Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 4

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I missed the adorable "Mommy look! I can;t believe it!" face. :sad1: This is just after the 1st round of silly giggles after she saw the Doodblebops.


This is Rooney being silly with her. They were all just great with her. She got shy once it was our turn & didn't want to say much.


Your daughter is adorable! I bet she was in AWE!

OK.... in honor of HEATHER SUE and TERESA too..... my NEW AVATAR should now be revealed.
Yeah..... that's me- just don't laugh too hard. I dress like this for church on Sunday- people are ALWAYS trying to copy my style.... but let's face it........... they can't! It takes a person with a certain penasch (sp?) to dress the way I do.... and the only person I know who even comes close is.... Miss Piggy. So, this avatar is also dedicated, of course, to UTAHMAMA... enjoy!

LOVE IT! Miss Piggy has always been my favorite! Still have my miss piggy doll from when I was 2!
Need help with your avatar?
Sorry to shout, but I have the sneaking suspiscion(sp?) that most don't read my long posts. Otherwise, how come no one commented on the story about Tessa outside, naked, pooping on the deck when she was 2. :rotfl2: Either that, or you're just considering calling social services...

Anyhoo, if anyone needs help with resizing their personal picture to make into an avatar, just PM me. You can upload your picture to photobucket and I'll e-mail you the downsized version.

I don't have an avatar and I enjoy reading your long posts. I sometimes only have a minute or two to play "catch up" on this thread, so it's hard to comment. When I get some time, I'll have to look into this avatar stuff.

I loved the Tessa story. When my DD5 was 2, she was ALWAYS naked. Luckily, my parents pool is in the back of their house. She NEVER liked to have on a wet bathing suit. As soon as it touched the water, off it came.
Hi All!
I am so far behind - I have been super busy lately with no time for computer! I am going to go back and check out all the cute outfits today - but I may not be able to post on them all since I have several days to look at. I wanted to post a pic of what I was working on. The kids have a day at school each year called Great American Day - where each class dresses up like a certain period of time. These pictures are of my "pioneers". I tell you - Emma's dress was brutal!!! The dress itself was 6 pieces sewn together with some funky seams - the arms were two pieces - and then 11 buttons and button holes!!!! I had to hand sew the arm lace since it didn't fit on the arm of my machine. I definately got comfortable with my seam ripper on this one. Emma LOVES it though - calls it her "Laura" dress. The bonnet is a little big since the dress I made in a size 4 and the bonnet is for sizes 4,5 & 6. Oh - and I forgot to get a picture of her showing off the oh so cute pantaloons I made too!!!


It was at a Wal-Mart in Little Rock. They have a concert here tonight. I just happened to hear about it on the radio.

how fun is that! Have to check our area to see if they are coming here. last fall we went to the doodlebops concert. now sadly she is not into them anymore.
Ok DD# 1. I went full term got induced the day of my due date. Started at 11:00am July 10 and she was delivered after many complications and placenta seperation by emergency c-section. on July 11 2001 at 1:49 pm Megan was born.

Twins YIKES. contractions at 22 weeks. (scary) 2 times pre term labor one high blood pressure visit.
I carried them all the way to 39 weeks. I begged the Dr with the promise to have my hubby stop at the local store and get him a banana cream pie. (I was desperate to get those babies out.) So he scheduled me for a c-section for that night and sent me upstairs. Woo hoo. I wattled up to l and d and they hooked me up to all the monitors X 2 for twins. Hubby was still at work and I was by myself. Yea me. No one bothered to check to see if I was dilated at all past the 3 from the week before. Ok fast forward Everything went great in the O.R. we joked and talked it was great I even keep reminding him not to forget to tie my tubes. I came out ok no pain and finally got to my room in post. . They brought me my babies and I got to hold them my mom sis and grandma finally left. And the is where it went down hill from there. I starting bleeding uncontrollably bad. My hubby checked under my blankets that were now bloody on top grabbed the babies from me put them in the cradles and ran for a nurse. They came running in and looked and pushed my hubby out the door and shut it on him. There were buzzers and intercoms and pagers going off. I was rushed back to l And D and prepped for surgery I was hem raged and if they couldn't stop it I was going to have to have surgery.

Well they finally got it to stop. ( it was close) They said when it was done and over with that I was fully
dilated and no one knew I was that far. I had to stay there for observation over night before I could go back to my room to see my babies. Everything from then on went well I was informed at my released that I was glued shut and i should have a easy recovery. Which I did. And by the way twins A Emily was born at 22:22 weighing 6 LB 11 oz and twin B Samantha born at 22:23 weighting 7 LB 3 OZ. On May 26 2005. And yes my hubby did stop to buy the Dr his banana cream pie on the way to the hospital.

Sorry If i grossed anyone out but I wanted to share my stories to.
Here is my DD7 wearing the sock monkey twirl skirt.


Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend.

I have an idea for a double layer stripwork twirl skirt I need to get working on. But I was spoiled with the squares for the sock monkey being already cut, I'm dreading cutting the strips for this new one.
Hi All!
I am so far behind - I have been super busy lately with no time for computer! I am going to go back and check out all the cute outfits today - but I may not be able to post on them all since I have several days to look at. I wanted to post a pic of what I was working on. The kids have a day at school each year called Great American Day - where each class dresses up like a certain period of time. These pictures are of my "pioneers". I tell you - Emma's dress was brutal!!! The dress itself was 6 pieces sewn together with some funky seams - the arms were two pieces - and then 11 buttons and button holes!!!! I had to hand sew the arm lace since it didn't fit on the arm of my machine. I definately got comfortable with my seam ripper on this one. Emma LOVES it though - calls it her "Laura" dress. The bonnet is a little big since the dress I made in a size 4 and the bonnet is for sizes 4,5 & 6. Oh - and I forgot to get a picture of her showing off the oh so cute pantaloons I made too!!!



They are absolutely adorable! You did a great job on the outfits, it was worth all of the hassle!:thumbsup2
I missed the adorable "Mommy look! I can;t believe it!" face. :sad1: This is just after the 1st round of silly giggles after she saw the Doodblebops.


This is Rooney being silly with her. They were all just great with her. She got shy once it was our turn & didn't want to say much.


Your daughter is adorable!!!!! What a beauty!!!! It looks like it was a lot of fun!
Hey! You're awake! I didn't want to call and wake you up. But, I'm going to call you now and see if you're feeling better and if you want to get together and do something fun today. I really needed to post this on the boards, didn't I?

yeah, yeah, I'm awake, and feeling a bit better, and yes, i think this ALL needed to be posted on the boards! ;-) See you in a little bit heather! (Still waiting for Brian to leave!)
OK.... in honor of HEATHER SUE and TERESA too..... my NEW AVATAR should now be revealed.

Yeah..... that's me- just don't laugh too hard. I dress like this for church on Sunday- people are ALWAYS trying to copy my style.... but let's face it........... they can't! It takes a person with a certain penasch (sp?) to dress the way I do.... and the only person I know who even comes close is.... Miss Piggy. So, this avatar is also dedicated, of course, to UTAHMAMA... enjoy!

WOO HOOO!!!! YIPPEE YEAHA!!! I love it!!!!

:rotfl: Your comment about dressing this way for church made me remember a woman from our church 30+ years ago. She was a beautician and kept her hair a light blond... and big! For some occasions, though, she'd use KoolAid (unsweetened) to tint her hair to match her outfit. I swear it looked like she had a big pile of cotton candy on her head some weeks. We were very impressed... back then. :rolleyes1

FYI - I have used KoolAid to add color to my hair for fun. I don't have bleached hair but it still shows up a little. However, it doesn't wash out immediately so I thought I'd better add this warning in case someone wants to try it out. popcorn::

I love it! My Mom use to tell us about a lady she knew who died her hair pink. An older lady, I mean. Thanks for the warning about the Kool Aid though!

Avatar...thought that was a place to buy meat...well, it's close to that...that's an abatar or something...

why don't they just call it a little picture under your name for folks like me who don't get the lingo?

You are silly Susan! You might not know the lingo, but you know how to do it!

Your daughter is adorable! I bet she was in AWE!

LOVE IT! Miss Piggy has always been my favorite! Still have my miss piggy doll from when I was 2!

Heather has a Miss Piggy puppet that is pretty cool. She got it when she was little. My parents always use to give us presents when we drove to Florida, I'm pretty sure that's when she got it. A loooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnng looooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago. ;)

I don't have an avatar and I enjoy reading your long posts. I sometimes only have a minute or two to play "catch up" on this thread, so it's hard to comment. When I get some time, I'll have to look into this avatar stuff.

I loved the Tessa story. When my DD5 was 2, she was ALWAYS naked. Luckily, my parents pool is in the back of their house. She NEVER liked to have on a wet bathing suit. As soon as it touched the water, off it came.

Couldn't stand a wet bathing suit! I didn't fully comprehend what you meant for a minute there!! That is so funny!
Hi All!
I am so far behind - I have been super busy lately with no time for computer! I am going to go back and check out all the cute outfits today - but I may not be able to post on them all since I have several days to look at. I wanted to post a pic of what I was working on. The kids have a day at school each year called Great American Day - where each class dresses up like a certain period of time. These pictures are of my "pioneers". I tell you - Emma's dress was brutal!!! The dress itself was 6 pieces sewn together with some funky seams - the arms were two pieces - and then 11 buttons and button holes!!!! I had to hand sew the arm lace since it didn't fit on the arm of my machine. I definately got comfortable with my seam ripper on this one. Emma LOVES it though - calls it her "Laura" dress. The bonnet is a little big since the dress I made in a size 4 and the bonnet is for sizes 4,5 & 6. Oh - and I forgot to get a picture of her showing off the oh so cute pantaloons I made too!!!



They are adorable!!! Your daughter looks so precious in her "Laura" dress.

My brother David had a Daniel Boone costume that he use to wear ALLLLL the time!!! I mean ALLLL the time! For years! One time, the hat was under the couch, and my Mom reached under there and felt that hat! She let out SUCH A SCREAM!!!!!!!! :rotfl:

Ok DD# 1. I went full term got induced the day of my due date. Started at 11:00am July 10 and she was delivered after many complications and placenta seperation by emergency c-section. on July 11 2001 at 1:49 pm Megan was born.

Twins YIKES. contractions at 22 weeks. (scary) 2 times pre term labor one high blood pressure visit.
I carried them all the way to 39 weeks. I begged the Dr with the promise to have my hubby stop at the local store and get him a banana cream pie. (I was desperate to get those babies out.) So he scheduled me for a c-section for that night and sent me upstairs. Woo hoo. I wattled up to l and d and they hooked me up to all the monitors X 2 for twins. Hubby was still at work and I was by myself. Yea me. No one bothered to check to see if I was dilated at all past the 3 from the week before. Ok fast forward Everything went great in the O.R. we joked and talked it was great I even keep reminding him not to forget to tie my tubes. I came out ok no pain and finally got to my room in post. . They brought me my babies and I got to hold them my mom sis and grandma finally left. And the is where it went down hill from there. I starting bleeding uncontrollably bad. My hubby checked under my blankets that were now bloody on top grabbed the babies from me put them in the cradles and ran for a nurse. They came running in and looked and pushed my hubby out the door and shut it on him. There were buzzers and intercoms and pagers going off. I was rushed back to l And D and prepped for surgery I was hem raged and if they couldn't stop it I was going to have to have surgery.

Well they finally got it to stop. ( it was close) They said when it was done and over with that I was fully
dilated and no one knew I was that far. I had to stay there for observation over night before I could go back to my room to see my babies. Everything from then on went well I was informed at my released that I was glued shut and i should have a easy recovery. Which I did. And by the way twins A Emily was born at 22:22 weighing 6 LB 11 oz and twin B Samantha born at 22:23 weighting 7 LB 3 OZ. On May 26 2005. And yes my hubby did stop to buy the Dr his banana cream pie on the way to the hospital.

Sorry If i grossed anyone out but I wanted to share my stories to.

That sounds scary! Thanks for sharing!
Here is my DD7 wearing the sock monkey twirl skirt.


Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend.

I have an idea for a double layer stripwork twirl skirt I need to get working on. But I was spoiled with the squares for the sock monkey being already cut, I'm dreading cutting the strips for this new one.

Even cuter on! I love this and must case it!:rotfl:
Need help with your avatar?
Sorry to shout, but I have the sneaking suspiscion(sp?) that most don't read my long posts. Otherwise, how come no one commented on the story about Tessa outside, naked, pooping on the deck when she was 2. :rotfl2: Either that, or you're just considering calling social services...

Anyhoo, if anyone needs help with resizing their personal picture to make into an avatar, just PM me. You can upload your picture to photobucket and I'll e-mail you the downsized version.

You caught me. This thread goes so fast that I usually just look at the pretty pictures and only read every once in awhile.
I also have a habit of getting you and your sister confused.

I did go on your blog thingie one time though and read about you and your husband.
or your sister and her husband. :rotfl2:
I get confused too easily!!!!

But from now on, I will be sure to skim your posts for any interesting poop stories. :hug:
That sounds scary! Thanks for sharing![/QUOTE]

It was scary I told my hubby as they pushed me by him he better not leave the hospital till they know i am ok. Thanks.
OK, HeatherSue - just because you asked (and it was about time I did) I got myself an avatar AND a siggy! I'm a cool kid now!

Next up, my labor stories. I loved reading everyone's so I'll share mine, too.

With DS (4), my water broke on its own at 4:30 in the morning on March 2, 2003. I add the date in because I REALLY wanted his birthday to be 3/3/03. I had gone to bed at like 1:30 or so in the morning that night, got up at about 4:30 go pee for the millionth time that night. As I got up off the toilet, I just felt a HUGE gush. (hope this isn't TMI) And it just kept gushing, so I sat back down on the toilet. When I finally slowed to a trickle, I took a shower quick, then woke up DH who did not believe me at first. (Admittedly, I have this bad habit of playing jokes on him.) I finally convinced him that this was real, so we called the hospital and headed there. This was my first baby, so of course I had had a bag packed since like week 20, LOL.

Well, about halfway to the hospital, I realized that I didn't pack anything to do - like a book, cards, movies - you know, something to take my mind off of labor? Ha. Well, I wasn't really contracting yet, so I made DH go back and pick some movies to take with us. Yes, I am crazy.

We got to the hospital and were admitted. I still wasn't contracting regularly, so they had me walk. So I walked. And walked. And walked. Or maybe I should say I waddled. I was so huge. I'm only like 5'2'' on a good day, so I was ALL belly. I could knock things over with that thing.

After an hour or so of walking and no progress, I had to start on pitocin. Well, it sure worked alright. Started right off the bat with pretty painful contractions - all in my lower back. They just kept crankin that pitocin up and up. I just kept stalling out - stalled at 4, crank the pit, stall at 7, crank the pit. I think I got my epidural when I was about 5-6. I thought that would help, but not so much. It kind of took the edge off a little, but I was still hurting pretty badly. Finally I got to 9 1/2. And I was there for a couple hours. Nothing we tried would get me to 10, so at 4:55pm I had a c-section. I was terrified. I'm not sure why. I'm a NICU nurse and see deliveries and sections all the time. All the bad stuff that could (but rarely) happen just kept running through my head.

Everything was fine, though, and DS weighed in at 8 lbs 9.8 ounces and was 22 inches long.

My next child, DD (2) was a scheduled c-section. It was lovely. Well, the no laboring part was lovely. The four sticks to get my IV and the 2 sticks for my spinal was not lovely.

Also, while I was getting prepped for the section, a Med student was in with the anesthesiologist. I do believe they had already given me something in my IV, because I think I was a little loopy. So they go to put an oxygen mask on my face and I hear the anesthesiologist explain this to the student, then asks what room air oxygen is. Well, the student is hesitating, so I guess I thought I'd help him or something, so I start whispering "21 percent" a few times. Then the anesthesiologist thinks I'm talking to him, leans down and asks what I was saying, so I say louder "21 percent. room air." And he starts laughing. I then wanted to tell him not to let that med student touch me, but I refrained. I think he left after that anyway.

So, DD was born on June 3rd, 2005. She weighed in at 8 lbs, 9.8 ounces (yes, EXACTLY the same weight as DS - but she was 1 week early) but she was only 20 inches long, so she looked a lot chubbier than DS.

Now, to finish out this monster post, I'll share my latest creation. It's for DD's pirate skirt - someone posted a link to a design of a pirate mickey head with a tiara on it, and that inspired me right away. I had been struggling figuring out what kind of shirt to make. I was leaning toward peasant top thanks to all you ladies who voted for the peasant shirt, but I just loved that design, so I went with it. However, my take on her design was much cuter in my head than on DD's shirt. I hate when that happens. I still like it, but I wonder if I should just make a peasant shirt, too, and see what I like better.

OK, so here it is:


I think the part I'm not crazy about is that I wish the tiara showed up a little better. Well, that and the eyepatch doesn't show up well, either.

Whew! Sorry for the ginormously long post!
OK, so here it is:


I think the part I'm not crazy about is that I wish the tiara showed up a little better. Well, that and the eyepatch doesn't show up well, either.

Whew! Sorry for the ginormously long post![/QUOTE]

Your kids are soooo cute!:cutie: Love the siggy and avatar, and I love the top! Very cute, I may have to case this! :thumbsup2 Where did you get the tiara?:confused:
Thanks! I forgot to mention how I did the tiara. After searching ALL OVER for a pre-made iron-on rhinestone tiara, I gave up. I found a couple, but they were really big. So, it's acutally a "franken-tiara." The majority of it is actually an iron-on design that I found at Wal-Mart. I believe it's intended to go on a pair of jeans on the back pocket maybe, but I turned it upside down and made it a tiara. I cut off a couple of the parts, then added some of my own bling to fill in a little and make it more tiara-like. I should have taken pics along the way, but of course I didn't think about it until just now as I'm trying to explain how I did it.

Hope that makes sense!
I finally finished Lauren's Christmas Mint dress. After I made the bodice I lost all motivation to sew, not sure why. I forced myself to get back in the sewing saddle and finish this dress. It is going to be long on her but I figure that is fine since it is COLD :cold: here at Christmas and the longer dress will keep her warmer. I am also making pants in the red fabric (straps) to match.
Lauren refuses to model anything, once she is dressed in the AM she will not change her clothes for anything! She could be soaking wet from spilled juice and covered in mud, she will not change without an argument.

I have tried multiple times to flip this and it looks flipped in photobucket but is on its side here. SORRY! Just lean your head to the side.
Thanks! I forgot to mention how I did the tiara. After searching ALL OVER for a pre-made iron-on rhinestone tiara, I gave up. I found a couple, but they were really big. So, it's acutally a "franken-tiara." The majority of it is actually an iron-on design that I found at Wal-Mart. I believe it's intended to go on a pair of jeans on the back pocket maybe, but I turned it upside down and made it a tiara. I cut off a couple of the parts, then added some of my own bling to fill in a little and make it more tiara-like. I should have taken pics along the way, but of course I didn't think about it until just now as I'm trying to explain how I did it.

Hope that makes sense!

Wow! You ARE GOOD! That is fantastic, and it looks really good!

I finally finished Lauren's Christmas Mint dress. After I made the bodice I lost all motivation to sew, not sure why. I forced myself to get back in the sewing saddle and finish this dress. It is going to be long on her but I figure that is fine since it is COLD :cold: here at Christmas and the longer dress will keep her warmer. I am also making pants in the red fabric (straps) to match.
Lauren refuses to model anything, once she is dressed in the AM she will not change her clothes for anything! She could be soaking wet from spilled juice and covered in mud, she will not change without an argument.

I have tried multiple times to flip this and it looks flipped in photobucket but is on its side here. SORRY! Just lean your head to the side.

This looks FANTASTIC! I love the way it turned out. Great job!:thumbsup2

Okay, I have got to go! I have my 10 year high school reunion this weekend and tonight is the homecoming game! So I have to go and get ready. I am not sure if I want to go or not! I am really forcing myself! Hopefully it will be fun and I will get to see some people I haven't seen since high school! Wish me luck!:goodvibes Why is it that going to a reunion makes you feel like you are in high school again?:confused3
snubie - it looked right side up to me. I bought that same material. I haven't decided what to do with it yet.
I'll probably make a skirt for me.
I finally finished Lauren's Christmas Mint dress. After I made the bodice I lost all motivation to sew, not sure why. I forced myself to get back in the sewing saddle and finish this dress. It is going to be long on her but I figure that is fine since it is COLD :cold: here at Christmas and the longer dress will keep her warmer. I am also making pants in the red fabric (straps) to match.
Lauren refuses to model anything, once she is dressed in the AM she will not change her clothes for anything! She could be soaking wet from spilled juice and covered in mud, she will not change without an argument.

I have tried multiple times to flip this and it looks flipped in photobucket but is on its side here. SORRY! Just lean your head to the side.

This is adorable! I love it!

Okay, I have got to go! I have my 10 year high school reunion this weekend and tonight is the homecoming game! So I have to go and get ready. I am not sure if I want to go or not! I am really forcing myself! Hopefully it will be fun and I will get to see some people I haven't seen since high school! Wish me luck!:goodvibes Why is it that going to a reunion makes you feel like you are in high school again?:confused3

Oh, have fun! I didn't get to go to my 10 year reunion (I was working) and I'm still sad.
I finally finished Lauren's Christmas Mint dress. After I made the bodice I lost all motivation to sew, not sure why. I forced myself to get back in the sewing saddle and finish this dress. It is going to be long on her but I figure that is fine since it is COLD :cold: here at Christmas and the longer dress will keep her warmer. I am also making pants in the red fabric (straps) to match.
Lauren refuses to model anything, once she is dressed in the AM she will not change her clothes for anything! She could be soaking wet from spilled juice and covered in mud, she will not change without an argument.

I have tried multiple times to flip this and it looks flipped in photobucket but is on its side here. SORRY! Just lean your head to the side.

That xmas dress is so very cute. I just love the candy on the bodice. Those little or big details is what makes outfits (sew) great. I hear you on the not feeling like sewing I am right along with you knowing I need to finish two pairs of tinkerbell shoes three tort bags and two sets of wings. Man that is alot. What was i thinking. :scared1:

Well I guess I won't be on here this weekend. So Everyone have a great weekend.
Here is one of the tutus I made for my nieces for Christmas.

(since it's not Disney I will just post one...though they could be good for Tinkerbell outfits) ;)
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