Your point information

We are a family of 4 DH(40), Me (38) DD(8) DS (2)

1 - How many points do you have? 640 (340 BLT, 270 AKV)
2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...) We are a family of 4, we try to go 2-3 times per year and sometimes bring family. Also we like having the space so it is usually a 1 or 2BR. I have a 1BR for December I am debating getting a 2BR for the 4 of us.

3 - How many times have you added on? Twice both at BLT

4 - How many points do you eventually want? We eventually want to buy another 100 points so we will be able to give the kids an equal amoutn to use when we tire of it though I seriously do not see that happening.
We are a family of 3, but usually travel with a few more :) We have 100 AKV points, and try to go every 2-3 years. We made sure we would have enough with banking and borrowing to have a 2BR for 7-10 days. Once the 100 is paid off, we'll probably get another 50-100, just to make sure there's enough to travel comfortably, without being worried about not having enough points.
Just curious as to your DVC point journeys and why you made the journey that you did.

1 - How many points do you have?
2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...)
3 - How many times have you added on?
4 - How many points do you eventually want?

We have just been trying to work through what our ideal number of points is going to end up being.

1) We have 450 points
300 at AKV and 150 at VWL
2) We started off with the AKV contract and we wanted 10 days once a year in a one bedroom. Then we fell in love with VWL without even going there and got a really good resale deal. We could not pass it up.
3) Just once.
4) We would love to add another 150 at VWL so we can get extra time there.
I originally bought 150 points at SSR. That was for me.

I am single with 2 grown children and 2 grandsons. I usually travel with a friend so would usually get a 2 BR so that we each had our privacy, and have also taken my parents.

I had paid off my 10 year finance in 4 years so of course add-onitis hit hard.. When SSR offered points at $90 per point, I bought 100 more points. Mind you that $90 price point was less that when I originally bought in...

As far as total points, I don't know for sure... Right now I'm happy with my 250. That would get me 3 or 4 trips a year if I stayed in a studio so we'll see. Of course, my ultimate dream is to retire to Florida. Then I wouldn't need as many points since I could just drive there:rotfl:
Just curious as to your DVC point journeys and why you made the journey that you did.

1 - How many points do you have?
2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...)
3 - How many times have you added on?
4 - How many points do you eventually want?

We have just been trying to work through what our ideal number of points is going to end up being.
200 Points at BLT, we got a bonus of 200 as soon as we signed on, so we had 400 available when we closed in June.
Family of 5, DH, me and 2 DS's 16,12 and 10. We want to be able to go to vacation once a year for at least 5 days. 200 worked with budget. 200 bonus points really help us make our decision.
Have not added on yet, just joined June 2010.
Would love to have about 300 points if the budget allows.
Just curious as to your DVC point journeys and why you made the journey that you did.

It has taken us awhile to get the hang out of maximizing our points. Our first year we did a week at OKW and then banked the remaining points & used them on a 4-night DCL. Won't make that mistake again. Points for DCL are WAAY to high. We'll cruise on cash. We ran out of points bcuz we had used them for DCL & I didn't want to borrow so we then made 2 short stays using the DVC Member Discount. Likely won't do THAT again either. For what we spent on those few nights we could've just done a small add-on. LAST year was our best usage yet. We spent 4 nights in May over Memorial Day weekend at SSR. Then we had 7 nights at BCV followed by 3 nights at Vero in August for a total of 10 nights. THEN with this years pts. we did 6 nights at Kidani in March over spring break so that we got 3 trips off of our AP's that we'd bought the previous May.:thumbsup2 NOW we're going to HHI in August with most of what was left. No other trips to FL planned tho as we're doing a DCL Med cruise in August of 2011. Planning to go to DLP for a few nights pre-cruise using points. NOT the best use of points BUT since we're not going to FL we may as well save our cash for spending money. THEN we're planning to go to DL and Aulani in 2012. We stay in studios so that really stretches out our points and maximizes our trips.

1 - How many points do you have?


2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...)

We're a family of 3 and we wanted enough to have about 14 nights a year in studios or if we traded out & used the currently required 160 pts for a trade we wanted to have enough left for a short WDW trip as well. We did our main contract with 200 points and a 2nd contract with just 50 points in case we ever decided we had too many or in case we needed the money. The smaller contracts are easier to sell and it's working well for us.

3 - How many times have you added on?

Zero (so far)

4 - How many points do you eventually want?

Sometimes I think another 100 or 125 would be nice...but for now, no can do. We have to make due with what we have with careful planning.

We have just been trying to work through what our ideal number of points is going to end up being.

I made a whole spreadsheet of various scenarios of what we could do, mixing up seasons a little, but not much. We don't pull DS out of school to travel so we're pretty much going in either Dream or Magic seasons. ONCE, we went in January for a 4-night trip which was a lower season - but that is not usual for us. It was our goal to be able to have more nights of vaca rather than fancier, bigger villas. DS would still be on a sleep sofa in a 1 bedroom so there's just no point in that one to me. We don't really have enough points for a week in a 2 bedroom unit & we wouldn't do that unless we had guests coming. We DID invite extended family to try to go last year but nobody would commit to a firm plan. I gave them a yes / no date (our 7 mo. window) and nobody else could (would) plan that far out so I'm pretty much DONE inviting anyone else. It just didn't seem like anybody appreciated the thought of what we were offering. So oh well. :confused3
1 - How many points do you have? 350. Purchased at SSR in 2005
2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...)We are a family of 3 now, but we enjoy vacationing with extended family and friends. We average about 2 DVC vacations a year
3 - How many times have you added on?None yet.
4 - How many points do you eventually want?We're not sure. We need to see how are vacation style evolves over the next few years.
1 - How many points do you have? 240 at BLT
2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...) family of 4, we take one vacation every year or so
3 - How many times have you added on? 0
4 - How many points do you eventually want? I think we're good, we are a year ahead in pts so we'll always have enough unless we go all out one year.
Just curious as to your DVC point journeys and why you made the journey that you did.

1 - How many points do you have?
2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...)
3 - How many times have you added on?
4 - How many points do you eventually want?

We have just been trying to work through what our ideal number of points is going to end up being.

1. 340 pts.
2. Allows for a 2-BR anywhere, almost anytime for a week. Twin 7 year olds.
3. Once - added 100 points at SSR after the initial 240 at BLT.
4. I'm good.
1 - How many points do you have? 105
2 - Why this number? It's just DH and myself. We vacation for one week, once a year. Well, actually let's make that once per school year, typically.
3 - How many times have you added on? none. we just bought and haven't even made our first payment yet.
4 - How many points do you eventually want? eventually I'd like enough to stay in a 1 bedroom every 8 day/7 night trip even though we totally don't need the room or the kitchen. It'd be nice to be able to bring friends/nieces/nephews and maybe save money on food by cooking.
1. 550 points (250 at BWV, 150 at BCV, 150 at SSR)
2. No reason... Just like using them for numerous short stays every year and the occasional transfer.
3. 2 Add Ons
4. Maybe 1 more... Thinking about 150 more at SSR.
Just curious as to your DVC point journeys and why you made the journey that you did.

1 - How many points do you have?
2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...)
3 - How many times have you added on?
4 - How many points do you eventually want?

We have just been trying to work through what our ideal number of points is going to end up being.

1- We have 449 points...230 and 150 point contracts at OKW and a 69 point contract at AKV.

2- We are in our 60's with two grow offspring and no grandchildren. We thought we might have them some day, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen, since our "kids" are 41 and 35 with no prospects. We started with the 230 point contract when there were still 3 of us at home. We took family and friends, and figured out that wasn't enough, so we added on 150 a year later. Those 380 points served us well, but the call of AKV was too great, and I had to have some points there. I don't see us ever adding on again. Our 449 gives us plenty of flexibility. Yes we still bring family and friends, but we find we do that less frequently than we used to, and frankly we kind of enjoy our couple only trips!

3- Covered in the above comment.

4- Want and need are two different things. I WANT enought to spend all of January and February at DVC, but I probably don't need any more than we have, because of the dues.
Family: me, DW, DD17, DS23, DDIL25.

We have 180 points at SSR. Why? It is how many I could afford!We just try to plan our trips within our available points. This year we did a one bedroom and only took our DD, so we will be able to bank a lot of points. Next year we are planning on all five of us going and staying in a 2 bedroom which will take my yearly allotment of points plus some of our banked points. We try to keep some banked every year to allow for a bigger trip. When we bought in 2006 we banked that years points so we started in 2007 with 360 points and try to keep up a good number of banked points. This year I think we will bank 159.

We have no add-ons and no plans to do so in the future. We are nearing being emptynesters and I foresee years where DW and I may take multiple studio stays and other years where we take everyone and only go one time in a two bedroom. We also have years where we just go to Vero Beach to keep from getting too burned out at WDW, plus it gives you a year off from purchasing park pa$$e$.
1 - How many points do you have? 200 at SSR purchased through resale this spring.

2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...) We are a family of 6. We have 4 boys and although we've pulled them out of school for trips, we're going to have to stop doing that when they get into high school. We wanted to be able to go on a Disney trip every other year because we really like to go to different national parks as well. 200 allows us (so 400 total with 2 years of points) to go for a week during magic season or over Christmas, for part of Premier Season (New Year's)and then stay in January for a few days during choice season. We also then have some extra points to play around with - adding on an extra day, or a trip for just me and DH!

3 - How many times have you added on? None yet. I would possibly like a small contract at BWV or BCV (50 pts)for DH and me for F&W in October. But we had luck getting rooms for this fall, so we'll see.

4 - How many points do you eventually want? Right now I'm OK. I know the kids will be getting older and vacations will shift to just DH and myself. 200 is plenty just us. We'll see what happens as the kids get older and start families of their own. But for right now we're good! Anyways, we're going to have some pretty outrageous college tuition coming up with 3 in at the same time!:scared1:Darn those kids and their need of an education!:rotfl:
1 - How many points do you have?

We currently have 210 points (160@BLT, 50@SSR)

2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...)

Enough for a 1 week stay in a 1 bedroom with some left over to bank or take additional smaller trips at other times as well

3 - How many times have you added on?

Once so far - Got first purchase in Oct 09, added on in Jun 10

4 - How many points do you eventually want?

Enough to have a 1 bedroom for six months of the year when we retire :lmao:! Realistically, I may want to bump it up to around 500 or so in order to be able to longer vacations, and eventually have grandkids coming with us!
1 - How many points do you have?
2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...)
3 - How many times have you added on?
4 - How many points do you eventually want?

(1) 145 points at SSR
(2) Enough for 2, 5-day studio vacations twice per year.
(3) Once (a 25 point add on)
(4) Total of 295, with 150 at BLT

We currently take 2 short vacations a year in studios, one at Spring Break and one at Fall Break with dds (8,6). I want to add on another 150 at BLT so that we could do a 1 bedroom twice a year. We are ok with borrowing a few extra when needed as well as staying at different resorts to offset some of those point differences.
1-566 all SSR
2-Twice was three. 3 DGC all born within 3weeks. This year 5 nights VB 1-2br and 1-studio. Then 5 nights just the two of us at SSR studio. Second trip 2 br for 7 nights just 5 us then 2 nights two us 1-br all at SSR. Changes every year now.
3-4 add-ons 5 contracts
4-800-1000 depends on how many DGC:goodvibes
1- 360 - 200 at AKV and 160 at BLT
2- We are a blended family DH, 48, ME 37, DStepD 21, DS 20, DS 19 and DD4. So we never can tell who we will travel with. Typically it is with DS19 and DD 4 since those are the only kids still at home. But we are trying to get commitments from the older ones for a big family trip next January. We have to have a 1bdrm as we tried a studio and it was not good enough. As for set trips I am a teacher so our goal is to do 1 trip in January and then the summer while I am out but we never seem to stick with that as we are going in Oct this year and our last trip was this past Christmas.
3- Added on once for the 160 pts at BLT
4- If I could I would change the AKV pts to either BLT or possibly BCV cause we love the ability to walk to the parks. Otherwise we will probably add on at some point to get BCV.
1 - How many points do you have? 170 at SSR. :cloud9:

2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...) We are a family of 5: see siggy for specifics. We typically take a big Disney vacation every other year. This last year was a fluke. We went to WDW in May 2009, Disneyland in October 2009, and Disneyland in June 2010. :faint:

3 - How many times have you added on? None but would love a GCV add-on.

4 - How many points do you eventually want? 270-340.
1 - How many points do you have?
510 total

2 - Why this number? (how large a family, how many vacations per year,...)
We are an immediate family of 5 - DH-56, Me-43, DS-21, DS-19, DS-(almost)17. That is who typically vacations together. But there is also SS#1-37 and his DW and 14 & 12 yo children and SS#2 and his wife, 12 & 8 yo sons and 11 & 7 yo step-daughters. We started out vacationing (with DVC) ever other year - or about 3 trips in 4 years. As we added on we switched to annually. Then recently we added some parent-only trips along with the annual family trip. So far SS#2 and his original family (before his divorce and re-marriage) vacationed with us once staying in a 2BR at OKW (all 9 of us :scared1:) Their youngest was only 6 months old at that time. He has not been back since for a number of reasons (divorce, remarriage, too many kids and not enough money...). SS#1 has never used our DVC. He did go on a trip with DH & the boys (I couldn't go that year due to having just started a new job) but he is Navy and they stayed at Shades of Green. Now that our boys are older we are considering taking some grandkids with us....but haven't totally convinced ourselves that is a good idea yet :rolleyes1

Our family trips are typically 7-8 nights in a 2BR unit.

3 - How many times have you added on?

We started with 150 (OKW) in 1997 and within the year added 50 (OKW). We stayed at that point for several years. Then about 3 or 4 years ago (whenever they were offering the extension for OKW) we went to Chicago-area with some friends and visited the Woodfield Mall and Disney's Doorway to Dreams. We walked out of there with 110 (Saratoga) points and our friends became new members. I forget how many they purchased. It wasn't long after that (maybe another year) that we added on an additional 100 (SS) I don't remember why we did that :confused3. It could be because we got 100 developer points when we bought the original 110 that we stayed longer and decided we liked staying longer. Plus since our friends had purchased points we wanted to travel with them, but since they do not have children we didn't want them to feel like they were intruding on our family trips so we wanted to be able to take trips without the kids, but without "cheating" the kids out of their vacations too.

We always stayed at OKW. Then they opened the treehouses and we decided to stay there. On that trip we also discovered the walking path from Studios over to Epcot. That took us through the Boardwalk and Beach Club area. After seeing stormalong Bay our youngest wanted to stay at Beach Club sometime. Last year we called to see about purchasing a small contract at Beach Club. They didn't have any points available in our use year, but did have some for Boardwalk. So we purchased 50 (BW) points. Last Nov DH and I went to BW - he wanted to go to the Children's Miracle Network Golf Tourny. And since I use an ECV at WDW I liked that from BW I could "walk" to Epcot, Studios and monorail it over to MK without ever having to load on a bus. So this year we stayed at Beach Club for our family vacation and when we got back we purchased an additional 50 (BW) points. That is 6 different contracts, three different resorts, all the same use year.

4 - How many points do you eventually want? All of them :rolleyes1 I don't know. I thought we were satisfied with 200 for several years, but it seems like the more we have, the more we want. Even with 460 points, we had borrowed all but 50 of our 2010 points (which aren't "current" until August) When we added on the other 50 we got the 2009 ones, so now we are at 150 (of 510) points for a year that won't technically start for a couple more weeks.

We are also thinking of the future. We have 5 boys :grouphug: (his 2 and our 3). Do we want to leave our membership intact and have them work out some sort of schedule for using the points, or do we want to give each of them their own contracts that they can then add to on their own. Or do we want to sell them all eventually and let them figure out what they want to do. If we try to give them all their own contracts then we will probably have to add on more because things have to be "fair" and our contracts are different sizes. Not that we will try to make them "even" but maybe another 50 would help them one would get 150, another 110, then 100, right now one could have 2 50's, and that would leave 50 for one. So if we had another 50 they would all get at least 100 apiece. Assuming we can even do that....


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