17 Days of Wishes Come to Life- A Sept. 08 WDW and DCL Adventure 3/27 new link posted

Yeah!!! Glad you are home!! I can not wait to hear all about your amazing adventure with Stitch. Yes, I know it had to have been AMAZING. I know this because I have read all your previous TR's!!! Hehehe...your trips ROCK!!!
Final Thoughts...

Vacationing as a family of six was much easier than I had thought it would be. Our Little Prince was much more excited about the characters than I had ever guessed possible. Watching him get such great joy out of seeing/interacting with them was a definite highlight of the trip for all of us. Even his big brothers watched with big smiles on their faces.

I am also grateful for his easy going nature. I know that many young babies (he was just about 9 months when we vacationed) would have been very thrown off by the changes in their schedules and locations. I don't know how I was graced by having such a calm baby...but he didn't fuss much at all. Really, I can name the two times he had big crying fits. First when I put a Mickey ears hat on him (who knows why, he loves all other hats) and the second time when we had to pop him into an infant life vest (he turned various shades of red/purple he was so angry over that one). The rest of the time, he just kicked back and enjoyed the ride (and rides ;) ). He feel asleep when he got tired, ate when he was hungry and was happy to do whatever we were up to in between. I am so thankful for that all being true. I know just how easily it could have gone the other way.

Speaking of our Little Prince...we finally did come up with his very own Disney character name. From here on out, he shall be known as Buzz. For a few reasons. First, he was so enchanted with Buzz Lightyear during our trip that it is hard to imagine 'naming' him anything else. Second, Toy Story is one of the very few things he will even bother to glance at on the television. Third, he seems to believe he is actually capable of flight (even though all he can really do is fall with style).:rotfl: Seriously, the boy likes to give us all minor heart attacks by launching himself off of anything he can climb on to and by running (or whatever you call an attempt to run by a baby) at full speed until he crashes into things or falls (with style ;) ). So...Buzz Lightyear it is. The name just fits him, the same way that the other boys seem share some traits with those characters with whom they have had a name borrowed from.

My Aladdin shares the same heart of gold that the 'real' Aladdin has. He can also be counted on to do the right thing in the end (no matter what it costs him). My Goofy is just that, goofy and he loves to make people laugh. He is also very tall for his age and sort of floppy limbed like the original Goofy. My Stitch is just as sweet (and 'sour' :laughing: ) as the 'real' Stitch. My Stitch is also very loyal to his family and very much prickly on the outside and all soft on the inside.

BUT...back to the trip. Our issues with the housekeeping at the WL, the lost and found run around for Stitch's shorts and the dry cleaning on the ship were the only negative experiences we had. And even those were taken care of once we found the right person to talk with and expressed our feelings about the situations.

Other than those very infrequent times, Disney once again outdid themselves by providing great service. When I say this, it is coming from someone with very high service expectations. I don't mind admitting that if I pay for something or you say you will do something then I do expect (even in 'everyday life') it to be done. And not just 'done' but done well. I have even higher expectations for the service at Walt Disney World because they pride themselves on providing awesome customer service with a smile and being the makers of magical moments. That's an awfully tall order to try to fill but I believe that Disney not only fills it but makes it overflow. The Disney company has earned my loyalty and repeated business by being in the business of being magic makers, smile givers and being customer oriented.

Many businesses try to be customer oriented. What separates Disney (as a company) from the others is the people who work there. I think that Disney CMs are among the most upbeat, positive, helpful and kind people to ever be gathered together in one work force. No, they are not all saints and they don't even all have pixie dust in their eyes BUT they do share (with rare exception) a desire to make every customer feel special and to make each customer feel happy and like their vacation is the one that 'really matters'. The extra mile that Disney goes with things like mousekeepers waving to you with Mickey hands on, towel animals, CMs offering an extra ride with no wait, saying happy birthday to you if you have a birthday button on, handing a little boy who just feel a handful of stickers, CMs taking the time to stop and ask you how your day is going, gifting small items like pins, stopping to visit with you, making things right and then some...

All of those add up to amazing vacation memories. The bottom line is that, for me, Disney World is great, but without the magical CMs, I wouldn't be back year after year after year.

This all goes double for the officers, cast and crew of the Disney Cruise Line. They somehow make you feel even more welcomed and special than their counterparts on land. I think that 'extra' comes from the repeated encounters with the same CMs. For our family at least, they really start to become a significant part of your vacation memories.

Vacationing with an infant, tween and two children was more fun than I had ever imagined possible. I am looking forward to enjoying the World with a toddler, teen, tween and child! I was always secretly a little worried that my boys would outgrow enjoying our time at WDW or on the DCL. I am so happy to find that (so far at least) that is NOT the case. In fact, if anything, they each grow to love our time there more with each trip.

This trip was my every dream come true. Especially on our 'dream day'. The fun we had during our private luncheon, followed by adventure throughout the grounds of the Grand Floridian (led by none other than Idaho Jones himself), followed by a private send off from Mickey, followed by a dessert party aboard the Grand One yacht, finally followed by a cruise aboard the yacht ending with us being dropped off at the Magic Kingdom to enjoy Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party was so very amazing that it did feel as if we were dreaming while it was happening. Being able to share that very special day with very special friends made it even better.

I am truly grateful for each of the days that we were blessed with together on vacation. Having time with dh and the boys away from the stresses and obligations that fill our everyday lives was a very precious gift in and of itself. Although family is still our number one priority (no matter where we are) it's hard to find such long stretches of time to concentrate on nothing more than having fun together. At home their is always something that needs to be done, a meeting that needs to be gotten to, yard work, practices, schooling, and on and on. The things that fill our life are (almost entirely) great things, but it is so nice to be able to step away from our designated roles (teacher, provider, coach, homemaker, volunteer, student, player, church goer, friend, cook, taxi driver, etc) and concentrate on the job of loving each other and having fun together.

Thank you all for sticking with me and reading my trip report. Your comments, feed back and unique views have only added to my enjoyment of our trip memories. Your comments are now a permanent part of our vacation memories as I always print out my trip reports. I really do enjoy going back and reading not only about the vacations of our past, but seeing the comments, suggestions and words of encouragement. So...on that note, THANK YOU!!! I will 'see' you all soon.

:yay: PS I will post the link to my next trip report before the week is out. :yay:
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

What a great report Jay!! You had such a wonderful trip! Can't wait to hear about Stitch's birthday trip!!
I agree, what a perfect ending to your report! I had a feeling that the LP would become Buzz! :goodvibes It sounds like the name suits him well.

Thanks so much for sharing, Jay, I'm looking forward to hearing about your special trip with Stitch!
I always enjoy your "final thoughts". :goodvibes I completely agree with you about vacationing-it's just a wonderful time to hit "pause" on life and enjoy each other and have FUN!

Buzz sounds like a perfect name for LP!!

Looking forward to the new TR...
I agree with everyone...that is a great ending to a great trip report. I'm sad it is over, but feel better knowing we have another trip report ahead of us!

Thank you again for including us in your adventures. :hug:
That was beautiful Jay. It brought a tear to my eye. Not only because I got to "be a part" of your family while you enjoyed your vacation, but it also got me thinking about my own family's trip to WDW this past summer. This is why everyone loves Disney, I feel. It gives you a chance to step away and concentrate on the small things we all love most. Thank you for posting such lovely final thoughts. I can't wait to join you on your next Disney vacation. ;)

P.S. Buzz is a lovely name for your (former) Little Prince.
Hi Jay! I loved your ending thoughts! All of it is so true, Disney is magical... it is a wonderful to place to make amazing memories! :flower3:
So the LP is now Buzz! That is very fun! I have never thought of naming our 2 kids with Disney names (probably because I've never done a TR). I like that you have thought of each personality and matched it up with the appropriate character. I will have to think about DD and DS and see what I come up with! ;)
What a sweet ending to another fantastic trip. I am sad to see it end and I am looking forward to the next one. Love LP's new name aka Buzz. That is just perfect. You summed it up perfectly. Disney is a magical place where time stands still and you can just be with your family sharing wonderful memories. I think either you get that about Disney or you just dont "get" Disney. If it needs explaining you will never understand. I will be waiting patiently to hear about the last trip. I love your reports. BTW I did book that cabanna at GF thanks for the info!
Fantastic wrap-up!
Thanks so much for posting this. It has been so fun to follow along. You gave some great info. too! It's been a real treat getting to know you and your lovely family!

I can't wait to read about Stitch's great adventures!
What a wonderful end! I am so excited to start reading the new one. Also, I am so inspired for our upcoming trip. You have given me so many wonderful ideas to include in our vacation. Thank you for that and for taking the time to write these wonderful trips.
What a lovely end, to a lovely trip report Jay. I am so happy to have started reading this, without I would have missed out on so many magical idea's and the amazing and magical memories and pictures you shared. You surely have a wonderful family, each and every one, and its so nice to see a family enjoy just being together as much as yours. Your trip itself I have little words for, I mean it truely is a dream trip. The wonderful, magical things you organised were just amazing and I doubt your children will ever forget them and the fun that they had, they truely will be cherished memories. But there were plenty of things that weren't planned that seemed to just cap off your magical vacation perfectly. You truely have a beautiful, wonderful family, and thanks to you and your instalation of Disney into their lives, I am sure they will make the perfect partners some day. I mean what girl wouldn't love to have a partner that knows so much, and has such a love of Disney. Can't wait for the next report, keep up the great work.
I loved your trip report and my nephew, Sully (a.k.a. Kitty) loved seeing all the pictures. He now asks daily to go to WDW. I hope my upcoming birthday trip is HALF as awesome as yours was! Take care and can't wait to read another one of your TR's.
what a beautiful ending to a great vacation!! Can't wait for your next report!!
I have to reply here. What a WONDERFUL trip report Jay. I have been off the boards for so long, but with another trip on the horizon I have been in a "trip report reading" mood. You had me hooked from the beginning and I have since gone back and read your prior two trip reports. You have an amazing way with words and an absolutely beautiful family! In addition, you take wonderful pictures. Thanks for taking the time to share these wonderful trip reports with Disney lovers such as myself.
Hi Jay! Bet you are still trying to 'catch-up' since your return. Hope you enjoyed Stitch and had an extra special birthday celebration with him. Can't wait for you to return so we can hear all about it! BTW, when is your celebration planned for Goofy's birthday? If my calculations are correct (Sept)... maybe we'll run into eachother in one of the parks. We are also hoping for a late August thru labor day trip again this year....just waiting for Free Dining, *keeping fingers crossed* to come out within the next few weeks ;) we'll see.
Fantastic sum up Jay, I love reading your reports and can't wait for the link to the next one :goodvibes


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