May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 3

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V, if you get a nano, you can set a max volume and have a passcode to lock it in. A nano 2gb silver refurbished, from Apple is running around $119.00 not as cheap as the shuffles, but you have the volume feature. Also you can build playlists on the nano, not on the shuffle.
still trying to figure out dinner tonight and tomorrow....Publix is closed tomorrow so I have to get all the supplies tonight!
I'm tired tonight!:confused3 Think a bath and bed will be in order.

Hope you are all having a great Saturday. Holly, I hope you are feeling better.

We have Church in the morning and than our ex daughter in law and little grandson are coming for the afternoon. Should be a nice day!:)
Thinking way ahead here...but since the girls haven't flown I am going to get each a backpack and fill with goodies and ship that to the port and just keep it hidden until we board the return flight home....that way all the stuff will be new to them.

There is a dollar store in the same shopping center as John's store...they have tons of Disney bows, nail polish, bags, crowns, you name it! I could have a hey day in there! I would like to get a portable DVD but fear the need for two so no fighting. I have also thought about getting a refurbished ipod for Samantha...she loves listening to the portable CD player, I just wish there was some kind of max volume you could set, she thinks the highest level is the best! I just fear their behavior on the will be totally new for them and I am sure they will be excited --- I can only hope!

In a way I wish the cruise was here, but love knowing I have a year to get all our junk together and save for that HUGE onboard bill I am sure we'll have!


Check into the Disney Mix Stick. It is a lot cheaper than an ipod, etc. I have one and I don't believe you set the volumne but I have very sensitive ears and it doesn't seem to go too loud for me. It has 256 MB inner storage but you can add up to a GB SD Chip. Down loading to it works just like an ipod. They even make them now that play videos.

Good Morning, Snowing in Washington crazy is that?

Tuesday is was 84 degrees, today it is snowing.....

My mom has been sick all week. She is 83 years old. She would not let me take her to the doctor. Now, this morning, she decides she is really sick. She would not listen to me all week. I will most likely be in the hospital most of the day with her.....the has the cough, cold, running nose thing.

She wants so much to take care of everything on her own, as she always has. We have been so lucky with her health. She has had her issues, but her mind is sound. She has broken her back 8 times now in 5 years....

She really needs my help, yet won't take it most of the time.....until (like today) she just can't stand it anymore.


Good luck with your mom today. My good thoughts will be coming your way this weekend and herein forward on this issue.

I have the other issue on my hands. My mom is turning 80 this summer. Her body is in pretty good shape, but her mind is going more and more each day. We moved her into a retirement staged care (independent, assited and skilled nursing as needed) community last year (after dad died) it was hard to tell her she couldn't go back to her home (@ Lake Almanor 6 hours by car from us) again, even harder moving her without her input. She is still upset about that. She thinks she should have been there to move everything, but if she was it would have been impossible to pack her stuff up. My family and I did the last weekend with her at her house and packed up the precious stuff, then my sister went up the following weekend with movers and hauled all the rest of it out. I handle her finances and medical care (funny I have 3 other sisters, one who helps all the time the other 2 are pretty removed and just don't see what has to happen to keep up her care.) If only it could be a shared job then each of us could feel ok, rather than one (me) or 2 feelings exhausted with it all the time. Oh well, I'm the one who knew it would be me to do it, so I guess that's just life I can't just ignore it, that's not the daughter my mother raised.

Moving on...we did the Bunnies & Bonnets parade In Campbell this morning with the troop. The girls had fun, it was chaos at it best, small town parading.

We have a bbque later today and that's it until hopefully the beach tomorrow...we are doing a drive by a new listing, fingers crossed. It's a fixer not on a very big lot, but it's been months since anything has been worth looking at so this is better than nothing I guess.

Happy Easter to all, see ya later,

I'm tired tonight!:confused3 Think a bath and bed will be in order.

Hope you are all having a great Saturday. Holly, I hope you are feeling better.

We have Church in the morning and than our ex daughter in law and little grandson are coming for the afternoon. Should be a nice day!:)
Thanks, but definitely not feeling better. Just barely staying awake for another 20 minutes until I can pick up Tyler. Counting down the hours until I can go to bed. I usually have him in bed at 7:30, so I'll be in bed right after that. When he wakes up in the morning, I'll probably be bad and let him watch a DVD while he eats breakfast so I can sleep a little more before going out of town to my dad's. I literally only plan on staying there an hour, or however long it takes to eat and do our egg hunt, and then we'll rush back home. Once they see how miserable I feel, I'm sure they'll understand. I'd completely skip the holiday if I hadn't missed Christmas (because other family was coming to my house) and Thanksgiving (because Tyler was at his dad's and I had to study for final exams).

I hope everybody is having fun with the Easter preparations! I'm so glad I go to the meal so I don't have to cook. :eek: I don't ever cook anyway, so that would be a disaster! I just hope my appetite is back by tomorrow. ;)

I've got the chills today, but my mom's uncle and friend sent me an awesome llama wool blanket from Peru a couple days ago -- perfect timing! I've never felt something so warm, heavy, and soft! It's absolutely wonderful, especially when sick! :cloud9:
I hope your mom feels weel soon.

How is Annie doing?

Annie is doing much better now thank you for asking!! She finished her 10 days of antibiotics this morning. She still has a little sore throat and a running nose, but she is much much better.

Gretchen's finger is GROSS. I should take a picture of it and post it (YUCK). It does not hurt much anymore....just as black as black can be!

I got to my mom's (about 1 hour drive) and she started her stubborness again. This morning on the phone she was dying....she let me go get her meds, grocery shop, and help her with her bills. She would not go to the doctor or hospital. She is now under 100 pounds .... she has lost 15 pounds in 18 months. She was coughing, hacking and could not breathe. She would not come back to my house. I just hate it....she should NOT be alone!!

disneylover5 - prayers to your mom! She sounds like my Grandma, she does not go to the doctor for anything and has been very lucky with her health. Last year she was in so much pain she finally had my mom take her to the dr...turns out she had to have her gall bladder out and the surgeon said it was the worst he'd ever seen. I think that scared her a bit though.

I am not she if I told you all already but my mom applied for her citizenship! I am not sure everything it entails but I'm sure she'll keep me posted.

It is so scary, they don't want to complain, as they do not want to burden anyone with their problems and then they get really sick......

Where is your mom a citizen of now? I had a friend I helped get her green card ...took 10 years!! She has had her green card for 5 years now, so can apply for citizenship.....SO EXCITING!!!

Mark's making a seafood platter for dinner tonight with crab, scallops, shrimp and halibut. The fishmongers were a bit sparse as most had been bought up yesterday for Good Friday!;) Really looking forward to it:)


Can I come for dinner​


Good luck with your mom today. My good thoughts will be coming your way this weekend and herein forward on this issue.

I have the other issue on my hands. My mom is turning 80 this summer. Her body is in pretty good shape, but her mind is going more and more each day. We moved her into a retirement staged care (independent, assited and skilled nursing as needed) community last year (after dad died) it was hard to tell her she couldn't go back to her home (@ Lake Almanor 6 hours by car from us) again, even harder moving her without her input. She is still upset about that. She thinks she should have been there to move everything, but if she was it would have been impossible to pack her stuff up. My family and I did the last weekend with her at her house and packed up the precious stuff, then my sister went up the following weekend with movers and hauled all the rest of it out. I handle her finances and medical care (funny I have 3 other sisters, one who helps all the time the other 2 are pretty removed and just don't see what has to happen to keep up her care.) If only it could be a shared job then each of us could feel ok, rather than one (me) or 2 feelings exhausted with it all the time. Oh well, I'm the one who knew it would be me to do it, so I guess that's just life I can't just ignore it, that's not the daughter my mother raised.

Moving on...we did the Bunnies & Bonnets parade In Campbell this morning with the troop. The girls had fun, it was chaos at it best, small town parading.

We have a bbque later today and that's it until hopefully the beach tomorrow...we are doing a drive by a new listing, fingers crossed. It's a fixer not on a very big lot, but it's been months since anything has been worth looking at so this is better than nothing I guess.

Happy Easter to all, see ya later,


Your mom's situation is my worst fear. Without a sharp mind, it would be so hard!! My mom finished her taxes herself before she got sick.

Thanks, but definitely not feeling better. Just barely staying awake for another 20 minutes until I can pick up Tyler. Counting down the hours until I can go to bed. I usually have him in bed at 7:30, so I'll be in bed right after that. When he wakes up in the morning, I'll probably be bad and let him watch a DVD while he eats breakfast so I can sleep a little more before going out of town to my dad's. I literally only plan on staying there an hour, or however long it takes to eat and do our egg hunt, and then we'll rush back home. Once they see how miserable I feel, I'm sure they'll understand. I'd completely skip the holiday if I hadn't missed Christmas (because other family was coming to my house) and Thanksgiving (because Tyler was at his dad's and I had to study for final exams).

I hope everybody is having fun with the Easter preparations! I'm so glad I go to the meal so I don't have to cook. :eek: I don't ever cook anyway, so that would be a disaster! I just hope my appetite is back by tomorrow. ;)

I've got the chills today, but my mom's uncle and friend sent me an awesome llama wool blanket from Peru a couple days ago -- perfect timing! I've never felt something so warm, heavy, and soft! It's absolutely wonderful, especially when sick! :cloud9:

Take care and stay warm. Remember, if you are too sick to drive DON"T DO IT!! Sounds like you have what my mom has!!
Mandy, it is even nicer today than yesterday here, so went out instead of decorating!! If the weather was of the usual Easter variety we would be inside painting!!!!

Car alarms are a pain!:mad: As far as being a 'grumpy old woman', if people didn't do things to make us that way we would be ok.:laughing:

When we were out having a lovely coffee outside in the sun:love: ), we were chatting holidays, and for 2009 we are thinking of taking 6 weeks and visit a few places in the US!!!:woohoo: This would be for, and over, our 40th wedding anniversary. It started out as 6 weeks touring Europe and changed direction! Wonder if we will be able to fit a cruise in somewhere.:idea: Only problem is I now have another holiday to plan.:confused: :banana:

That's a HORRIBLE problem to have, Marilyn!!!:scared1:

Hope you can fit Northern California in!:banana:

Hope you have had a beautiful day!:hippie:

Where is your mom a citizen of now? I had a friend I helped get her green card ...took 10 years!! She has had her green card for 5 years now, so can apply for citizenship.....SO EXCITING!!!

She, my Grandma and Uncles are all citizens of the UK (England). My one Uncle, the very bad black sheep was up for deportation at one point! (DUI related) :scared1: He's got to be late 50's now as my mom will be 53 this July.

I braved Publix, what a NIGHTMARE. Not a cart to be had. Everyone out for thei Easter goodies along with all the tourists - it was a mess. It's funny how people seem to foget their manners when crowds are large....I can't tell you the people who just cut in front of you in line whether it's the deli, seafood counter, check out....!!
I ended up with a standing rib roast for tomorrow's dinner, with a salad, mashed potatoes, asparagus and peas and strawberry shortcake for dessert. I wish I could make Yorkshire Pudding...I always feel you need that with beef!

I am feeding the girls now, Samantha wanted a kid's frozen dinner so I obliged....we played outside a bit in the COOL weather - so after dinner tubs again and then bed. Tonight I am moving their playroom tv into their bedroom for a treat. So one movie before bed but I bet they will be out before it's over.

What's everyone else cooking?
Good Morning, Snowing in Washington crazy is that?

Tuesday is was 84 degrees, today it is snowing.....

My mom has been sick all week. She is 83 years old. She would not let me take her to the doctor. Now, this morning, she decides she is really sick. She would not listen to me all week. I will most likely be in the hospital most of the day with her.....the has the cough, cold, running nose thing.

She wants so much to take care of everything on her own, as she always has. We have been so lucky with her health. She has had her issues, but her mind is sound. She has broken her back 8 times now in 5 years....

She really needs my help, yet won't take it most of the time.....until (like today) she just can't stand it anymore.

I hope that your mom will be better soon. It is very hard when the body starts failing a bit, but the mind is sharp. The desire to continue being independant is so strong. I have been through this with both Grandmother's, both very independant women. I think that their stubborness really kept them going.

Just gently infuse your help when she is not expecting it, and maybe it will be easier for her to ask you when she needs it!

Best of luck!!! Take care of yourself as well!

not sure about tonight. Did get a spicy tuna roll, pizza and some more fresh shrimp.

Angie - how's the MH?

Holly - hope you are able to get some sleep and feel better tonight. I knwo for me, there is nothing worse than being sick.
oh and OSU fans (john and Amy) - there was a customer over by the frozen section who had on an OSU pullover. Samantha says ---- Ohio State is Gator Bait and then turns to me and says is that Sophia's brother?
I just read about the suspicious package at the Port....I cannot imagine being there from prior to 10 until after 3 to board...luckily - as we usually drive we'd have our car and could leave but WOW!!
Thankfully everyone is safe!
Mark's making a seafood platter for dinner tonight with crab, scallops, shrimp and halibut. The fishmongers were a bit sparse as most had been bought up yesterday for Good Friday!;) Really looking forward to it:)

DH picked up fresh clams and oysters down the coast yesterday. He and DD are going to make fresh clam chowder and oysters on the half shell for friends of ours that are coming up to the coast to see us.

Can't wait, so yummy!!:banana:

DH picked up fresh clams and oysters down the coast yesterday. He and DD are going to make fresh clam chowder and oysters on the half shell for friends of ours that are coming up to the coast to see us.

Can't wait, so yummy!!:banana:


sounds awesome!:banana:

the girls are in the tub and have decided on Peter Pan as their movie of choice for the evening.

I just started a book "My Sister's Keeper" and so fr it is great....this 13 year old just walked into an attorney's office to sue her parents for right's to her own body. Their first daughter has leukemia and they had her via egg and sperm in a clinical sense so she would be a perfect match to help the daughter with treatments, etc.
I braved Publix, what a NIGHTMARE.

I feel your pain. I had to go to Target this afternoon to pick up a prescription. :eek: I think I ended up parking in the next county!

Passport Story Update:
So 4.5 weeks after I sent them in without the fee, they finally got returned to us today. They sent along a form letter with a list of reasons why it was returned. The lack of fee payment was highlighted but it wasn't a human made highlight, it was machine made. So I guess I'm not the only one to do this and have to say "d'oh".

Now it will be interesting to see how long it takes to get them when I send them back on Monday... with the money this time.
ok another load dry, folded and put away. The girls are in the tub and I think we'll be headed to Publix afterward.

Hey V, I really feel sorry for your broken waterfall in the pool as I watch the snow blow outside like a blizzard.

(BOTH Indians games cancelled today due to SNOW!)

Good luck with your mom today. My good thoughts will be coming your way this weekend and herein forward on this issue.

I have the other issue on my hands. My mom is turning 80 this summer. Her body is in pretty good shape, but her mind is going more and more each day. We moved her into a retirement staged care (independent, assited and skilled nursing as needed) community last year (after dad died) it was hard to tell her she couldn't go back to her home (@ Lake Almanor 6 hours by car from us) again, even harder moving her without her input. She is still upset about that. She thinks she should have been there to move everything, but if she was it would have been impossible to pack her stuff up. My family and I did the last weekend with her at her house and packed up the precious stuff, then my sister went up the following weekend with movers and hauled all the rest of it out. I handle her finances and medical care (funny I have 3 other sisters, one who helps all the time the other 2 are pretty removed and just don't see what has to happen to keep up her care.) If only it could be a shared job then each of us could feel ok, rather than one (me) or 2 feelings exhausted with it all the time. Oh well, I'm the one who knew it would be me to do it, so I guess that's just life I can't just ignore it, that's not the daughter my mother raised.


Your mom is very lucky to have you! I know how hard it is, I was the sibling that pretty much took care of my mom, but my sister did come down and spend the weekends with my mom to give me a break. She was very sharp, just had renal failure and diabetes. She was on dialisys for the last two years of her life and we helped her with that. Never had to move her out of her house, but had been planning for her to move to the house behind us that she and my sister would live in. She never made it there, but sister still moved in and that has been such a blessing.

Both of my grandma's had to be "enrolled" in convalescent hospitals. It was very hard to do, but they both were sufferning from Alzheimer's/dementia and it was too hard to try to take care of them at home. One lived to 87, the other to 95, and it was just the last 3 to 5 years of their lives that they were not sharp!

Try to always take a little time for yourself after your visits to her. :hug: And try to always remember the good times with her as well.

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