Biggest Loser 9 Spring challenge -- Part 2! HERE WE ARE! :)

Hi Everyone,

It's been so busy around here lately. We are finally caught up on some much needed sleep post-wedding. I ended the week up .2lbs, which I'll take. It is much better than I expected-by multiple pounds. I set a new challenge on the Wii Fit+. I'm hoping for 15 pounds in 3 months, which is in line with the summer challenge.

Today will also be a fairly busy day. I'm hoping to take a bike ride today. Off now to PM my final weight to Shannon and hit the grocery store. I love when it's my week to shop. I know there will be stuff around that I'll enjoy eating-and will be healthy, low point, etc.

JenA-Best of luck with your interview! I know you will stay OP! I can be such a stress eater and I know I do better with a plan-you have a great one!

This challenge was so great for me. I cannot thank all of you enough. The support has been more than I could have ever expected. I am definitely looking forward to the next challenge.

Have a great, OP day today!

Morning Everyone! I am checking in because I feel if I put it all out there for everyone to read, I will be fine and I will not get off track. So, here it is...

I applied for a new job because I can't stay where I am at (private school teacher - very little pay, no benefits, lots of extra duties that teachers should not have to do, etc). Got a call to interview at the old school where I used to work (public school but I was cut due to the budget reduction). I will interview on Monday afternoon. I was not really going to announce this news but here is the problem....I am a total bundle of nerves and stress. I want this job so badly and know I will be devastated if I do not get the job. So, what do I do when I am nervous and stressed out? I eat. I know that I should not but I do. Knowing this, I have to figure out how to get through this upcoming week. I know that I interview on Monday and so does one other person. I know that there is a 3rd interview on Wednesday. My hope is that the principal lets us know by Friday who got the position but meanwhile, I have a whole week to deal with and honestly...I am freaking out a little. This job would mean so much to my family as it would be over a 10K raise.

It was last spring when I was cut that I gained a huge amount of weight because I was stressed about not having a job. I do not want to gain any weight back this time because truthfully, I like how I look now and I feel so much better about me. I still have work to to and I am worried that maybe I won't make it.

I know...this is all over reacting. It is one interview and it is one week of waiting. Only problem is that it is also the slippery path to eating for all the wrong reasons again.

I am going to talk with DH today because I know that I am going to need help. I know I need to battle the nerves and stress with extra exercise and very planned out meals. I know that I am going to need to drink water and lots of it. I know I need to journal all my food this week. I am going to set the TM back up and walk non-stop while I watch TV so that I don't just sit, eat and watch TV without thinking.

Alright, I am done being whiny and weak. I have ideas and I can do this. Here is to hoping that this is a fast week!

Happy, Healthy and FOCUSED weekend everyone!

Jen :hug: That's a lot to deal with!!! Planning your meals will help a lot. Remember - the overeating will release those feel-good endorphins you're body is craving right now, so if you can go for a run and get them that way! And post away, we're here for you.

Just one more reason why I like my friend Jen so very much!

Between the Lions... I remember it well!!

Oh My Gosh... I LOVE 5 Guys!! Last time we ate there I had a kids single burger, no mayo and NO fries. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. :)

:hug: Jen. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I think you are smart for asking your hubby for help. It always helps me to know I have someone keeping an eye out for me. :hug: You'll do great!!

:p Oh Five Guys...yummmm!!!! I gain weight thinking of that place but it's soooo good!!

Well my friends I did the 5k - finished it and didn't get swept!!! Woo hoooooo!!!:woohoo: My time was slow, around 57,but I did it. :goodvibes I was actually slighter faster than I thought I would be since I walk around the neighborhood at a 20 minute mile.
Well my friends I did the 5k - finished it and didn't get swept!!! Woo hoooooo!!!:woohoo: My time was slow, around 57,but I did it. :goodvibes I was actually slighter faster than I thought I would be since I walk around the neighborhood at a 20 minute mile.

:yay::woohoo::cool1: GREAT JOB!!!!!
Jen - you have a great plan. Lots of ppd for your interview. Try to get as much exercise in as you can between now and Monday, so you will enter the interview feeling strong and confident. Just think about how empowering it will be to walk in knowing you are stronger than you were last year, you are too strong to let this get you down an unhealthy path now. That will show in your interview, which will mean an even better interview. The principal will be taken aback by your new confidence and strength. Seek exercise for endorphins and stress relief, not food. Fuel your body the right way. YOU CAN DO THIS!

Thanks! This is why I love all you where else can I find such incredible support!

Your reply really made me realize one thing...if I stay on track until at least my interview on Monday, I will go in there feeling really strong and confident. If I start stress eating now, I won't feel as good. This makes me know I will stay strong until at least Monday! I will tackle the rest of the week at that point.

I am totally a stress eater too. For me I need to have lots of healthy snacks and they must have no preparation or I will chose something bad every time. I also keep busy that way I don't have time to snack. You can do it, just put in a little prep time immediately and you'll have tools available to do this. Good luck :wizard:

This is so true! It is why I have already been to the grocery store this morning. I made our menu for the week filled with many of my favorite and healthy meals. I also picked up tons of healthy little extras that I love to snack on so if I have to snack...I will have plenty of good things to pick from.

:hug: Jen. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I think you are smart for asking your hubby for help. It always helps me to know I have someone keeping an eye out for me. :hug: You'll do great!!

DH and I spoke about it as we ran this morning. I told him I am going to need him to keep me on track and keep me busy. He is really good at doing what I need when I give him very clear directions! :rotfl:

JenA-Best of luck with your interview! I know you will stay OP! I can be such a stress eater and I know I do better with a plan-you have a great one!

Thanks! It is amazing how many of us here are stress eaters....this is why I wrote out the plan this weekend to be sure I can have a good week.

Jen :hug: That's a lot to deal with!!! Planning your meals will help a lot. Remember - the overeating will release those feel-good endorphins you're body is craving right now, so if you can go for a run and get them that way! And post away, we're here for you.

Well my friends I did the 5k - finished it and didn't get swept!!! Woo hoooooo!!!:woohoo: My time was slow, around 57,but I did it. :goodvibes I was actually slighter faster than I thought I would be since I walk around the neighborhood at a 20 minute mile.

Jenn - Thanks! I did get out for my run right away this morning and tomorrow is a long run (9-10 miles) so that will help as well. I also set up the treadmill again by the TV so that I can get the exercise in.

:woohoo::woohoo: I am so proud of you for finishing your 5K! I know that you were concerned about this earlier in the week but YOU DID IT! I bet you feel so great about your accomplishment and you should feel proud and strong today! WAY TO GO!!!:woohoo::woohoo:

Thanks everyone for all the comments and well wishes on the interview. I did go run 3.5 miles this morning and also did the shopping based on my healthy eating plan for the week. I also went and bought 2 new outfits to pick from for the interview. That made me feel great too because I am so amazed at the size of clothing that I fit in - I bought a size 8 skirt (my skirts from January were a size 16), with a cute tank and a cropped sweater as one choice. The other thing I bought was a dress . . . size SMALL!!! I flt great trying them on and I know having them hanging out in my bedroom will help me stay motivated!

So far it has been a good morning. DH and I are planning a healthy grilled chicken and veggies dinner. I also plan to correct papers while on the TM for at least an hour.

Thanks again everyone!
What I've learned? Seriously that could be a huge post... but my keys to success here have been to come here for encouragement every day--even if I don't post--I come here to be reminded and encouraged and enlightened :) I've learned that exercise needs to be a daily thing for me (well, 6 days of 7 - cause Sunday truly is a day of rest for me and mine). I've learned that TONS of water can help 'flush out' a myriad of 'mistakes' that periodically find their way into my mouth ;) I've also learned that accountability and taking responsibility for each and every choice is really important--and that every mistake can be fixed with the next decision :)

Great Post! I just can't be reminded enough of all of the great tips and encouraging words... I need to start a BL Challenge list of Quotes for my fridge
and read them every day :goodvibes

Can I just add that I have celebrated my 50 lb clippie by spending an hour pouring over menus for WDW? /QUOTE]
Congrats on your clippie It look great on you... and have fun WDW Dreaming :thumbsup2

I finished walking and I'm tired lol. I hope this is working :lmao:

If course it is :)

Morning Everyone! I
I applied for a new job

Prayers and Pixie Dust coming your way Jen :wizard: looks like you have a great plan!

OK, I'm over my pity party!

Just Keep on Bouncing :tigger:

We're here at our summer cottage in Maine for the weekend DH is busy planting the Geraniums and I've been busy cleaning lost of sheet rock dust.
We had some water damage actually twice this winter with the storms.

Now when I do some major cleaning I just keep telling myself....It's the Biggest Looser House Work Challenge and I can hear Jillian yelling at me not to be a wimp!

Well have a Great Weekend and take care :flower3:
Hello all!

Back from the birthday party with DD2. The magician was amazing!

Having burgers on the grill for supper! Not being good today but I think I needed a break. Knee has been sore today and I haven't been home. Ended up having McD's again for lunch as I didn't have time for lunch at home.

Going to watch the Celtics game tonight and hopefully Dr. Who as well! Watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit right now.

I lost about 16 total for the challenge so I'm very happy with that. Starting fresh next Friday may just give me the boost I need. Going to start walking with a neighbor at 5:30am this week now that it's light by then. We hope to get in 3 miles every morning we walk.

My house is a mess so I should probably do something about that! Running the dishwasher.

Have a great night!
I applied for a new job... I will interview on Monday afternoon... I want this job so badly and know I will be devastated if I do not get the job. My hope is that the principal lets us know by Friday who got the position but meanwhile, I have a whole week to deal with...
Happy, Healthy and FOCUSED weekend everyone! Jen

Thanks! This is why I love all you where else can I find such incredible support!

Your reply really made me realize one thing...if I stay on track until at least my interview on Monday, I will go in there feeling really strong and confident... I will tackle the rest of the week at that point.

It is amazing how many of us here are stress eaters....this is why I wrote out the plan this weekend to be sure I can have a good week.

Thanks everyone for all the comments and well wishes on the interview. I did go run 3.5 miles this morning and also did the shopping based on my healthy eating plan for the week. I also went and bought 2 new outfits to pick from for the interview. That made me feel great too because I am so amazed at the size of clothing that I fit in - I bought a size 8 skirt (my skirts from January were a size 16), with a cute tank and a cropped sweater as one choice. The other thing I bought was a dress . . . size SMALL!!! I flt great trying them on and I know having them hanging out in my bedroom will help me stay motivated! Jen

Best of luck to you, Jen, on your interview--we're facing that same stress this week--DH has an interview sometime (not sure when yet) that will determine if he gets the job we really want-in the city where we'd love to settle--the stress is getting to us both. Your posts have helped me to make a plan and watching you handle it so well gives me the strength to try to do the same--thanks!!!
Way to go with the new clothes for the interview--you will totally be able to walk in there with strength and confidence and looking mahvelous!! :thumbsup2

It's been so busy around here lately. We are finally caught up on some much needed sleep post-wedding. I ended the week up .2lbs, which I'll take. It is much better than I expected-by multiple pounds. I set a new challenge on the Wii Fit+. I'm hoping for 15 pounds in 3 months, which is in line with the summer challenge.

This challenge was so great for me. I cannot thank all of you enough. The support has been more than I could have ever expected. I am definitely looking forward to the next challenge. CC

CC - so glad that the wedding went well - and that after all is done you are up only .2 lbs--way to go!! Best of luck with the 15 pound loss in the next 3 months--it will be fun to watch you succeed as you post in the summer challenge :cheer2:

Well my friends I did the 5k - finished it and didn't get swept!!! Woo hoooooo!!!:woohoo: My time was slow, around 57,but I did it. :goodvibes I was actually slighter faster than I thought I would be since I walk around the neighborhood at a 20 minute mile.

I am sooooooo excited for you--major congratulations to you!!! :cool1: As I'm at about 20 min miles myself--I was anxiously watching for your post today to see how it went. I had the biggest smile on my face when I read how you did. So very happy for you!!! :cool1:

Great Post HappySmyly! I just can't be reminded enough of all of the great tips and encouraging words... I need to start a BL Challenge list of Quotes for my fridge and read them every day :goodvibes

Now when I do some major cleaning I just keep telling myself....It's the Biggest Looser House Work Challenge and I can hear Jillian yelling at me not to be a wimp!

Thanks--I am thinking about putting together some of my favorite quotes and ideas from this group too... Lisa's list a couple of days ago got me thinking about it... to remind me daily of the great wisdom and support and basic wonderful-ness that is found here in our group :)

I spent the day in that BL House Work Challenge too... am glad to say that the house is almost back to 'normal' after the craziness that was this past week.

Well - I've had a stress eating day so far... but once I read everyone's posts from today and last night--that has got to end NOW--so I'm gonna clean out the fridge (which I normally do on Monday for the chickens and trash day)--and maybe take a drive with DH when he gets back to a 'real' store to stock up on some good for us foods to help us make it through this week :) Thanks, as always, for the inspiration--you guys are the best!!!

I guess I need to head over to the new thread--get to know the 'new' gals--I know this summer challenge will be a great one :) Have a happy healthy day!!

:flower3: :) Liz
Well... this will probably be my last post here on this thread before we "officially" move over to the new summer thread.

I am checking my records to see if I can tell how much I lost during this challenge... it won't be a huge number, but I KNOW I am down. I am finally kicking this final 10 pound to the CURB!!

While I am waiting for a page to load so I can check my records, I will say, I did have just a few minutes to check what I missed during the past 24 hours, but when I had a bunch of them marked to multi-quote I accidentally closed the page.... I don't have time to go back through and mark them all and respond... SORRY!! :hug:

Right now I have about 8 girls/ladies from DD's Rainbow Girls group here working on their big scrapbook for Grand Assembly. I LOVE scrapping and I have plenty of tools and stuff for them to use, so I'm glad I could do this for them, but truly there isn't much for me to do. I guess that is okay because I have been playing "hostess" this afternoon... snacks were healthy... big bowl of watermelon slices, lemonade, and pretzels.... just a tiny plate of crackers, ham, and cheese in case anyone was really hungry.

Dinner is a baked potato bar.... potatoes are in the oven now... toppings are homemade chili (currently warming in the medium crockpot), cheese sauce (warming in the small crockpot), bacon (cooked and crumbled already), broccoli (ready to steam), mushrooms and onions (sauteed earlier....just need to warm), and sour cream. For dessert I made a super UNHEALTHY ice cream sandwich cake with hot fudge, peanuts, and whipped cream! And YES I am going to have a slice!

I had a crazy morning/early afternoon making sure that everything was **** and span around here for the company, but now the house is pretty clean and I can relax after I feed them tonight. Tomorrow (after the sleepover girls leave) I am going to reorganize my cellar pantry... it is a bit out of control and I can't stand it. And I am going to fill AT LEAST two boxes for the upcoming yard sale my Robotics team is holding. That should keep me busy enough tomorrow!

I pulled a hamstring on my run yesterday and was literally limping all day yesterday. I took a dip in the hot tub last night and did mostly upper body circuit training this morning (just a few high knees, kick backs, and front/side lunges for lower body... just to get the heart rate up) and then did a really good stretch... feeling better, but I think I might need to not run or do my incline interval training for a few more days. It was feeling tight/sore last week so I didn't run all week... just had some good walks, including hills. But obviously it is still a problem. I bought new running shoes that I will get broken in this week with walking and such and hopefully that might help the problem.

Okay... so I found my records. My official loss for this BL challenge is a 9.9 pounds (dang.... wish I could lie and say a full 10!! :rotfl:). I was higher than I thought when I started! And as of yesterday's weigh-in (and today's) I am 2.1 pounds from goal! I will DEFINITELY be joining the maintainers this summer!! (Just to keep things in perspective, I have now lost a total of 86.9 pounds.)

Glad that so many of you found success with your healthier lifestyles this spring with us and this BL challenge! The power of working together as a team, the power of positive thinking, the power of encouraging others and in the process encouraging and empowering ourselves... all of this power works to help us achieve our goals! I hope to see all of you over at our summer challenge!!

HUGE thank you to Shannon, Dona, and Lisa for keeping us on track and honest!! We truly could not do this without you. Big :hug: to the friends I am making along the way as we take this journey together!................P
Jen Congrats onthe 5K That is a great accomplishment.

It looks like everyone had a busy day. I had the BL Gardening Challenge today. I planted, a tomato plant, some eggplants, some peppers, cucumbers, zucchini and sugar snap peas. Then I started to line the outside of the garden with flowers. I didn't finish the flowers. If I have time I will do it tomorrow but I don't think I will have much time tomorrow.

I thought I had a Sunday off. :rotfl::rotfl:Silly me. I found out on Thursday I have to work on costumes for the local high school. They are in a county wide awards ceremony on Wed night and they need something to wear. The ceremony is just like a Tony awards ceremony for the county. Our costumes are up for an award. The entire production is up for best show and many of the cast are up for awards. So we have to make sure that the costumes are set.

Then I have to do something at church. That came through this afternoon and then this morning I was asked to trade my nursing home visit from June 6th to tomorrow.

I don't know when I will get a chance to grocery shop.

Busy week coming up. Awards ceremony on Wed night and a retirement dinner on Thursday night. I still have to finish the speech for that and finish getting the gift. We got a beautiful clock and with the rest of the money we have collected we are getting gift certificates for local restaurants.

Well congrats to all the losers for this challenge. I can't wait for the next one. I still have one more week for the one at my school. That one ends next Friday.

Have a great evening everyone.
Good evening all! :goodvibes

It is cool and rainy here. It is good sleeping weather because I slept in until 7:30 am and took a 2 hour nap this afternoon. Apparently, I need some extra rest. ;)

jenanderson, :hug: for your interview and job stress. And a big :woohoo: for size 8 skirt. You are in such a healthier place now that you were last year. Sounds like you have a great plan to deal with the stress. Remember the words of wise woman pjlla -- you can't control what happens to you but you can control how you deal with it. :hippie:[/QUOTE]

Jen - you have a great plan. Lots of ppd for your interview. Try to get as much exercise in as you can between now and Monday, so you will enter the interview feeling strong and confident. Just think about how empowering it will be to walk in knowing you are stronger than you were last year, you are too strong to let this get you down an unhealthy path now. That will show in your interview, which will mean an even better interview. The principal will be taken aback by your new confidence and strength. Seek exercise for endorphins and stress relief, not food. Fuel your body the right way. YOU CAN DO THIS!

More wise words! :flower1:

Well my friends I did the 5k - finished it and didn't get swept!!! Woo hoooooo!!!:woohoo: My time was slow, around 57,but I did it. :goodvibes I was actually slighter faster than I thought I would be since I walk around the neighborhood at a 20 minute mile.

:woohoo: jennz on finishing the 5K!

We're here at our summer cottage in Maine for the weekend DH is busy planting the Geraniums and I've been busy cleaning lost of sheet rock dust. We had some water damage actually twice this winter with the storms.

Now when I do some major cleaning I just keep telling myself....It's the Biggest Looser House Work Challenge and I can hear Jillian yelling at me not to be a wimp!

Well have a Great Weekend and take care :flower3:

That work this weekend will hopefully pay off in some great relaxing times for Memorial Day! :cool2:

I lost about 16 total for the challenge so I'm very happy with that. Starting fresh next Friday may just give me the boost I need. Going to start walking with a neighbor at 5:30am this week now that it's light by then. We hope to get in 3 miles every morning we walk.

Wow! That will be a great way to start your day. :hug: you'll be where you want to be sooner than you know!

Thanks--I am thinking about putting together some of my favorite quotes and ideas from this group too... Lisa's list a couple of days ago got me thinking about it... to remind me daily of the great wisdom and support and basic wonderful-ness that is found here in our group :)

I think princessbride6205 started a list of quotes in the fall BL challenge but, of course, we've said lots in inspirational and exciting stuff since then. ;) Maybe we can start a list and a put a link in the summer thread or the QOTD thread.

Well... this will probably be my last post here on this thread before we "officially" move over to the new summer thread.

I imagine we will be on here another day or two until the final results are posted and the congrats are said. I won't start a QOTD or anything on the new thread until later this week so we can chatter in either place. I know LuvBaloo will have lots of interesting statistics for us. Who will be the BL? :confused3

It looks like everyone had a busy day. I had the BL Gardening Challenge today. I planted, a tomato plant, some eggplants, some peppers, cucumbers, zucchini and sugar snap peas. Then I started to line the outside of the garden with flowers. I didn't finish the flowers. If I have time I will do it tomorrow but I don't think I will have much time tomorrow.

I like that! :flower3:

Have a great week-end everyone!
Gosh, I've just been absent again. It's getting close to our trip though and this World of Color thing has me glued to the disneyland board. and Micechat, and mouseplanet. I've also just been trying to get stuff done. Today I got all my summer and winter clothes rotated even though it's been freezing here. And I managed to put some clothes aside for the suitcase. It's not like I'm going to need them until then anyway... stuff I'm packing is for warm weather, hmph. I made a bunch of not very good oatmeal cookies but in a rare moment of inspiration put half in the freezer for the trip. They'll make good breakfast bars...I think I might have doubled the oatmeal.:scared1: They're good, just kinda more cakelike then chewy cookie.

And as of yesterday's weigh-in (and today's) I am 2.1 pounds from goal! I will DEFINITELY be joining the maintainers this summer!! (Just to keep things in perspective, I have now lost a total of 86.9 pounds.)

I'll cya there! Maintaining is definitely an art form in itself. I still see myself as big. I keep thinking the scale is messed up or the clothes I'm wearing aren't really that size. Going through the summer clothes I'm donating 2 huge garbage bags of clothes I don't fit into anymore to Goodwill. Kinda hurt, some of 'em. I'm going to give my tinkerbelle sweatshirt to my sister in law though, I think she's lost some weight and will fit in it. If not, I have confidence in her. That'll take some of the sting out knowing it's going to a good home.
I got a good amount of my favorite kitty's matts out today. He is a nightmare when it come to 'em. Hates being brushed too. I saw where he was working on them himself though and decided if he kept doing it he'd fill himself with fur...He really just goes ballistic. That's if I'm using the scissors. If I try to use the clippers his head starts turning round and he's scaling the walls to the ceiling. If I keep at him though and ignore the fierce behavior (he'd never hurt me) he'll sort of grudgingly let me do it for a period of time lol.
This here is the insane one:

50sjanye I love your cat. We had a long hair once and it is a big chore to keep them groomed.
Good morning everyone. Love hearing everyone's successes for this challenge. I didn't do too well the past couple days, and didn't journal my food, but am getting right back on today. Funny I just thought, I know I was bad yesterday, but wasn't too bad on friday, but then I remembered I stopped by a baby shower for a while, and had a bunch of chips and dips, and if I don't journal it, I don't remember it, and think I am so much better than I am. My brother, sil and niece are here for the weekend, so my two sisters stopped by last night, and we had a bbq, and sat around til 11 talking and laughing, and drinking, and I'm not sure how many glasses of wine I had, but my head tells me it was one too many. I'm on my second big glass of water and feeling better, but my paper is out and I'm going to track every bite for the rest of the week. I did get out for a walk/run yesterday and some yard work, and we're going to all walk to the park this morning where there's a track so the kids can play while we get some exercise. Of course that was the plan before the wine, and they're not up yet, but I think they'll want to get some exercise.

Can I just add that I have celebrated my 50 lb clippie by spending an hour pouring over menus for WDW? I am really going to try to stay OP, maybe even high gear until then, but for that week, sorry everyone, I am not going to care about what I eat. Right now, it all sounds so good. :laughing:
Congratulations on that awesome clippie!! It looks marvelous on you. So fun to plan for disney, and you will do fine. You say you won't care what you eat, but you'll automatically make some more healthy choices because of all the changes in your lifestyle you've made. You go girl!! 50 pounds!!:cool1:

Just took a walk on the treadmill and now cooling down.
I'm so proud of myself for doing it :goodvibes
Welcome back Kailey. Nice job on the walk.

I'm at a standstill weight loss right now, well actually down from last week but back where I was. ;) Still that's 15 for the challenge that I was wearing before it!

See you all (I hope!!!) on the between the losers. (Does that remind anyone else of that PBS show Between the Lions????)
15 pounds is awesome!! Congrats jenn. Michael used to love that show.

Morning Everyone! I am checking in because I feel if I put it all out there for everyone to read, I will be fine and I will not get off track. So, here it is...

I applied for a new job because I can't stay where I am at (private school teacher - very little pay, no benefits, lots of extra duties that teachers should not have to do, etc). Got a call to interview at the old school where I used to work (public school but I was cut due to the budget reduction). I will interview on Monday afternoon. I was not really going to announce this news but here is the problem....I am a total bundle of nerves and stress. I want this job so badly and know I will be devastated if I do not get the job. So, what do I do when I am nervous and stressed out? I eat. I know that I should not but I do. Knowing this, I have to figure out how to get through this upcoming week. I know that I interview on Monday and so does one other person. I know that there is a 3rd interview on Wednesday. My hope is that the principal lets us know by Friday who got the position but meanwhile, I have a whole week to deal with and honestly...I am freaking out a little. This job would mean so much to my family as it would be over a 10K raise.

It was last spring when I was cut that I gained a huge amount of weight because I was stressed about not having a job. I do not want to gain any weight back this time because truthfully, I like how I look now and I feel so much better about me. I still have work to to and I am worried that maybe I won't make it.

I know...this is all over reacting. It is one interview and it is one week of waiting. Only problem is that it is also the slippery path to eating for all the wrong reasons again.

I am going to talk with DH today because I know that I am going to need help. I know I need to battle the nerves and stress with extra exercise and very planned out meals. I know that I am going to need to drink water and lots of it. I know I need to journal all my food this week. I am going to set the TM back up and walk non-stop while I watch TV so that I don't just sit, eat and watch TV without thinking.

Alright, I am done being whiny and weak. I have ideas and I can do this. Here is to hoping that this is a fast week!

Happy, Healthy and FOCUSED weekend everyone!
Jen you sound like you have a great plan and have gotten great advice here, and you are focused and can do it. I would add to make sure you don't have any of those trigger foods in the house that you tend to go out of control on. :hug:Sending pixiedust that your interview goes well. Good luck.

Well my friends I did the 5k - finished it and didn't get swept!!! Woo hoooooo!!!:woohoo: My time was slow, around 57,but I did it. :goodvibes I was actually slighter faster than I thought I would be since I walk around the neighborhood at a 20 minute mile.
:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: Whoo hoo Jenn!!! That is fabulous!! YOU DID IT!!! You should be so proud!!

I lost about 16 total for the challenge so I'm very happy with that. Starting fresh next Friday may just give me the boost I need. Going to start walking with a neighbor at 5:30am this week now that it's light by then. We hope to get in 3 miles every morning we walk.
16 pounds is awesome, and you are so close to goal too.

I pulled a hamstring on my run yesterday and was literally limping all day yesterday. I took a dip in the hot tub last night and did mostly upper body circuit training this morning (just a few high knees, kick backs, and front/side lunges for lower body... just to get the heart rate up) and then did a really good stretch... feeling better, but I think I might need to not run or do my incline interval training for a few more days. It was feeling tight/sore last week so I didn't run all week... just had some good walks, including hills. But obviously it is still a problem. I bought new running shoes that I will get broken in this week with walking and such and hopefully that might help the problem.

Okay... so I found my records. My official loss for this BL challenge is a 9.9 pounds (dang.... wish I could lie and say a full 10!! :rotfl:). I was higher than I thought when I started! And as of yesterday's weigh-in (and today's) I am 2.1 pounds from goal! I will DEFINITELY be joining the maintainers this summer!! (Just to keep things in perspective, I have now lost a total of 86.9 pounds.)
Wow, 86.9 pounds!! That is so wonderful, Pamela. Congratulations. Hope the sleepover went well and that your hamstring is better soon. You will reach your goal this summer, I know it.

Icky icky I feel icky lol XP
I just got done walking and I'm so hot and icky :stitch2:
I hope that is a good, "I got my exercise in" icky feeling.

This here is the insane one:

So cute. Looks just like Muffin, our cat we had growing up.

Lisah0711 said:
It is cool and rainy here. It is good sleeping weather because I slept in until 7:30 am and took a 2 hour nap this afternoon. Apparently, I need some extra rest.
Sounds like you do. I love naps, and definintely don't get them enough.

Have a nice sunday everyone.
Happy Sunday!

Slept pretty well but kept waking up and then going back to sleep this morning. Heading off to church in 1 1/2 hours for our Pentecost service and our Creole Gumbo celebration. I'm bringing the chicken nuggets and fries for the kids. Not sure what I'll eat. Maybe I'll make a tuna sandwich and bring it with me. Had a hard time finding something red to wear. I'm down to an old short set that is actually a bit too big on me or my David Ortiz Red Sox jersey.

Well, time to shower, feed the family and get ready for church. Putting in our acs this afternoon before we get some hot weather this week.

I'd really rather spend the day in bed with some books and good movies!
Tigger -- Thanks for the reminder! Red it is today, I had forgotten it's Pentecost Sunday.

I want to say the questions the last few days have been great, and very thought-provoking. I haven't been posting answers because I've been thinking about them and through them -- and I'm still not really sure how to answer them, so I'm going to keep thinking as we start the new Challenge.

Thank you so much to everyone for making this Challenge possible. This was not my best Challenge, but not my worst, either. I am expecting great things from myself this summer, using everything I have learned.

Ok, I'd better shower and find something red!

Maria :upsidedow
Good morning everyone. Love hearing everyone's successes for this challenge. I didn't do too well the past couple days, and didn't journal my food, but am getting right back on today. Funny I just thought, I know I was bad yesterday, but wasn't too bad on friday, but then I remembered I stopped by a baby shower for a while, and had a bunch of chips and dips, and if I don't journal it, I don't remember it, and think I am so much better than I am. My brother, sil and niece are here for the weekend, so my two sisters stopped by last night, and we had a bbq, and sat around til 11 talking and laughing, and drinking, and I'm not sure how many glasses of wine I had, but my head tells me it was one too many. I'm on my second big glass of water and feeling better, but my paper is out and I'm going to track every bite for the rest of the week. I did get out for a walk/run yesterday and some yard work, and we're going to all walk to the park this morning where there's a track so the kids can play while we get some exercise. Of course that was the plan before the wine, and they're not up yet, but I think they'll want to get some exercise.

Wow, 86.9 pounds!! That is so wonderful, Pamela. Congratulations. Hope the sleepover went well and that your hamstring is better soon. You will reach your goal this summer, I know it.


I know what you mean about "forgetting" food. If I am eating something during the day that was not planned and I am not near my food journal, I need to grab a scrap of paper and WRITE IT or I forget it!! It's crazy. Even just typing this now I am remembering that I had one Dunkin Donuts munchkin on Friday at a Teacher Breakfast that was unplanned and by the end of the day I forgot it... I now realize I never journaled it (not to mention I don't really know how many points it was because it isn't something I would normally eat). Gotta go get honest with my food journal!!

The sleep over with the Rainbow Girls went well. They got a lot done on their scrapbook (but they are already planning another day here to finish it up!! It took me three days to get ready for this sleepover..... not sure I'm ready for another! :scared1:). The ice cream cake last night was delicious and very rich... especially with the caramel sauce I added on top!! Next time I am adding peanut butter to the hot fudge layer. I did enjoy what I ate and I think I counted it appropriately, but I had TOO MUCH and by the time I had the last bite I wasn't really enjoying it as much as I should. I should have stopped halfway (or cut myself a smaller piece:confused3). Live and learn. Other than the ice cream cake I had a pretty "on plan" day, so it wasn't total wash out.

I avoided the waffle bar this morning that I served the girls and just had fruit and cottage cheese plus one slice of light raisin toast. Those waffles, whipped cream, etc were smelling good, but I was strong. :lmao:

I guess I could get a start on my planned housework for today, but after all the scrapping I saw yesterday, it makes me want to sit and scrap! Maybe I'll have time this afternoon. We still haven't opened our pool yet and we might end up doing that this afternoon.

Well... as I have been typing this, almost all of the parents have come to pick up their girls, so I am down to just one girl plus DD. Breakfast is cleaned up. I just need to have DD help me put away the scrapping stuff and it will be like nothing happened!

I am hoping to get in at least an hour walk today. My hamstring is still sore this morning, so no run, no lunges, no squats for today. If I can't get DD to walk with me, I might just use the TM.... I get very bored walking alone.

Gosh, I've just been absent again. It's getting close to our trip though and this World of Color thing has me glued to the disneyland board. and Micechat, and mouseplanet.

All of your kitties are so sweet and cute, Susan! :cat:

I'm getting worried about World of Color, too, but I can't wait to see it. It is my number 1 must see thing for this DLR trip. :cool2:

Good morning everyone. Love hearing everyone's successes for this challenge. I didn't do too well the past couple days, and didn't journal my food, but am getting right back on today. Funny I just thought, I know I was bad yesterday, but wasn't too bad on friday, but then I remembered I stopped by a baby shower for a while, and had a bunch of chips and dips, and if I don't journal it, I don't remember it, and think I am so much better than I am. My brother, sil and niece are here for the weekend, so my two sisters stopped by last night, and we had a bbq, and sat around til 11 talking and laughing, and drinking, and I'm not sure how many glasses of wine I had, but my head tells me it was one too many. I'm on my second big glass of water and feeling better, but my paper is out and I'm going to track every bite for the rest of the week. I did get out for a walk/run yesterday and some yard work, and we're going to all walk to the park this morning where there's a track so the kids can play while we get some exercise. Of course that was the plan before the wine, and they're not up yet, but I think they'll want to get some exercise.

:hug: on the headache. I bet a walk will help that alot. :flower3:

Happy Sunday! I'd really rather spend the day in bed with some books and good movies!

Maybe a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon! :goodvibes

Thank you so much to everyone for making this Challenge possible. This was not my best Challenge, but not my worst, either. I am expecting great things from myself this summer, using everything I have learned.

I bet you will have a great, losing summer, Maria! :cool1:

pjlla, congrats on surviving the sleepover. I think that deserves a good day of scrapping! ;)

Have a great day all!


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