PFA(purple folders anonymous)

i worked retail last summer, over christmas break, and then i will be again over the summer. im so glad i dont have to actually go look for a job, cuz technically i could just go work a shift at that retail store now whenever im in town. its really nice :) but i said that was one i wanted, she didnt point me towards that, she actually told me to try for character attendant and attractions, which thankfully were ones i wanted.
Those are good choices I hope you get one of themthe attractions job is putting people on rides and everything isnt it? and this is off topic but how do you put 2 message into one reply? If you know what I mean I think I counfused myself lol
Those are good choices I hope you get one of themthe attractions job is putting people on rides and everything isnt it? and this is off topic but how do you put 2 message into one reply? If you know what I mean I think I counfused myself lol

yeah i hope i get any of those three. and attractions i think is anything from putting people on rides to even giving spiels like the jungle cruise which she did talk a bit about memorizing things. which i dont mind doing at all, cuz i like acting, i just dont have too much experience. but to do two quotes, you press the little icon thing right by the quote icon, and itll turn red, so you can just press that on the ones you want, then press quote on any of the ones you have pressed. does that make sense?
yeah i hope i get any of those three. and attractions i think is anything from putting people on rides to even giving spiels like the jungle cruise which she did talk a bit about memorizing things. which i dont mind doing at all, cuz i like acting, i just dont have too much experience. but to do two quotes, you press the little icon thing right by the quote icon, and itll turn red, so you can just press that on the ones you want, then press quote on any of the ones you have pressed. does that make sense?
Thats cool you like acting I can memorize things but when it comes to saying it in front of people I just end up forgeting all of it. Thanks for telling me how to do the quotes i think i did it right!

Those are good choices I hope you get one of themthe attractions job is putting people on rides and everything isnt it? and this is off topic but how do you put 2 message into one reply? If you know what I mean I think I counfused myself lol

Testing, Testing!
Hey there guys. I am waiting to see if I got hired. Just interviewed today. And I am nervous out of this world!!!

I had my interview yesterday. My interviewers name was Lindsey. I had checked a lot of roles on the role list. I told her that I was interested in PhotoPass, Merchandise and QSF&B. She did focus a lot on PhotoPass questions; asking me about my experience with photography and using a digital camera. So hopefully I could be a PhotoPass Cast Member. Then she also asked some questions about Quick Service and asked me a question of "what i would do if a customer had spilled a drink on the ground." My interview last 20 minutes!

I hope I get that purple folder!
It's going to be very hard waiting for a response.
Good luck! I hope you get the position you wanted Photopass sounds really cool
Those are good choices I hope you get one of themthe attractions job is putting people on rides and everything isnt it? and this is off topic but how do you put 2 message into one reply? If you know what I mean I think I counfused myself lol

Yep. Attractions could be working an actual ride, working one of the shows (like the Beauty and the Beast show), one of the 3-D shows, one of the playgrounds, ect. I hope to get either JC or GMR. That would be awsome!

Hey there guys. I am waiting to see if I got hired. Just interviewed today. And I am nervous out of this world!!!


Good luck! :)
Then she also asked some questions about Quick Service and asked me a question of "what i would do if a customer had spilled a drink on the ground." My interview last 20 minutes!

I hope I get that purple folder!
It's going to be very hard waiting for a response.

I had mine around 2 today and the lady asked me the same question. She also asked what would I do if a kid was excited about a ride but was too short, and how would I handle a guest that requested a hotel room but there were none like the one they requested available.

Good luck!

EDIT: My top three that I told her were Attractions, Hospitality, and Hopper. And thanks guys!
Thats cool you like acting I can memorize things but when it comes to saying it in front of people I just end up forgeting all of it. Thanks for telling me how to do the quotes i think i did it right!

it worked! hooray! ha ha, and if i have it memorized really good i dont do too bad. sometimes i can mess up though. like this shakespeare monologue i did in acting class, man i was bad! but i didnt prepare too well, and i didnt like my scene all too well. ha ha. i had to act all depressed and in mourning. but im a happy person!

I had my interview yesterday. My interviewers name was Lindsey. I had checked a lot of roles on the role list. I told her that I was interested in PhotoPass, Merchandise and QSF&B. She did focus a lot on PhotoPass questions; asking me about my experience with photography and using a digital camera. So hopefully I could be a PhotoPass Cast Member. Then she also asked some questions about Quick Service and asked me a question of "what i would do if a customer had spilled a drink on the ground." My interview last 20 minutes!

I hope I get that purple folder!
It's going to be very hard waiting for a response.

good luck! and photopass would be great for you to get!
I had mine around 2 today and the lady asked me the same question. She also asked what would I do if a kid was excited about a ride but was too short, and how would I handle a guest that requested a hotel room but there were none like the one they requested available.

I was ready for the first question. I heard that a good answer would have been something along the lines of "Get down to the kids' level, apologizing that he cant go on Space Mountain and tell him some other rides he can go on like Peter Pans Flight or Buzz Lightyear."
That's what I said in a nutshell. I worked at Cedar Point last summer so that kinda helped.
Ah ha! I am glad you started a thread for our little PFA!

I don't think my interview went very well. She said it would take a half hour and it only took maybe 15-20 minutes and she didn't really ask me any questions other than which position I'd prefer and if I had been to Disney before. Oh, wait.. I guess she also asked me what my favorite part about Disney is.

That's what I said in a nutshell. I worked at Cedar Point last summer so that kinda helped.

Ah! I LOVE Cedar Point!! I didn't go at all last year and I was so sad :(
good luck! and photopass would be great for you to get

Yeah. I have such a passion for photography. It would be great to get, because you also get to really interact with the Guests a lot!! I know we made so many Cast Members' days for just talking with them.
Ah ha! I am glad you started a thread for our little PFA!

I don't think my interview went very well. She said it would take a half hour and it only took maybe 15-20 minutes and she didn't really ask me any questions other than which position I'd prefer and if I had been to Disney before. Oh, wait.. I guess she also asked me what my favorite part about Disney is.(

yeah i thought pfa needed one ;) and she said it would take a half hour? wow. mine said it would take 20 min. and it took about that. a half hour would be long!
yeah i thought pfa needed one ;) and she said it would take a half hour? wow. mine said it would take 20 min. and it took about that. a half hour would be long!
Yea I was told 20 mins too and I thought I didnt do well because mine only took 15 half an hour would have been torture because I just would have gotten more and more nervous lol
yeah i thought pfa needed one ;) and she said it would take a half hour? wow. mine said it would take 20 min. and it took about that. a half hour would be long!

Ooh, I thought maybe I just wasn't being talkative enough or something. She didn't really ask me anything that invited a lot of conversation. I asked a couple questions, so I guess that helped lengthen it. I dunno! We'll see! Good thing I have the PFA ;)
Yea I was told 20 mins too and I thought I didnt do well because mine only took 15 half an hour would have been torture because I just would have gotten more and more nervous lol

Mine was about 20 minutes from answer to hanging up. I ended my conversation with my interviewer with "Have a magical day!"
I interviewed yesterday and my girlfriend interviewed today. I hope they don't put one and one together and base their decision of acceptance that i know her. We have different city names and different schools, but in the same area. We'll see if this has any impact on if we're both accepted or not.


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