8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 11

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Hey - Congrats on the new pup!!! What a great looking dog!!! Our GSD pup is now 4 mos old and nearly 50 lbs. & so, so, so full of energy!! I love it - but its a lot of work. Your kids must be so excited. My DGS Matt & Max play together non-stop.
Bad Mommy...:rolleyes1 blaming the innocent children......

Hmmm....I'm the one who is usually being blamed in my household, and even when I'm innocent, I probably deserve it for something else ;) . Of course, it's odd, because when I'm the one searching for something, I get the "Well...if you would put it back where it belongs ....blah, blah, blah."

It seems like my kids are the only ones on spring break this week...And my DW's been out of town since Sunday. Her step sister (SS) is in Cincy from Oregon this week for training and they haven't seen each other for 11 years. Working out things and all. (Cliff notes from earlier post: DW was disowned by biological dad (BD) and B***h stepmom (BSM) at age 16 because she would not "choose" only them and sever ties with her mother. DW flew to Oregon from Ohio to see SS's wedding two years ago, but was not allowed in to the wedding because BSM warned her family of a potential "wedding crasher", even though SS had extended an invitation, but caved in to BSM pressure at last minute.)

Anyway......A sort of funny thing happened today. DW still has a good relationship with her aunt and cousins on her BD's side. Evidently, DW's aunt is visiting DW's BD in Florida and just now informed them that 11 years ago, DW's SS was in our wedding:sad2: . Now, BSM does NOT know that DW is currently visiting SS, but BSM called SS today and gave her the riot act over the phone about being in our wedding 11 years ago. My DW did feel bad, she doesn't want her SS to receive more grief from her parents. It was just extremely ironic that this is the first time DW has seen her SS since our wedding 11 years ago and while hanging in their hotel room today, BSM calls to give SS the riot act about our wedding. Clear as mud..right?

So...the big spring break vacation was taking the DDs yesterday to the Cleveland Museum of Natural Sciences to see a T-Rex named Sue that's on loan from Chicago. The DDs have actually wanted to do a museum since seeing the movie "Night At the Museum". It's not huge, but a fun place to spend 3 hours or so. They had a nice Planetarium, some nice animal, dinosaur, and precious stone exhibits, including BALTO. Who knew Balto was well preserved in Cleveland? Evidently, he toured with the rest of his team after the Nome, Alaska trip, ended up being rescued from a vaudville act and resided the rest of his life in Cleveland. Just considering all the s**w Cleveland's had the last week, I bet he loved it. Oh yeah, also scouted out the Colombian Emeralds on exhibit.;)
Evenin' pirate:s

Lord help me and someone have my head examined...

I signed up for a triathlon today.

Never been in a swimming race
Never been in a biking race
Never been in a running race.

Sure sign me up.

Heading back to ketchup to give you time to laugh.
Hi Everyone!

It's nearly 9 pm here in San Diego - we are all tired after hiking around the San Diego Zoo today & swimming this evening in our hotel pool (jacuzzi for me).

For those who are thinkng about including a side trip to San Diego while in So. CA prior to the TOAL - it is a 2-3 hour drive from Anaheim (DL) (depending on traffic) and the S.D. Zoo is HUGE. We went for 2 days and still didn't see all of it. (albeit, the 6 yr.old got really tired w/all the walking)
However, if you've got the time - it is AWESOME!!

We are going to the Wild Animal Park tomorrow on our way back north to L.A.
I've never been there -I am really looking forward to it.

Will report back tomorrow------ Chris

P.S. - I trump everyone age-wise. I am the Matriarch!!!!! Full Age Disclosure TBA!! Just remember I also roller blade on the strand in L.A. !!!

Cheers!! Chris
wedding 11 years ago and while hanging in their hotel room today, BSM calls to give SS the riot act about our wedding. Clear as mud..right?

I remember you telling us about that situation but not the wedding info. What a pathetic excuse for a human being! :sad2:
FOr what it's worth... I'll let ya all in on a little secret. In the last couple of weeks with my computer dead and me sidelined off the DIS mostly ... I had MY birthday pass and I guess I had not posted the date on the DIS board yet. Oh well... I liked having had a quiet DIS birthday.... (snif).

:bday: :jumping1: :bday:
:bday: :jumping1: :bday:

Just wanted to pop in and say YAY!

I just had a lovely conversation with the HR manager of what seems to be a great org. in DC. It was a pre-screening interview. I think it went well. Fingers crossed and all....

In similar news.
My board officially hired my replacement last night. She starts April 30. I'll work part time for 2 weeks, then twiddle my thumbs for a month & a half before we can leave (imagine my post count...). DH's Change of Command is sched. for 6/29, so we are jumping on the poor man's Alaska cruise (state ferry) on 7/2. A real cruise would be great, but I can't check my SUV and my puppie on Princess or Norwegian.

:yay: :yay: Good luck with the job!

How's the weather? It was warmer in Fairbanks than it was here on Easter! :sad2: <mental note> If asked to travel go to Fort Greely during the timeframe that the Cold Climate Survival Kit (Arctic) is required for travel to/from the base and FAI, SAY NO EFFING WAY!!!!!
It's been there.
Haven't seen the Tag Fairy around for quite a while.

TF is falling down on the job! There! I've tempted fate as only children are want to do and poked the TF with a stick! I can't see you or find you but I'm calling you out!

AAAHhhhhh. Just lost like 6 quotes I wanted to respond to!!!

How does BIP do it?????
:yay: :yay: Good luck with the job!

How's the weather? It was warmer in Fairbanks than it was here on Easter! :sad2: <mental note> If asked to travel go to Fort Greely during the timeframe that the Cold Climate Survival Kit (Arctic) is required for travel to/from the base and FAI, SAY NO EFFING WAY!!!!!

It was 54 when I got in my car after work!
It's 9 pm and still very light out.

I went to the North Slope to the oil fields in October a few years ago. It was 31 degrees on my Arctic swim day. They get crazy cold in the winter. Makes Fairbanks look like Cabo.
I remember you telling us about that situation but not the wedding info. What a pathetic excuse for a human being! :sad2:

Yeah...SS could come to our wedding 11 years ago because she was in college and BSM was none the wiser (Until aunt just told her). SS's wedding was two years ago in Oregon. DW flew 4,000+ miles roundtrip. SS was sure BSM would notice DW as a guest and felt pressured to be honest up front, so she told BSM that DW was coming, then BSM proclaimed to her family that there was a "wedding crasher" around. The Oregon wedding was outside, so DW could see from a distance, but definately stayed away from confrontation on her SS's wedding day. My DW used to resent the whole banishment, but she now thinks she was the lucky one after seeing the damage and therapy SS has had to go through. There's reason that SS is in Oregon now when BSM is in Florida.
AAAHhhhhh. Just lost like 6 quotes I wanted to respond to!!!

How does BIP do it?????

Good Luck on the job! and - again - Congrats on the new pup. Do you have another dog? My 2 yr. od GSD loves (mostly) playing w/our 4 mo. old GSD pup.
And I really try to not have anyone see that wiggly side of me!:eek: :lmao:

I found some unexpected booty this morning.

Unfortunately it was when I caught a glimps of my profile in the full length mirror . . .:sad2:

The secret is no full length mirrors in the house! I can't tell you when I saw my profile last.

Me and my FAT Butt just came back from a 1/2 mile walk. :lmao: :lmao: :rotfl2:

This seems to be a growing trend ;) here....

Hi my name is ____ and I'm a DISaholic
Hi my name is ____ and I'm a Foodaholic

We need to identify all the DISorders and then come up with the appropriate name/acronym.....


Hi my name is ____ and my addodometer has reached _____! :duck:

Of course there is the group meeting with only one member:
Hi my name is MR and I'm a crazy-old-witchy-woman magnet!
Yeah...SS could come to our wedding 11 years ago because she was in college and BSM was none the wiser (Until aunt just told her). SS's wedding was two years ago in Oregon. DW flew 4,000+ miles roundtrip. SS was sure BSM would notice DW as a guest and felt pressured to be honest up front, so she told BSM that DW was coming, then BSM proclaimed to her family that there was a "wedding crasher" around. The Oregon wedding was outside, so DW could see from a distance, but definately stayed away from confrontation on her SS's wedding day. My DW used to resent the whole banishment, but she now thinks she was the lucky one after seeing the damage and therapy SS has had to go through. There's reason that SS is in Oregon now when BSM is in Florida.

When DGMother died the day after Christmas many of my aunts and uncles had such a row that I'm kinda glad in a way that I couldn't make it to the funeral. :sad1: Six year olds arguing over a Game Boy would have been better behaved! :furious: Luckily we have a 200+ mile wide moat of s*ow and 7000+ feet of elevation to keep them from bothering us! :laughing:
Yeah...SS could come to our wedding 11 years ago because she was in college and BSM was none the wiser (Until aunt just told her). SS's wedding was two years ago in Oregon. DW flew 4,000+ miles roundtrip. SS was sure BSM would notice DW as a guest and felt pressured to be honest up front, so she told BSM that DW was coming, then BSM proclaimed to her family that there was a "wedding crasher" around. The Oregon wedding was outside, so DW could see from a distance, but definately stayed away from confrontation on her SS's wedding day. My DW used to resent the whole banishment, but she now thinks she was the lucky one after seeing the damage and therapy SS has had to go through. There's reason that SS is in Oregon now when BSM is in Florida.

Family dinamics can at times be so distructive. When my Dad passed away - the daughter of his 2nd wife - ( now she wasn't his step-daughter as they married when all children from each side were all adults/w/families ) - fought in court for 10 years to get a share of a property that my Dad held in trust for an elderly retarded cousin. It was so ugly. The saddest result was that her children and my children became alienated due to her greed. She lost her case and her children lost also.
Evenin' pirate:s

Lord help me and someone have my head examined...

I signed up for a triathlon today.

Never been in a swimming race
Never been in a biking race
Never been in a running race.

Sure sign me up.

Heading back to ketchup to give you time to laugh.


Here's something to consider... and please don't take the title too seriously with the use of "dummies" in it... just substitute "1st timers" for "dummies".
Guess what?? She does OWN the company.....well she's the owner's wife. We didn't speak today....which was a welcomed relief. I appreciate how everyone here had my back last night. My co-workers were equally supportive today. Not a person in the world wants to be called the F word (Fat this is) :thumbsup2


... if she's the spouses' owner... being impolite with folks working for and with her family is an unwise thing if you ask me. No matter how much money one may or may not have - I have seen folks with a billion plus (the CEO of one of the companies I distribute for) lose nearly everything to be left with a few dozen million. I saw his spouse gamble about $100-130,000 a hand in Vegas when we were gathered for a business meeting once. Now - I doubt she would wager that sort of money carelessly. AND... I have had counterparts who used to earn $500-1,000,000+ a year ... and I've seen a bad turn of luck more or less wipe them out. SO - I don't take anything for granted - nor do I look upon good fortune as an excuse for engaging in fiscal excess or flights of fancy. Besides - I am cozy doing as I have for decades - which is why I am cozy sailing in a cat 9 window. NOT that "I" am worth a billion dollars or raking in a million a year (+ defferred income in the millions as my counterpart had).


So.... I think a well placed letter of referral to the tax man might be in order on the mean spouses' business - it being tax time for most folks. And if anything were to turn up - potentially the referring party could get a finders' fee for recovereed taxes. They have a secret means of wistle blowing and recovery payoffs ... :confused3 Seriously, that is not very nice (what she did) and one good turn might tiger another.

You know... I once knew of someone elses' tax dodge which amounted to perhaps $50,000-60,000 or more of improper deductions annually... and I could have turned them in for several years worth of back tax recovery - and in turn earn a "finders' fee" from the government... but I did not do it.

Oh well...

Here's something to consider... and please don't take the title too seriously with the use of "dummies" in it... just substitute "1st timers" for "dummies".

No offense taken. I'm an idiot as well as a dummy!
I have a 6-week tri training program that I am following. I started Monday. 5 weeks and 4 days to go.

DH is also, um, helpful, sorta. He's a triathlete. He even ran a 1/2 Ironman, commonly referred to as "aluminum foil guy" in our house (1.25 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13 mile run).

I'm signed up for a mear 500 yard swim, 10 mile bike, 4.1 mile rum...I mean RUN!

The things I do for t-****s! Someday I'll have to make a list to leave as a legacy for my kids.

I got ya' beat!


Class of '81 here!

but the image above is NOT of my reunion....

Frankly, I've never BEEN to one before....​

I WAS just about to ask which one was you!! :lmao:


... if this WAS my 25th high school reunion then you should have been able to guess that I wold have been the one taking the picture! Yeah... right! ;)
Another stupid thing I've done for a t-****
For the record, I would have WON my weight class. Picture "Mountain Mother",yup, my competition. 9th outta 14 & the only girl raised in Midwest suburbia in the group.

From http://www.talkeetnachamber.org/event-mountainmother.html
The Mountain Mother Contest in Talkeetna glorifies the spirit and strength of the Alaskan Woman. About 10 years ago, the women of Talkeetna rebelled against the Wilderness Woman Contest. The contestants in that contest came to Talkeetna in the dead of winter, donned borrowed winter survival gear and competed for the title. The only requirement was that they be unmarried at the time. They had to hitch up a sled dog team, shoot a bow and arrow, crawl through a culvert, haul water, drive a snowmachine, clomp around in bunny boots and snowshoes, and make a sandwich for the reclining bachelor. That night, they would get all decked out and go bid on the eligible bachelors at the Bachelors' Auction. The Wilderness Woman winner would get a fur hat, a plaque, and sometimes a trip to Europe.

"Humph!", thought the hard working moms in Talkeetna! We have to do all those chores and all we get is chapped hands! We need some respect. (Talkeetna women get LOTS of respect, but they wanted recognition – and maybe a trip to Europe).

So the Mountain Mother Contest was conceived. The only requirement was that the contestant be a mom – married or not. And it would be in the summer, when the kids could watch how hard their moms worked. And it would be more realistic. So the feats are (done with a "baby" in a pack on their backs): walk a log in hip waders, carrying 2 buckets of water; "shoot" a balloon moose with a bow and arrow, "catch" a fish, chop up firewood, change the baby and wash out the diaper, make a "pie" and call the kids in. Winner got some useful things, like an appointment at the local beauty shop for a hair cut, manicure and massage; a nice dinner out; gift certificates from the local shops. And a nice warm jacket with "Mountain MAMA!" on the back.
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