Wk of Feb 11--WISH Walking/Running Club

Totally :offtopic:, but I had to share with people who are Disney freaks like myself.

I just won 4 tickets to Disney On Ice from a radio station! :dance3:
How do you do that? Wow, you are lucky Kristi! Great job, what show is it?
Good Morning Team!!!!

Hey Kristi, that is great have a awesome time!!!!

Well totally blew off any exercise last night...and went out for wings, bacon chedder fries and 2 countem 2 Smirnoff Ice......I am so bad.....our friend who is going through the divorce of h***, wanted to go out and celebrate that his divorce is final. I know it really isn't something to celebrate but it has just been so tough on him we are glad that he can finally get on with his life.

On the bright side, got on the scale this morning and was down 1 pd, I will take it.

Will be back later to catch up on all the posts.

I am not worthy to post here. :sad2:

This morning should have been XT, but, well I feel like I have been run over. I am exhausted and sore. I'm really sick of winter and I hope that's all it is because I have NO enthusiasm for training. It has become just another chore. I don't understand it, because during formal training for the Half, I was totally annoying and positively brimming with excitement.

Sunny - Housing prices are just nuts. We have become the bedroom community for Manhattan. When we moved here when I was little, it was all farmland. My sister and I used to love to go by a big old cow farm so we could see the herd. Now...it's Martha Stewart's estate. You are barely allowed to cast your eyes in that direction without rebuke. We used to ride on beautiful trails all over Bedford, but now a huge portion of them are closed, because it's Ralph Lauren's property. I much prefer the cows. :rolleyes:

Kristi - Wow, you must be a VIP at your job! :worship: Half the time they don't even know if I'm here or not. Holy cow! You are magical! Congratulations on the DOI tix! :banana:

Vic - I'm not quite so funky anymore, just tired now. Well, Niceville is a lovely name for a town! Very Disney-like! :goodvibes

Laurie - Thanks for verifying that. I didn't want anyone to think I was being a snob. It is totally true! Sorry you aren't feeling well, but hey, the Daytona coverage is a bonus! Got a pick for Sunday?? At this point, anyone who isn't cheating or doing something illegal looks pretty good! :laughing:

TxAng - O M G! :banana: I am so happy for you! This is your first trip??? Oh man, you've got some planning to go, girl!

OK, where's the Dog Catcher? Cam and Christa are MIA....
Thanks Judy! I am actually feeling a bit better today, so I hope to get to the gym right after work, before heading to the Devils-Penguins game tonight!
I am actually a big Dale Earnhardt Jr. fan, so I am pulling for him. But, I think Tony Stewart is going to win, he looks good! Needless to say, I will need to get my LR in tomorrow or early Sunday, cause once the race starts on Sunday, there will be no exercising! :rolleyes1
Angie--Good Luck this weekend--it is going to be a cold one!!

Minnie--If I find one I will let you know!

TXAng--Aren't you glad you asked!!! We will see you in January!!!

Lily--I was thinking about getting one (and for sure not the Zebra one) I can not wait to hear what everyone thinks about them--I just could not bring myself to submit the order:confused3

Kristi--Have fun!! What a great prize!

Cecilia--I want to do Chicago (maybe next year) soo bad! If you do decide to break your promise, PLEASE take pictures!

Stephanie--Good Luck on your 15K

Jen--Have fun at Disney on Ice and I hope you feel better ASAP!

Kim--Good Job on the loss!

Judy--I think everyone has days (or even weeks) like that. Sometimes you feel great and other times you wonder why you are doing this to yourself!!

I learned today why you should rest between running days--I just felt yucky! I did the "time" but did not run all of the times I was supposed to. However, to "make up" for being so "lazy" I made myself run the last 1/2 mile and I did it in 3 mins and 45 seconds:eek: :eek: If only I could maintain that speed for more that 3 mins and 45 seconds:laughing: :laughing:
Good Afternoon All

I'm sitting here at home, sick as can be. I can't train, I can't run, I can't eat, and I can't sleep. The can't eat part actually doesn't bother me too much. I'd sure like to be 10 pounds lighter next Marathon Sunday.

My general comment to all of you is "thanks." Parenting certainly is an emotional roller coaster. Actually I've been amazingly calm and low key with Lesley about her job search. She's wound tight enough as is, she certainly doesn't need me hovering over her and giving unsolicited and unnecessary advice. Of course that means I get to hold it all in until it erupts. Maybe that's appropriate for me because, TRUE STORY, Martha and I were married on the day Mt. St. Helens erupted. Perhaps I'm just a raging volcano of energy and emotion.

A few of my colleagues have children in their mid-20's, and I've told them how much I'm looking forward to Lesley graduating and starting her life. No worries, and no more cash outflow. Their response has universally been, "it never ends."

More specifically:

Angie - good for you running with spousal unit. Martha and I ran together in the 2005 Disney Half Marathon, and it was wonderful. I had the best time and there is nothing like having someone on your shoulder to carry you along when you get fatigued.

Jim - yes, a tough work environment is the pits. My claim to fame on campus is that I was employee #279 at Dell Computer, and walked away from my stock options to do what I really wanted, earn that Ph.D. and become an academician. The urban legend on campus is that I was the CFO of Dell. When I'm asked or told that I do correct the misperception, but I have not actively tried to end the rumor. Of course if I had stayed at Dell we would be staying in the Boardwalk's Presidential Suite during the marathon. But as you talked about, it was a truly terrible place to work, and I've often talked with Lesley about the decision to walk away from Dell being the correct one. Life is far too short to burn it working someplace you don't like.

Stephanie - thank you for the comment about a special relationship with your father. I had one, but my dad passed away at the far too young age of 56. I do think Lesley and I have a similar relationship, and it certainly has enriched my life in a million different ways.

Sunny - yes Boston is a tough place. The best story I have about this is a few years ago Martha and I were in Hawaii and sadly had to get on the plane and come home. We were in the baggage claim area of Logan Airport waiting for the luggage, thinking about the super-friendly people and unbelievable surroundings we'd just left in the Hawaiian paradise. The doors opened to the outside loading area and we heard at top volume, "move that blank, you blankity, blank, blankity, blank, blank, blank." A lady in the crowd of luggage retrievers turned and said, "welcome to Boston."

Carrie and Lily - thank you for vouching that I wasn't making any of that up about my daughter. You are too sweet.

TXAng - driving to Orlando eh? Martha and I did that a few times when we lived in Austin and her folks were in Boca. If I recall it is 1100 miles Austin to Orlando. The toughest part of the drive, by far, is once you've crossed the bridge over Mobile Bay and enter Florida. Your mind says, "Florida, at last, we're nearly there." Wrong. The panhandle stretch of I-10 goes on forever. Once you hit the Florida Turnpike, however, and turn south, you're getting close.

To all you adult college students - when I started the Ph.D. program at Arizona I was the father of a 4 1/2 year old girl. I've certainly been there, and understand what you are facing. Yes, I had to slice out time of my too-busy schedule to be her father, and yes, it slowed me down by 1 year so it took 5 years to finish the darn thing, and yes, it was absolutely worth it. I dedicated my dissertation to Martha and Lesley, and when Lesley, then aged 9 read the dedication she told me "but I didn't do anything to help you." I think in her entire life she will never be so wrong. You're under so much stress to perform in the classroom, your children allow you to decompress and just enjoy being a parent.

Hopefully I'll be in the fitness center tomorrow or Sunday. Not bloody likely, but hopefully.


Hello Team:

I just have time for a quck drive-by post. For my training a did a 3 mile "hill" run on the TM yesterday @ 10 mpm pace. I kept the speed and distance down a little so as not to aggravate my shins. They feel fine today. Over lunch I had my 60 min yoga class which felt soooooo good. I'm planning on doing a 12 mile LR tomorrow morning. I just hope it's not too cold and snowy out there. I'm already worried about the roads being icy and narrow from the snow. I'll figure something out.

I wanted to WISH everyone the best who's racing this weekend. I know we have a couple of teammates running in the Gasparilla Festival of Races - Jim and Angie, have great runs.

Duane- good luck with the 5K you have on Saturday.

Melissa- kick some booty in your 50K. Well don't kick too much booty - we don't want that recurrent booty pain to come back.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Okay, guys, looks like the gym would be a very bad idea tonight with the raging ice storm. I bought a balance ball last night and I am challenging myself to do the 50 minute video (or some significant portion thereof) sometime between when I get home tonight and when I post again. So, if I want to come out and play with you guys tomorrow, it looks like I'll have to squeeze in that session sooner rather than later. ;)

I have not yet made time to do the balance ball video and haven't even sat on it since Monday night. :blush: Fact is, I've been in the worst mood, have had some very scary weather-related close calls and have just not been sufficiently motivated.

I did, however, finally make it to the gym last night -- only because Howard and Andy picked me up at work and drove me there. I did the elliptical for 3.1 (couldn't get anywhere near a TM) in less than 38 minutes and 5 miles on the bike in 24 minutes or so. Not much, but more than if I'd gone home and sat around. And, it forced Howard to take a break and get a workout in, as well.

Cam -- How do you like the balance ball? I've never tried one, but it looks like fun.

Thanks for asking, Maria! It is really pretty. Lavender. Doesn't match my BR decor at all, but I think Howard LOVES having to lift the ironing board over it every time he wants to move it out to iron a shirt. :rotfl:

Cam[/B] – how did the balance ball go? I used to have one, until my cat jumped on it and popped it. I loved it even though it was tough – I could always tell that it was working!

Drats. Don't have a cat. Dog isn't allowed in the BR. Guess I'll have to try to wear it out myself. At this rate, it may last for years and years! :rolleyes1

(Cam - I'm coming after you on that mile run!) I did a full 8:00 before I decided I probably should start the cooldown - I had a meeting at 7:30 so I absolutely had to be on time - no extra time in the schedule getting ready!
Jackie -- I am so happy for you!!! I bet that 8 minute run felt awesome, didn't it? Congratulations! :cool1:

Craig -- I am so sorry you are so sick. Your VD post (which I've only just read) brought tears to my eyes. Having met Lesley and believing she is one of the most impressive young people I have ever met, I just thought I'd chime in here. She is a credit to you and Martha. She is bright, articulate, fun, funny, and an absolute sweetheart. You just have to have confidence that God knows exactly where she belongs and He will present the best opportunity to her. I have had instances in my life where choices were not presented or were removed and I was sad and disappointed until I landed in the right relationship or the right job and realized that given the choice, I might have made a bad one. And I have been so blessed to have ended up in the right relationship and the most wonderful job. Please know that you have done everything you can to give her support, self-confidence and the best credentials. She will find a position that is perfect for her. Sending pixiedust: and prayers her way.

Okay, no hope of catching up on everyone else today, so I'll send:

congratulations to everyone who is doing great with their training :woohoo:
pixiedust: to everyone who isn't feeling well
:cheer2: Good luck to everyone who has events this weekend; and
:love: to everyone who missed me while I "grounded" myself from the training thread until I had some real training to report! ;)

Hoping to get a LW/R in tomorrow. 5K is 2 weeks away. I've been so sick this week with stomach pain and sore throat and fever that I am hoping I can actually pull off a meaningful session tomorrow.

Oh, and PSA -- It just so happens that the Peter Pan peanut butter I've had here at work and have eaten off and on over the past several months (without any negative repercussions) has the control number they are recalling for potential salmonella contamination. :scared1: Thank goodness, I have NOT had any side effects from it. PLEASE check your cupboards and do not take any chances!
Garmin Help!

Anyone that found that cheap Garmin 205 would you mind telling me where??? I've checked every Target within my area and nada. I'd really love to get one and that is such an awesome deal :thumbsup2

I am right there with you on this one. I went to the Targets here and only found the 101 for $99.00. It isn't on the web either...I did find a 201 for $116 at walmart.com...I think.

I ran today. Did 5 miles by myself then 7.6 with sis. My watch died so do not know the time it took. I do know when I was by myself I could hardly get under 9:30 MPM...I was so tired and achey. Now I know why...I am sick with some kind of cold like thing. Looking back, 12+ miles may not have been wise with a fever.:confused3
I think Thin Mints will make me feel better...at least 1 box.:rotfl:

Melissa - Lot of :cheer2: :cheer2: for your 50k

Judy - You totally are worthy to post here! We LOVE you!:flower3:

TXang - WTG for you! You will have a blast!:banana:

Angie - Lots of :cheer2: for you this weekend. Post ASAP! We are running with you in spirit.
Sorry to have been MIA. Things have been very hectic the last few weeks (and will remain that way for at least another couple) so I have only had time to do a little lurking.

Just wanted to come out of lurking to say I found the Garmin Edge 205 today at our local Target on Clearance for $56.xx. The Edge 205 seems to do everything the Garmin Forerunner 205 does, except it is rectangular and attaches to a bike instead of your wrist. I purchased one for Sean (DS20) since he prefers to do more biking then running. I guess he could also always carry it in his pocket when he is running.

Anyhoo, don't remember who posted the OP on the Target clearance sale, but I believe it just said Garmin 205, so maybe they were talking about the Edge 205 and not the Forerunner. :confused3

Good luck to those that are racing this weekend!:cheer2:

pixiedust: to those who are sick and/or battling injuries.

I will try to catch up with everyone as soon as I can.

Have a GREAT weekend!
Hey, Karen -- are you doing the Spring Lake 5? It may already be close to full, so if you haven't registered send me a PM and I'll send you the online code if you need it.
Kristi - Wow, you must be a VIP at your job! :worship: Half the time they don't even know if I'm here or not. Holy cow! You are magical! Congratulations on the DOI tix! :banana:
Huh? I am a VIP? :confused3
Trust me, I am very, very low on the totem pole. So low, that I can play the radio all day over the internet and call radio stations to win things! I get to be on the internet all day, read some books, clip my coupons, do my bills...I have no idea what I would do if I had a real job!
(little disclaimer - during breaking news, I pay very dearly for all this downtime on a normal day!)

The tickets are for the 100 Years Of Magic show. Did this go aruond before? I want to say we saw this one a couple years ago. Anywho, I am just glad it wasn't for the Princess On Ice show coming to Boston this week. Nothing against princesses, It's just that I have a little boy, not a girl. ;)

Craig - :wizard: and hope you feel better really soon!

Chad just left for a poker game. So, I hope to get a chance to do my yoga DVD, that I haven't touched since last spring, tonight - after Zack goes to bed.
I did 30 min on the XT. 3 min at a low resistance, 2 minutes at a high resistance then repeat. Each time I increased the low resistance and high resistance so by the end of the 30 minutes it was really heavy. I was sweating by the time I was done. I didn't dare do any longer as tomorrow is a LR for me. Don't want to hurt the hip.

TXAng: I missed that this is your first trip to DWD. That is so GREAT!!! :cheer2: woo hoo for you!! I remember the first time Craig was there (my family went the first year it was open with only the Magic Kingdom) and Craig was so excited he couldn't sleep. He was like a little kid and thoroughly enjoyed himself. There is so much more to do there. Looking forward to hearing your impressions.

Monte: what do you do in Copper Mountain? Take time to enjoy the fluffy powder. At least it isn't the ice we've been having.

Kristi: what yoga DVD do you have? Do you like it? Would you recommend it for a yoga newbie?

sap: be sure to rest!! Be careful you don't hurt yourself!!

Hope everyone who is feeling bad--get better soon!! pixiedust:
Hey there team.

Super proud of myself I had to come here and post.

I just did 4 miles in 59:15 seconds. Walked 4 min at 15:47 pace and jogged 1 min at 11:32 pace for the entire 59:15 seconds.... yaaaaa me:banana: :banana:

I will catch up after I eat, dinner is on the table.

Kristi: what yoga DVD do you have? Do you like it? Would you recommend it for a yoga newbie?
I was really into the Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds videos last year. She also does a You Can Do Yoga DVD, and that's the one I have. It isn't very hard & it is meant for newbies. I have no idea if it's any good though since it's the only yoga I've ever done! :rotfl:

Kim - WOO HOO!!!
Was out looking for some good motivational sayings to tape up in front of TM since we are stuck running inside due to 2 feet of snow. Found this one...

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed...every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle...when the sun comes up, you'd better be running. Whether you are hitting the road or TM, hope everyone has good weekend.

CJ - Fishers, IN
1k @ a time

Okay, I knew there was a reason that I should've mailed my race entry in for the 15K tomorrow instead of registering at our local running store. Besides registering for tomorrow, I ended up with new socks, sports bra, and shorts--But hey, they were all on clearance! I mean, heck, I saved $40.;) OH, and if any of you ladies like the Target C9 apparel, they had some singlets and other tops on the clearance rack for less than $4!:cool1: :cool1:
Was out looking for some good motivational sayings to tape up in front of TM since we are stuck running inside due to 2 feet of snow. Found this one...

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed...every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle...when the sun comes up, you'd better be running. Whether you are hitting the road or TM, hope everyone has good weekend.

CJ - Fishers, IN
1k @ a time

WOW! Love the quote!
Dude! I am so lame! I feel so bad and all I can do is sit here on the DIS Boards. DD9 has a friend over for her b-day (it was 2/14) and they are playing with the Wii! Love it! I want to play but feel too bad to do it.
I think the running did me in!:scared1:
Should I bike tomorrow?:rotfl:


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