You're just JEALOUS!!!!


Sep 21, 2003
I truly think that all the non-SSR people are just jealous and that is why the are dissing SSR!

I love the fact that SSR is brand new and under construction!

I don't have to worry about things not working in the rooms. I also get to enjoy myself at the pool why I watch sweaty guys build the rest of the resort! :tongue: Sounds like a great vacation to me!

And with the extra years we get I'll be able to dance the night away in my depends when I am old at DTD! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
I totally agree with all of the above. Leaving tomorrow to try it out for myself. I think it will be interesting to feel like you have the resort practically all to yourself even if is still a work in progress! Can't wait for my first trip home! (And thank goodness I'm still young and I won't have to load up my suitcase with depends just yet.:teeth:
Originally posted by lightningcoach
I truly think that all the non-SSR people are just jealous and that is why the are dissing SSR!

I'm only jealous if you are at SSR right now.;)

Really it just seems to be SSR's turn right now. All resorts get this sooner or later.

Originally posted by lightningcoach
I truly think that all the non-SSR people are just jealous and that is why the are dissing SSR!

:confused: Funny- I thought BCV was still the one being dissed the most. :confused:
Hey, will there still be sweaty :earseek: guys at SSR when I visit in 12/05. If they are still there while we are on vacation DSIS and I will have:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 to check them out. Susan
Thanks Royal Canadian--

I just found the thread-

Now I'm with it!

SSR Stinks!

Which Resort are we dissing next? :confused:
I get to dis BCV in September when I visit. I'll make sure they check me into the most disgusting room ever!

"Please don't clean up after the Brazilian tourists- I'll take it just like it is!"

"What -I thought all floor tile was hairy!??!!!"

"Those are bed bug bites? I thought my hubby was just being frisky during the nite!"

Originally posted by lightningcoach

"Those are bed bug bites? I thought my hubby was just being frisky during the nite!"


With the knowledge that Nick could find a much better smiley for that one.
It's nice to see that BWV is off the hook (for now). We are still recovering from our beating....;) !

Just remember that the more dissing, the easier it will be for is suckers to make reservations :teeth: .
I am jealous - of the fact I haven’t been to WDW since August '03 and cannot get back till December '04 (16 months is too long of lapse between trips). As for SSR, I have no jealousy at all. I hope you are all content with your purchases of your "home" and wish you all the best of wishes and magical dreams for many years to come.

I do however wish everyone would "trash" OKW, particularly the 3BRV. So feel free to start a thread about how dissatisfied you are with OKW and how unaccommodating, small, dirty, noisy and run down those 3BRV are as it may help me book 2 - 3 BRV's for Dec '05 for a 22 person trip!!!
every time and I MEAN every time there is a new DVC resort - someone is thrashing it - you should have heard the up roar against BWV when it opened - same thing for VWL and BCV - I don't know why - but thank heavens Dis does - everyone is different -what is great for you might not be for me - Dis understands this and that is why there DVC resorts on the outside are all different - so hopefully everyone can find something they like.

don't let it bother you - some people thinks that everyone should always agree with them and have the same taste - what a very dull world that would be if we were made that way.

when I tours the SSR is seem very upscale to me - more like BWV than the others. So I can't see it becoming my favorite DVC resort (OKW is more my taste) - but as I say everyone has different taste....

However my niece and nephew are in their teens - so when they get in their twenty - who knows this may be the family favorite.....
I've never been to OKW, but I'll try dissing the 3BR

"Why would I vacation in a place bigger than my house?- too much to clean and now I can't find my underwear!" "Have you ever tried riding Splash Mountain without underwear? I don't recommend it. "

"My teen snuck out of the room last night and I didn't hear her. Now she's shacked up in a Kissimmee trailer park with a guy named Moe who used to have a job as Tigger. " Those large OKW rooms are a problem- so are Tigger's hands!"

"No pool slide!!!!- my child will just die without a pool slide!!!"

"They're building a pool slide!!!?? -I'll just die if I have to go down the pool slide with my child one more time!!!"

:crazy: :crazy:
You hear about why ..... Insert the DVC resort here .... is awful!!!

I remember it for

Wilderness - Too small and dark
Boardwalk - Clown pool is scary.
Beach Club - Too expensive!! Who'd pay that much.

and now Saratoga. - Your complaints here...

I wasn't around at the time to know what complaints were said against OKW. Any old timers want to elaborate?

Too funny,

Originally posted by anniet
:confused: Funny- I thought BCV was still the one being dissed the most. :confused:

OMG am I really in for it;) We own at BCV and SSR. Just can't wait until our next trip home in September for our 30th wedding ann to check out our dissed home away from home(s)
Can't wait for them to build AKL Villas*-

What do you think the dissing will be then?

"The ankole cattle are drawing flies to the balcony"

"There are too many spices in the food!"

"The trucks that clean the savannah at 5:00am woke me up"

"Don't book Rooms 4000 through 5044- they are downwind of the savannah!"

*disclaimer-this is sheer hypothesis and fun- I have NO inside knowledge of ANY plans to build a DVC resort at AKL, but I can dream can't I?
You guys are too funny with your tongue in cheek comments!! Makes me laugh and smile!!

I try to remember on vacation (and in life) that I'm in charge of my happiness! I'm an easy going person most of the time and little things that others may find annoying do not cause me to be miserable (most of the time!!). And I'm not trying to be mean to anyone! It's just we're all different and like/dislike different things. that is one of the wonderful things about DVC - there is something for everyone. Try them out and see what works best for you and your family.
Hmmmm, I see a pattern here.

“He's not happy unless he's not happy.”

On Earl Weaver and his complaining to umpires
Elrod Jerome Hendricks
Baltimore Orioles

I remember shortly after our purchase of WLV all the complaints. Bad thing was we hadnt even seen the place yet!

So here I am trying to convince my DW(and myself) that we hadnt made a mistake. This forum, as much as it got me concerned, there were many more posters that helped to ease my concerns. And after that first trip, they were right.

As for SSR, we are booked in Jan for 6 nights and we cant wait! I am glad that SSR is a part of DVC. We may be dealing with some construction, sure. But that just means it will provide so many more places for us DVCers to enjoy in the coming years.

Our last trip in Mar, we stayed at OKW for the first time. We could hear the neighbors next door with just general noise, nothing overly excessive. Well right off the bat, we decided this place was noisy, period. After 2 days of it I decided to post on this forum on things that might help so we could get a full nights rest. Well many thanks go out to dianeschilt, WebMasterDoc and many others who posted some very good ideas to help us.

By the end of our stay, we loved OKW! We even did an add-on of 130 pts because of that trip. Dont get me wrong, WLV is our home, it is in our hearts. It is home! But that stay at OKW reminded us that DVC is so much more than just WLV.

Dont let the negative talk get to you on your home. We are looking forward to our first stay at BWV, BCV, HH, and VB. Our upcoming trip to SSR is just coming sooner than some of the others.

I say lets give SSR a big WELCOME to the DVC family. Glad to have you!::yes:: :Pinkbounc :bounce:


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