
I'm pending an audition, but i figured that it couldn't hurt to post this anyways...

1. Your name?: Tia
2. Are you legal (over 21)? 20
3. Male or female?: female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight, but supporter of GLBT rights
5. Where do you live?: Alabama
6. What role will you have at Disney?:I don't know yet, Entertainment or QSFB
7. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)?: I applied for FA but fall is fine with me
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Do you prefer wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: wellness
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: It doesn't matter, I guess 3 or 5 is a good number of roommates.
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Im not much of a partier, but im might invite friends over for a movie or something
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I like anything really, I LOVE to cook and try new things.
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Spontaneous, Easy-going, Energetic
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I like classics and musicals, that goes for movies and music, but I'm open to anything at least once.
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: occasionally, outside.
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): No
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?:Night person
17. Are you driving or flying down?: driving
18. What do you do for fun?: draw, write, read, play games, hang out with friends
19. What is your favorite quote?: "Buy the ticket, take the ride." - Hunter S. Thompson
20. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Meeting new people, and having new experiences.
21. Favorite things to do when not working: Read, watch TV, cook
22. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm very laid-back and easy to get along with.
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I'm pretty shy
24: Your college: University of Alabama
25: Your major: Theatre/Design
26. Any medical conditions (optional): Not really a big deal, but occasionally I get migraines and will hide somewhere dark, but noise doesn't bother me.
27. Are you messy/tidy?: I'm not the tidiest person out there, but I keep my chaos undercontrol
28. Anything else you want to state: I haven't been accepted yet and I will not know for another month or so…but I'm keeping my fingers crossed
i do believe it was feb. 24th. it was pretty great! you just got three pancakes, but that is plenty for me! i went with my roommate and our friend, and luckily it wasnt too busy when we went.

Yeah it was, free pancake day is on fat tuesday every year...
NYC is like my favorite place on earth! It's so pretty and amazing! Like everytime I'm there I bump into a celebrity by accident. Once was Dennis Leary, Sarah McLaughlin, Jon Voight, Dennis Leary again, Frankie Muniz, etc

I love the city <3

It rocks. I loved living there :) I saw some celebrities as well, but it was usually because I went and saw shows they were in. The only 2 I "bumped" into were Carson Daly and John Lithgow. And Hugh Jackman, kind of.
I'm filling this out for my BF, I just dont want him to have a not-so-great roommate and at my place ALL the time lol!

1. Your name?: Ted
2. Are you legal (over 21)? 21, turning 22
3. Male or female?: Male
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
5. Where do you live?: PA
6. What role will you have at Disney?:Attractions
7. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)?: FA 5/20
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Do you prefer wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: non-wellness
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: doesn't matter, prefers a 3 bedroom
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Will party, some hosting
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: one word: Tedburgers. They are incredible
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Funny, friendly, easy-going
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Cinema major, loves all movies
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: occasionally, outside.
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Socially
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Night person
17. Are you driving or flying down?: flying
18. What do you do for fun?: watch movies, videogames
19. What is your favorite quote?: *unprintable* lol
20. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Meeting new people, and having new experiences.
21. Favorite things to do when not working: movies, hang out with friends
22. Name one good quality about yourself: Easy-going
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: overthinks
24: Your college: Point Park University
25: Your major: Cinema
26. Any medical conditions (optional): none that i know of
27. Are you messy/tidy?: organized chaos (that will be confined to his own area)
28. Anything else you want to state: Ted's a really chill guy. He's fun to hang around, down for anything.

I know I sound like I'm pimping out my boyfriend haha, but he doesn't really see the point of finding a roomie beforehand, and I just want to make sure he doesn't get any loser roommates (so I don't have to hear him complain about them 24/7 haha)
1. Your name?: Lauren
2. Your age?: 19 (Will be 20 by the time the program starts)
3. Male or female?: Female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
5. Where do you live?: AZ
6. What role will you have at Disney?: Attractions
7. What is your arrival date?: August 10th
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Do you prefer wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Wellness. (I do NOT get along well with underage drinkers)
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: Anything, really
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties/activites in your apartment?: I am not a party girl. My idea of a fun day off is staying home playing on the computer or exploring the parks.
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: Depends on what you want me to cook :P I make a mean potato soup and pasta salad, though my fav food would have to be oven-ready potato skins from a box ;)
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Silly, Straight-laced, caring
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Disney! :) High School Musical is my favorite movie
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: I don't smoke. I'm also allergic to cigarette smoke, so I'd prefer someone who doesn't smoke as well.
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Nope, and as I said, I don't get along well with underage drinkers.
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Night, definitely.
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Flying
18. What do you do for fun?: Play on the computer, watch the Disney Channel, write, dance, go out and explore new areas.
19. Do you need anything to fall asleep? (music, door closed): door closed, lights out, my (small) fan on.
20. What are you most excited about being in the WDWCP?: Having attractions! I had QSFB this year and am not too fond of it :P I'm so thrilled to have my dream job. Plus exploring a new place; I haven't been to WDW since I was 4.
21. Favorite things to do when not working: Cleaning and getting other important tasks out of the way before going out or staying in to play.
22. Name one good quality about yourself: Easy to get along with, as I am very friendly
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: See above :P Unfortunately I'm very shy and worry too much about what others think about me, so I tend to want everyone to like me.
25: Your major: Early Childhood Education
26. Any medical conditions (optional): Nope
27. Are you messy/tidy?: Tidy. When I work for a few days straight you might see some clutter pile up, but it doesn't stick around for long. I can't really relax until my side's clean; I don't mind clutter on a roomie's side as long as it's not a pigpen :P
28. What sports do you like?: Cheerleading!! :)
29. Do you plan on having a car at Disney?: Nope
30. Anything else you want to state: I would love to find a roomie who is completely honest when they say they are not here to party, do not drink underage, and preferably doesn't smoke. I love to make friends and build relationships and am hoping to find a roomie who is willing to take this adventure of working at WDW with me :)
1. Your name?:Merline
2. Your age?:19
3. Male or female?:female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional):straight
5. Where do you live?:new mexico
6. What role will you have at Disney?:qsfb
7. What is your arrival date?:may 27th
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Do you prefer wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?:wellness
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?:3-5
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties/activites in your apartment?:i'm very social but i'm very easy going
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?:pizza yes i can cook
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?:outgoing, friendly, happy
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?:country, dance, hip hop, indie...everything. i enjoy all movies
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?:NO
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic):NO
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?:i'm an all day person
17. Are you driving or flying down?:flying down
18. What do you do for fun?:hang out with friends, go to the gym, pretty much anything as long as it is right
19. Do you need anything to fall asleep? (music, door closed):no, just a blanket.
20. What are you most excited about being in the WDWCP?:the people, meeting new people and creating friendships
21. Favorite things to do when not working:idk, i've never worked before
22. Name one good quality about yourself:easy to get along with
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: i can be impatient at times
24: Your college:new mexico tech
25: Your major:civil engineering
26. Any medical conditions (optional):none
27. Are you messy/tidy?:pretty tidy
28. What sports do you like?:i like football, soccer, rugby, cheerleading, dancing
29. Do you plan on having a car at Disney?:no
30. Anything else you want to state: i want to have fun, find lasting friendships, and have the experience of a lifetime!!!
Lauren, where in AZ are you from? I go to NAU and I'm from Sierra Vista. No one's really heard of it, but it's an hour south east of Tucson. I totally get what you mean about not going there to party. I am going there to be a TRUE KID and help the Guests be kids too. =] But anyway, here's my list:

1. Your name?: Leanne
2. Your age?: 19
3. Male or female?: Female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
5. Where do you live?: Arizona!
6. What role will you have at Disney?: Merchandise =]
7. What is your arrival date?: not sure yet, I can't accept until I talk to my university more.
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Do you prefer wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: definitely wellness.
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: preferrably 7 roommates. I'm social and it costs less =]
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties/activites in your apartment?: I would only host the "clean fun" parties. lol.
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I love... pizza. and Italian food. I can cook, but I don't really have the passion.
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: energetic, active, kid-at-heart (is that a word? lol)
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I love the Disney movies, romantic comedies and comedies in general. Music... a lot of stuff. No overly offensive rap or metal or anything like that though. I really love the Frank Sinatra, Glen Miller, Bing Crosby type people. mellltt.
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: nope
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): nope
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: I can be both
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Flying. I'm from AZ!
18. What do you do for fun?: a whole bunch of crafts, photography, Internet... why can't I think of what I do for fun?!
19. Do you need anything to fall asleep? (music, door closed): door closed, pretty quiet, pretty dark.
20. What are you most excited about being in the WDWCP?: the engineering PDS courses, admission to the parks when you're not working, and working with the Guests and helping them have a magical time. Corny, but I'm completely serious. Plus, I live on the west coast and haven't been to Disney World since I was 4.
21. Favorite things to do when not working: I will be in the parks and at the beach! LOL. and all of the stuff listed in 18.
22. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm very optimistic and I love life. I have the bad days, but I see the good in things about 95% of the time.
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I'm diagnosed ADD and can get kind of wound up. Not exactly hyper, but active. I've learned to control it without meds though. =]
24: Your college: Northern Arizona University
25: Your major: Engineering Physics, emphasis Mechanical Engineering.
26. Any medical conditions (optional): none, really.
27. Are you messy/tidy?: I'm not a pig by any means, but I'm not a neat freak either.
28. What sports do you like?: I cheered in high school, I've danced, and I love to watch football, baseball, and basketball.
29. Do you plan on having a car at Disney?: nope.
30. Anything else you want to state: Hmm... I can wiggle my ears! =] I am NOT going to this program to party (and I can't imagine why anyone would). That's ridiculous.
Lauren, where in AZ are you from? I go to NAU and I'm from Sierra Vista. No one's really heard of it, but it's an hour south east of Tucson. I totally get what you mean about not going there to party. I am going there to be a TRUE KID and help the Guests be kids too. =]

Hey! :) That's awesome, my mom's an alumni at NAU, so I go way back with them! I'm in the U of A area. (Boo ScumDevils :P)
I am too! I'm checking in on May 20th (too!) for Attractions.

I haven't filled out that survey thing on here...but I just clicked the whole: Disney pick a roommate for me. I feel like I'm pretty easy to live with and I can deal with people's living situations as well. I've lived with 6 other people before and I survived without a scratch on me haha.

It seems like these boards are so split up gender wise...there seems to be so many more girls then guys haha. (I'm a guy) That's not a bad thing by any means...just a nifty observation.
I'm hoping to, but if i get fall thats fine too. I just want to go, but I'll try to get the earliest arrival date either way.
random question...I get you can pre find your own roomie...but will Disney allow you to pre-form a whole find 4 or 6 people to room with? Just wondering...Thanks~


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