Diser's for CMO!

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Tiffany's costumes were wonderful . . ..

But Catotigger . That was great! Thanks so much for the Fleagle montage music. Kudos!
E: And the winner of tonight’s Mickey goes to....(the envelope is torn...)


Congratulations Tiffany, your costumes were outstanding.

My reaction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b0X6KMxnfs&feature=related
I'd like to thank the Discademy for this esteemed award and the recognition of said booty.

Ladies and Gentlemen... Please welcome back previous presenter J-Lo and Rap Sensation, Sir Mix-A-Lot!


J-LO: It is a distinct honor to be presenting two awards tonight. In fact, I'm very surprised to be here twice.

SMA: I'm not even sure why I'm here.

J-LO: Well, we are here to honor Kennythepirate. And everyone knows you like big butts.

SMA: I cannot lie. Kenny got a big old butt?

J-LO: No..he's a pirate. I'm sure that the DIScademy expected you and I to make lots of jokes about Booty.

SMA: I don't joke about Booty. Its how I make my living. One hit song, but I'm STILL getting paid!

J-LO: Not that kind of booty. Pirate Booty.

SMA: OH... Kenny the Pirate! I know that guy. I read SOMEWHERE that he was one of last year's winners.

J-LO: Well, not only was Kenny a part of last year's contest, (I think I read that too) but he's been a lot of fun in this year's contest. So, the DIScademy would like to honor him with a Lifetime Achievement award.

SMA: Probably a better lifetime achievement than writing a song about butts. I'll be singing that song until I'm 70.

J-LO: Congratulations Kenny!

Okay - -- maybe it's too late for me to pay attention to spelling . . . .

Anyway, Catotigger, again, that was amazing!
May everyone please put your hands and fins together for our next presenter for Best Supporting Role, Dory!


(cheers and giggles as a giant fish tank is rolled onto the stage and Dory swims up to the glass)

Dory: Hi, I’m Dory. Who are you guys? You can tell me your names one by one, let’s start with you in the Pirate costume...

(Marlin swims up)

Marlin: NO! Dory we don’t have time for that, there are approximately 10 people in this room and possibly dozens of lurkers. We are trying to finish before midnight. Just announce the award.

Dory: What award?

Marlin: You know, the winner for Best Supporting Role in a CMO video.

Dory: I won best supporting role? I don’t even remember running for CMO!

Marlin: UGH! You didn’t run. This is an award for the people who ran but lost.

Dory: Well if they lost, how are they getting an award? Hey did you ever find your son?

Marlin: Ahhh! I will announce this before I go crazy. And again the nominees for those of you like Dory who have probably already forgotten-


Google as “Pug Lightyear”

Cathy’s co-workers as “the office workers needing computer help and pixie dust!”

Lumiere as...himself

Nathan’s friends as “The ugly stepsisters”

Emma and her Pooh Bear as “The distraught child with a Pooh Bear emergency”

Marlin: And the winner for Best Supporting Role....(struggling to open the envelope underwater)

Dory: Hey, Best Supporting Role, I know who won that- it was Cathy’s co-workers!

Marlin: Dory!?! You just ruined it. I didn’t even have the envelope open yet. Oh forget it, congratulations to Cathy and her humorous co-workers!


And a special biscuit tonight goes to Pug Lightyear as he warmed our hearts and made us all laugh- he came in a very close second.
Hey, can anyone "confirm" that the top 10 will be posted at midnight? I can't take another disappointment...
ok, maybe that is a little melodramatic, but it would be helpful to be reassured

That's what the SPONSOR rules said.
{Lights go off}
Roseanne: Hit it boys!

[sound of audience searching for earplugs]

{stage whisper – save yourselves – turn down the volume…QUICK!)


Cato... I don't know what to say. That is just one of the nicest things.... I am absolutely stunned (in a good way!) Thank you SO much. Not only are you really, really sweet... but you are HILARIOUS! Wow, wow, wow.

Sincerely... thank you! :hug:
Dory: Hey, Best Supporting Role, I know who won that- it was Cathy’s co-workers!

Marlin: Dory!?! You just ruined it. I didn’t even have the envelope open yet. Oh forget it, congratulations to Cathy and her humorous co-workers!


And a special biscuit tonight goes to Pug Lightyear as he warmed our hearts and made us all laugh- he came in a very close second.

My reaction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diOp1GRdONs&feature=related
Tonight, we are here to make history. We’re giving away the 1st ever award for Best Actor/Actress in a short (INSERT SPONSOR HERE) film.

Presenting tonight’s award is none other than Tow Mater and Lightning McQueen with special assistance from Darrel and Bob in the booth!


Lightning McQueen: Ka-chow! Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed. One winner, 19 losers. I eat losers for breakfast. Breakfast? Maybe I should have had breakfast? Brekkie could be good for me. No, no, no, focus. Speed. Faster than fast, quicker than quick. I am Lightning.

Mater: My name is Mater.

Lightning McQueen: Mater?

Mater: Yeah, like tuh-mater, but without the "tuh." I tell you what, buddy, it just don't get better than this. Boy, I tell you what. I bet the roads on the moon ain't this smooth.

Lightning McQueen: Yep, you're living the dream, Mater boy.

Mater: Hey, I know this may be a bad time right now, but you owe me $32,000 in legal fees.

Lightning McQueen: What? In your dreams, Thunder!... Shall we cruise?

Mater: Why, thank you, dear, I'd love to!

Lightning McQueen: I create feelings in others that they themselves don't understand.

Mater: [hurriedly] Hey, listen, listen! If anybody asks you, we was out smashin' mailboxes, OK? Tractors is so dumb.

Lightning McQueen: I'm telling you, you gotta help me! Don't leave me here! I'm in hillbilly hell! My IQ's dropping by the second! I'm becoming one of them! Let’s get this thing over with!

Mater: You’re about to give out the Discademy Award Cup, you know that?

Lightning McQueen: Ah. it's just an empty cup.


The NOMINEES for the 2008 Best Actor/Actress in a short (INSERT SPONSOR HERE) film are:
“Shorts N Suit” Kurt http://www.dreamcmo.com/view-dream-cmo-applicant.php?CMODID=CMO-7FC3E0ACC7721C54418AAE8D4C3A5352

Mater: That’s tha outfit the pirate guy shoulda wored!

John “Stars in our hands” Bruner http://www.dreamcmo.com/view-dream-cmo-applicant.php?CMODID=CMO-42957CF53147601ECC952EF1F503EC58

Mater: I kin make stuff come out my tailpipes, wanna smell?

Lightning McQueen: Um, no thanks!

Katie “Mrs. Potts” Monlock http://www.dreamcmo.com/view-dream-cmo-applicant.php?CMODID=CMO-C515E5D9626A1928454DEE5F6A8169E9

Lightning McQueen: [to Mater] You know her?

Mater: [nudges McQueen playfully] She jus' likes me for my body.

Kirk “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” http://www.dreamcmo.com/view-dream-cmo-applicant.php?CMODID=CMO-E2E67E8B0C6485639B6D84C794BCFBF3

Lightning McQueen: Not today, old man. I know all your tricks!
Mark “Dream Squad Guy” Steiner http://www.dreamcmo.com/view-dream-cmo-applicant.php?CMODID=CMO-4642917CE873492B23B76DA2441D92E7

Mater: I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

“I heart yensid” Leah http://www.dreamcmo.com/view-dream-cmo-applicant.php?CMODID=CMO-E2AC2ECC2E5686DFEE243F77521FCDB6

Darrell Cartrip: Bob, my oil pressure's through the roof right now. If this gets any more exciting, they're gonna have to tow me out of the booth!

Mater: I'm happier 'n a tornado in a trailer park!

And the award goes to…
Donald Duck.

Darrell Cartrip: Kirk thought this was his year, Bob, his chance to finally emerge from Fleagle’s shadow. But the last thing he expected was – THE DONALD!

He is the only one that could pull off that classic look WITH NO PANTS. He can fuss and argue in an unexplainable language, yet is loved all over the world and no one accuses him of speaking in unknown tongues. Besides, who else could roll with the name Fauntleroy???

He was told he couldn’t compete, so he started his own blog. He didn’t just stop there, he is trying so diligently to remove the rats from office, that he qua-hacked THE SPONSOR site (you know who you are and you need to be giving me a free trip!)

He wrote his acceptance speech in advance, because he felt he’d come away the winner in this contest, well every contest actually.

FEBRUARY 27, 2008:WAA! WAA! WAA! Hello, everybody! Did you miss me? I hope you stopped over to THE SPONSOR site (I’ve got your back KTP) to see how I took care of things. (You know, there’s almost no problem that duck tape can’t fix!) I wanted to say thank you, everybody, to all of you who realize that I am the superior choice for THE SPONSOR CMO. Thanks for the support, and don’t any of you worry about me. He who quacks last quacks best. Waddle I think of next?

Darrell Cartrip: This is amazing!

Bob Cutlass: The most incredible ending in the history of the world!

Darrell Cartrip: Unbelievable!

Bob Cutlass: And we don't even know who won!

Find out March 22nd! In the meantime, send KTP to an (INSERT SPONSOR HERE) PARK near you!

KENNYTHEPIRATE: Since THE SPONSORS have since died of malnutrition and excessive beatings, I’ll have to resort to a different plan now to get my trip.


Having received more than 83,000 SPONSOR views in the ’07 contest, KTP is willing to sell his network of voters to the highest bidder!

Will Turner: You cheated.
Jack Sparrow: Pirate.
Yeah Cathy! Not only did your video win, that was the best musical number ever! Thanks for showing Fleagle how much we have TRULY loved his humor and fun activities here on the board!
Dory: Hey, Best Supporting Role, I know who won that- it was Cathy’s co-workers!

Marlin: Dory!?! You just ruined it. I didn’t even have the envelope open yet. Oh forget it, congratulations to Cathy and her humorous co-workers!


And a special biscuit tonight goes to Pug Lightyear as he warmed our hearts and made us all laugh- he came in a very close second.

I'd like to thank the DIScademy for honoring me....HEY...wait a minute! You're not honoring me - the award goes to my Co-workers. Hmmph.

Well, I'll accept it on their behalf...the goofballs couldn't even be bothered to show up tonight! :)

Seriously, thanks! My friends will be so pleased when they hear they won this great honor!

You guys are the best!

P.S. Love that Pug Lightyear!
I'm still just BLOWN AWAY. That was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just as touched as I can be by the sentiment... but more than that, I just think it was really, really funny.

I'm so glad that I went with Fleagle as my screen name instead of my second choice CitizenOrange (rhyme THAT!)

Seriously... wow. I'm just speechless. Thank you again.
Do I have to say it was an honor just being nominated? Haha, it is an honor to lose to Donald Duck. I didn't film a losing video like the hilarious HMF, but I'll explain yesnid. We filmed the video with our web cam that is built into the computer (we don't have a camera). But the computer films as a mirror image and made it backwards. We were able to fix the paper in my hand, but not the shirt. HAHA.

So...the top ten are?
Wow...I finally caught up...only b/c the videos are up and we're all voting away...

I wish I had time to comment on everyone's presentations...will do that over the next day or two but

Great Job Everyone!!!
they are posted!!!!

Elephant in the room (and I am NOT speaking of myself because I had pizza for dinner) --- I am REALLY surprised by some of the choices....just sayin'

Good luck to all though!

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