Biggest Loser 9 Spring challenge -- Part 2! HERE WE ARE! :)

Morning Everyone!

I did so-so yesterday. The day was good and filled with exercise. The night was not so good as I drank a few beer margaritas when we had friends over. When I stepped on the scale this morning it showed! :headache:

So, DH and I decided to start the day out with our long run. 9.25 mile run and 1145 calories burned. I am planning on going shopping with DD a bit later and then also working on things for my interview.

As a family, we are going out tonight and it will not be all good either. We are going to our favorite Japanese steak house and I know that it will be a bit higher in points.

So, today I will try to eat light and save it all for supper. Hope everyone has a great day!
Home from church. Had some yummy Chicken and Sausage gumbo and some crab gumbo. Don't really need to work it off as it was really hot in the kitchen making the nuggets and fries. It was a fundraiser for Haiti and we raised over $600 which was awesome!

Going to watch Dr. Who with the family and have some hot fudge sundaes! I'm really enjoying myself this weekend before getting back to work tomorrow. I will accept whatever weight I am at on Friday as a new beginning. I will do some working out but give my body a bit of a break as I have worked out a lot in the last several months. I am now giving myself until August 6th, the week before my 40th b'day, as the time I will reach my goal by and then start maintaining!

Have an enjoyable afternoon! Gotta get the acs in this afternoon!
Ugh I had to clean my room and it was all dusty and I was sneezing and it was hot and icky BLAH!! I was listening to Pandora with Disney music, so it wasn't that bad. I may walk later today, it depends. Lol :goodvibes
Ate everything in site yesterday and was up half the night wishing I could puke...been a while since I have eaten that much. Not exactly sure what set me off. Hmmm.

I spent the day planting flowers and mowing the lawn. It was so hot here. I didn't eat anything between breakfast and dinner. I bet I've finally got back down to my starting weight :rotfl: The good news it that I eat much less when it's hot out, so maybe, just maybe I will get those last 10 lbs off. Of course I was out in the sun and am feeling a bit burnt tonight. Not as bad as it should be given the length of time I was out there though.
Hey guys. I hope you all had a great weekend.

My sis took all 3 of my girls for a few hours today. It was so great to have a little time to myself and weird as well. I went to the store and got a few things for dd2 birthday party. She is turning 7! I don't even know how that happened. And then I went to the gym. I did an hour work out. Yea! :goodvibes I did 3 miles on the bike and 12 different weight machines. I really like weights which suprises me. I HATE the treadmill and feel like I am going to lose my mind after 2 minutes on it! :eek:

Ate pizza twicw this weekwnd, but I got back on track today and am feeling better about food. I have a terrible headache so I am heading to bed early.

I hope you are all doing wonderful. If you need another coach for the Biggest Loser summer challenge I am up for it!

Talk to you all tomorrow.
Another drive by post!

Here's the reminder list for the last weigh in of BL9:

NC Tink

I'm even on my own list! :goodvibes
TOM came early in the middle of a lot of other stuff happening, so I chose to just weigh in on Monday, and will see what happens.

I'm hoping to get some time online tomorrow to get caught up in the threads. Life should be settling down again!

Thanks to everybody who has been participating in the threads, I haven't had time to respond to all the PM's all the time, but I love sharing in everybody's journey!:goodvibes:banana::thumbsup2
Good morning. Back on track again. We took a nice walk yesterday to the park and the walked around the track for a while, so that helped me get back on the right foot. It's my late morning so I'll take a run/walk when michael goes to school. He's not up yet, so I'll let him sleep in and drive him today. I think he's tired from the weekend.

I want to check in here every day this week just to keep on track before we start the next challenge on friday. I'd love to start at least at friday's weight and no higher.

Good luck with your weighin, Shannon.

Have a great monday everyone. :)
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Keep tuned to this thread for the final results. I believe that they will be posted tomorrow in conjuction with the Biggest Loser Finale. Just like the show, I have no idea who our Biggest Loser will be?!? The excitement builds . . . .

. . . and if your name was on that list of folks needing to PM LuvBaloo (I can't believe you were on your own list! :lmao:) please PM her right away.

I'm sure that donac will get the COW results posted shortly here, too.

I will accept whatever weight I am at on Friday as a new beginning. I will do some working out but give my body a bit of a break as I have worked out a lot in the last several months. I am now giving myself until August 6th, the week before my 40th b'day, as the time I will reach my goal by and then start maintaining!

Sounds like a great plan, Tracey, and plenty of time to make it work for you. :goodvibes

Ugh I had to clean my room and it was all dusty and I was sneezing and it was hot and icky BLAH!! I was listening to Pandora with Disney music, so it wasn't that bad. I may walk later today, it depends. Lol :goodvibes

Well, all activity burns calories, plus you have a nice, clean room! :thumbsup2

Ate everything in site yesterday and was up half the night wishing I could puke...been a while since I have eaten that much. Not exactly sure what set me off. Hmmm.

:hug: Hope that you are feeling better. :flower3:

I spent the day planting flowers and mowing the lawn. It was so hot here. I didn't eat anything between breakfast and dinner. I bet I've finally got back down to my starting weight :rotfl: The good news it that I eat much less when it's hot out, so maybe, just maybe I will get those last 10 lbs off. Of course I was out in the sun and am feeling a bit burnt tonight. Not as bad as it should be given the length of time I was out there though.

Yeah, I don't eat as much in the summer either and I am a lot more active. When it is cold, I just want to hibernate. :upsidedow

Hey guys. I hope you all had a great weekend.

My sis took all 3 of my girls for a few hours today. It was so great to have a little time to myself and weird as well. I went to the store and got a few things for dd2 birthday party. She is turning 7! I don't even know how that happened. And then I went to the gym. I did an hour work out. Yea! :goodvibes I did 3 miles on the bike and 12 different weight machines. I really like weights which suprises me. I HATE the treadmill and feel like I am going to lose my mind after 2 minutes on it! :eek:

Ate pizza twicw this weekwnd, but I got back on track today and am feeling better about food. I have a terrible headache so I am heading to bed early.

I hope you are all doing wonderful. If you need another coach for the Biggest Loser summer challenge I am up for it!

Talk to you all tomorrow.

There is one week left for coaching the challenge -- it is the second to the last week. If that works for you, please PM me! :goodvibes

mikamah, glad that you are feeling better. :hippie:

Here is a little bonus question for the day:

Are you staying on plan this week or taking a week off between challenges?

I am pressing on this week because I hit a new low during this challenge. I also have a vacation coming up in a month as well as a family visit and another vacation in July. I really, really want to be in ONE-derland by the end of the summer so I am keeping the pedal to the metal! :cool:

Have a great day all!
QOTD: I am totally on plan. All of our summer events are coming quickly and I still insist that I can lose this weight. Remember on Friday I was up, but said I'd be back down by Sunday. I weighed in this morning and sure enough I was back down :) Now if I can managed NOT to gain any weight this week I'll be down even further by the time the next challenge starts. It would be nice to start the next challenge below 140.

MY “first” 5k

Well, okay, so its not my “first” 5k - I have actually done quite a few of them - its actually the fifth time I have done this particular race.

But it feels like the first, because it feels like I am starting again on this old journey of mine.

I have not written a race report since 2008 - even the Disney 5k I did in January just got a few paragraphs on the Disney Dead site.

Even though crossing the finish line at a Disney race was a thrill for me, it is still not the finish line - the one I have dreamed of for so long.

But dreams do not come true without the sweat equity and I must admit that this has been a little lacking in the last the little bit.

It just feels like I am not accomplishing much anymore.

But this one was different.

As I have shared with some, this has been a bit of a tumultuous year for me to date. My father in law’s cancer has gotten much worse and he is suffering a lot now, it is very hard on us all.

My in laws were and are my biggest supporters in this distance walking madness. Reynolds has been a course marshal volunteer in every Halifax race I have ever done - until this year. He is just too sick to do it anymore.

And I have been sick too. My ongoing bouts of “stomach flu” turned out to be a hernia strangulating my small intestine. It drifted in and out for a year and a half (which is why I had the intermittent bouts, which in the end, were just brutal) and eventually led to a complete system shutdown in early March of this year. A CAT scan revealed that a part of my small intestine was dead - and I had emergency surgery on March 17, removing the hernia and also six inches of small intestine. Then, I was in the hospital for three weeks dealing with one infection after another - it just was no fun.

Almost everybody told me that I would need to bag the May race - I could never train well enough to finish it. I went home with a VAC device - a heavy little “vacuum like” thing that helped me heal in a very big way. But it was too awkward to walk with. I did not get it out until April 30th - which left just three weeks. For someone who had not walked more than a mile since February - not good.

But I decided to try. I am glad I did.

I actually did pretty good at the start, was at the back but still with the pack. This is true even though there were some hills in the beginning. Halifax is a hilly city folks, almost everywhere you go, there’s a hill.

I probably would have had quite a few people behind me if I had not had to stop so much. There were lots of folks with visible disabilities - blind, lame, etc. that walked slower than me, but they did not have to stop. Once again, the lack of training and the enormous amount of extra weight on my relatively small bones did me in, I had to stop, a lot. Some twenty minutes of rest time, which is disappointing because during the last two races I did, I had virtually none and during one I never sat at all. It is frustrating to be back at square one.

The race did not start until 10 a.m. and we had to be there for 8:30 a.m. to get a team photo taken. My sister in law and friend Sue were doing the 10k and started at 9:10. The marathon walkers started at 7:30 a.m. and the runners at 9:00 a.m. The half marathoners start at 9:25.

So I had nearly an hour to sit, and wait, and think....

I felt so self conscious, felt like I weighed about 500 lbs. My friend, Sue, had gastric sleeve surgery in January and looks just amazing. I would like to get a knife and slash it off.

But, as always, kind people started to pick me up. First, two ladies walking the half, who told me that most people would not even try it. True.

And then I started posting on Facebook. There is such a wonderful running community out there. Before long, I had tons of encouraging words. Thanks folks! I am not sure I would have started without them.

Start went off without a hitch, as I said. But by the half way point, I was starting to hurt. I needed to stop and sit several times.

I walked down the hill on Uniacke Street, got to the bottom and cried. That is where Reynolds was last year - with a medal he had made for me - encouraging me on. He made one for his wife too - my mother in law blazed through her first 5 k last year - this year she skipped it - she needs to be with Reynolds, he is so sick now.

I sat on a rock, cried, made two phone calls to see where Sue and Bonnie were and continued. And continued, and continued. As Louise often says, one foot in front of the other. Stopping a lot to drink (it was quite warm - for once no rain though, I am not complaining). At the Brunswick street water stop - got my bottle filled. Laughed because the two volunteers nearly baptized themselves doing it.

The finish line for the Halifax race is uphill. Who’s idea was that? This time the headphones are out. I need the crowd and they don’t disappoint. Then I see an angel named Betty Boutilier. Betty’s husband, Henry, is a fellow JIMer - and has raised more than $100,000.00 for the Arthritis Society! Today, Henry is doing his first Bluenose - with a 30 pound pack on his back!

Henry has done a lot of JIM events - especially Disney. He has done at least one Goofy - perhaps more.

Betty is a JIM Cheer Team member - probably walks enough to do a marathon and she is a pro. Cannot imagine what I would have done without her. I just did not have enough strength to make it up that hill, but she and another lady made sure than I did.

Thank you Betty! Your encouragement meant the world to me. And I got it done.

The time was atrocious, but surprisingly, not a PW. I have been slower.

There is a water station right at the finish line. Not too many people were taking mylar blankets.

I was stumbling a bit when I crossed - just needed to sit. The medics got me to a wheelchair. Called Bonnie and sat for about ten minutes - then shuffled through, got water, got my medal and my chip clipped off. Am I ok I was asked, yes, my legs are trashed though. And guess what, an enormous hill to walk down.

Bonnie helps, luckily Sue is parked very close, I go sit in her car. On the way, I run into a lawyer friend, she has had to quit - she was headed to get her chip taken off. Her legs were trashed too.

Bonnie gets my bag, some chocolate milk and a bagel with jelly. We go get a meal, Norm picks us up. A nap and I watch the San Jose Sharks lose - Blah! Oh well.

Today, I am a little stiff but fine.

And determined to start again - get back what I lost, get better, and, yes, I am still Disney dreaming and am signed up for the half in January.

I saw a really excellent speaker at a Speakers Forum once who has a motto - dream big or go home.

And I don’t want to stay home. I want to live breathe and move.

Everyone told me I would have to bag this race, doctors, the nurses, some of my friends - back in March.

Yesterday was about starting and finishing. And I did. Now I am ready to move on...

QOTD: I am staying on plan. I am so determined to hit that 30 pound mark before I leave for Orlando. I can't wait for Dh to come home, I sure hope he can tell a difference, even though he did just see me a few weeks ago.

I am not sure what I am doing today. I have a terrible sinus headache again and it feels like it could be turning into a migraine, though I really hope not. DD2's birthday is this upcoming Sunday and I really have to get this messy house in order. I also want to exercise, so I am going to pray that this medicine kicks in and I feel better.

I hope you are all feeling great. I can't wait to start our new challenge. :goodvibes
QOTD: I am totally on plan. All of our summer events are coming quickly and I still insist that I can lose this weight. Remember on Friday I was up, but said I'd be back down by Sunday. I weighed in this morning and sure enough I was back down :) Now if I can managed NOT to gain any weight this week I'll be down even further by the time the next challenge starts. It would be nice to start the next challenge below 140.

I bet you can do it! :thumbsup2

And I don’t want to stay home. I want to live breathe and move.

Everyone told me I would have to bag this race, doctors, the nurses, some of my friends - back in March.

Yesterday was about starting and finishing. And I did. Now I am ready to move on...


:cool1: Woo! Hoo! Great job on finishing your 5K on Saturday against all odds, Linda! :woohoo:

QOTD: I am staying on plan. I am so determined to hit that 30 pound mark before I leave for Orlando. I can't wait for Dh to come home, I sure hope he can tell a difference, even though he did just see me a few weeks ago.

I am not sure what I am doing today. I have a terrible sinus headache again and it feels like it could be turning into a migraine, though I really hope not. DD2's birthday is this upcoming Sunday and I really have to get this messy house in order. I also want to exercise, so I am going to pray that this medicine kicks in and I feel better.

I hope you are all feeling great. I can't wait to start our new challenge. :goodvibes

:hug: Hope that you are feeling better soon, Michelle!

MY “first” 5k

Well, okay, so its not my “first” 5k - I have actually done quite a few of them - its actually the fifth time I have done this particular race.

But it feels like the first, because it feels like I am starting again on this old journey of mine.

Yesterday was about starting and finishing. And I did. Now I am ready to move on... Linda

Thanks for sharing that with us! Glad you are "moving on" with us!

QOTD: I am staying on plan. I am so determined to hit that 30 pound mark before I leave for Orlando. I can't wait for Dh to come home, I sure hope he can tell a difference, even though he did just see me a few weeks ago.

I am not sure what I am doing today. I have a terrible sinus headache again and it feels like it could be turning into a migraine, though I really hope not. DD2's birthday is this upcoming Sunday and I really have to get this messy house in order. I also want to exercise, so I am going to pray that this medicine kicks in and I feel better.

I hope you are all feeling great. I can't wait to start our new challenge. :goodvibes

Feel better. I SWEAR a migraine hits me every time I an involved in some intense housework! :lmao: Not sure how coincidental it is!...........P
So the past 2 days I have been completely off plan and binging to boot. The first night I was up half the night wishing I could puke. I am back on plan today thanks to you all. I have some quotes I wrote down that I finally went back and read through....It is a journey, not a destination...If you break one dish it's no reason to break them all...etc.

I have determined that I need to set some new goals. I looked at my goals that I had written down back at the start of this and determined that I have accomplished them all...I think that's a problem....I don't have something to work towards except my weight goal which is so arbitrary.

So...I need some ideas people. I am already working towards running a 5K...what else should I set as a goal?

Thanks for all your help and support!

jimmduck What an inspiration. Congrats on finishing something everyone said that you couldn't do.

I will be posting the COW results tomorrow.

I am staying on track this weekend and this week since my school's challenge ends on Friday. I am down 11 pounds for this challenge. I am down 7 pounds for the school's challenge. I am pretty happy and excited about the summer challenge. I hope that I can keep up this momentum.

This is going to be a rough week. I never realized how emotional I would be about my friend retiring. This is going to be a tough week.

Have a good evening.
So the past 2 days I have been completely off plan and binging to boot. The first night I was up half the night wishing I could puke. I am back on plan today thanks to you all. I have some quotes I wrote down that I finally went back and read through....It is a journey, not a destination...If you break one dish it's no reason to break them all...etc.

I have determined that I need to set some new goals. I looked at my goals that I had written down back at the start of this and determined that I have accomplished them all...I think that's a problem....I don't have something to work towards except my weight goal which is so arbitrary.

So...I need some ideas people. I am already working towards running a 5K...what else should I set as a goal?

Thanks for all your help and support!


Do you have an article of clothing that you really want to fit into. That one is a good one for me. Something to work towards. Planning a vacation always works too :goodvibes
Jimmduck... what a great story. Inspirational. Sorry my Blackhawks beat your Sharks. Well, not totally sorry... we're going to the Cup. :)

I believe I was down a total of 41.7 pounds since the challenge started... and down 47.4 since Christmas. Still hard for me to believe.

Are you staying on plan this week or taking a week off between challenges?

For me it is more about the change I am making in my life than the challenges here at the Dis... so no, I am not taking any time off between the challenges. Every day is a challenge. :)

I am sooooooooooooo sick. I woke up this morning thinking my throat was on fire. At first I thought it was from yelling at the TV during the Hawks game yesterday, but now, I know it is more than that. It's 89 degrees here and I am wrapped in a sweatshirt. Ugh. I feel terrible. Rotten kids... they got me sick. I'm supposed to go see GLEE tomorrow night but I can't imagine leaving the house. :laughing:
Do you have an article of clothing that you really want to fit into. That one is a good one for me. Something to work towards. Planning a vacation always works too :goodvibes

I am already wearing or have outgrown just about everything I had saved but I will look back through and see if there isn't something I might still be able to pull out....Ohhhh, maybe one of my fancy dresses....I will have to try those on and see how they are currently fitting.

Good idea, keep them coming!



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