~You're in the Pirates of the Carribbean now.....~

I am on the first little drop off. I can feel the cool, moist air from inside the ride breezing past my face. If only I could stay there today! :)
WDWendy said:
I am on the first little drop off. I can feel the cool, moist air from inside the ride breezing past my face. If only I could stay there today! :)
:sunny: We must be on the same boat, I too can feel that cool air. Today and tomorrow would be a nice time to stay on this ride. Going to hit the low 90's here :sunny: :sunny:
Aww, come on! This could be really fun! :scratchin
Right now I'm looking up at a grungy black soiled foot dangling over my head as we go under a bridge.

Having cannon balls shot at us as we pass the ship . The special effects are so kewl! You can hear the cannon balls hit the water around you.
I'm at my favorite part of the ride where you see the skeleton captain steering his ship through the high winds that are blowing in your face. pirate:
Either with the skeleton steering in the storm or the granduer of first seeing the pirate ship firing on the fort. Wherever I am...I am enjoying the break from the heat & humidity. pirate:
I'm at my favorite part of the ride. I can either hear "Yo ho yo ho, a pirates life for me," or I can sort of hear it. Try to guess where I am?

Okay, the whole ride is the best part!
i'm stuck at the end part waiting for the boats to move and watching the dog with the keys

(last time we went on we got stuck in the worst part for me the skeleton driving the wheel, i had my head down with my eyes closed thinking do not let us get out please start soon please)
I am on line waiting to board...I can smell that distinct POTC smell...I think its the water...I will NEVER forget that smell! So close.... pirate:
SeattleMark said:
You're not going to do this for every single ride...are you? :(

I don't see what the problem would be if they did. :confused3 It's lighthearted and brings back memories.

I'd be at the end thinking it was over too quickly and going right back on for a second time through! :teeth:

polled the fam....our favorite part and where we would like to be right now.......the part where they say " there be squalls ahead"

that is what we say every time we see a storm cloud headed our way.
I am so jealous ;)
Hope you are have the best time :banana: We will be there July 3-13 & I can't wait :Pinkbounc
I am getting excited just listening to you :jumping1:
This is one ride where I think its better at Disneyland. I think the ride is a little longer. Plus you get that great ambience as the boat moves along passed the restaurant.


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