Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 4

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Okay I have been away from this thread for awhile and I think I have been having withdrawls! Haha. Anyway, I love everything you guys have created. I can't believe how fast this thread grows!!

Anyway, I thought I would post a couple pictures of the outfit I made for my little one to wear to MNSSHP. She absolutely loves it...I have to admit I really like it too.



I have never seen this movie, yet I have loved all the customs made for it!! This is awesome - the high tops are adorable with it!! I want to make one for DD but she has no idea who the characters are! Great job.
I'm wondering where everyone is too! It's been REALLY SLOW the last few days.
okay, first things first.
I had a Miss Piggy Puppet too!!:thumbsup2
Expect me to be CASEing the triangle ruffle soon-I'm starting a "WE HATE RUFFLE'S" club...:rotfl2: consider this an open invitation. There w/ be a codeword and secret handshake involved:cool1:
I love: mousetripers MNSSHP outfit and GLORIB's pirate princess outfit (too cute!)
And, how cute is Parker in her Barbie costume, GREAT job!!!

Now, as you can see I was successful in the push for bringing the laptop on vacay. God bless WIFI! So, here I sit in the most beautiful villa (almost makes up for being "off" property) we are just a stones throw from Seaworld. It is currently 73 degrees w/ 96% humidity. Mac wants to go to the pool, I said just step outside:rotfl: Looks like rain for sure, luckily the chance of rain tomorrow(MNSSHP) is pretty low. Everyones tempers seem to have evened out and I'm letting DH sleep in to keep him in a good mood. My MIL is still a little frantic, but that's her normal state. I would like to say right now that while I am complaining about my inlaws it is not b/c they are my "inlaws" I consider them my parents too, and frankly I'd probably be complaining more if it was MY parents. But the thing w/ inlaws is that you can't ever say the things that you might say to your own, so I am biting my tongue when I would have told my parents they were annoying and needed to chill the BLANK out!!

I will join the Disboutique-ers annonymous... My name is Tifani and I too brought my sewing machine to WDW!

I just couldn't find time to tackle the ruffle from the underworld. With packing etc. it just had to wait. i decided since we had a down day today w/ several people joining us getting in on different flights I would use the time I had here instead of staying up all night and making myself crazy. I've tried 3 different rufflers. My moms hadn't been used since 1942, the one I bought at joanns had a bent blade and broke 2 of my needles before I realized what was going on and my MIL's didn't actually fit her machine.

While attempting to hand ruffle I ran into problems, I am ruffling a double layer ruffle and both ruffles are whenever I ran into a seam the ruffle broke. Now of course I am limited to what sewing supplies I brought, but I am thinking of using dental floss and zig zagging over that to gather the "monster ruffle".

Well, I guess I'd better go and put this dress together while DH and the girl are still sleeping, DS is watching Goosebumps and the inlaws are at Publix.

The digicamera and loading dock are here too so I should be able to keep you all up to date w/ pictures, I know you can't wait to see the patchwork dress, I hope it's not too disappointing:rolleyes:

I have never seen this movie, yet I have loved all the customs made for it!! This is awesome - the high tops are adorable with it!! I want to make one for DD but she has no idea who the characters are! Great job.

WHAT!?!?!?!?!? You HAVEN'T seen NBC???? I'm not sure but I think that is a crime punishable by death in some countries.

Looks like rain for sure, luckily the chance of rain tomorrow(MNSSHP) is pretty low.
Hey t - we just decided that we're going to MNSSHP tomorrow night too. I just bought tickets this morning!! So, maybe we'll run into you at MK!! The girls will be wearing customs that Nana made for them (before the broken arm). I'll see if I can post a picture later, so you can say HI if you see us!!!
I finally finished Lauren's Christmas Mint dress. After I made the bodice I lost all motivation to sew, not sure why. I forced myself to get back in the sewing saddle and finish this dress. It is going to be long on her but I figure that is fine since it is COLD :cold: here at Christmas and the longer dress will keep her warmer. I am also making pants in the red fabric (straps) to match.
Lauren refuses to model anything, once she is dressed in the AM she will not change her clothes for anything! She could be soaking wet from spilled juice and covered in mud, she will not change without an argument.

I have tried multiple times to flip this and it looks flipped in photobucket but is on its side here. SORRY! Just lean your head to the side.

I love this dress.
I think it is funny that your dd won't change during the day. My girls want to change multiple times a day for no reason.
I was just at Hancock's and found 3 new mickey fabrics. Didn't have any way to take pics though. They also have Minnie dot on sale for 60% off. Juist thought I'd let you all know.
WHAT!?!?!?!?!? You HAVEN'T seen NBC???? I'm not sure but I think that is a crime punishable by death in some countries.


I want to see...just haven't yet. It looks kinda scary and dark. Will my DD5 like it, or should I save it for next year?
I was just at Hancock's and found 3 new mickey fabrics. Didn't have any way to take pics though. They also have Minnie dot on sale for 60% off. Juist thought I'd let you all know.

ooh, i'd love to see them - no handcocks around here, but i found these at Joann's this am!! They also had some really pretty pink sparkly Tink fabric too -but I didnt get that (wasn't on sale). The Christmas Mickey Choo Choo was 50% off, and then I used coupons for the other 2 fabrics.


Im not sure what Im going to do with it yet, but Im thinking something boyish with the Christmas fabric - I'll have to hold on to the other fabric until I can come up with something,,,lol!!!:surfweb:
I want to see...just haven't yet. It looks kinda scary and dark. Will my DD5 like it, or should I save it for next year?

We had this movie for the longest time and neither kid wanted anything to do with it. I packed it when we took our trip to PA (no cable, just a movie player) and they watched it 20 times! They both loved and sang all the songs. They are 8 and 5.
Okay I have been away from this thread for awhile and I think I have been having withdrawls! Haha. Anyway, I love everything you guys have created. I can't believe how fast this thread grows!!

Anyway, I thought I would post a couple pictures of the outfit I made for my little one to wear to MNSSHP. She absolutely loves it...I have to admit I really like it too.




glorib - thank you so much! My little one really does love her costume!!!

eeyore3847 - Thanks, I love that picture too!!! She was just having so much fun!

PiperPizzaz - Ohh I so agree with you....I wish I could walk down Main Street right now too. Thank you for the compliment!!! We love NBC too!

2cutekids - WHAT?? you have never seen the movie? Oh you really should watch it and SOON! Hahaha. I love it. My little one has only watched parts of it but she sure does love Jack Skellington and Zero, the ghost dog. Note she is holding Zero in the pictures! Hahaha!! (Thanks....I love Converse so I just had to pair her black ones with this outfit. hahahaha)

t-beri -Thank you so much! It was a blast to make! I have to admit this was round two of the skirt....I had to take most of it apart and add more material so it would twirl more. Hahahaha.
You caught me. This thread goes so fast that I usually just look at the pretty pictures and only read every once in awhile.
I also have a habit of getting you and your sister confused.

I did go on your blog thingie one time though and read about you and your husband.
or your sister and her husband. :rotfl2:
I get confused too easily!!!!

But from now on, I will be sure to skim your posts for any interesting poop stories. :hug:
People get us confused in real life all the time too! She's so pretty, I don't mind! You probably went to her website though, to get to mine you have to click on my pictures in my siggy, so it's trickier. ;)
That sounds scary! Thanks for sharing!

It was scary I told my hubby as they pushed me by him he better not leave the hospital till they know i am ok. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

yeah, he better not leave!!!! After Corey was born, I was wheeled to my room, alone. Brian came in, and after a minute my Dad came to the door and said, "The pizzas here." So, of course, Brian LEFT!!!! UH!?? WHAT???!!! So, there I was after 36 hours of labor and a c-section alone. I didn't even have my baby! So, I called my boss and told her I had had the baby. I couldn't eat pizza for about a year after that.

But, to be fair, the nurse had told everyone who was there (my entire family waiting out there for me for so long!) that I was tired and needed my rest. :sad2: (It's on the video, so I know it's true!)

OK, HeatherSue - just because you asked (and it was about time I did) I got myself an avatar AND a siggy! I'm a cool kid now!

OK, so here it is:

I think the part I'm not crazy about is that I wish the tiara showed up a little better. Well, that and the eyepatch doesn't show up well, either.

Whew! Sorry for the ginormously long post!

Thanks for the labor story. I really enjoy reading all these!

I like the pirate princess shirt! It's really cute.

I love your knew signature picture too! Your kids are adorable!

Okay, I have got to go! I have my 10 year high school reunion this weekend and tonight is the homecoming game! So I have to go and get ready. I am not sure if I want to go or not! I am really forcing myself! Hopefully it will be fun and I will get to see some people I haven't seen since high school! Wish me luck!:goodvibes Why is it that going to a reunion makes you feel like you are in high school again?:confused3
I had my 20 year reunion last month. It was a lot of fun! You are going to enjoy yourself!
Here is one of the tutus I made for my nieces for Christmas.

(since it's not Disney I will just post one...though they could be good for Tinkerbell outfits) ;)


both my kids love little house on the prarie. except after watching it one day, the show highway to heaven was on the hallmark channel and as we were flipping through, noah said, "Hey! its about time that charles and mr edwards got a car!" :rotfl2:

That is TOOO CUTE!!!! I love it!

Okay I have been away from this thread for awhile and I think I have been having withdrawls! Haha. Anyway, I love everything you guys have created. I can't believe how fast this thread grows!!


These aren't the greatest pics but wanted to share the costumes I made for my kids. They are more than pleased with them and that puts a smile on my face.

Parker as Island Princess Barbie

Her peacock feathers
Too pretty!!! Parker is just adorable!

Those are some really cute costumes.

Where is everyone today??????

Photobucket FINALLY decided it liked me enough to upload a pic. This is dd4's Christmas dress. Now I just have to finish dd1's which oddly seems to have the same amount of ruffle on the bottom. Still not sure how that happened. I just hope it fits ok (I sooo don't want to have to redo it later).

This is really pretty! What a gorgeous daughter you have too!

I had a Miss Piggy puppet too! I actually have a pic of me as a kid with it (I got it for Easter when I was around 5 or 6). I haven't been able to find my photo album for a while now. :confused3 Maybe I should spend more time cleaning and less time :surfweb:

okay, first things first.
I had a Miss Piggy Puppet too!!:thumbsup2
So cool that you both had Miss Piggy puppets too! Was she in a purple gown? I have a picture of Heather's around here somewhere, I need to find it.

LOL - you are the second person to say Hollie Hobbie! I loved her - my bed had a canopy when I was little and she was plastered all over it. Yup - Noah is Davy/Daniel.
Heather and I had a Holly Hobby (or Hobby Hobby as Heather use to say :love: ) canopy bed too!!!! Was it from Sears? Ours had a pink background. I'm sure we have a picture of that somewhere too.

Now, as you can see I was successful in the push for bringing the laptop on vacay. God bless WIFI! So, here I sit in the most beautiful villa (almost makes up for being "off" property) we are just a stones throw from Seaworld. It is currently 73 degrees w/ 96% humidity. Mac wants to go to the pool, I said just step outside:rotfl: Looks like rain for sure, luckily the chance of rain tomorrow(MNSSHP) is pretty low. Everyones tempers seem to have evened out and I'm letting DH sleep in to keep him in a good mood. My MIL is still a little frantic, but that's her normal state. I would like to say right now that while I am complaining about my inlaws it is not b/c they are my "inlaws" I consider them my parents too, and frankly I'd probably be complaining more if it was MY parents. But the thing w/ inlaws is that you can't ever say the things that you might say to your own, so I am biting my tongue when I would have told my parents they were annoying and needed to chill the BLANK out!!

I will join the Disboutique-ers annonymous... My name is Tifani and I too brought my sewing machine to WDW!

I just couldn't find time to tackle the ruffle from the underworld. With packing etc. it just had to wait. i decided since we had a down day today w/ several people joining us getting in on different flights I would use the time I had here instead of staying up all night and making myself crazy. I've tried 3 different rufflers. My moms hadn't been used since 1942, the one I bought at joanns had a bent blade and broke 2 of my needles before I realized what was going on and my MIL's didn't actually fit her machine.

While attempting to hand ruffle I ran into problems, I am ruffling a double layer ruffle and both ruffles are whenever I ran into a seam the ruffle broke. Now of course I am limited to what sewing supplies I brought, but I am thinking of using dental floss and zig zagging over that to gather the "monster ruffle".

Well, I guess I'd better go and put this dress together while DH and the girl are still sleeping, DS is watching Goosebumps and the inlaws are at Publix.

The digicamera and loading dock are here too so I should be able to keep you all up to date w/ pictures, I know you can't wait to see the patchwork dress, I hope it's not too disappointing:rolleyes:


Yeah T! I was hoping you would be able to post while you were gone! I can't believe you brought the sewing machine! That's great! I can't wait to see your pictures!

WHAT!?!?!?!?!? You HAVEN'T seen NBC???? I'm not sure but I think that is a crime punishable by death in some countries.


I want to see...just haven't yet. It looks kinda scary and dark. Will my DD5 like it, or should I save it for next year?

We looooove this movie! My kids are DS6 and DD2 (she will be 3 in December). My daugther goes around saying "and since I am dead, I can take off my head" all the time. My son is Jack Skellington this year for Halloween and my daughter had chosen Sally for her costume a few months ago but changed her mind after she saw the movie Barbie the Island Princess.
Hi -
The disney Christmas fabric was cotton - sorry -

Okay -Im ready to toss my ruffler out the door - it keeps jamming (trying to do a double ruffle so its fuller and i dont have to hem) - any ideas????????

thanks, wendy
I had a Miss Piggy puppet too! I actually have a pic of me as a kid with it (I got it for Easter when I was around 5 or 6). I haven't been able to find my photo album for a while now. :confused3 Maybe I should spend more time cleaning and less time :surfweb:

So cool that you both had Miss Piggy puppets too! Was she in a purple gown? I have a picture of Heather's around here somewhere, I need to find it.

Yup, and she had gloves too I think, oh and blue eyeshadow. :laughing:
Thas funny you say that he left for pizza. Acording to my mother the night I was born it was a nurses bday and my had almost missed me being born because he was running for free cake nice huh. He almost missed my sis cause he was out smoking. :lmao: :confused3 :rotfl2: What are these hubbys thinking.
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