Sad Story from One Who Trusted without Checking!

I am only half way through reading this but want to subscribe as I am really bummed for you. I am only on page 19....
As old this post is, its a good reminder to the potential newbies to DVC such as myself of what to look out for as a dishonest transaction.

I would equate a low post count to a starter set of checks (which may not be how they do it any longer but I have had the same bank account for 14 years so I'm not sure). When I opened a new checking account, I was given a pack of starter checks that had no name or address printed on them and the printed checks were sent within a few days/weeks. There were not many, if any, places that would accept those checks. It didn't mean that I didn't have plenty of money in the account, I just hadn't "proven" myself yet.

To this day, the liquor store near me has a sign posted stating that checks under #1000 would not be accepted. If you don't write a check very often, you might not ever reach that check #. That doesn't mean you don't have the money.

Those with a low post count are more then likely very nice decent people who either choose not to chime in on the boards very often, have just discovered the wonders of the DIS or don't spend hours each day on the boards, that in itself does not make them untrustworthy. However in today's society, it is reason to think twice.

Now, there are also people with extremely high post counts (or check #'s), and they could very well be untrustworthy or might bounce checks one after the other.

All that rambling to say everyone should think twice about everything and everyone. You can not draw conclusions about someone by one factor alone. It has to be all encompassing.
Thanks for sharing! It seems to me that the "red flags" are easier to see in retrospect, and not so obvious at the time. You can bet I'll be on the lookout though!
Reading your story brought back memories. I was buying NFL season tickets and something very similar happened. When you look back its easy to see where you went wrong, but in the heat things its a different story. I think this is a great way to show/remind people how things like that happen.
I've read most of this, but I never saw any kind of resolution.

Was there ever any satisfactory resolution for any of the four parties involved?
New here and reading this....which I am glad I did!!! I am SOOOO sorry this happened to you. I hope there was some sort of resolution. It is a good reminder of what to look out for. Again, I am sorry this happened to you.

All the best-
Well, since I am VERY NEW, and after reading this crazy long and horrible thread for so many people...I am glad atleast Stacy was able to have her situation resolved, and Dani was able to be happy in the outcome and in a happy place to not go further. is another set of questions....I am NEW to this board....but my family and I have been DVC members since 2006. I have randomly read these boards over several months....and after reading this long post....I can see it is probably going to be very difficult to rent our extra points.

Is there any way to rent out our points through someone else so that the renter is comfortable in the transaction...and the buyer is comfortable with the transaction? We received so many points when we originally purchased...double the purchase points...that we have yet to use them all up! We have gone the last 3 years in a row...but will be going on a vacation elsewhere this coming summer. Will have to get rid of these somehow....and I could not stand to watch them expire.

Anyone with any suggestions?? Webmaster?

maybe me but i do not see the DVC point rentals on that site

Your original question simply asked about a place that handles rentals - and Dreams is a great place for that.

No one can "rent" DVC points. Only a reservation made using DVC points may be rented from a member. If you want to rent a reservation from a source other than the Rent/Trade Board, then Dreams Unlimited Travel would be a good resource to accomplish such a transaction.

If you wish to rent directly from a DVC member, the DVC Rent/Trade Board here on the DIS is a great option.

I have been associated with the Rent/Trade Board for almost 10 years now and can count on a few fingers the number of problem rentals we have had in total. In most all cases, theose problems could likely have been avoided with a little extra due diligence. The VAST majority of the tens of thousands of rentals made thru this site have had no problems in any way. The purpose of this thread was to point out some of the issues and offer a discussion about the means to possibly avoid those potential problems. Members have lots of ways to protect themselves in a transaction and renters also have the means to protect themselves with a little advance due diligence.

If someone wants to rent a reservation with lots of safeguards, perhaps a rental direct from Disney or thru a Travel Agent like Dreams is the best way to go. If you are willing to work thru the potential problems and educate yourself about both the pitfalls and the benefits, then renting from a DVC Member can be a very rewarding and economical transaction. Members wanting to rent their points also need to realize that there is some work involved to do so over the internet. Many members have made strong relationships with past renters who contact them annually. Perhaps letting neighbors and co-workers that you can rent a reservation to them would be another way to begin if renting over the internet is a concern. Make no mistake, renting reservations can be a challenge especially in the current economic climate. IMO, everyone needs to be vigilant.

Please read the posts stuck at the top of the Rent/Trade Board and if there are any questions, ask before entering into a rental transaction.
Well, since I am VERY NEW, and after reading this crazy long and horrible thread for so many people...I am glad atleast Stacy was able to have her situation resolved, and Dani was able to be happy in the outcome and in a happy place to not go further. is another set of questions....I am NEW to this board....but my family and I have been DVC members since 2006. I have randomly read these boards over several months....and after reading this long post....I can see it is probably going to be very difficult to rent our extra points.

Is there any way to rent out our points through someone else so that the renter is comfortable in the transaction...and the buyer is comfortable with the transaction? We received so many points when we originally purchased...double the purchase points...that we have yet to use them all up! We have gone the last 3 years in a row...but will be going on a vacation elsewhere this coming summer. Will have to get rid of these somehow....and I could not stand to watch them expire.

Anyone with any suggestions?? Webmaster?


How about using the extra points for a Disney cruise.
Family of 4, I would LOVE to use those for a cruise...but I won't have the money this year to fly down there with my family. My husband and I can only take so much time off of work, and we are committed to going on a vaca with some friends for a week at their beach house. So, no cruise for us!

Hopefully some solution will come up!

Thanks for the option, though!!!
Family of 4, I would LOVE to use those for a cruise...but I won't have the money this year to fly down there with my family. My husband and I can only take so much time off of work, and we are committed to going on a vaca with some friends for a week at their beach house. So, no cruise for us!

Hopefully some solution will come up!

Thanks for the option, though!!![/

Have you done anything yet with your points? I really don't think you'd have any trouble if you decided to put them on dis trade/rent board. I would rent from you!
Just a reminder: you won't find all DVC members at that website because some don't own in Orange County. Some have all their points at VB or HHI.

Are there a public website you can check for Vero, HHI, or VGC ownership documents?

I have to add that this is a really interesting thread! I haven't read it all yet (I jumped onto pg. 56 from 7 out of curiosity for what has been happening recently, if anything).

I plan to finish reading the meat in the middle soon...

I know it's old, but thanks to the OP and everyone who came afterward for sharing all this!
I read the first and last pages of this post so I don't know if this has been suggested but is the original post and any applicable one that followed still here? If so print them out. They should show the offer to make a sale for financial compensation. Also see if you can get a transaction number for the money transfer. That proves the money was paid. You already have the name and phone number of the person who offered the points and the city in which the money was picked up. If you call the district attorney's number in the city where the money was received they may have enough information to follow up with a fraud charge.
Family of 4, I would LOVE to use those for a cruise...but I won't have the money this year to fly down there with my family. My husband and I can only take so much time off of work, and we are committed to going on a vaca with some friends for a week at their beach house. So, no cruise for us!

Hopefully some solution will come up!

Thanks for the option, though!!!

Can they be deposited into RCI? Then you might be able to take a vacation in the future with them.
Never rented points, but I would want a copy of the home phone that I would confirm with information and a copy of a recent drivers license.

I would have no problem dropping by to collect my money out of their *** if this happened to me. No, I'm not Clint Eastwood, but I consider myself very honest, and hot tempered.:headache:
I've read most of this, but I never saw any kind of resolution.

Was there ever any satisfactory resolution for any of the four parties involved?
Yes. Stacy got all of her money back. Dani elected not to go forward with law enforcement intervention. As far as I know, there were at least two others who lost money and got nothing back. There may have been more than two.

I also think Dani's thread was instrumental in 3-4 people NOT losing money, which was the point of the whole exercise. Plus, as far as we know, there have not been any further rentals here on the DIS by that person.


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