Yup, another stroller question!


MK Daydreamer
Feb 14, 2006
I'm looking for a lightweight umbrella type stroller and have narrowed it down to the following:

Combi Cosmo ST
Combi Savvy Soho
Combi Savvy Sport

I haven't been able to find a store to try out the Combi's and am wondering how they handle. Also how comfortable they are to push. I'll be using it for my 3 yr old for our May trip to Disney, and for my 1 yr old around town.

Any suggestions? (And no, I can't afford a Maclaren...) ;)
TikiG 06
Combi is a small stroller. Taller people will find themselves hunched over a Combi to push it. It tends to have more "give" to it. It may feel rickety, but it's actually designed that way. I suspect that the 3 year old might be a bit uncomfortable in it.

Based upon the base price of the Combi models that you're looking at, though, you CAN afford the equivalent Maclaren in an '04 or '05 model. Look for the Mac Triumph.
I hate the combi. Too narrow. If you need stroller help for your trip, you need to go to the best stroller board out there:
www.babybargainsbook.com, go to the message board section, then the stroller board. You will find ANYTHING you need to know, along with complete reviews on every stroller out there.
My pick? A Peg Perego Aria or Inglesina Zippy.
Tried the link but it didn't work... any good stroller review sites out there? I've searched and searched...

My Babies R Us has Combi strollers.... Maybe there is one near you?

Also Amazon usually has several user reviews on strollers. Epinions.com also has user reviews

YMMV but I don't think the Combi is a short stroller. I am 5'10'' and have no problems with my Twin Savvy. Cheepo umbrellas - ugg - I am all hunched over.
You know, I've been looking at the 04 Maclaren Triumph but there is no canopy to block the sun and/or rain. Can you buy a canopy separately to install? IMO, a stroller without a canopy is useless!
I never liked my combi stroller. It felt too light, and I was hunched over all the time pushing it, along with kicking the back of the wheels when I pushed. We decided to purchase the maclaren volo for our toddler and we wish we would have bought it a long time ago. We love the high handles, so no more hunching over or kicking the back wheels, and it pushes like a dream. Even though it is under 10 pounds it still feels solid when pushing, unlike the combi we had. The best part is the mesh seat so when it rains in Disney, the fabric dries right away, or if your child spills on it, you can hose it off with water. When we go to the beach, that's exactly what we do when we have sand all over the stroller, we just hose it off and the mesh fabric dries right away!

Best lightweight stroller in my opinion!
Try www.babybargains.com and click on the link to the message boards.

The Maclaren Triumph *should* come with a hood - all but the older Volos have/had hoods (this year the Volo now has a hood). If you're looking at an 04 Volo then it wouldn't have the hood and you'd need to buy an accessory pack that has a hood (or a Silver Cross pad set with a hood - those fit the Volo as well). IMHO I'd go with a Triumph :)


We have a 20 month old toddler, and is a big boy, 32 pounds. So we needed a travel stroller that had some strength to it. We already owned a Zooper for everyday and loved it. So we tryed the Zooper Salsa (their travel lite version) and love it. See it in the picture of my son posted at signature. Comes with good sun cover, weights only about 12 pounds and is very easy to fold and carry. Also, the handles are adjustable which is great because I am 5'2 and hubby is 6'3. Go to www.zooper.com[/url] to check it out. The price was about $99, but I am sure you could find a new one on Ebay for less. Good luck.
I am also on the hunt for a light weight stroller for my DD who will be 13 months when we go. I like the Combi because it folds up so small. I am afraid of getting a light stroller that doesn't fold up small and I will have a hard time getting on and off the bus with it.

Will I have a hard time getting on and off the bus and monorail with a stroller that only folds in half (the Combi Savvy is a tri-fold)
I'm another Combi hater! I had one for ds #1, and it seemed like once he hit 20 lbs or so, it was sooooo hard to push. It also just felt incredibly flimsy. I am a huge fan of Maclaren strollers. We've had a Vogue, a Global Buggy and a Triumph. With the exception of the Global Buggy, I could always fold the stroller with one had while still holding the baby in the other arm. I had to take ds #2 back to the room several times by myself last year, and never had any problems loading us onto the bus without assistance. :)
I mentioned before that we are also looking in to a lightweight stroller--we are going in May, November, March and also doing a 4 day cruise in March. It is impoortant to us that the stroller fold very compact. This is what we are looking for:
Compact Fold
bar in front for cup/attach toys to
Tall enough that my husband won't kick the wheels

The mac's do not have the fron bar--but has everything else
Combis have everything listed here

Are there any others that have all that I am looking for? Thanks
We have the Combi Savvy Soho and got it just to take with us when we travel b/c years ago I went with my neice to WDW and my sister brought her huge stroller which was a big pain! Now please take my opinions with a grain of salt b/c we haven't road tested it yet b/c DS is only 5 months old but I have been "driving" him around our basement to get him used to it for our upcoming trip. We chose the Combi b/c it is lightweight, folds to a pretty compact size, the seat reclines (not all of the lightweight strollers do), and there is a shoulder strap in the back so that you can put the stroller over your shoulder and walk around. My DS is a big boy 5 months and already b/w 19 and 20 lbs. but I haven't had any problems pushing him in our carpeted basement. I personally don't think the handle is too short and I'm 5'8", I actually just went to look at it again and think the handle is higher than our regular stroller! You cannot close this stroller with one hand so if that is something you need, don't get the Combi.

I checked out both babiesrus.com and babycenter.com and read a lot of positive reviews on the Combi but did voice some of the same concerns here about it being more narrow than some of the other ones out there but that depends on your baby. I'm going to start roadtesting it this weekend outside so we'll see how it goes.

My DS is a big boy as well. At 6.5 mths he is 29.5 inches and weighs b/w 20 and 21 lbs. He does not look fat he is just solid. My DH is only 5'10'' and I am only 5'4''--so I don;t think we will have a height problem. I like the combi--because it did everything that we were looking for---also had a built in strap. We will be taking our carrier for lines--so I need to start getting him used to that--and using the stroller for other times. I need to order the stoller soon so he will be used to it before we leave in May. Target carries a combi nor sure which one--so we will go there and see. I know we did not like the Graco Mosaic. My DH did not like the 2 handles. :confused3
I have been on the same mission. I am going in July and also have a 3 yr old. I found the Graco Mosaic. It is at Target and it is $99. It reclines and folds up like a umbrella stroller. It moves great and it is tall enough for me. It has all teh options I am looking for and not a high price.

Good Luck!!
OP reporting back after a visit to the baby store...

Tried out the Combi Cosmo DX and the City Savvy strollers -- sizewise, a good fit for my girls (weight limit on them is 45 lbs). And the handle height wasn't an issue (I'm 5'7"). BUT... they both didn't handle well, felt 'flimsy' and the handle was too NARROW. Nix on Combis.

Tried out an Inglesina Swift too. Better but the handles were too high. A bit pricey too.

And finally, tried out a Maclaren Quest. Steers the best of all of them. Handles were spaced well apart and at a good height.

Oh no, it looks like I'll have to give in and spend the extra $$ for a Mac. Looking for a Triumph -- anyone know of good deals around? Nothing on ebay but I've found last years model for $109.

Thanks for all the help and info!! Never thought buying a stroller would be so complicated and time consuming...
TikiGoddess2006 said:
OP reporting back after a visit to the baby store...

Oh no, it looks like I'll have to give in and spend the extra $$ for a Mac. Looking for a Triumph -- anyone know of good deals around? Nothing on ebay but I've found last years model for $109.

Where did you find last years model? I was looking at buying the Cosmo DX MAngo--so I will no reconsider--if I can find an older Mac for a nice amount.
We are heading to Disney in May 06 with our 22-month-old son. We had a hard time finding an umbrella-type stroller with tall enough handles (I am 5'9" and my husband is 6'1"). We bought the Graco Mosaic at Target. It has tall handles, wasn't too pricey, and has a large and easily accessible underseat basket. However, the model at Target isn't the newest which has 2 mesh pockets attached to the seat for sippy cup and other stuff. We have been using it around the neighborhood and like it. Only drawback to us is that it only comes in black or dark blue - might get hot in the Orlando sun! :rotfl:
Baby Age has the Mac Triumph (in 4 different colors) for $109 (plus $6 shipping). I ordered the blue one this afternoon. Ah, relief. Glad to have finally made a decision. I really didn't want to spend this much on a stroller but 1) it is a long term investment (my girls are 3 and 1) and 2) I rarely splurge on anything, so this is my little extravagance. :)

To PP: I actually tried out the Mosaic at the baby store and I liked it but it was heavier than the Mac. Also I didn't like the way the seat seemed to be reclined even in upright position.

i vote maclaren ALL THE WAY. we broke down and bought one (our 4th!!) when we needed a double...and bought the twin traveler. i have been second guessing myself ever since b/c it was costly and we don't use it a ton b/c it is snowy here half the year. HOWEVER we just returned from an eight day trip to disney and i can say, shout and swear it was worth every penny and then some. so lightweight. so easy to fold. so comfortable for the kids...we had ZERO fuss from them about the stroller and even used to go from our room to the hotel rest. for breakfast! i love my stroller. figure out what you can afford and then tack on a hundred bucks to buy the very best to start with, you will not regret it.


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