DLR Kids


Earning My Ears
Apr 27, 2009

Someone suggested we have our own thread that is just for us to chill in because we're not really talking so much about housing anymore.
This is for everyone accepted/waiting/hopefuls for the DISNEYLAND resort College program in Anaheim, CA

I, personally, want to meet tons of people, because I want to know people before I go down. I haven't heard back yet, it's been 2 weeks today since my telephone interview. Hopefully I hear soon!
Thanks for making this, Avejajed! :teeth:

What I'm about to say is probably going to seem out of place right after I just smiled with teeth (see above smiley).

My seemingly long wait ended today. I just got my letter from Disney telling me I "have not been selected to participate."

I'm kinda sad, but sorta felt this would happen. At the same time, I'm feeling super pumped to try again. Surprisingly I did not feel bad for long, which I had initially thought would be difficult to get over.

More than ever do I want to work for Disney. My friend told me before, that if I don't get in, to try applying to work there (he works there now). I might just do that...I live close anyway. Although I wouldn't be a part of the CP, I could still be a part of Disney. I'm not sure how this will turn out, but I'm definitely willing to give it a try.

For those still waiting, I hope better news comes your way. The best of luck to everyone! Don't give up!
Oh man, I am so sorry.

That really sucks. But if you live close and IF I get it, (now i'm really nervous), we'll still have to hang out. :)

And I interviewed before you did- so now I don't know if that's a good sign or a bad sign that my letter just hasn't gotten here yet. -_-
i was just on the disneyland college program site just skimming through some parts. and OMG $736 to be paid if you choose go into disney's housing. then another $200 for damage fee! i had thought about doing a dlcp after i try out a wdwcp. i better start saving some extra money then.
and also any one who has used the public transportation in Anaheim, is it good (as in reliable)? just in case i don't have car.
It's alright...of course I really wanted to go, but I figured if I accept it and just try again, I'll be happier. I really have to focus on finals anyway, so I'm glad to at least know now.

I'm thinking that with your experience (if I can remember from something you wrote on another board, you also worked at Cedar Point...among other places) and your personality, they really should choose you :)

I hope it's a good sign that I interviewed after you but received a response before. *crosses fingers* :goodvibes
i was just on the disneyland college program site just skimming through some parts. and OMG $736 to be paid if you choose go into disney's housing. then another $200 for damage fee! i had thought about doing a dlcp after i try out a wdwcp. i better start saving some extra money then.
and also any one who has used the public transportation in Anaheim, is it good (as in reliable)? just in case i don't have car.

Sorry I haven't had personal experience with this, but I remember when my uncle took the public bus a lot, it was reliable (we both live in Anaheim). It's on time, at least. Still, I hear it's always best to plan to be early to work, just in case.
It's alright...of course I really wanted to go, but I figured if I accept it and just try again, I'll be happier. I really have to focus on finals anyway, so I'm glad to at least know now.

I'm thinking that with your experience (if I can remember from something you wrote on another board, you also worked at Cedar Point...among other places) and your personality, they really should choose you :)

I hope it's a good sign that I interviewed after you but received a response before. *crosses fingers* :goodvibes

will you be applying for spring 2010? then i wish the best of luck. by the way, what was the application/interviewing process like? i'm trying to see if there is a difference between the one at dlr and wdw.
Sorry I haven't had personal experience with this, but I remember when my uncle took the public bus a lot, it was reliable (we both live in Anaheim). It's on time, at least. Still, I hear it's always best to plan to be early to work, just in case.

thanks for the info and quick reply.
stitcheroo27 said:
It's alright...of course I really wanted to go, but I figured if I accept it and just try again, I'll be happier. I really have to focus on finals anyway, so I'm glad to at least know now.

Aw, I'm sorry to hear that! I'm glad you're handling it well. I'm starting to feel a little better too. Spring 2010 represent!
will you be applying for spring 2010? then i wish the best of luck. by the way, what was the application/interviewing process like? i'm trying to see if there is a difference between the one at dlr and wdw.

I've not interviewed for WDW's program in Florida, but I was interviewed by someone who was LOCATED in Florida, so I would assume the questions are all pretty similar. Asked about my work history and experience, why I wanted to work for Disney, and then we talked about different jobs, and she asked a couple "what would you do if..." questions.

I had to fax in my role checklist and application, I don't know if you have to do that at WDW...and there is a web-based interview questionnaire- I don't think they have that at the WDW program- it's sort of a weird thing- they ask you about situations like...

I am angry all the time. Very true, sorta true, neutral, not true, not true at all

I mean that's not actually one of the questions, but you get my drift.

The housing is diff, you have to come up with a lot of money up front, you're not guaranteed hours, and housing isn't always available (they don't have as much as WDW) that is why the offer the option to find your own. Hmm...That's all I know. :)

Anyway I just want to go to Disneyland to meet Squishy and Grasshopper Hatter. That's the whole point. ;)
I've not interviewed for WDW's program in Florida, but I was interviewed by someone who was LOCATED in Florida, so I would assume the questions are all pretty similar. Asked about my work history and experience, why I wanted to work for Disney, and then we talked about different jobs, and she asked a couple "what would you do if..." questions.

I had to fax in my role checklist and application, I don't know if you have to do that at WDW...and there is a web-based interview questionnaire- I don't think they have that at the WDW program- it's sort of a weird thing- they ask you about situations like...

I am angry all the time. Very true, sorta true, neutral, not true, not true at all

I mean that's not actually one of the questions, but you get my drift.

The housing is diff, you have to come up with a lot of money up front, you're not guaranteed hours, and housing isn't always available (they don't have as much as WDW) that is why the offer the option to find your own. Hmm...That's all I know. :)

Anyway I just want to go to Disneyland to meet Squishy and Grasshopper Hatter. That's the whole point. ;)

oohhh! thanks for all the info. the housing thing i kinda knew about. and it is a lot of money they're asking for upfront. the apps/interview thing seems somewhat different though. yeah i get what you ment about the questionaire thing. wdw applicants don't have to fax in thier role check list and there is no questionaire (as far as i know). i really have considered about this program. everyone seems to have a preference about which resort they like better (wdw or dlr). i actually liked both. it was really nice when i went there. someday i wanna go to all the disneyland theme parks (paris, tokyo, & hong kong). i wanna see all of them.
-Fellow DLR "Kid"- haha
Sorry to hear you didn't get in Stitcheroo. :( That really scares me then, since I just had my interview, and i'm sure you and many others who didn't get in were just as qualified as me. (ugggh now I have humgo butterflies in my stomach) I've already been rejected once, I don't know how I will handle it if I get it again. But I must prepare myself. When I did the interview, the lady said if for any reason I didn't get in this time, to definitly apply for Spring 2010, because she said it isn't that I'm not good enough, it's just that the roles I applied for are really competitive. (Aren't they all?!) So that made me feel a little better, but also bummed.

Yea, the housing costs really scare me. That's money my parents would have to come up with really fast if it was a possibilty, and for Fall 09, housing is mandatory. =s
Yeah, I'll be asking mom for a upfront loan, but it'll be fine. You'd need that even if you didn't use their housing. All places I've lived require a deposit plus first months rent.
Count me in as a DLR CP Hopeful! I just posted my (lengthy) story over in the housing thread, in case anyone is curious.

I'm shooting for Spring 2010! Does anybody know what date they will start taking applications for the spring semester? My interviewer said "August" but not an exact date. I want to be on top of it all, in hopes of helping the chances of landing a role that I really want =)
Kira. That's really funny actually I have a friend who lives in soCal named Kira. Well maybe not that interesting I'm sure there are a lot of girls named Kira in LA and surrounding.


Thanks for the story- every story like that helps us in some way get some information about the program- like how it's on it's last leg of interviews. Thankfully, I chose about four zillion roles (I'm not selective and I'm not turned off by most), including quick service. The only roles I didn't check were entertainment, custodial, and bell services. Entertainment because I'm not very entertaining, custodial because I wanted direct guest service, and bell service because I'm not very strong. ;) Hopefully my wide variety of roles will allow me to get in. Actually I would probably really love quick foods, I hear it's a great role.

I'm so sorry to hear though that the few people here haven't gotten in for fall for whatever reason. Thankfully though even if I do get in, you all already live in California, so we'd better be hanging out. And if I don't, then count me in for spring 2010 too!

And I have no idea when they start accepting applications. The sooner the better if I don't get in.

You know if I do, I'm really going to probably try to extend or go full time and stay at Disney till I'm old and can play the fairy godmother.

thanks for the welcome! I hope you get in =)

Kira actually isn't too common a name around where I live (Riverside county area). It's ALWAYS a conversation starter whenever I'm introducing myself to someone because no one can ever pronounce it right LOL. I've only been hearing more and more about other Kira's out there more recently though due to Keira Knightley's fame. Usually other Kira's I hear about are a few years younger than I am! So that's fun that you have a friend out here with my name haha!
Thanks. I hope I do too. Nothing in the mail today and no call. Another day to wait!
Taking a break from studying for finals...two down, only three more to go :thumbsup2

Hoping to get the chance to interview for the Regular CM position. I called the job hotline, and there are currently no openings, so it's going to be awhile until I hear from them, if at all. Supposedly people who applied much, much earlier are still on a waiting list :sad1:

I'm so determined to be a part of the Disneyland cast...I want this badly and have even been preparing for an interview that may not happen. *sigh*

Either way, this experience has been great...and I love these boards and the awesome people here. Yay Disney!
I too am taking a break from a sociology paper I have to do that's due at the end of this month. I don't have finals till the second week of June. Then a week later, I leave! *gasp*

Even though you are on a wait list Stitcheroo, I love your enthusiasm! I appreciate people who have such a good attitude about things, and who stay optimistic! Keep trying, don't give up! I was in your position about 6 months ago, and now look, I'm getting the chance to be a part of the Disney program. I have a feeling good things are to come your way!!!

*adds my pixy dust for support* lol


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