Disney Vacation Club adjusts 2010 Vacation Points charts

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Something tells me that although some vacations went up and some went down, on the whole, the more popular visits went up

I noticed this too. It seems from first glance that the popular times(magic and premier seasons) and popular accommodations 1bd and 2bd went up, while less attractive times and accommodations went down. I had to say something to become part of this historic 181 page thread.
I noticed this too. It seems from first glance that the popular times(magic and premier seasons) and popular accommodations 1bd and 2bd went up, while less attractive times and accommodations went down. I had to say something to become part of this historic 181 page thread.
Of COURSE the more popular times becaue more expensive! That's the whole reason for adjusting the point chart -- the make the more popular times more expensive and the less popular times less expensive, in an effort to even out demand. Actually demand supposedly remains exactly the same but the change moves it either leftward or rightward on the demand curve, but you get my drift.
My latest experience with the new points is bittersweet...I was looking to book a last minute weekend trip for July HOWEVER I could "afford" going in 2010, but not this year with the points I have available. Weekend points are significantly less for what I would have wanted.

I also bought my points based on a sun through thurs stay. It does say in the contract that the points can be adjusted but I did not think it would actually happen as most of us did not. What dvc should do to make up for this is allow us to buy extra points in 1 point increments instead of having to add on in 25 point increments. That would be fair and allow them to make a ton of extra money and sell out their non sold out resorts. Of course this would not help people in the sold out resorts unless dvc breaks up their resale contracts into individual points. Think about it DVC, maybe you can finally sell out ssr akl and blt.
Another suggestion to DVC- how about adding another pool at SSR since it is impossible to find a lounge chair at the main pool unless you get there early every morning. For a resort that big we really need another pool with a slide or maybe a waterfall. I don't like coming back from the parks midday
and not being able to find a chair by the pool ever.
I also bought my points based on a sun through thurs stay. It does say in the contract that the points can be adjusted but I did not think it would actually happen as most of us did not. What dvc should do to make up for this is allow us to buy extra points in 1 point increments instead of having to add on in 25 point increments. That would be fair and allow them to make a ton of extra money and sell out their non sold out resorts. Of course this would not help people in the sold out resorts unless dvc breaks up their resale contracts into individual points. Think about it DVC, maybe you can finally sell out ssr akl and blt.
Another suggestion to DVC- how about adding another pool at SSR since it is impossible to find a lounge chair at the main pool unless you get there early every morning. For a resort that big we really need another pool with a slide or maybe a waterfall. I don't like coming back from the parks midday
and not being able to find a chair by the pool ever.

It is extremely doubtful that DVC would allow single pont contracts, due simply to the costs involved...they'd be losing $$. You have guide time. closing/filing fees and Member Administration time. Plus all contracts, by law, have to be able to be used for a stay in the maximum re-allocation charts. There are no "one point" rooms.

As far as building an additional pool at SSR, if enough members complain that they want onee, I'm sure DVC would be happy to add one at Member Expense. Disney only adds additional amenities at their expense if it is something they want to add, the OKW pool slide demonstrates this. They first proposed it to members to pay for the pool slide, those members participatig in the pool said "No." So Disney built it at their expense, but upkeep and lifeguard are added to OKW budget.
...Another suggestion to DVC- how about adding another pool at SSR since it is impossible to find a lounge chair at the main pool unless you get there early every morning. For a resort that big we really need another pool with a slide or maybe a waterfall. I don't like coming back from the parks midday
and not being able to find a chair by the pool ever.

I guess you've never stayed at YC/BC/BCV. It's impossible most of the day to find a chair by the pool.

Maybe SSR owners will approve the purchase of additional chairs for the pool if that is all that is needed rather than an entirely new pool. There are multiple pools at SSR that have chairs as well.
I also bought my points based on a sun through thurs stay. It does say in the contract that the points can be adjusted but I did not think it would actually happen as most of us did not. What dvc should do to make up for this is allow us to buy extra points in 1 point increments instead of having to add on in 25 point increments. That would be fair and allow them to make a ton of extra money and sell out their non sold out resorts. Of course this would not help people in the sold out resorts unless dvc breaks up their resale contracts into individual points. Think about it DVC, maybe you can finally sell out ssr akl and blt.
Another suggestion to DVC- how about adding another pool at SSR since it is impossible to find a lounge chair at the main pool unless you get there early every morning. For a resort that big we really need another pool with a slide or maybe a waterfall. I don't like coming back from the parks midday
and not being able to find a chair by the pool ever.
If you're only talking a few points, you don't really need to buy more anyway. It is very easy to generate extra points by adjusting a single trip or by paying cash for a single trip or part of a trip. Even at 25 points DVC is almost certainly losing money or breaking even at best given the costs involved as you'd need an additional deed, recording and so much more. Plus having those contracts out there of say 10 points or less would simply be a disaster. If you can't make good use of 25 points you likely don't need to buy any points at all. They're better off keeping any extra points and renting out the rooms than selling them off a handful at the time. DVC did what they should do, adjust the points to more closely match demand, they shouldn't allow unsound business practices for something that you knew could happen and I expected to happen years ago.
you're right,the costs involved with selling such small contracts would make that impossible. What if dvc rented points for members only who are short points when planning their vacations?
That could help solve the dilemma.
you're right,the costs involved with selling such small contracts would make that impossible. What if dvc rented points for members only who are short points when planning their vacations?
That could help solve the dilemma.

disney is not responsible and won't get involved, but if you go to the rent/trade board, you will find other DVC owners who are willing to make a one time transfer of pts.

This will solve the dilemma (but given that only one transfer per year is allowed, it can be difficult to find someone willing to use that up for a smaller number of pts.)

(also, you could look for a slightly larger point transfer and make it last for 10-20 years, if you wanted by banking your extra pts over time...)
you're right,the costs involved with selling such small contracts would make that impossible. What if dvc rented points for members only who are short points when planning their vacations?
That could help solve the dilemma.

In a way, they do. We have the ability to pay cash for a night. But we can't rent individual points through Disney, I think that would also be somewhat costly to the company.
I just talked to Member Satisfaction yesterday. Eveidently they are getting lots of complaints about the point changes, and she was surprised that I had NO concerns there. I told her I totally understood why those changes are necessary as the travel habits change of the members, and as the membership increases. She said lots of people don't feel as I do though.

Folks we have to remember that these changes are made to benefit the whole. If left unchanged, we would all be complaining in a very short time about not being able to get what we want. This will balance things out. It's basically a "checks and balances" movement.
you're right,the costs involved with selling such small contracts would make that impossible. What if dvc rented points for members only who are short points when planning their vacations?
That could help solve the dilemma.
Many systems do this. That way you can finish out your reservation if you don't have enough points for a given trip without all the round about involved with DVC. Many systems will also rent out your weeks and/or points for you as well though usually not at a good rate of return.
We just returned from a weeks trip to Saratoga Springs Resort.

Before we went we received out points package and I noticed an increase of points for a week stay at Hilton Head for a two bedroom during the high season starting in 2010.

So off to the DVC site to discuss this point increase.

Did anyone else buy points under the reasoning that your week points will never change but points within the block may be adjusted? That is how we were sold the DVC membership back in 1999. Our week total for a 2 bedroom during high time would never change.

Obviously we were lied to as it is the whole calendar year points that will not change but can be adjusted up to 20%.

Yes shame on us for not reading everything and trusting and believing in our Disney Rep.

But the answers we received from our new guide...were not to what we believed to be a Disney standard. It was like "oh well sell if you aren't happy" We felt that us "old" timers were no longer wanted...get in the young families with young kids to spend more money at the parks and resorts!

He even mentioned that the Disney legal team informed all the sales reps to be very careful how they now word things.

Just wanted to see if any others had this same experience and also to warn those that haven't signed the contract yet...READ EVERYTHING don't trust what you were told.......

PS I also found the point chart from 1999 with our rep drawings and underlines to prove his point to us...but nothing written....

Of course it COULD NEVER EVER have been the possibility you misunderstood or don't fully remember the 10 year old conversation. That was NEVER an option... it HAS to have been Disney lying... Remembering 10 year old conservations is ALWAYS easy. :rolleyes:

I give you credit though... at least you admit you should have read the contract better. Just don't ASSUME it was a lie. It could have been a misunderstanding, it could have been that the guide was wrong... yes, it could have been a lie. Our guide was very straight forward it could change. He did say it was rare (and it does seem to be.)

Now that being said, your new guides response is unexcusable. I would report him immediately as he has no business working for Disney.

We just returned from a weeks trip to Saratoga Springs Resort.

Before we went we received out points package and I noticed an increase of points for a week stay at Hilton Head for a two bedroom during the high season starting in 2010.

So off to the DVC site to discuss this point increase.

Did anyone else buy points under the reasoning that your week points will never change but points within the block may be adjusted? That is how we were sold the DVC membership back in 1999. Our week total for a 2 bedroom during high time would never change.

Obviously we were lied to as it is the whole calendar year points that will not change but can be adjusted up to 20%.

Yes shame on us for not reading everything and trusting and believing in our Disney Rep.

But the answers we received from our new guide...were not to what we believed to be a Disney standard. It was like "oh well sell if you aren't happy" We felt that us "old" timers were no longer wanted...get in the young families with young kids to spend more money at the parks and resorts!

He even mentioned that the Disney legal team informed all the sales reps to be very careful how they now word things.

Just wanted to see if any others had this same experience and also to warn those that haven't signed the contract yet...READ EVERYTHING don't trust what you were told.......

PS I also found the point chart from 1999 with our rep drawings and underlines to prove his point to us...but nothing written....

In a way, they do. We have the ability to pay cash for a night. But we can't rent individual points through Disney, I think that would also be somewhat costly to the company.

I don't know... if they enforce a minimum point rental and make it so you can't do it until maybe 4 or 5 months out, I think it would be fine.
I just talked to Member Satisfaction yesterday. Eveidently they are getting lots of complaints about the point changes, and she was surprised that I had NO concerns there. I told her I totally understood why those changes are necessary as the travel habits change of the members, and as the membership increases. She said lots of people don't feel as I do though.

Folks we have to remember that these changes are made to benefit the whole. If left unchanged, we would all be complaining in a very short time about not being able to get what we want. This will balance things out. It's basically a "checks and balances" movement.

I agree with you. This doesn't bother me in the least.

However, we are obviously a minority. My bet is that given the uproar we may see this changed again... not back to normal but a midway point. Given I like to arrive on weekends and stay to the ned of the opposite weekend, this didn't hurt me at all.
Were you there?? I don't remember you sitting there with us. Unless of course you were the guide that lied...

Come on.....is it really that hard to believe that a sales rep would say anything in order to get our $$$$. Esp since we came right out and told him we were looking at Marriott also...And we were buying a weeks stay! Get your head out of the sand thinking everything Disney is up and up. Disney is made of people whom are trying to make a living. I just wish I was smarter back then and taken in my the Disney "Magic"
Did anyone else buy points under the reasoning that your week points will never change but points within the block may be adjusted? That is how we were sold the DVC membership back in 1999. Our week total for a 2 bedroom during high time would never change.

Still trying to understand this from the other thread; what did the guide say that "points within the block may be adjusted" meant? I'm not trying to fight, just confused as to how your week wouldn't change but a "block" can??? I never heard of DVC having "blocks" as I recall...

To compare to my experience, mine said basically that a vertical column's total wouldn't change (ie the total for a given unit type for the whole year) but the breakdown within that column could (Magic go up, Dream go down...) and that it was possible for everything to go down to average of Dream season in the incredibly unlikely event that seasons were completely eliminated.
For example

What we were told....if the sat night went down say 5 points then the sun - thur would have to go up 1 pt each night. the bottome line of 330 points would have to stay the same.

And what you were told was not correct either. It is the WHOLE page not blocks or vertical columns.
. . .But the answers we received from our new guide...were not to what we believed to be a Disney standard. It was like "oh well sell if you aren't happy" We felt that us "old" timers were no longer wanted...get in the young families with young kids to spend more money at the parks and resorts!

I am sorry you misunderstood the rules that governed your ownership, but I am not sure what answer you were looking for from one of the current guides, who are (as you acknowledged in another post) salespeople? There have been a number of suggestions in this thread about how to manage your points differently to deal with the change and other than selling you more DVC points, which was probably the last thing you were looking for, I am not sure what the guide could have done to resolve your concerns. -- Suzanne
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