Another Unofficial Chatterbox Thread- Everyone is Welcome!

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oyyy, nearly 11;30/ dang it, that's a question mark...

i need to get to bed, i'm going to be pooped tomorrow. heh.

good night! :cloud9:
hey, at least she's potty trained, right/ :rotfl2:

i now take every opportunity to point out the importance of using the potty.

ds4 pooped his pull-up.
me; wow, that's really disgusting. when are you going to use the potty like a big boy/ you are a big boy and every other child your age uses the potty all the time/ you really need to start doing that, this is sooo yucky.

ds4; mama, i want to go to disneyland!
me; really/ ME, TOO! i'll take you when you're using the potty all the time, ok/

ds4; mama, i liked playing with A... a friend's 3yo dd.
me; oh, really, sweetheart? she's a sweetie, isn't she. did you know she uses the potty all the time?

hey, i know it's annoying, but i'm desperate here!

:lmao: I can imagine! I thought it was going to be more of a fight with her.. But she just got it. The one thing I was FREAKING about was the sassy. I was SCARED to take it away, and that is the only reason I didnt take it away sooner. and it only took, what? a DAY for her to be totally rid of them?

Im still debating on letting the babies have them. Hopefully they wont want them.
:lmao: I can imagine! I thought it was going to be more of a fight with her.. But she just got it. The one thing I was FREAKING about was the sassy. I was SCARED to take it away, and that is the only reason I didnt take it away sooner. and it only took, what? a DAY for her to be totally rid of them?

Im still debating on letting the babies have them. Hopefully they wont want them.
ds8 wouldn't take them, always wanted... well, me! or a certain body part of mine, actually. :lmao:

he nursed constantly as an infant, it was nuts. so i was very happy when ds4 liked the binky, i didn't have to serve as a human binky. :lmao:

now that they're totally gone he's taken to sucking on fingers. i think some kids just need to suck on something to comfort themselves. i was a thumb sucker, and when they broke me of that i sucked on a hunk of my hair that i could pull into my mouth. one of my teachers ... 1st or 2nd grade, i think... told me that was disgusting, and i was horrified and embarrassed, but i stopped doing it. :confused3

ok, david letterman is on, i really need to get to bed now! :lmao:
Hi ladies! Today sucks!

I have some kind of an eye infection it's been bugging me for a few days and today it's starting to clear up but my eye drops sting! Dh tells me to quit whining but it really hurts.

Then I was typing away at the computer when I looked at my engagement ring and noticed a dark spot, one of my stones fell out! I'm so mad! So now I have to see about getting it fixed ( we have insurance) but I mean come on, the ring isn't even a month old! And we got the ring in a city two and half hours from here by train so we have to commute to get it fixed which costs $$.

On top of that, I'm throwing a baby shower for my friend who doesn't have very many friends and so far there are only 4 of us going including myself and the mom to be. It will probably be all fine, but it's just kind of weird.

The mom to be and dad to be also don't want to buy anything for their baby because they're planning to move back to Canada in a year. Shouldn't they have thought of that BEFORE they planned to have their baby over seas? So now I want to buy her everything because I don't think she realises how much babies need. She's a first time mommy and doesn't really have any experience with babies at all. But I have no money! :rotfl: I need HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!
Alex gets those.. I love the prices, but I havent found much for him.

I have never heard of it. I can remember the Berenstein Bears... and then it seemed like I went straight to the Babysitters Club. Im sure I didnt, but I dont have the memory of what was in between those. :lmao: Oddly.. I can remember picking out my first Babysitters Club book.. I was in the first grade. I cant remember what we had for dinner last night, but I remember picking out a book in the first grade. :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Good Morning! I used to love the Babysitter Club books! I had so many of them. I still like to read I just ahve no time it seems like. I read Twilight and the one that comes after but I need to get the 3rd and 4th from the libraby.
Im getting irritated.. more with myself then with her... that I cant get Mikalah to learn the alphabet. She just doesnt get it.. Frelan thinks that I should wait until Im more patient. ie... NOT pregnant. :lmao: Valid point. She also doesnt get her colors. Seriously. Almost 4.. She can count to 20, you would think she could tell the difference between yellow and black. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure she'll figure those out by the time she drives. Once they have a reason to know the colors (red, green & yellow traffic lights) they learn pretty fast. Also, trust me...the counting will come soon enough. She will know the difference in a $20 and a $50 bill soon enough!:rotfl2:

Hi ladies! Today sucks!

I have some kind of an eye infection it's been bugging me for a few days and today it's starting to clear up but my eye drops sting! Dh tells me to quit whining but it really hurts.

Then I was typing away at the computer when I looked at my engagement ring and noticed a dark spot, one of my stones fell out! I'm so mad! So now I have to see about getting it fixed ( we have insurance) but I mean come on, the ring isn't even a month old! And we got the ring in a city two and half hours from here by train so we have to commute to get it fixed which costs $$.

On top of that, I'm throwing a baby shower for my friend who doesn't have very many friends and so far there are only 4 of us going including myself and the mom to be. It will probably be all fine, but it's just kind of weird.

The mom to be and dad to be also don't want to buy anything for their baby because they're planning to move back to Canada in a year. Shouldn't they have thought of that BEFORE they planned to have their baby over seas? So now I want to buy her everything because I don't think she realises how much babies need. She's a first time mommy and doesn't really have any experience with babies at all. But I have no money! :rotfl: I need HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!

Oh that sucks about your ring! I was always getting my rings caught on things and finally a jeweler told me to always get 6 prongs on each diamond, then it will never fall out. Four prongs doesn't do that good of a job. So I have taken several of my rings and had the 4 prongs made into 6 prongs. Doesn't cost that much and is cheap insurance.:thumbsup2

Babies really don't need a lot...but parent's like to buy them a lot!:lmao: If you don't have much money, how about making her a coupon book...good for one afternoon of babysitting, good for one afternoon of housecleaning, good for one call me and I'll run to the store and pick up diapers for you.:thumbsup2
Christine, also check with the jeweler. Most jewelers here have guarantees...if you bring it in to be checked at least once a year then they will replace a stone for free if it falls out. I would think that your ring would still be under some type of warranty after only 1 month.:confused3
Hi ladies! Today sucks!

I have some kind of an eye infection it's been bugging me for a few days and today it's starting to clear up but my eye drops sting! Dh tells me to quit whining but it really hurts.

Then I was typing away at the computer when I looked at my engagement ring and noticed a dark spot, one of my stones fell out! I'm so mad! So now I have to see about getting it fixed ( we have insurance) but I mean come on, the ring isn't even a month old! And we got the ring in a city two and half hours from here by train so we have to commute to get it fixed which costs $$.

On top of that, I'm throwing a baby shower for my friend who doesn't have very many friends and so far there are only 4 of us going including myself and the mom to be. It will probably be all fine, but it's just kind of weird.

The mom to be and dad to be also don't want to buy anything for their baby because they're planning to move back to Canada in a year. Shouldn't they have thought of that BEFORE they planned to have their baby over seas? So now I want to buy her everything because I don't think she realises how much babies need. She's a first time mommy and doesn't really have any experience with babies at all. But I have no money! :rotfl: I need HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!
I cant help with theother stuff.. but the baby stuff I can. TRUST ME. I can!:lmao: Little babies dont need hardly anything. Clothes, diapers, food, and a car seat. If they are planning on co-sleeping, their bed is babies bed. If she nurses, that takes care of the food. clothes and diapers can be done for not so spendy.. Check used clothing stores, if they have any there. There are travel swings.. very small and portable.

People keep telling me that we are never going to have the room for all the stuff a baby needs. :confused3 What the heck does a baby need that takes up THAT much room? :lmao: I dont know how far along she is, or how old the baby will be when she moves.... but a lot of stuff out there is not that necessary.
I'm pretty sure she'll figure those out by the time she drives. Once they have a reason to know the colors (red, green & yellow traffic lights) they learn pretty fast. Also, trust me...the counting will come soon enough. She will know the difference in a $20 and a $50 bill soon enough!:rotfl2:

Oh that sucks about your ring! I was always getting my rings caught on things and finally a jeweler told me to always get 6 prongs on each diamond, then it will never fall out. Four prongs doesn't do that good of a job. So I have taken several of my rings and had the 4 prongs made into 6 prongs. Doesn't cost that much and is cheap insurance.:thumbsup2

Babies really don't need a lot...but parent's like to buy them a lot!:lmao: If you don't have much money, how about making her a coupon book...good for one afternoon of babysitting, good for one afternoon of housecleaning, good for one call me and I'll run to the store and pick up diapers for you.:thumbsup2
Where is everyone today?:confused3

Watching TV? :happytv:

Doing laundry? :laundy:

Picking flowers?:flower3:


I'm pretty sure she'll figure those out by the time she drives. Once they have a reason to know the colors (red, green & yellow traffic lights) they learn pretty fast. Also, trust me...the counting will come soon enough. She will know the difference in a $20 and a $50 bill soon enough!:rotfl2:

Oh that sucks about your ring! I was always getting my rings caught on things and finally a jeweler told me to always get 6 prongs on each diamond, then it will never fall out. Four prongs doesn't do that good of a job. So I have taken several of my rings and had the 4 prongs made into 6 prongs. Doesn't cost that much and is cheap insurance.:thumbsup2

Babies really don't need a lot...but parent's like to buy them a lot!:lmao: If you don't have much money, how about making her a coupon book...good for one afternoon of babysitting, good for one afternoon of housecleaning, good for one call me and I'll run to the store and pick up diapers for you.:thumbsup2
I ended up buying her a bouncing vibrating chair, and some stackable plastic bowls for when the baby is older. She's the type of girl that will go out shopping the day before the baby shower so I tried to think of stuff she won't think of.

As for the ring, I have an emerald cut sapphire in the middle with diamonds on the band and in a rectangle around the sapphire and it's one of the little diamonds that fell out, and I was looking at it closer and they don't really look like they're held in by anything at all! :eek: Obviously they are but I don't see any prongs or anything. Hopefully when I take it in they will check all the little diamonds and make sure no more are loose.
Christine, also check with the jeweler. Most jewelers here have guarantees...if you bring it in to be checked at least once a year then they will replace a stone for free if it falls out. I would think that your ring would still be under some type of warranty after only 1 month.:confused3
Yeah, we're going to call tomorrow but we do have insurance and a warranty and all that so I don't think we should have to pay anything, especially since it's so new!
I cant help with theother stuff.. but the baby stuff I can. TRUST ME. I can!:lmao: Little babies dont need hardly anything. Clothes, diapers, food, and a car seat. If they are planning on co-sleeping, their bed is babies bed. If she nurses, that takes care of the food. clothes and diapers can be done for not so spendy.. Check used clothing stores, if they have any there. There are travel swings.. very small and portable.

People keep telling me that we are never going to have the room for all the stuff a baby needs. :confused3 What the heck does a baby need that takes up THAT much room? :lmao: I dont know how far along she is, or how old the baby will be when she moves.... but a lot of stuff out there is not that necessary.



Oh good to know! I was under the impression babies needed oodles because babies always have oodles :rotfl: She'll be here for at least year after the baby is born. It's due March. 31 so it will grow and I think eventually she'll need to buy bigger things for it won't she? She doesn't want to buy a high chair, she didn't want to buy a crib but someone gave her a hand me down. So aside from diapers (or nappies as they're called here) she's probably got the basics covered?
I ended up buying her a bouncing vibrating chair, and some stackable plastic bowls for when the baby is older. She's the type of girl that will go out shopping the day before the baby shower so I tried to think of stuff she won't think of.

As for the ring, I have an emerald cut sapphire in the middle with diamonds on the band and in a rectangle around the sapphire and it's one of the little diamonds that fell out, and I was looking at it closer and they don't really look like they're held in by anything at all! :eek: Obviously they are but I don't see any prongs or anything. Hopefully when I take it in they will check all the little diamonds and make sure no more are loose.

Yeah, we're going to call tomorrow but we do have insurance and a warranty and all that so I don't think we should have to pay anything, especially since it's so new!

Oh good to know! I was under the impression babies needed oodles because babies always have oodles :rotfl: She'll be here for at least year after the baby is born. It's due March. 31 so it will grow and I think eventually she'll need to buy bigger things for it won't she? She doesn't want to buy a high chair, she didn't want to buy a crib but someone gave her a hand me down. So aside from diapers (or nappies as they're called here) she's probably got the basics covered?

I think a high chair is unnecessary.. The baby can sit anywhere and eat. I used my bouncy seat for a long time with Alex. There are so many things that are NICE to have, and make things easier... But it CAN be done without them.

Im trying to think of what we have.. blankets are a must. babies love a good tight burrito wrap.. sheets for the crib.. a waterproof pad for the mattress. a bumper for the crib. hats!! She will need some little baby hats!! Onsies, and sleepers.. all the little outfits are cute, but again, not necessary. Plus, babies grow out of them with a quickness. Anyways.. those just might be a few things that she hadnt thought of.
Bummer to have your ring breaking already.. did you find the stone or will it need to be replaced?

Baby stuff, I agree they don't need much -- it's the parents, friends and family that love to doll them up with pretty clothes and the newest gadgets. :laughing:

Place to sleep, something to eat, and a clean bottom .. they will be happy as lil clams. :goodvibes

The basics:
receiving blankets
diapers/ wipes/ gentle soap
onesies , sleepers or gowns
bottles and formula if not nursing

Car seat if they plan to travel in a car or on a plane.

I can see not wanting to get too much stuff, but if she is staying for the entire first year of baby life.. she might want it anyway.
It's that first year where you want "stuff" to make your life easier. After that it's easy to downsize to the basics.
I got all the stuff that my mom, and my aunt ordered for me. The stroller is HUGE. :scared1: Its a little scary to look at. I am going to run over SO many people with this thing. :lmao: The handles are really high, and that is GREAT! I dont know why they make most strollers so low... Im not that tall, and GEEZ. I hate bending over to push a stroller! But it is about PERFECT. Just what we need!

The car seats my aunt got to go with the stroller are really big.. They fit up to a 30 pound baby, and they look WAY bigger then the other ones I had with Alex and Mikalah. Man.. trying to wrestle all that stuff together really had me sweating. :lmao:

We got the crib this morning... its in the garage waiting for the weekend. We have to rearange the bedroom, and put it up. The mattress is really nice! I think it might be nicer then mine. :lmao: :lmao:
so I'm looking thru Etsy, some people make beautiful things .. beautiful pricey things.

The cheap stuff.. holy Fug-ugly bat girl, what the heck were they thinking!?!!! :scared: Looks like some home ec class sewing, odd choice in cloth and sewn very badly with puckering edges.

Mind you I am not the crafty type, I know my limitations.

Apparently some of them don't know their strenghts.. and lack thereof. :lmao:

Anyway,makes for interseting perusal.
I did find this hecka cute hats, can't find it now. They were knitted hats for kids/ babies with yarn on top to look like a mohawk.. trust me.. it was CUTE!

Figures right??

:lmao: I know, huh?
so I'm looking thru Etsy, some people make beautiful things .. beautiful pricey things.

The cheap stuff.. holy Fug-ugly bat girl, what the heck were they thinking!?!!! :scared: Looks like some home ec class sewing, odd choice in cloth and sewn very badly with puckering edges.

Mind you I am not the crafty type, I know my limitations.

Apparently some of them don't know their strenghts.. and lack thereof. :lmao:

Anyway,makes for interseting perusal.
I did find this hecka cute hats, can't find it now. They were knitted hats for kids/ babies with yarn on top to look like a mohawk.. trust me.. it was CUTE!

Sounds cute!
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