. Somewhere the answer is clear. Look - the kids are getting older and sooner or later you're going to have to do at least one prime holiday trip. SO where? Where would you run to in your head if I said go get your room.

I LOVED Christopher's idea of both - I"m like sh!t I didn't think of that. But only do that if you are buying enough.

I have loved spending your money in MY HEAD. Loads of fun for me. :goodvibes

So exciting - can't wait. :woohoo:

Hey! Stop spending my money! :rotfl2: I am calling this morning and asking some questions but at some point I just have to DO IT. Killing me, this decision.

I LOVE your words Kat.

I wish I knew who has small ****s in our mix - that could be their motto. :lmao: Don't mind me - I'm exhausted. :lmao:

That would be me and Nancy. B00bless wonders, both of us. ;)

Wow E, you did alot for their 50!:worship:

We did do a lot. And I am STILL bitter about it. I think because of the "demands" that were made. We started out actually wanting to do this for them and all of that. And then once she got involved and the demands started flying, well, it was just awful from then on.

My sister said she's going to look for a Bridezilla tierra! :rotfl:

really? You had to do the whole "the bride cuts the cake" thing? Ok. You totally win. My mother hasn't mentioned THAT. yet. :rolleyes1

Be careful-- that was an 11th hour addition! You never know what she might throw at you between now and Sunday!

Flat, straight, happy. :)

WORD! I am such a wuss when it comes to hills. I have been making myself do them recently, but mostly I avoid them like the plague! Glad you have a walking partner!
Nancy, you either pay NOW or LATER. :lmao: You know ours was a surprise and the aftermath of who was invited (a la how many could fit in our facility) became like a teenage mess afterward.

ugh, yes. I remember you telling us that. gads. I don't need that stress. I hope we don't cause any hurt feelings!

I think we've done ok though. It's a multi-phase deal, with a huge reception in the afternoon for everybody and anybody that wants to come. Tons of invitations to the whole world. Then in then evening it's a private dinner (catered at my parents house) for family & bridal party - about 30 of us total.

:rotfl2: Perfect!

Nancy! Wednesday nighter again. :confused3 Down 1.4.

:yay: fabulous Lisa!

I wish I knew who has small ****s in our mix - that could be their motto. :lmao: Don't mind me - I'm exhausted. :lmao:

<raises hand> I'm right here. The girl at Victorias Secret gave up on me. They just don't make bras that small. <sigh>

Monday is Bank Holiday (day off work! :)) so hopefully I'll be able to relax then! :rotfl2:

wowza Kelly! Busy. Enjoy it all!

Be careful-- that was an 11th hour addition! You never know what she might throw at you between now and Sunday!

:laughing: Not my problem. I'm screening my calls now :rotfl:

Rough day for me yesterday. It was ridiculously hot (99* was the official high at the airport. 102* on my thermometer!) but after a very harsh front barrelled thru, the temps have dropped to a much more comfortable level. Stephen's brother and SIL are here from California, so it's a family dinner tonight.
Erika! How beautiful are your pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gorgeous. I was pissed last night. I saw the first TR and got all excited - went to post and the DIS went down.

You should have heard me. NO! You don't understand! The TR is back! Don't do this to me! :lmao:

Okay, I have much to say to everyone - even flat, straight and happy people. :rotfl: I'm not sure I have ANY OF THEM covered. :lmao::rotfl::lmao:

I've got to go. I'll be back.
KAT - I forgot to quote you - my location! I LOVE Yellow Submarine, and regularly have the song going round in my head - its such a happy song!
Monday is Bank Holiday (day off work! :)) so hopefully I'll be able to relax then! :rotfl2:

Hope everyone has a great day! :cool2:

I have that song in my head a lot too. Usually when things have gone completely, ridiculously haywire.

Monday is a holiday here, too.

I am not flat. :laughing:

90s here today. FINALLY. It's supposed to be in the 90s!!

E, loved the TR and the pics.

Lisa, so glad you're back. :goodvibes
Hey ladies, quick check in. I think I have the flu or a virus. I thought it was the stomach bug at first but I only got sick once. I've been laying on the couch all day, my whole body aches.

E- I have loved hearing about your trip, sounds like an amazing vacation.
Can barely move. Today is moving day for my parents. Have been at it since 9am. Now off to coach softball. Gross. On the upside, it is a gorgeous day--thank God we don't have the heat of yesterday for moving!
Meg, sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope you feel better soon!

E, yuck. I hate moving.

So, I am crazy. My friend in Chicago that is likely coming down here for the City of Oaks half in Nov, is going to do the RnR half in Chicago on August 1st. I am seriously considering joining her. If only airfare was a bit cheaper...
Hey gang! I have to be quick because I'm on my work laptop with a very bad storm headed our way. Lots of red on the Doppler. I'm at Barnes N Noble and have no intention in driving until it passes (when I was a teen, I was out during a tornado and was terrified!) I just wanted to pop in to say hi. Sifted through some classmate drama and the hatchet is buried. I'm asking my Dreams TA to do a price comparison for AP's for me and the kids.

Gotta go. Will try to check in again on my phone.

ETA - we lucked out. It only lasted about 15 minutes! Yay!
Hi everyone - I am reading, but don't have much to say at the moment. Eating too much sugar and too many carbs, can we say stress> :confused3 Workouts continue. Work went from being tolerable to somewhat terrifying this afternoon. The are making changes in my staff and I have no say or control. Not sure what I am getting so the stress continues - yeah (ok - not really). Ugh - someone needs to tell me when life is going to return to normal. Don't these people know I have more weight to lose and all of this stress is not helping?

Anyways - off to catch some sleep. One more day untl a much needed three day weekend.

Have a great night everyone.
We are going to Holiday World E. It's not Disney, but it is close to home. Then we are going to the cemeteries.
EE, you are the Best. Mom. Ever! OMG, you take those kids EVERYWHERE! I haven't ever been, but I know what HW is. You will have a great time!

DVC update--today is the day! I HAVE TO put my deposit down today (last day of CM discount). But I got some good news from my guide. As long as I go under contract today, I can make changes down the road. Like, if I decide VGC today but then next week decide I want BLT instead, we can totally make the change with no issue. So. I have a bit more time I suppose. But still, I'd like to decide and have it be done with.

KAT! I need you, Kat! BLT pool area. I know you said that is was small and felt crowded, etc. But what about the area--is it well designed and landscaped, etc. or is it all concrete like the CR pool?


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