The WOnDeRs - Welcome to the Club -W/C 7th April

Ok well I just got back from my first ww meeting and I need to acutally loose 65 pounds overall but I want at least 45 off before Disney in November. I went to the store to get some healthy stuff and actually have walked the past 2 days even though I have been sick. So my "weigh in day" will be Wednesdays.

Scarlett873 that breakfast sounds yummy. I will have to go get that cookbook. I didnt know they had one.

Good luck everyone. This is such a help to me. It is so hard to do alone.
That Thing You Do is one of my favorites! It's one of those movies where no matter what point in the movie it is, I have to watch it!
Hi, I'm Ann and I am ready to lose some weight before the PodCast Cruise!

I've dealt with weight issues for a very long time. As a teen I was bulimic (I only purged... never binged and purged). I was an active bulimic until my mid-20's... I made myself get healthy because I was pregnant. I stayed "healthy" until my early 30's... that's when I divorced my first husband... and started making myself sick again (I purge when over stressed). After three more years, I went to a therapist who gave me Zoloft to stop the bulimia... it worked. In 2002, I married my current hubby and since then I've had two more kids and gained a whole bunch of weight. My one year old decided to wean herself so I am ready to lose weight (the right way!)!

My real problem is staying in control and following a program. Sometimes I worry I fill fall into the slippery slope of bulimia again. Not sometimes, all the time.
Hi, I'm Susan. I've gained over 20 pounds since last April, mainly due to my 150+ mile daily commute. It was just too easy to pull into a fast food place and grab breakfast on the way! I gave that up for Lent, and haven't started back, whew! :goodvibes

My goal is to lose the 20 plus 25 more. Several of us at work are doing South Beach. My weakness are starches - potatoes, rice, bread, yum ......

We have a gym in the building where I work, and I am a member. So, I'll ease back into working out too.

Wish we were going on the podcast cruise, but that's a busy time at work. :headache: Oh well, I'll go vicariously through your planning and updates! :surfweb:
Hi, I'm Ann and I am ready to lose some weight before the PodCast Cruise!

I've dealt with weight issues for a very long time. As a teen I was bulimic (I only purged... never binged and purged). I was an active bulimic until my mid-20's... I made myself get healthy because I was pregnant. I stayed "healthy" until my early 30's... that's when I divorced my first husband... and started making myself sick again (I purge when over stressed). After three more years, I went to a therapist who gave me Zoloft to stop the bulimia... it worked. In 2002, I married my current hubby and since then I've had two more kids and gained a whole bunch of weight. My one year old decided to wean herself so I am ready to lose weight (the right way!)!

My real problem is staying in control and following a program. Sometimes I worry I fill fall into the slippery slope of bulimia again. Not sometimes, all the time.
Yay you for deciding to get healthy the right way! I can't imagine what it must feel like to have experienced that...hang in there! It sounds like we've got a lot of folks with varying experiences...we've got one heck of a support group here! :hug:
Is everyone still sticking with it!!!! I am gonna be sore tomorrow. We finally hit the 70's here and I spent 2 hours mowing the grass. Hopefully my efforst will pay off this week. So what is everyone else doing.
Is everyone still sticking with it!!!! I am gonna be sore tomorrow. We finally hit the 70's here and I spent 2 hours mowing the grass. Hopefully my efforst will pay off this week. So what is everyone else doing.

Four days no pop. And, I've worked out every day this week. I even got up at six this morning to go to the Y because that is the only time that fit into my schedule today. I like to sleep. I can stay up until the wee hours of the night, but I take every second I can get in the morning.
Four days no pop. And, I've worked out every day this week. I even got up at six this morning to go to the Y because that is the only time that fit into my schedule today. I like to sleep. I can stay up until the wee hours of the night, but I take every second I can get in the morning.

That is impressive. I will start my Disney walking plan next week. I was a bit under the weather (still am some sort of stomach bug) and not up to it this week. Pat yourself on the back.
Is everyone still sticking with it!!!! I am gonna be sore tomorrow. We finally hit the 70's here and I spent 2 hours mowing the grass. Hopefully my efforst will pay off this week. So what is everyone else doing.

Fingers crossed for a great first week for you!

Four days no pop. And, I've worked out every day this week. I even got up at six this morning to go to the Y because that is the only time that fit into my schedule today. I like to sleep. I can stay up until the wee hours of the night, but I take every second I can get in the morning.

Great Job Nicole -- Keep up the good work!!!

I've never seen it. I'll have to rent it one of these days.

Definitely rent "That Thing You Do" it's a really cute movie.
Well, I know I shouldn't have, but I really haven't been watching this week. I am going to WW for sure this Saturday. As my Mother puts it a last hurrah before the point counting. I haven't been going overboard, just eating a couple of things that will break the point camel's back. Come Saturday, I'm a point counting girl.

I am sitting here at work trying to stay awake. I can't use caffeine as it will mess up my sleep later on. I used to use cookies or small chocolates to help keep me going but I want to find an alternative. HELP!

I need to find something that requires no microwave etc...

So far I have had 2 cheese strings, a small snack bag of pretzels and a fruit n gel cup.
And a cookie. :blush:

Maybe if I pick up some sunflower seeds for next week....

At least now that I have poked around this thread again I have put the second cookie back. Not much longer & I will be done for the night/morning. I will work out this afternoon when I get up. I will.

Whew. I think I can make it now. And I will let DD have the cookie.
Ewwww, haggis. Thanks, helped control my appetite with that one word.

Guess I should make a sign for the fridge...HAGGIS WITHIN

:rotfl: :rotfl: I'm thinking the start of Pulp Fiction except it will be the haggis that gets you :thumbsup2
Off to make some more the haggis clones :lmao:
I am sitting here at work trying to stay awake. I can't use caffeine as it will mess up my sleep later on. I used to use cookies or small chocolates to help keep me going but I want to find an alternative. HELP!

I need to find something that requires no microwave etc...

So far I have had 2 cheese strings, a small snack bag of pretzels and a fruit n gel cup.
And a cookie. :blush:

Maybe if I pick up some sunflower seeds for next week....

At least now that I have poked around this thread again I have put the second cookie back. Not much longer & I will be done for the night/morning. I will work out this afternoon when I get up. I will.

Whew. I think I can make it now. And I will let DD have the cookie.

What job do you do that you are working at a computer at 1:25 AM? Maybe just drinking water would help. How about putting those little Crystal Light packs in you water for flavor. You could pack carrots, fruit, etc. Good job on the second cookie :)
I went to the gym and worked out for 30 minutes yesterday. I have been keeping a food journal and am on day 5 of no soda. I feel better and I noticed that I am sleeping better too.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

I went to the gym and worked out for 30 minutes yesterday. I have been keeping a food journal and am on day 5 of no soda. I feel better and I noticed that I am sleeping better too.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Well done Becky - that is fantastic :hug:

Hope everyone has a good weekend and the results start showing next week

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: GO WOnDeRs :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I did pretty well yesterday. DH and I went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner and I was so well behaved that I got the salad bar, mini-turkey burgers with no cheese, and a side of broccoli. No fries!!! Man, that was

I have that same problem of snacking to stay alert at work. I'm a receptionist and part of my job is tending to the break area for our students. (we are an adult computer training center) In the break area are snacks like chips and candy bars. I also bake cookies (Otis Spunkmeyer!) each afternoon for a 2pm cookie break for the classes. That's the hardest time of day for's not that I want the cookies, because truth be told, I'm sick to death of them (been doing this daily now for 6 1/2 years), but the aroma coupled with the fact that i'm getting drowsy...the cookies are screaming at me! And I always think to myself, just one...that will wake me up! AAAAAAAAAAAACK! I've tried bringing in other things for my 2pm snacking, but nothing else satisfies that craving. Maybe I need to go and get some of those 100 calorie packs of something...

So far, no diet coke for me since Sunday! I did have 2 sweet teas this week...need to stop
I also bake cookies (Otis Spunkmeyer!) each afternoon for a 2pm cookie break for the classes. That's the hardest time of day for's not that I want the cookies, because truth be told, I'm sick to death of them (been doing this daily now for 6 1/2 years), but the aroma coupled with the fact that i'm getting drowsy...the cookies are screaming at me! And I always think to myself, just one...that will wake me up! AAAAAAAAAAAACK! I've tried bringing in other things for my 2pm snacking, but nothing else satisfies that craving. Maybe I need to go and get some of those 100 calorie packs of something...

Wow, that is a Biblical level of temptation. :eek: Here I thought I had temptations. :rolleyes:

I think your 100 cal pack is a good idea. Or maybe 1 Hershey's kiss. Have a friend at work hold on to them for you. ;) Wear a clothespin on your nose?

That's a tough one. Good work hanging in there!
Hi, my name is Charlotte and I live just outside of London, (right near Heathrow Airport for preciseness). I'm 17, turning 18 in May, and am 5'8" (or is it 5"8', I don't work in feet and inches much). Right now, I don't know how much I weigh as I'm heading south to portsmouth in about an hour until tomorrow evening, so will weigh in friday morning. I would like to reach my "normal BMI" which would be 158lbs.

I'm going to start going to Aquarobics with my mum on Monday, and I'm digging the exercise bike out of the shed. I also try to walk wherever I can. Food wise, I think the best thing for me to do is to just swap cakes and crisps with fruit, since other than that, I eat pretty healthily.

Right, I'm going to finish what I started writing. Weighed myself this morning, and I was 211 :-)scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: ) (Sorry for that, but it shows my disbelief) so if I lose 50 pounds, and keep it off, then I will be very happy. To be honest I will be happy if I lose anything. Although, I may have to wait until tomorrow to get the exercise bike out, since I smacked my shin on some concrete edging on my path (Running in the dark to my front door as I was despirate for the loo) so now it really hurts, but should go away tomorrow. I'm starting to wonder whether if I can manage to lose weight and keep it off, that may help my health. Something medical that I'd rather now talk about, its not the nicest thing in the world.

Another thing, do you think it's worth me cranking out the ye olde (Playstation One) dance mat if I still have it?


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