12/09/06 Cruise Continued ~ Pirating Bananas DIS Geekorama Part 2 Part 14

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Merry Christmas Everyone!!!! :wave2:

I hope everyone has had a wonderful day spending time with family and friends. DS was up early (around 6:15) so our day started quite early. DD was up about 2 minutes later so we let the kids dig into the Santa piles. I think they both enjoyed most everything they got. DS was thrilled to see his big Power Ranger megazord thing and DD went straight for the Cinderella glass slippers followed quickly by the doll stroller. That is exactly what I thought both of them would go for. ;) DD is really attached to that stroller and she pitched quite a fit at naptime when I wouldn't let her put it in the crib with her. :rolleyes: She is pushing it around everywhere she goes.

Dinner for tonight is just a pot roast in my new crockpot. We had our big meal yesterday when the outlaws were here so I wanted something simple for tonight. DH has to go back to work tomorrow but I will be here all day with the kids. Hopefully all the new toys will help keep them busy so they won't fight quite so much. ;)

Also since Christmas is almost over I can tell you guys my big suprise. Amy is the only one here who knows up until now. I gave DH a laptop for Christmas so he can stop complaining. And all of you guys thought I was just being mean to him..... :sad2: ;) I guess now it is a little too late to join in on Friday night chats but if we decide to cruise in 2008 maybe we can both join in then. :)

Once again Merry Christmas and I hope you all had a fantastic day!!!
Merry Christmas everyone!

Wow, I was up until 2am putting together things and getting the room ready. The girls didn't wake up until around 9am. These two CLEANED UP!
We had a bad storm blow through this monring - I checked to see if there was a TS around the wind was that bad. My mom did way too much for us. My dad bought us AP's again this year, he won't listen to me about the "renewal" price. John got every pirate game or POTC stuff there is...and he bought me platinum and diamond today, tomorrow and forever earrings....NOT expected as the cruise is our gift. Funny, we spoke with everyone prior to xmas and we all decided to not spend much....didn't happen.

Anyone want to come over for some prime rib? John bought the whole thing and we didn't have big meat eaters!!

I am beat....the girls are still going strong, no nap and watching Dead Man's chest in the playroom. John is asleep "watching" the game.
I do have to say of all the gifts my mom got me, the one I love the best is a set of photo coasters....it is pictures of me, my sis and my mom at WDW a long time ago....my mom looked like our older sister and was really beautiful and youthful looking. They brought back a ton of memories....she used to drag us to the "flower cart" on mainstreet to get our pics...protesting all the way. They did turn out great though. Thanks mom!
Christmas was great, and the gifts were a hit. Santa brought 3 things for each kid. I didn't know what to get for Walt until Thursday (he wants anything he sees, and asked Santa for "a toy and a movie"). Got him the Leapster, and he has played with it almost all day. He also got a puzzle and a VeggieTales Christmas DVD. Hannah got a Shuffle, a Playmobil set and a Tangoes game. Elizabeth got a new field hockey stick, hockey bag and a flat iron for her hair. We gave each a new book (well, and stuff on the cruise and after at US/IOA).

Hope you and yours enjoyed the day.
Vanessa, sounds like you had a great day. DrHug and I did stick with our agreement that the IPods and cruise were our gifts. I think he was a bit worried that I would get him something, but I stuck to the agreement and we are both happy with that. We had just the two of us for dinner (nice quiet day) and I cooked the 20 lb turkey I had left from TG. Needless to say we have LOTS left for sandwiches. That is NOT a bad thing. I froze two bags and have one in the frig for this week. DrHug is napping now, too much turkey and a bit of Chateau St Michele Reisling made him really sleepy. So now I just have a few more dishes to do and we will call it a day.
Hey, will I be the first on the revived boards????
Have to stay awake tonight. Elizabeth is an altar server at Midnight Mass.
As crazy as it sounds, I really like that Mass on Christmas eve. It's not crowded, and it seems particularly peaceful.
Have a wonderful Christmas, everyone!

Hey! I tried the boards yesterday and was still getting nothing? Hmmmm, now I can't put in an emoticon?
It is sounding like all the DIS kids had a good day. Grandma and Grandpa are glad to hear that. (my smiles are not working ??? -so much for the update of the website)
Finally got that tree up Friday night. Hmmmm....boards down and the tree got put up. Wonder if there is any correlation in those events. :rolleyes:

I had to buy a tree yesterday and then got it up in the afternoon...

I had forgotten I threw out the tree last year.

Family is here and playing games while I was watching the FB game. I was not snoring like my Florida counterpart, but almost! Of course we all ate entirely too much, and there is enough dessert here for an army!

Amy and I did like Angie and Dr. Hug, the cruise was our gift to each other, but since I got DS satelite radio, it is a better deal to buy two so I bought Amy one for her car anyway . . .

Sophia got a bunch of American Girl stuff for her dolls and a Nintendo DS with a couple of games. Alex got the Satelite Radio and a new set of Bose Headphones so he doesn't have to borrow Dad's.

On an emotional note, mom had picked out cards and some gifts for people back in November before she passed. It was hard to see that . . . and made me miss her presence even more. Christmas just isn't the same without your mom . . .

Is this a GREAT picture or what?

Could this have been LESS than a couple of weeks ago?


Still working on my pictures . . .

Brandi, if you log in again, PM me your address so that I can send you your flash drive with a bunch of photos . . .

Brack, sure would like a copy of the Pirate group photo!

Oh, and BTW, WHO were those two ladies who are right in the middle?

Ok, one more ruins photo gets me to 3500 posts!

Who's the white hat behind you guys?

Night all!


Hello everyone, Becka was right I am now a proud owner of a laptop that is on the internet (jump for joy smile).
Also since Christmas is almost over I can tell you guys my big suprise. Amy is the only one here who knows up until now. I gave DH a laptop for Christmas so he can stop complaining. And all of you guys thought I was just being mean to him..... :sad2: ;) I guess now it is a little too late to join in on Friday night chats but if we decide to cruise in 2008 maybe we can both join in then. :)

Once again Merry Christmas and I hope you all had a fantastic day!!!

LOL! You can still join us in chat, Becka! We will have to test that new laptop out in a couple weeks when the holidays are over with. :)
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