
Theater is my life. My very first Broadway show was Cats in 4th grade. Since then I've also seen Titanic the Musical, Phantom of the Opera 4x, Les Mis 4x, Wicked, Jersey Boys, and Shrek the Musical. I hope to see Lion King, Mary Poppins, and Little Mermaid before I move.

I also was involved with all 4 musicals while in HS. Theater rules!

Mary Poppins is SO COOL. I absolutely loved it when I went to see it. Lion King as well. And I looooove Les Mis. YAY theatre!!

Ha has what do we need in life? Disney, theatre, annnnd DS.

i am so jealous! that would have so amazing to get to go backstage! i love seeing how things work like that

It was very cool. I actually also nannied for a little girl that was playing Young Cosette (u/s Young Eponine, Gavroche) in Les Mis, so I got to go backstage there as well. They let me go down in the little trap door they have on the stage. It was kind of creepy.. like a coffin-ish elevator, ha ha.
Ah! Excellent! I couldn't live without them either. I actually lived in NYC for 3 years (and visited every year before that) so I've seen a lot of shows (multiple times, lol). I looove them. Wicked is pretty cool! One of my friends was friends with the security guard there so he walked us into the show (for free, we sat in these chairs at the back of the house by the soundboard) and then afterwards we got to go backstage and stuff. It was pretty cool!

That is so cool!

Mary Poppins is SO COOL. I absolutely loved it when I went to see it. Lion King as well. And I looooove Les Mis. YAY theatre!!

Ha has what do we need in life? Disney, theatre, annnnd DS.

Amen to that! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

It was very cool. I actually also nannied for a little girl that was playing Young Cosette (u/s Young Eponine, Gavroche) in Les Mis, so I got to go backstage there as well. They let me go down in the little trap door they have on the stage. It was kind of creepy.. like a coffin-ish elevator, ha ha.

That is so cool!
ah musicals :goodvibes they just make me happy! right now i am listening to someone else's story from chess! i love that song :D
1. Your name?: NiKKi

2. Your age?: 22

3. Male or female?: Female

4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight

5. Where do you live?: Philly, PA

6. What role will you have at Disney?: Attractions

7. What is your arrival date?: May 20

8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Do you prefer wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Non Wellness and Patterson looks purdy

9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: Whatever

10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties/activites in your apartment?: Sure! I'm a game nut...I wish i had Rockband so we could have Rockband parties...maybe someone will bring theirs I got the mics at least!! Karaoke Revolution!!

11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I love Breakfast meals like pancakes, eggs, french toast, etc

12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: outgoing, weird, always prepared gadget-wise

13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I listen to Pop and Rock...but like 90's pop like thew boy bands and all lol

14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Nada

15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Socially...who admits to being an alcoholic?

16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: I think I'm both. I'm pretty good at waking up and all

17. Are you driving or flying down?: My family's driving me down in the family van

18. What do you do for fun?: Video Games, TV, music, Reading, whatever's happening I'm normally down for it

19. Do you need anything to fall asleep? (music, door closed): silence and darkness is best though i sleep with a face mask and ear plugs

20. What are you most excited about being in the WDWCP?: To live on my own with adult supervision breathing down my neck, To have fun, have a college experience, etc etc etc

21. Favorite things to do when not working: See question 18

22. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm a good listener and quite outgoing once i get comfortable...I might adapt the mom quality in taking care of people...I don't know why but I'll start like cooking and all lol

23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I guess i can be a little lazy

24: Your college: Community college of Philadelphia, I graduated from ITT in September

25: Your major: Multimedia

26. Any medical conditions (optional): asthma and the seasonal allergies...don't worry I'll have tons of meds once my mom works in the doctors office so I have allergie meds out the whazoo lol

27. Are you messy/tidy?: tidyish

28. What sports do you like?: PUTT PUTT GOLF

29. Do you plan on having a car at Disney?: :sad: no

30. Anything else you want to state: I don't drive, I'm a techie nerd (not trekie) I'll be loaded up on the video games, computers, wires, and all


:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

It's the greatest musical ever! LoL
no...what is it like?

::gasps:: it's only the most amazing piece of random EVER!

It's about a wannabe Supervillan trying to make it in the world but his plans always get thwarted by Captain Hammer! And when Captain Hammer "saves" Dr. Horrible's love interest and his plans are foiled once again he plans to take the ultimate revenge....

and it's such a funny musical and the music is fun and silly...very singalongable!

And the DVD features "COMMENTARY! the MUSICAL!" which is equally as amazing...songs like why Neil (Dr. Horrible) isn't as cool as Nathan (Captain Hammer) and such. It's amazing.

The link on top, click it, you can even watch it there!! :happytv:
::gasps:: it's only the most amazing piece of random EVER!

It's about a wannabe Supervillan trying to make it in the world but his plans always get thwarted by Captain Hammer! And when Captain Hammer "saves" Dr. Horrible's love interest and his plans are foiled once again he plans to take the ultimate revenge....

and it's such a funny musical and the music is fun and silly...very singalongable!

And the DVD features "COMMENTARY! the MUSICAL!" which is equally as amazing...songs like why Neil (Dr. Horrible) isn't as cool as Nathan (Captain Hammer) and such. It's amazing.

The link on top, click it, you can even watch it there!! :happytv:
Thats sounds amazing! I think I'm gonna watch it! lol
It would be soo cool or possibly lame if we had a musical party and just sung everything lol Just one of my random Ideas if we're bored one night at Disney lol

OMG thats NOT lame at all. That is amazing. I may or may not have videos of some shows. I'll have to make sure I bring them with me.
Hello! I love filling out these survey things! I haven't been accepted yet (my interview's tomorrow, fingers crossed!) but I'm hoping for the best.

1. Your name?: Rachael
2. Your age?: 18, 19 in a few weeks
3. Male or female?: Female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
5. Where do you live?: Alpharetta, GA
6. What role will you have at Disney?: Hopefully character performer, otherwise I'd love Attractions or FSFB
7. What is your arrival date?: I'm hoping to get August 10
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Do you prefer wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Chatham
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: I'd prefer 3 roommates, 2 rooms, but 5 roommates, 3 rooms would be fine
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties/activites in your apartment?: I like to go to parties, especially fun theme ones, but I don't like to host them personally. That'll be up to a roommate I guess.
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I love mashed potatoes, salmon, and biscuits, (and most foods really) but I can't cook well. I'm not very good at following written instructions. I get lost a lot whilst driving.
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Happy, sarcastic, trivia-buff
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?:
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Not at all
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Nope, I'm underage
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Definitely not a morning person, but I'm not grouchy in the mornings. Just sleepy. So, night person I guess?
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Driving
18. What do you do for fun?:
19. Do you need anything to fall asleep? (music, door closed): Nothing at all
20. What are you most excited about being in the WDWCP?: BEING A DISNEY CASTMEMBER AND LIVING THERE FOR 5 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (very excited by the way)
21. Favorite things to do when not working:
22. Name one good quality about yourself: I love making people laugh
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I have very sarcastic tendencies
24: Your college: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (Jimmy Fallon just picked our basketball team as his choice for March Madness...we're not very good.)
25: Your major: Anthropology pre-med
26. Any medical conditions (optional): None to speak of
27. Are you messy/tidy?: Not overly tidy, but not overly messy
28. What sports do you like?: Ehmm... I like playing dodgeball and four square..
29. Do you plan on having a car at Disney?: I hope so. We'll have to see how the parents feel about this. They get an insurance break if me and my car are separated.
30. Anything else you want to state:

This is really not a good thing at all, but my parents don't know I'm planning on doing the CP. Originally I was supposed to go to London next semester but the school has all but told me that I'm too young and have to be in school longer (in hours I'm a second semester sophomore, but in actual school time I'm a second semester freshman.) Now I've made up my mind to go to London fall semester junior year and I'm going to do the CP fall next year.
My parents have already told me that I can't do both - my schedule (anthropology major, chemistry/spanish double minor, pre-med, and I'm in the honors program at my school which has its own classes and curriculum) is too demanding (they say). Essentially I'd be doing all this and graduating in 3 years, although the study abroad will fill 4 classes in my major. I realize this is super tough, but with med school and becoming a doctor I will never get the chance to study in London or work at Disney ever again. I say that if I'm prepared to work hard and get everything I want to do in, then I should. And it's my choice, not my parents'. I've never gone up against them like this before, but I'm a big kid now and they can't stop me.

If you read that whole thing, you are a saint. I just don't really have anyone to talk to about this right now, so it's great even to just put it out there to an obscure Internet audience. I'm going to explain this to my parents this weekend as I am going home. It's just not a phone conversation.

And please please please don't let my sob story make you turn and run! I am a wonderful roommate, I promise! Mostly because I sleep through absolutely anything. I have 3 roommates right now and they could (hopefully) tell you wonderful stories about me (falling off of things). :banana:
Have a magical day!
Hello! I love filling out these survey things! I haven't been accepted yet (my interview's tomorrow, fingers crossed!) but I'm hoping for the best.

1. Your name?: Rachael
2. Your age?: 18, 19 in a few weeks
3. Male or female?: Female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
5. Where do you live?: Alpharetta, GA
6. What role will you have at Disney?: Hopefully character performer, otherwise I'd love Attractions or FSFB
7. What is your arrival date?: I'm hoping to get August 10
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Do you prefer wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Chatham
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: I'd prefer 3 roommates, 2 rooms, but 5 roommates, 3 rooms would be fine
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties/activites in your apartment?: I like to go to parties, especially fun theme ones, but I don't like to host them personally. That'll be up to a roommate I guess.
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I love mashed potatoes, salmon, and biscuits, (and most foods really) but I can't cook well. I'm not very good at following written instructions. I get lost a lot whilst driving.
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Happy, sarcastic, trivia-buff
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?:
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Not at all
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Nope, I'm underage
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Definitely not a morning person, but I'm not grouchy in the mornings. Just sleepy. So, night person I guess?
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Driving
18. What do you do for fun?:
19. Do you need anything to fall asleep? (music, door closed): Nothing at all
20. What are you most excited about being in the WDWCP?: BEING A DISNEY CASTMEMBER AND LIVING THERE FOR 5 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (very excited by the way)
21. Favorite things to do when not working:
22. Name one good quality about yourself: I love making people laugh
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I have very sarcastic tendencies
24: Your college: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (Jimmy Fallon just picked our basketball team as his choice for March Madness...we're not very good.)
25: Your major: Anthropology pre-med
26. Any medical conditions (optional): None to speak of
27. Are you messy/tidy?: Not overly tidy, but not overly messy
28. What sports do you like?: Ehmm... I like playing dodgeball and four square..
29. Do you plan on having a car at Disney?: I hope so. We'll have to see how the parents feel about this. They get an insurance break if me and my car are separated.
30. Anything else you want to state:

This is really not a good thing at all, but my parents don't know I'm planning on doing the CP. Originally I was supposed to go to London next semester but the school has all but told me that I'm too young and have to be in school longer (in hours I'm a second semester sophomore, but in actual school time I'm a second semester freshman.) Now I've made up my mind to go to London fall semester junior year and I'm going to do the CP fall next year.
My parents have already told me that I can't do both - my schedule (anthropology major, chemistry/spanish double minor, pre-med, and I'm in the honors program at my school which has its own classes and curriculum) is too demanding (they say). Essentially I'd be doing all this and graduating in 3 years, although the study abroad will fill 4 classes in my major. I realize this is super tough, but with med school and becoming a doctor I will never get the chance to study in London or work at Disney ever again. I say that if I'm prepared to work hard and get everything I want to do in, then I should. And it's my choice, not my parents'. I've never gone up against them like this before, but I'm a big kid now and they can't stop me.

If you read that whole thing, you are a saint. I just don't really have anyone to talk to about this right now, so it's great even to just put it out there to an obscure Internet audience. I'm going to explain this to my parents this weekend as I am going home. It's just not a phone conversation.

And please please please don't let my sob story make you turn and run! I am a wonderful roommate, I promise! Mostly because I sleep through absolutely anything. I have 3 roommates right now and they could (hopefully) tell you wonderful stories about me (falling off of things). :banana:
Have a magical day!

oh man! that must be hard! my parents have known about me wanting to do cp for a long while! my dad wasnt so hot about it at first, but i think he is okay now, since he knows its something that i really want to do! just explain everything and dont let them get you down about it! besides, if i were your parents, i think id rather have my daughter going to florida instead of out of the country! lol

OMG thats NOT lame at all. That is amazing. I may or may not have videos of some shows. I'll have to make sure I bring them with me.

yes! you should! does anyone have little shop of horrors? the movie version...i love that show and it should be brought!
I totally skipped the movies/music section! As it turns out I love musicals. Also, Coldplay, the Fray, Maroon 5, Jack's Mannequin, and Jason Mraz. Basically the Top 40 hits that play on my radio station all the time. It makes them easier to learn.

As for movies, I enjoy them. Especially musicals, Disney movies, and Slumdog Millionaire. I actually like TV shows better than movies. I tend to get very involved in stories and movies end too quickly. Right now my shows are Chuck, House, Bones, Doctor Who, Supernatural, and the Office. I love love love game shows and I'm very good at Jeopardy, Cash Cab, and Family Feud. PS. Dr Horrible is so awesome!

As for my parental situation, my only worry is that they're going to talk me out of this. We have such a great relationship that we've never fought about anything before and so I guess this was just a long time coming. But they don't have to pay for it and I retain all my scholarships so there really isn't a problem.

Don't let me cave guys! I want to go to Disney so badly!:yay:
I totally skipped the movies/music section! As it turns out I love musicals. Also, Coldplay, the Fray, Maroon 5, Jack's Mannequin, and Jason Mraz. Basically the Top 40 hits that play on my radio station all the time. It makes them easier to learn.

As for movies, I enjoy them. Especially musicals, Disney movies, and Slumdog Millionaire. I actually like TV shows better than movies. I tend to get very involved in stories and movies end too quickly. Right now my shows are Chuck, House, Bones, Doctor Who, Supernatural, and the Office. I love love love game shows and I'm very good at Jeopardy, Cash Cab, and Family Feud. PS. Dr Horrible is so awesome!

As for my parental situation, my only worry is that they're going to talk me out of this. We have such a great relationship that we've never fought about anything before and so I guess this was just a long time coming. But they don't have to pay for it and I retain all my scholarships so there really isn't a problem.

Don't let me cave guys! I want to go to Disney so badly!:yay:

those bands are awesome! my favorite band is the academy is...(hence my name ha ha) does anyone know them? i also love the rocket summer and we the kings :) those are my top three! and the office rocks! i feel behind though :( cuz i dont have tv channels on my tv, cuz we have to pay or tv. it sucks. oh and also... do you like lost? or does anyone else? its my favorite right now! i am an addict! :) ha ha.

if you have a good relationship with your parents then they should be understanding, and dont let them talk you out of it! you will regret that someday!
I've heard of those bands! Perhaps I shall give them a listen.

I used to love Lost, watched the first 2 seasons religiously, but then I kept missing episodes and stopped, so as not to get lost (get it, haha). They just keep piling up in my DVR which is at home sooo.. not helpful. I mostly watch online television through the stations' websites, which is nice. That way I'm not limited to a TV screen at 9:00 on a Wednesday evening.


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