Your tips for best use of dining plan


DIS Veteran
Apr 14, 2008
I've been enjoying the recent thread on peoples top tips for first time visitors.

I was wondering what everyones tips are for best use of the dining plan - be it QS, DDP or deluxe.

We used it for the first time last year and loved it and are using it again this October.

Mine would be make sure you ask for a large drink with your QS meal. :thumbsup2
great thread :)
I guess id say use your table service meals for Dinner, rather than breakfast or lunch for better value. Also use your counter service meals for dinner/lunch rather than breakfast for value.
other things-
some places allow shakes instead of soft drinks, always worth asking. :thumbsup2
when using snack credit, use them on the highest value items.

Ive never used the dining plan, cant wait to try it out. :cool1:
Don't nickle and dime it! Enjoy it, try new things you may not have before, who cares if you don't like it, it was free. If you paid for the ddp try not to over think it you won't go hungry on the ddp. :thumbsup2
There is a list of all snacks available on the 2010 ddp here:

I have copied all the higher priced items and their locations ; one sheet for each park, so I can easily check which is the best value :thumbsup2

Jules x

I've just read this back and I sound really sad :laughing: I just love a bargain!

:rotfl: youre not sad.
every so often i check that thread but im waiting for next years. News is theyre going to be a lot stricter.

Another tip- If you need to pay oop for any meals is to use your credits at higher priced meals eg a meal at coral reef could cost around $60. where as a meal at sci-fi or beaches&cream could be around $30.

I know on the restaurants board ive seen people who say theyve ordered a certain dish as it was the most expensive...... got to say thats going a bit far :rotfl:

oh a top tip is.........use all your credits. :goodvibes
:rotfl: youre not sad.
every so often i check that thread but im waiting for next years. News is theyre going to be a lot stricter.

Another tip- If you need to pay oop for any meals is to use your credits at higher priced meals eg a meal at coral reef could cost around $60. where as a meal at sci-fi or beaches&cream could be around $30.

I know on the restaurants board ive seen people who say theyve ordered a certain dish as it was the most expensive...... got to say thats going a bit far :rotfl:

oh a top tip is.........use all your credits. :goodvibes

Ordering the most expensive dish increases the tip aswell!
Use all the credits, that's good advice:thumbsup2 Last year we went to 1900 Park Fayre, and one DD couldn't find anything she wanted to eat!:scared1:
The server didn't take her ts credit as she didn't eat anything, so we had one odd ts credit. Later in the hol,we went to ESPN and paid oop. I completely forgot about the extra credit, and so it was wasted! :confused3

Jules x

Just thought of another tip. Make sure that everyone in your party will be able to eat something at the restaurant you have chosen!!!
ask your hotel to give you a breakdown of what credits you have left over! This would highlight remaining credits or lack of!

My and DF got free dining for the first time last year! We had no idea how we would eat all this food. On our second to last day we got a breakdown and noticed we had no TS credits left! We spent 3 days off site and still had managed to eat 14 TS credits in 12 days! The breakdown showed on numerous days we ate 2 TS in one day!
use all your snack credits - even on water , we had about 30 left over on a 14night stay!!

dont buy loads of food for in the room, you wont need it:thumbsup2
Don't take food or snacks with you. Anything you buy there if you go to a supermarket, make sure that it is something you can take back on the plane. Believe it or not, it is incredibly difficult to exhaust your supply. The longer you stay, the more this rings true - especially if you plan a day or two offsite.

I don't price check while I am ordering. I do tally up for interest sake afterwards, but honestly the whole idea of the dining plan is really to enjoy your meals without thinking about prices. Looking for the most expensive item could have you worrying just as much but from a different perspective. I understand if you paid for the plan and aren't big eaters, but I would rather eat a tuna salad because I feel like it than a fancy entree just because it costs more.

Using all your credits is the best way to boost the value and if going offsite, you could use a CS to pack and take with you for your lunch so you don't fork out for an offiste meal and also waste a credit.
use all your snack credits - even on water , we had about 30 left over on a 14night stay!!:thumbsup2

We also had loads left, but went to Goofy's place at DTD, and the girls picked up lots of goodies to take back for their friends. Saved me a fortune on all the little bits and bobs they bought the year before!

Jules x
We also had loads left, but went to Goofy's place at DTD, and the girls picked up lots of goodies to take back for their friends. Saved me a fortune on all the little bits and bobs they bought the year before!

Jules x

Kids are incredible that way. DD wanted candy everytime we went into a store. We came back with so much half eaten sticky stuff and then when I found the loot in her room (carefully hidden) 6 months later and announced that it was going into the trash, she became all sentimental. Now when a half eaten, sticky lolly becomes an item of sentiment, you have a problem on your hands, lol.
Kids are incredible that way. DD wanted candy everytime we went into a store. We came back with so much half eaten sticky stuff and then when I found the loot in her room (carefully hidden) 6 months later and announced that it was going into the trash, she became all sentimental. Now when a half eaten, sticky lolly becomes an item of sentiment, you have a problem on your hands, lol.

Mine are just the same!!!!!:rotfl2:

Jules x
My top tip would be just to enjoy the DDP and the meals - especially if it was free! I see people in the restaurant forums driving themselves crazy working out where they can get the most out of each credit. It drives me mad! I book my ADR's for where I like the menus the most, and don't worry about whether I have got $5 less out of the plan than I would have if I had eaten somewhere else!:goodvibes
Don't nickle and dime it! Enjoy it, try new things you may not have before, who cares if you don't like it, it was free. If you paid for the ddp try not to over think it you won't go hungry on the ddp. :thumbsup2

I agree, order what you want and enjoy :thumbsup2 Don't worry about how much its would cost or what you saved :cool1:
If you are getting the QS dining plan you can upgrade to DDP for only $10 :thumbsup2

If you have DDP use the TS credit for Dinner rather than breakfast or lunch
How strict are they about who uses the credits. My brother in law and his family are coming with us in July, and they got the free DP. His kids are adults but eat very little. At a table service meal can we use their credits can get smaller items for them???
How strict are they about who uses the credits. My brother in law and his family are coming with us in July, and they got the free DP. His kids are adults but eat very little. At a table service meal can we use their credits can get smaller items for them???

You can't share credits with anyone not on your booking and in your room. At TS they won't allow it as it says on your KTTW card how many adults/children are in that room. Now if you all booked on one reservation and are all on the dining plan, then it makes no difference, but not only are the CMs strict with it, but even if they slip up, the system won't allow it.
hi can i just ask a question we have had to buy the adult plan for our son as he turns 10 whilst we are on holiday but at a few of the places i have chosen there is nothing on the adult menu he will eat can i order him something from the child menu i don't mind that it uses an adult credit as long as he eats something, thanks
How strict are they about who uses the credits. My brother in law and his family are coming with us in July, and they got the free DP. His kids are adults but eat very little. At a table service meal can we use their credits can get smaller items for them???

If you all eat together, the kids could order an adult meal using thier credits, and some adults could order a childs meal (I would have thought that is ok?) and when the food comes to the table, swap the meals around? Might be worth a try?
How strict are they about who uses the credits. My brother in law and his family are coming with us in July, and they got the free DP. His kids are adults but eat very little. At a table service meal can we use their credits can get smaller items for them???

I am trying to figure out how your credits are allocated. Are you and your brother in law's families BOTH on the DDP? Do you have kids who are under 10? If so, I don't see why you cant do as Rob suggested and switch the meals at the table.

hi can i just ask a question we have had to buy the adult plan for our son as he turns 10 whilst we are on holiday but at a few of the places i have chosen there is nothing on the adult menu he will eat can i order him something from the child menu i don't mind that it uses an adult credit as long as he eats something, thanks

Yes, you can order off the kids menu for an adult. I have ordered off the kids menu ;). Just tell them when you order that it is for your "adult" child. They will deduct an adult credit, but will probably increase the portion size appropriately. I read on the Dining board last week that someone was told at Le Cellier that they could not do this, but as far as I know (and judging by the responses) this is the one exception to the rule.


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