Your Best Trip Tip


DIS Veteran
Aug 2, 2006
Does anyone have a little tip they would like to share with fellow UK DIS'ers to help them enjoy a successful holiday or give them a little bit extra magic?

3 weeks time we'll be preparing for the airport and I want to ensure we have everything sorted. Those last minute tips will come in handy.
before you find a spot to watch the parade in MK in the afternoon, go grab a dole whip, as sitting in the sun on Main Street with one is lovely.
don't be too rigorous with your plans, stop and smell the flowers occassionally and don't miss all the extra detail that makes WDW the happiest place in the world.
Also stop and take time to speak to cast members some of them, especially the elder ones, will love to take the time to talk to you and give you hints and secrets many people don't know.
Get to the parks just before they open is the best advice I have ever been given.
When i went in January there was just me and my ds 7.
As i wanted to go on the Tower of Terror i asked at the stand by line if there was anywhere he could wait, he told me to let him queue up with me and before i get on to tell one of the bellhops and they will take him to the exit.
So i got on the ride and when i got off i was greeted with this lovely surprise

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He also got a certificate with his name on saying that he was a junior bellhop he loved every minute of it!!!
Ensure you get plenty of rest days away from the parks for relaxation, shopping etc - visiting theme parks day after day can be tiring in the summer and some of the magic can be lost.
My best tip is to go to a park in the morning- before park opening. Enjoy the park while the weather is cooler. Then when it starts getting hot, leave the park- go to a water park or shopping or just to the pool to relax then return to the park at night again.


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