Running Down a Dream 2: It's All About the Swag

Hi Scott,


I am so happy for you. You should be very proud of yourself. I can't wait to read you observations about the trip/races.

Take care,
Congratulations Scott what an accomplishment.I am considering signing up for the full next year.People here tell me I should do that based on the fact that I am running 10 miles now.Do you have any input- I would like your opinion.If I do decide to do this I will have a load of questions for you guys this year, I hope you don't mind.

Congrats again,
Congratulations Scott what an accomplishment.I am considering signing up for the full next year.People here tell me I should do that based on the fact that I am running 10 miles now.Do you have any input- I would like your opinion.If I do decide to do this I will have a load of questions for you guys this year, I hope you don't mind.

Congrats again,

Linda - Thank you and heck yes I think you could totally do the full marathon!! If you can do 10 like you have been doing, the full will provide a nice challenge for you but is definitely not out of reach. You have a solid base (and have for a while) so you could totally ease into a marathon training plan come August. I say go for it!! Have you considered running a half or two this spring/summer?

As for me....right back at it....

I did 30 on the elliptical last night and followed it up with 30 more this morning and 15 on the stationary bike. Not training for a week has given me the workout bug...I'm ready to run tomorrow!

I'll finish up my TR today and get it posted.

Thanks everyone!
Yes...I totally agree with can do a Full Marathon Linda NO PROBLEM at all!!! :thumbsup2 Matter of fact you'll probably kick my butt out there :). So go for can definitely do this.

Hey Scott....great job on the XT already this week. You totally rock! I can't believe you're ready to run already. I'm contemplating an easy run tomorrow.
Well...only 51 more long runs to go until I can kick Goofy in the butt this time. I'm ready to get to crackin'. Revenge is mine.
Hey Scott--I know the feeling, I really want to get back out there and run too. I kind of feel lazy not doing it! Hoping to get out there for a short run this afternoon, but I have lots of stuff to do today, so it may have to wait.

Can't wait to read the Trip report!!

Where oh where to begin...

I've typed and re-typed a few times now. Toying with the idea of doing a day by day report, or segmenting it into race "pieces", maybe even a top 10 list or a "Good, Bad & Ugly" style bullet point. Instead, I think I'm just going to start throwing down my thoughts on the fun, happy, sad, emotional, eventful experience that was Goofy '08 for me.

I think I struggle most with trying to find meaning behind the whole deal. I'm always trying to over analyze things, or make some outrageous analogy to life. Last year had a million different meanings and mini stories behind it and was much easier for me to look at and understand. This year, I'm not sure what I set out to prove....and I'm still not sure what I've proven by finishing the events. I guess that's what makes it tough to write about.

I suppose the thing that weighs heaviest on my mind is what happened to me during the full marathon. I had a solid start...about all you can ask for the first few uber congested miles, where the only way you could easily navigate by people was to take it to the grass and hope you didn't step in a hole. Kind of discouraging when you are forced to start out 1-2 mpm slower than anticipated. But we managed to make it through and I felt great until around mile 6...where I experienced the first of a few new things for me during a race....extreme hunger. I'd never felt hungry like this during a run so it was odd to have that sensation taking over my thoughts for a few minutes. I was hoping the water that I was taking at every water stop (due to the high humidity) would help curb the appetite for food (thank goodness we were in WDW and not venturing through some farm...)...heck I was even craving the gels that I was ingesting every 5-6 miles. Anyway, the hunger subsided a bit and I soon found myself trudging along down Main Street USA which has become my favorite spot on the course. There is nothing like turning that corner, seeing the castle in the background along with hundreds and hundreds of people lining the streets going bonkers for all of the participants.

After exiting the Magic Kingdom, we ran (no pun intended) into Kevin (solotraveler) and paced with him for a mile or so. It was during this time that the first twinge was felt in my left hamstring. It felt like it was going to cramp up so I took a few extra walk breaks to try and stretch it out a bit. That seemed to help things out...little did I know it was just foreshadowing what would come later on in the race.

Somewhere around mile 15 or so we spotted Laurie (hockeygirl). We had a great time out there with her and it made that time back by the stinky treatment plant go by much quicker!

Animal Kingdom was the disappointment that I remember it being last year. You just don't get to see enough of the park IMO. It also provides an interesting juxtaposition. You see, by the time you get there, the park is open for regular you don't get the roaring crowds that line the streets of MK, instead you get casual park goers strolling along enjoying their visit. So on one side of a yellow cone you have a marathoner who has worked years to achieve a dream, and is currently living it out and most likely struggling to overcome those tough miles around 17-18, fighting a mental battle and most likely willing his body to continue making forward progress...and 2 feet away on the other side of that cone is Park Tourist Ted pushing a stroller trying to figure out the quickest way to the Safari after fastpassing Everest, oblivious to the continuous flow of life changing events happening within an arms reach. (makes it tough and a tad discouraging!)

Anyway, I was running on the stretch of pavement somewhere between AK and DS (NOT MGM ;) ) the way, there are a lot of darn stretches of road in Walt Disney are made aware of that after signing up to "run through all of the parks" and realizing that out of 26.2 miles, less than 4 miles are actually within the parks (do the math...that's 22.2 miles of banked turns, overpasses and totally dead swaths of road and parking lots).

So I noticed an overhead section of ASI photographers snapping pictures along this area and I went to do the popular "raise your hands in the air" pose (WHY do runners do this anyway??) when my left hamstring decided it wanted to contract abnormally and send the pain of a huge cramp through my body (which had now covered around 31 miles in two days)...(and yes, they got a photo of me pulling up with discomfort). I made it to the side of the road and tried to stretch it out a bit, then resumed with a brisk walk while the cramp subsided.

I was able to run again after a few minutes, but felt that cramp starting up again. This process would repeat itself for the remaining 7 or so miles to the finish....feel the cramp, slow to a walk, walk while it subsided, start to run again and after a minute or so feel the cramp again....over and over. It wasn't too long until it became an exercise in frustration.

After the switchback part that led us to the ramp leading to DS, I became kind of dizzy and very hot. So now I wasn't only frustrated, but kind of concerned with what was happening to me out there...and there were still 4 or so miles to go. Roles reversed themselves from last year a bit, as I found myself struggling...and it was me hanging on to every word that Amy was saying. I focused on the road ahead and keyed into her was the only sound I heard for a while..."careful with your arms over your head...stretch that leg are you feeling..." I know it was discouraging and very tough for her to keep walking so much...and Amy, I cannot possibly thank you enough. You stuck with me, motivated me and sacrificed a good time for yourself in order to make sure that I was fine. It's something I will never forget. Thank you.

Soon we made our way into DS and candy bars!! I have never enjoyed Crunch bars and Butterfingers so much as I did at that very moment. My body was spent and the chocolate/sugar mix was exactly what I provided a nice little boost to be able to run most of the way through DS.

The rest of the race went on much the same way, with me battling the cramping muscles in my legs...very frustrated over having to walk so much..and Amy patiently sticking by my side even though her body was reacting negatively to the walks (she trains with minimal walk stops).

I eventually made it across the finish line. It was not a victorious celebration, but more of a relief to be done with it. I didn't want to stop for fear of everything completely cramping up so we got the blankets, had the chips removed, received our medals, made it to the goofy tent and then paused after that to stretch out.

I was then overcome with many different emotions. The frustration and disappointment with struggling through most of the second half of the race, the realization that I had completed my goal, the aches and pains associated with my body having been through the two days of mile after mile, the fatigue associated with not only the races but having to get up at 2:45 each morning, the feeling that I had caused us a slower time than we wanted and the thoughts of failing to be able to overcome the be able to push through and keep running...I simply could not do it.

I stepped slowly on the bus, sunk into my seat and swore to never do the Goofy challenge again...I just wanted it to be over with.

--------stay tuned for part 2, including dancing on stage at JellyRolls, the fun half marathon experience, props where needed, likes and dislikes about the whole weekend, ride breakdown reports (including what the inside of ToT looks like) and maybe even a photo or two---------
I'm sorry it wasn't the experience you had hoped for, but for me it was an incredible and rewarding two days of races. I still think 5:23 is nothing to be ashamed of. That's what makes marathoning so incredible...anything can happen and it's how you turn that adversity into triumph that makes it such a life changing experience. When you run a marathon...and especially when you run Goofy are a warrior out there and survival is the key. I hope you can look back on it with positive thoughts once some time has passed. It's an incredible achievement that few people will ever undertake. :goodvibes
Hey Scott! I have to say that when I saw you on the course, I never would have thought you were hurting like that. I thought you guys were doing great after running all those miles! You should be very proud of yourself for pushing through the pain and getting to the end.

Can't wait to read the rest of the report!!
Goofy '08 Trip Report - Part Two

Of course, the half marathon was the complete opposite.

Here I am about 4:30am on Saturday morning...


We had a BLAST out there!! We both felt very strong and had to hold ourselves back in order to save strength for the full on Sunday. Our plan of finishing around 2:45 quickly became "let's keep jogging", followed by "wow...that was another fast mile"...and we soon found ourselves crossing the line just under 2:30.

Check us out coming through the castle...


Pretty much everything about that race was a total blast. Sitting listening to the pre-corral band was fun (major kudos to them for getting out there at 4am and rocking out!)...getting photos with the characters was fun...finishing at 8:30 in the morning and realizing we had the whole day ahead of us was fun. It's the reason why I get out there. To have fun, relax and be part of the festivities. It didn't matter what time we came in with, we just set out to have a good time.


That's it...

In searching for a reason as to why I race, as to what the point of running Goofy to what I proved by doing's all because I like it. I enjoy it. I have fun out there. I love setting out my race gear the night before, making sure my chip is tied to my laces...I love waking up early and being part of the massive line of people ants making their way to the starting corrals...I love the excitement surrounding the pre-race festivities...I love the start, the race and of course the finish...I love receiving my medal and then wearing it around WDW all day, getting contratulations from cast members, fellow runners and regular tourists...most of all I love sharing it with my running partner Amy. It's a common interest that we have, that we've done together since day 1, that we've helped each other out with weather it be nutrition, injury or training plans...there is no one I'd rather have out there with me than Amy. Thanks buddy for being such a great friend to me!

Me and my buddy...


So despite the cramping and walking associated with the full marathon...overall Goofy '08 was a tremendous experience for me that I'll never forget. I had fun. It reminds me of what I wrote last year after the full....the stuff about it doesn't matter what time you did it in, but the time you had out there.

See, we had fun!! Here we are with our friend Donald after the Half...


So there you have least the part about the racing...I mean, that was what I was there for right?? Ohhh, but oh so many other things happened that I must report about!! So here we go....Goofy '08...The Highlights...bullet point style!!

---> The Food -- Oh my! Let's just say I give two big forks up to Narcoosee's, Mama Melrose's and the Hollywood Brown Derby! From appetizers, to entrees to those yummy desserts...fueling up could not have been much better! The Pepper Market at Coronado Springs provided some much needed protein, pizza and mexican (and super yummmy cookies!)..but the servers there all seemed to be in need of a serious siesta.

---> CM's named David
-- We had two of the BEST Cast Members and servers in general that I've ever had anywhere. David the bartender at 50's PT Cafe was INCREDIBLE. Not only did he make the most awesome Pear Martinis (YUM!), but he felt like a friend we'd known for years. We talked football, Disney unions, marathoning & cycling and life as a whole. I could have sat there all night and rapped with David (almost did!)...I highly suggest popping over to see him next time you are around Disney Studios (he is off Fridays & Saturdays, but works every other day ;) ). David the waiter at the Hollywood Brown Derby provided the best service you could ever imagine. We were seated at 6:40, the park closed at 7:00 and we were NEVER rushed. As a matter of fact, we were there 'til around 9pm...some of the very last people around in the park...they even had to provide specialized bus transportation since they stopped regular service to the park way before we exited ;)

---> Post-marathon Sunday night -- I'll keep this short, but it included the 50's PT Cafe experience described above, the Hollywood Brown Derby experience described above, along with a pretty awesome night at Jellyrolls on the Boardwalk. Yes, if you hear rumors that two Goofy medal wearing fools were summonsed on the stage to perform the tree dance for a packed house...well, let's just say I know who those two people are ;) Special thanks to the super drunk conventioneers who bought us a few rounds...and to all four piano players who included us in the activites all throughout the night.

---> The WISH Journal Lunch
-- What a pleasure it was to meet Laurie, Gregg, Stacie and Matt! You guys were great!! It was sooo cool to associate faces with hear all about the awesome race experience that Stacie and Matt hear about Laurie's excitement for her race and her spectator logistic plan for Gregg. Hopefully we will cross paths again at future races or meets...and we'll definitely stay in touch thru the boards.

---> Jungle Cruise and ToT
-- Test Track breaks down. Everest breaks down. RnRC breaks down. Splash Mountain breaks down. But Jungle Cruise?? Tower of Terror?? Jungle Cruise, post lunch meet, we turn the first corner and there was a break down just two boats ahead of us. We had to sit there (could not go back to the dock) and listen to the CM attempt to keep us occupied for 15 or so minutes while we waited for the broken down boat to be towed away...that poor guy had no material...but it was fun anyway! We all were given an all attraction fastpass to the MK for the inconvenience that it caused. On Sunday, the Tower of Terror ran through it's normal ride cycle until the part where you are waiting to drop...and then it never did about tense! We were stuck "hanging" there for 5 or so minutes until they had to pull us backward, out of the elevator shaft. We were then escorted out of the ride vehicle and got to walk through the attraction with the lights on! SPOILER: It's all mirrors...mirrors everywhere! We all got into a real elevator and were given a priority ride on the next available load (on the side that was working of course!). Pretty odd but cool stuff!!

---> WISH Team support -- Holy Cow!! WISH'ers were everywhere along the courses each day! Handing out water at water stops, ringing cowbells, providing wet towels and food and making tons of noise for every person on the race course. A huge THANK YOU goes out to each and every one of them. It was so cool to be a part of a well organized group like that! Meeting a few faces at the POP meet was pretty neat too. I hope to continue making friends with this group of super nice folks all out there for a common cause.

--- Final Thoughts ---

While there are some negatives to running a Disney World Marathon Weekend event...(having to get on a bus around 3:30am, be ushered to a holding place, then walk what seems like miles to the starting corrals, wait there for nearly an hour...having to run through a VERY PACKED crowd at the many uneven stretches of pavement along the course, where it's nothing but banked circles that are hard on the legs)...they do get most of it right. The water and powerade was abundant this year, the course support was incredible, the organization was top notch. I do have to say though, the most awesome thing about running a WDW event is that it's the only place in the world (I THINK) where you can wear your medals around for days afterwards and be totally rewarded by CM's, fellow athletes and regular tourists. It makes the whole experience totally worth it!!

For me, it was a week that will live with me forever. MANY great times, a lot of great people and a personal achievement that can not be taken away from me. We set a goal 9 months prior of completing the challenge and we did just that...we avoided injury, we listened to our bodies, stuck to the plan and were rewarded with an awesome experience.

So where do I go from here...

I sat on the bus last Sunday and swore off ever doing Goofy again.

This Monday I plan on signing up for Goofy '09 :goodvibes:

AND (possibly)

Minnie Weekend this May

AND (probably)

the Disneyland Half in August

Sprinkle in some 10k's or 5k's (maybe even a half), and I think it's going to be a productive year for Team Phoenix.

(more on that later!)

--- Special Thanks ---

Thank you to every one of you who posted in this journal over the last year. I know I tend to be a little over the top, a bit odd at times, and a little over dramatic...but I'm just having a good time and it's all in good fun. I honestly would not have attempted this goal or come close to completing it without your support and kind words. I am energized reading about everyones goals and accomplishments, thrilled that anyone even reads this thing in the first place and honored to call you all friends.

I'd like to close with a special note to a special person in my life....

Thank you for being there for me through the thick and the thin. Running partner, best friend, journal buddy, however it gets labeled...I would not be where I am today without you. Thank you for the laughs, the tears, the training plans, the nutrition advice, the smack-downs, the great times and the struggles. You inspire me every single day and bring out the very best in me. I'm honored to know you and I'm proud to call you my friend. Two years ago we set a goal to complete a marathon and it ended up being one of the greatest triumphs I've ever seen anyone experience...last year we set a new goal, a huge challenge...we perservered, struggled and eventually I was there for you in '07, you were there for me in '08...there is no one I'd rather run beside. Goofy '08 is in the books...our medals shine brightly, our minds are filled with memories I'll never forget...we can look back now and say we did it. We did it. Job well done Amy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Thanks again to all of you out there who have been a part of this journey. It has been a wonderful ride :)
Scott...Where do I begin??? As I sit here and read all about your journey, I want to say so many things to you.

I am so proud of you and Amy! You guys make a great team! It's awesome to be able to have someone and be able to share your goals and work together to attain them. I know it was super tough for Amy in 07 and you had your challenges in 08, which IMO, means 09 is for sure the year for both of you to have a super successful Goofy!

If anyone can do it, you can. You've proven it. I knew you would succeed this year and you did! Way to go! :thumbsup2 I so wish we could have been there on Sunday for a congratulatory "pat on the back." Not only does this prove how physically strong you are, but also mentally. You are a strong person and a great inspiration and example to us all. The rising phoenix. ;)

I've already said it, but will say it again... I really enjoyed meeting you guys at lunch. I know Matt did too. I'm glad he finally got to the meet the folks I occassionally talk about. I feel as if I know you guys--at least in one aspect of your life. I really hope we can all cross paths again...Minnie do I hear? :confused3 I definately think that would up my motivation. he he

Love the pics by the way! Thanks so much for sharing!

And to the special person in your life...aww!!! How sweet are you!!! That part of your post really touched my heart. You both are really fortunate. You really seem to keep the other going.

I have soooo loved reading your journal and somehow sharing in your journey. It has motivated and inspired me to stive for more. This may sound corney, but I really wish you all the best in your future endeavors, races, training.

I really don't know what to add beyond what Stacie said.I am in awe of you. You are truly inspiring. Thank you for your trip report and pictures.The part about park tourist Ted- I was dying!!!!!!!!! The rest I had tears in my eyes, you are also a very good writer.

Thank you for all the encouragement you have given me.

Have a great day,
whew. So much to take in.

First of all, I know I said it before, CONGRATS! :woohoo: After reading what you went's even more meaningful. I consider you a wealth of running/training/nutritinal knowledge, and for you to experience such unexpected issues - really is crazy to me. Hopefully you know what I mean when I say that (I think I can see how that can come off wrong) - but what I want to say is that - even with all of the research, training, knowledge - there are surprises out there and you might need someone else's help or "push". What I like about you is that you tell it the way it happens. You don't sugar coat it or anything. And that helps me more than anything - because those are the things that scare me most of all with running. I feel like I struggle a lot and question why I'm doing it at all. But knowing that other people struggle sometimes....that is huge for me. (please realize I'm not wishing any bad runs on you, Scott. I feel like this post isn't saying what I mean)

You and Amy are such a great joined force and support system for each other. It's truly inspirational how you both assist each other in good times and bad. I'm so glad you guys had lots o'fun around WDW along with the many, many miles! How cool that you saw the inside of ToT!! :thumbsup2

Guess I'm done with my crazy, mixed up post. I'm really not insane, I promise! :goodvibes
Laurie -- Thanks! Seems that every time we ran with you or saw you, I was feeling pretty good...the worst was after the switchback, going around the corner that led up to DS, that's when I hit the toughest point for me and never really recovered. I don't think we saw you again until the finish.

-- Again, it was such a pleasure meeting you and Matt! I love your drive and no quit attitude, I have really enjoyed watching your tremendous progress. Hopefully we'll meet up again in May, along with the other half of the Journaling Sisters :goodvibes:

Linda -- Thank you. It's gonna be exciting to follow your training for that full marathon next year, your base is so strong I bet you could really kick 26.2 in the butt! (um, you ARE gonna do it, right? :) )

Kim -- Thank you! I hope things are going well for you post-surgery, and I totally get what you are saying, it didn't come accross he wrong way at all! I'm crossing my fingers that everything works out right and I'll finally get to meet you in WDW next January :)

So in analyzing exactly why I ran into some trouble out there during the full (go figure, right? me analyzing something...maybe I have too much free time? I have come to the conclusion (ok ok...I didn't figure it out myself...special thanks to you know who) that my issue was a combination of lack of proper food intake along with the high humidity both mornings.

I stuck to my normal routine which included just a banana and some water before setting out for the races. That right there set me up for failure. You see, if I burn an average of 100 calories per mile, that means I burned off over 1300 on Saturday morning. A huge deficit to overcome on its own. Combine that with trying to load up all afternoon in order to burn over 2600 more on Sunday morning...and you can see where that was going....thus, the extreme hunger I felt so early on during the full.

I definitely needed to eat more on Sunday morning. Maybe a PowerBar, a peanut butter sandwich...something with a good mix of carbs, protein, calcium, potassium and salt.

So, take the lack of eating and add in the humidity. Normally I sweat a lot anyway...but I was drenched just a few miles I was increasing my water intake (stopping every water stop). The mix of extra water, along with electrolyte (calcium, potassium and salt) deficiencies is what probably led to my cramps and dizziness. It can be a deadly mix...I don't think I was in any serious danger out there but I definitely needed more of what I was lacking.

Sooo...I also need to look at what I'm eating during a race of that distance. The salt is key. I'm going to look at various forms of salt tablets and supplemental things to see what I can come up with. I think if I can get on top of my intake levels, I could be very successful in '09.

While being 6' tall has its advantages (long strides!!), it also comes along with a few obstacles too (like calorie intake during a normal day!).

My total body depletion was further substantiated when I stepped on a scale Tuesday morning after the races. I weighed around 188 going into the weekend...and I ate a LOT (drank a lot too on Sunday night)...and when I stepped on to the same doctor style scale that I use at my FC, it showed me at 183.5!! Just proof that I totally drained my system of everything I had in it.

So I will learn from my experience and use it to make myself stronger in the future. The good news is that I have a year to play around with things, experiment with different foods, and hopefully be more prepared the next time I step out onto a marathon course.

And I have wasted no time....LOL....

Friday I did 30 on the elliptical....Saturday I did 30 on the elliptical and 15 on the stationary I did a 4 mile run, followed by 15 on the stationary bike. My heart rate is higher than normal, but that is just due to the muscle repair that is taking place in my body, along with that "overtrained" sensation that my heart may be feeling. I believe if I just take this week easy (solid cross training and no run more than 4 miles), I'll be completely back to normal in no time.

The good news is that I never felt out of breath, and my muscles seem to be responding aches or pains to note.

Tomorrow I hope to finalize my plans for this year and sign up for some races!!

Thanks for reading along! Have a great Sunday!
Scott, you are amazing! I'm so proud of you for getting through the Goofy even when you were struggling so much. Even more so that you have decided to go for it again! You are such and inspiration to me! :hug:

You were the first person I "met" when I joined these boards and it is so amazing to me to have witnessed your journey through the years. I feel like I've known you forever even though we never actually met, yet. I have not tried running in a long time because it was always so difficult for me. But every time I read about your races it makes me want to try again. Maybe once I get another 10 or so pounds off I'll give it another go :thumbsup2 I'd love to be at one of those WISH race meets :)

Good Luck and keep up the inspirational journey! I know you'll do great and overcome the problems from '08 when you do Goofy '09! :cheer2:
Hey there Scott!! Awesome report!! I agree with what all the others have said but I think the part of your report that stood out to me the most was when you said why you do it cause you like it, etc... I think there is no better reason for doing this running stuff. People asked me about the marathon this week, and how I did, and what I thought, and all I kept saying was how much fun I had running last sunday. And honestly, people that aren't into running looked at me like I was crazy. But those of us that run, can totally relate! If we can't have FUN doing something, then maybe we shouldn't do it!

I think it is so cool that you and Amy are so supportive of each other! And, I think it is so nice what you wrote to her in your report!! You guys are awesome.

Looks like you have a jam packed year of racing coming up...I can't wait to read all about your training and races!!
You are such an inspiration, Scott. :goodvibes I am so proud of you and Amy for doing the Goofy this year. You guys are amazing!:thumbsup2

Your race schedule for this year looks good. Keep up the good work and you will rock each and every one!:cool1:

Thank you for sharing your journey to the Goofy with us.:grouphug: Looking forward to hearing more in 2008!:cheer2:


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