17 Days of Wishes Come to Life- A Sept. 08 WDW and DCL Adventure 3/27 new link posted

Youwhoooo....Jay? Have you started your new TR yet?? You do realize your adoring fans await!!!! Hahahahaha!!! I can't wait to read all about Stitch's Birthday Adventures!!!

Youwhoooo....Jay? Have you started your new TR yet?? You do realize your adoring fans await!!!! Hahahahaha!!! I can't wait to read all about Stitch's Birthday Adventures!!!


:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

But actually I SECOND that!!! ::yes::

Jay, I am finally, finally all caught up with this wonderful TR after being MIA from my illness! What a fabulous trip -- it was just beyond all imagination. I loved all of the hints and the pictures were perfect.

I can't wait to read about Stitch's Birthday Bash!! I'm already excited!!!:worship: It's good to be back!

Day 2 continued...

Dh and I were on our way to Universal Studios...*gasp*...to see the Blue Man Group. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: WE LOVED THIS SHOW! It is the most unusually fun show ever. And I thought that when we saw Cirque last year I had trouble finding a way to describe it...The Blue Man Group is even harder to explain and even MORE worth seeing. At least for both dh and myself if we were to see one of those two shows again, it would definitely be the Blue Man Group. We were in the very front row so I was a bit nervous going in and not knowing what to expect. It was so strange, but even though neither of us was ever taken up on the stage, we felt as if we were part of the show and not just watching it. I loved every second of the show. Even when toilet paper, paint, cereal, marshmallows and other assorted items made their way into the crowd. I must say, this is the first show that we have ever been to that provided us ponchos to wear during their performance.:lmao: I cannot do it justice, so I won't go further into trying to describe a Blue Man Group performance. What I will say is GO! GO!! GO!!! It's SO much fun! Also, don't forget your camera the way we did, you have great photo opportunities with the Blue Men themselves after the show.:thumbsup2

I was working at Blue Man when you were on your trip. I wonder if I helped seat you and your husband. I love that show! I have seen it probably 50-60 times and it is amazing.

I loved telling people to make sure they wore their ponchos because you never know what is going to come out into the audience. Also, the meet and greets after wards are some of the best interactions I have ever seen.

I am so glad you took the time to leave the world and go see the show. All to often people forget to do some of the other amazing things here in Orlando that aren't on Disney property. Then again, there are to many people here in Orlando that don't take enough advantage of the fact that we have Disney in our backyard! Needless to say, I am a very happy Disney baby!
Hi Jay! I am new to posting on the boards but wanted you to know your TR was fantastic! I read it all in no time...of course, I had to let a few other things go around the house, like laundry and dusting. Well, honestly, who among us would rather fold clothes than read a well-written report of a trip to the World? :confused3

Anyway, we absolutely adore the WL and plan to stay there this fall. Your trip was amazing and so detailed. I loved it! Bring on the next trip! :banana:
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

What a great report Jay!! You had such a wonderful trip! Can't wait to hear about Stitch's birthday trip!!
Thanks so much! I am really excited to share Stitch's birthday adventures!

A fantastic ending to a wonderful TR. I loved every single bit of it and can't wait for the next one. :thumbsup2
Thanks! I had so much fun writing it!

I agree, what a perfect ending to your report! I had a feeling that the LP would become Buzz! :goodvibes It sounds like the name suits him well.

Thanks so much for sharing, Jay, I'm looking forward to hearing about your special trip with Stitch!
Buzz really does suit him...and I think you guessed it a few months ago...but I tried not to respond at that point to save it for the wrap up. ;) You are very good at the Disney naming thing! ;) I hope you and yours are all doing really well!

I always enjoy your "final thoughts". :goodvibes I completely agree with you about vacationing-it's just a wonderful time to hit "pause" on life and enjoy each other and have FUN!

Buzz sounds like a perfect name for LP!!

Looking forward to the new TR...
The new trip report is finally started (and only a little bit later than planned;) ). Being able to hit the 'pause' button and do nothing more than love each other, soak up the magic and have fun is one of the best gifts we can give each other as a family. That time to me is so precious! Do you have your next trip report started yet? If so, do you have a link?

I agree with everyone...that is a great ending to a great trip report. I'm sad it is over, but feel better knowing we have another trip report ahead of us!

Thank you again for including us in your adventures. :hug:
It's always sad for me to end a vacation...or even a trip report. What a sap I am! It was much easier wrapping this one up knowing I had the next one ready to go! :)
That was beautiful Jay. It brought a tear to my eye. Not only because I got to "be a part" of your family while you enjoyed your vacation, but it also got me thinking about my own family's trip to WDW this past summer. This is why everyone loves Disney, I feel. It gives you a chance to step away and concentrate on the small things we all love most. Thank you for posting such lovely final thoughts. I can't wait tou. join you on your next Disney vacation. ;)

P.S. Buzz is a lovely name for your (former) Little Prince.
Awww, gulp, thank you! I have a huge smile from your words. THANK YOU for taking the time to share part of yourself throughout my trip report. You guys really did make writing about my trip even better by sharing such wonderful thoughts/stories/feedback.

PS I crack myself up thinking "The DISer formerly known as the Little Prince" every time I type Buzz now. :rotfl2:

Hi Jay! I loved your ending thoughts! All of it is so true, Disney is magical... it is a wonderful to place to make amazing memories! :flower3:
So the LP is now Buzz! That is very fun! I have never thought of naming our 2 kids with Disney names (probably because I've never done a TR). I like that you have thought of each personality and matched it up with the appropriate character. I will have to think about DD and DS and see what I come up with! ;)
Did you come up with any Disney for the kids? I would love to hear them! :) And you are right, Disney is turly magical and a place where making amazing memories comes very easy!

What a sweet ending to another fantastic trip. I am sad to see it end and I am looking forward to the next one. Love LP's new name aka Buzz. That is just perfect. You summed it up perfectly. Disney is a magical place where time stands still and you can just be with your family sharing wonderful memories. I think either you get that about Disney or you just dont "get" Disney. If it needs explaining you will never understand. I will be waiting patiently to hear about the last trip. I love your reports. BTW I did book that cabanna at GF thanks for the info!
You are right about you get it or you don't. I think more than a few people we know just might think we have a screw loose because we keep returning to WDW year after year. They don't understand that it's so much more than just rides and characters.

Enjoy your time at the GF! We all loved our cabanna time. I am hoping to plan another cabanna afternoon on one of our upcoming trips. It was such a relaxing way to spend part of a day at WDW! Have fun enjoying your cabanna time!!

Fantastic wrap-up!
Thanks so much for posting this. It has been so fun to follow along. You gave some great info. too! It's been a real treat getting to know you and your lovely family!

I can't wait to read about Stitch's great adventures!
I always try to pass on tips or information that we ended up valuing. I know that I get so much from the DIS by way of hidden nuggets of wisdom (not that I said anything wise:lmao: ), that I was hoping others might be able to put something we learned to good use. :)

What a wonderful end! I am so excited to start reading the new one. Also, I am so inspired for our upcoming trip. You have given me so many wonderful ideas to include in our vacation. Thank you for that and for taking the time to write these wonderful trips.
:cloud9:And thank you for taking the time to type that. It me smile. Enjoy your upcoming vacation! I hope it's more magical than you can even imagine! :)

What a lovely end, to a lovely trip report Jay. I am so happy to have started reading this, without I would have missed out on so many magical idea's and the amazing and magical memories and pictures you shared. You surely have a wonderful family, each and every one, and its so nice to see a family enjoy just being together as much as yours. Your trip itself I have little words for, I mean it truely is a dream trip. The wonderful, magical things you organised were just amazing and I doubt your children will ever forget them and the fun that they had, they truely will be cherished memories. But there were plenty of things that weren't planned that seemed to just cap off your magical vacation perfectly. You truely have a beautiful, wonderful family, and thanks to you and your instalation of Disney into their lives, I am sure they will make the perfect partners some day. I mean what girl wouldn't love to have a partner that knows so much, and has such a love of Disney. Can't wait for the next report, keep up the great work.
Ha ha ha, I am hoping that my future daughters-in-law are all big Disney fans. :thumbsup2 Thank you for your sweet words about my family. I wouldn't trade them for anything (even the keys to Cinderella's suite...and that's really something for me)! Being together is so much fun for all of us. I am looking forward to the day when I have above mentioned daugthers-in-law to enjoy it with as well (or at least I hope they will want to let us old folks tag along every now and again;) ). Thank you again!

I loved your trip report and my nephew, Sully (a.k.a. Kitty) loved seeing all the pictures. He now asks daily to go to WDW. I hope my upcoming birthday trip is HALF as awesome as yours was! Take care and can't wait to read another one of your TR's.
Your trip will be! I think you have to almost go looking for a bad time to have one at WDW! Will your nephew be joining you for this trip?

what a beautiful ending to a great vacation!! Can't wait for your next report!!
Thanks, Kara!
I have to reply here. What a WONDERFUL trip report Jay. I have been off the boards for so long, but with another trip on the horizon I have been in a "trip report reading" mood. You had me hooked from the beginning and I have since gone back and read your prior two trip reports. You have an amazing way with words and an absolutely beautiful family! In addition, you take wonderful pictures. Thanks for taking the time to share these wonderful trip reports with Disney lovers such as myself.
Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed them! I have to admit, I am still trying to learn how to actually take a decent picture, but I do sometimes snap a good one (I think the sheer number of ones I snap ensures that every now and again I do it right). Now if I could only repeat that on purpose. :laughing:

Hi Jay! Bet you are still trying to 'catch-up' since your return. Hope you enjoyed Stitch and had an extra special birthday celebration with him. Can't wait for you to return so we can hear all about it! BTW, when is your celebration planned for Goofy's birthday? If my calculations are correct (Sept)... maybe we'll run into eachother in one of the parks. We are also hoping for a late August thru labor day trip again this year....just waiting for Free Dining, *keeping fingers crossed* to come out within the next few weeks we'll see.
I am still trying to catch up. Even though I took a break, everything else just kept on going and piling up. ;) I would love it if our September trips overlapped!! We are planning for some time toward the middle of the month (still don't know the exact dates yet as I am waiting for Disney to release their fall promotions before I set them in stone). Right now free dining is out for Disney Visa holders....hopefully it's not long now before they give the general public a crack at it! :wizard:

Fantastic sum up Jay, I love reading your reports and can't wait for the link to the next one
:hug:Thanks, Jo! Are you just loving being a Disney Mom?! You have my 'dream job'! :)

Youwhoooo....Jay? Have you started your new TR yet?? You do realize your adoring fans await!!!! Hahahahaha!!! I can't wait to read all about Stitch's Birthday Adventures!!!
:rotfl2: My fellow gravy hater....you must learn patience. ;) And I must learn swiftness. :laughing: Are you proud of me, the new trip report is now started!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

But actually I SECOND that!!! ::yes::

Yes ma'am, Kar. The new link is up! Thanks for being you and reading everything! :)

Jay, I am finally, finally all caught up with this wonderful TR after being MIA from my illness! What a fabulous trip -- it was just beyond all imagination. I loved all of the hints and the pictures were perfect.

I can't wait to read about Stitch's Birthday Bash!! I'm already excited!!!:worship: It's good to be back!

It is VERY good to have you back! You were missed. I am glad that you found out what it was and are working on getting it under control. Just think of Aladdin. He is playing select soccer (and being a hard running kid the rest of the time) and he has severe asthma too. Working with an allergy/asthma specialist REALLY improved the quality of his life (and by extention mine/dh's as well)! I hope they are able to get you back on track just as well! You HAVE to take poor neglected BEAST to the World...and soon!:laughing:

I was working at Blue Man when you were on your trip. I wonder if I helped seat you and your husband. I love that show! I have seen it probably 50-60 times and it is amazing.

I loved telling people to make sure they wore their ponchos because you never know what is going to come out into the audience. Also, the meet and greets after wards are some of the best interactions I have ever seen.

I am so glad you took the time to leave the world and go see the show. All to often people forget to do some of the other amazing things here in Orlando that aren't on Disney property. Then again, there are to many people here in Orlando that don't take enough advantage of the fact that we have Disney in our backyard! Needless to say, I am a very happy Disney baby!
Oh how fun! Did you get to watch the show each night? I L-O-V-E-D the Blue Man Group show! It was one of my favorite activities ever in the Orlando area. I plan on taking all of the boys back with me (and also eating at Bubba Gumps). ;)

We try to do at least one "non Disney" thing each time we are in Orlando. So far our favorites are Discovery Cove (by far), the Blue Man Group and Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum.

Hi Jay! I am new to posting on the boards but wanted you to know your TR was fantastic! I read it all in no time...of course, I had to let a few other things go around the house, like laundry and dusting. Well, honestly, who among us would rather fold clothes than read a well-written report of a trip to the World? :confused3

Anyway, we absolutely adore the WL and plan to stay there this fall. Your trip was amazing and so detailed. I loved it! Bring on the next trip! :banana:
Welcome to the DIS and thank you for posting! I can think of a LOT of things I would rather do than fold laundry! :rotfl: Which may explain the piles in my laundry room!:laughing: Welcome again and I hope you stick around and post more! :)


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