You Want to Go Where? A 4th of July Weekend PTR


The other option (if it is even an option) would be to see about switching it to the next day. This would mean that we could use our MM credit on Sat. and spend more time (although without the boys) getting a lot done in fantasyland. The next day then (sunday), we would use our ADR (although, not called that in DL) to get in early to DL (MM will again be at 7am, but since our credit would have been used we can get in to go to our breakfast) After breakfast we would meet up with the boys.

So which would you do? I see benefit to both. I am so confused :confused3

I would go with this option - use the MM ticket and fit in as much as possible and then have a breakfast reservation and get in early for another day. :thumbsup2
The more I read about DL (and remember about it :lmao:) the more it reminds me of DLRP. ;)
I would go with this option - use the MM ticket and fit in as much as possible and then have a breakfast reservation and get in early for another day. :thumbsup2
The more I read about DL (and remember about it :lmao:) the more it reminds me of DLRP. ;)

I keep thinking that I should do it, but then I wonder if Steve will get up for the breakfast. Course.... When Zoe and I went to CP by ourselves it was a highlight of my dec trip.:rolleyes:
Another thing to consider is the fact that I only have two dining reservations. If I move the breakfast to Sunday then we will have breakfast and lunch reservations. should I still move the plaza reservation from Saturday to Sunday?
Well, I was busy with school and researching cruises and I completely missed this PTR!

Congrats on the trip! I wish I could offer advice...I know very little about DL! We went for a day when the girls were 3. Mostly, we hunted autographs!

From what I've heard, the dining reservations are nothing like WDW. I always got the impression that because it was a park for locals, the CM's find it odd when you book dining reservations too far out. This concludes my non-knowledge of the park. :rolleyes1
Another thing to consider is the fact that I only have two dining reservations. If I move the breakfast to Sunday then we will have breakfast and lunch reservations. should I still move the plaza reservation from Saturday to Sunday?

Actually 2 reservations in one day sound a bit much to me - can you move the lunch?
The park can get pretty crowded and I guess Independence day weekend could be one of those they fill up to capacity. So getting a head start would be nice to get in as many rides as possible, then having a nice early lunch when it gets real busy.
And getting into the park early, maybe sneaking in a ride or two and then head to breakfast.
Well, I was busy with school and researching cruises and I completely missed this PTR!

Congrats on the trip! I wish I could offer advice...I know very little about DL! We went for a day when the girls were 3. Mostly, we hunted autographs!

From what I've heard, the dining reservations are nothing like WDW. I always got the impression that because it was a park for locals, the CM's find it odd when you book dining reservations too far out. This concludes my non-knowledge of the park. :rolleyes1

I am glad you are here!

yeah... DL seems a bit different. And to think it was my 'home" park for my first 4 Disney trips. I do remember never booking a reservation a head of time. I think it is kinda a west coast thing... we go out to eat often enough and not always at little dives... and NEVER make reservation.

Actually 2 reservations in one day sound a bit much to me - can you move the lunch?
The park can get pretty crowded and I guess Independence day weekend could be one of those they fill up to capacity. So getting a head start would be nice to get in as many rides as possible, then having a nice early lunch when it gets real busy.
And getting into the park early, maybe sneaking in a ride or two and then head to breakfast.

Touring plans is predicting 10s the entire time we are there. :scared1: Didn't I say that Christmas at WDW was too crowded for me? :confused:

The lunch for all of us to go was the only available...nothing later. I was just happy to get a reservation there since it just opened a week or so ago.

Yep... I think I have a decision. :goodvibes
Yesterday was a day for doctors. Both Zoe and I had appointments. She with her specialist and me with my primary.

Zoe needed to be seen because her mitrofinoff channel did not seem to be working quite right. For those who have not followed along, Zoe had her mit placed almost exactly a year ago. The summer was full of hospital stays and recovery. She couldn't do a whole lot. Then it would heal a bit...and infection and or malfunction would cause a set back. Just days before we were set to fly in December we almost had to cancel due to a complication. The first couple of months this year she had to undergo a few procedures to help make things work better. Well, one thing we were told was the kids will eventually get a bit defiant in regards to using their mit. I didnt think she would, but she did. As she did, it became more painful to use. As it became more painful to use, she refused it even more. (think, ear piercing and how some people are prone to having those, essentially small channels, close up) So we were in for a check.

The doctor believes too much scar tissue has now formed and her mit needs to be removed from where it was placed (within her belly button so that it is not visable to the naked eye) to a different, much more noticeable part of her abdomen. While this surgery will be no where near as involved as the one last June, it will still require about a week stay in the hospital. So she is scheduled for that surgery... but since I don't want to spend another summer with her in hospital and recovering... we are trying some non surgical tricks. This is night two applying said "trick" We saw a big difference after just one night. If after 3 weeks we are in a good place, the doctors will allow us to cancel surgery. So cross your fingers for us please.

I needed to go in to my primary meanwhile for two reasons.

A little over a year ago I was tested positive with a rare type of abnormal pap. Usually, testing positive for this is indicative of cancer. However when I had a million and one biopsies taken all came back clear. :banana: However, I was suppose to be rechecked often and have not done so since having the biopsies. So.. had to have a recheck. I have no idea when results will be in. So please keep your fingers crossed here too.

The next reason was because I have been having tummy issues for now more than 3 weeks. I have been training to run the ToT 10 miler in September. I also take an insulin regulating medication. I suspected that the increase in physical activity and the larger dose that I had been put on last fall were making me ill. Sure enough, the doc thinks so too. I thought she would just lessen my dose, but nooo... she wants me to completely tapper off, cut my carbs and RUN. :rolleyes: Then in a few months we will run blood tests to see how all of this is managing my sugars. It scares me to go off my medication. But... I am not sure how I can keep myself hydrated enough to continue training if I don't get better soon. I also am such a fan of soooo many carbs. It will really suck to have to actually watch them...rather than just take my medicine. My doc has faith that I can manage my sugars just with diet and exercise. I hope she is right. So yall have another couple fingers left that you can cross? ;)
Yesterday was a day for doctors. Both Zoe and I had appointments. She with her specialist and me with my primary.

Zoe needed to be seen because her mitrofinoff channel did not seem to be working quite right. For those who have not followed along, Zoe had her mit placed almost exactly a year ago. The summer was full of hospital stays and recovery. She couldn't do a whole lot. Then it would heal a bit...and infection and or malfunction would cause a set back. Just days before we were set to fly in December we almost had to cancel due to a complication. The first couple of months this year she had to undergo a few procedures to help make things work better. Well, one thing we were told was the kids will eventually get a bit defiant in regards to using their mit. I didnt think she would, but she did. As she did, it became more painful to use. As it became more painful to use, she refused it even more. (think, ear piercing and how some people are prone to having those, essentially small channels, close up) So we were in for a check.

The doctor believes too much scar tissue has now formed and her mit needs to be removed from where it was placed (within her belly button so that it is not visable to the naked eye) to a different, much more noticeable part of her abdomen. While this surgery will be no where near as involved as the one last June, it will still require about a week stay in the hospital. So she is scheduled for that surgery... but since I don't want to spend another summer with her in hospital and recovering... we are trying some non surgical tricks. This is night two applying said "trick" We saw a big difference after just one night. If after 3 weeks we are in a good place, the doctors will allow us to cancel surgery. So cross your fingers for us please.

I needed to go in to my primary meanwhile for two reasons.

A little over a year ago I was tested positive with a rare type of abnormal pap. Usually, testing positive for this is indicative of cancer. However when I had a million and one biopsies taken all came back clear. :banana: However, I was suppose to be rechecked often and have not done so since having the biopsies. So.. had to have a recheck. I have no idea when results will be in. So please keep your fingers crossed here too.

The next reason was because I have been having tummy issues for now more than 3 weeks. I have been training to run the ToT 10 miler in September. I also take an insulin regulating medication. I suspected that the increase in physical activity and the larger dose that I had been put on last fall were making me ill. Sure enough, the doc thinks so too. I thought she would just lessen my dose, but nooo... she wants me to completely tapper off, cut my carbs and RUN. :rolleyes: Then in a few months we will run blood tests to see how all of this is managing my sugars. It scares me to go off my medication. But... I am not sure how I can keep myself hydrated enough to continue training if I don't get better soon. I also am such a fan of soooo many carbs. It will really suck to have to actually watch them...rather than just take my medicine. My doc has faith that I can manage my sugars just with diet and exercise. I hope she is right. So yall have another couple fingers left that you can cross? ;)

Ann, I will keep everything available crossed for you! :hug:
It is heartbreaking to hear that "my" cute little Zoe friend has to go through so much. Life is just not fair.
Then you have to worry about yourself - but I will send you LOTS and LOTS of pixie dust so your results will come back negative! :hug:
As for your sugars .... I had a friend in a similar situation and she is coping quite well. AND she is allowed a "sin" now and then. They went on vacation and was actually put on medication for her blood sugars as her doctor could relate to the fact that she would have a hard time staying on her low carb diet while spending two weeks in Italy. ;)
After doing some playing with Touring Plans, I think I have come up with a plan of attack for 3 very busy days in the without more delay...but with the use of some snagged internet photos :rolleyes1...

Day 3 - 7/7 Morning

Steve, Zoe and I will get up early. I am sure the boys won't entirely mind this.:rolleyes: The plan will be to be across the street and here by 6:45am.

7am will be when Magic Morning begins for “special ticket holders” like us who have a 3 day “bonus” ticket. I believe rope drop happens a bit different here than in WDW. I think it is more like when people are let into DHS and meander up the street to the main hub where they are held. Regardless of where we are held, the moment we can move we will be headed to fantasyland to first ride something I thought I would never be able to again. (guess I didn’t think I would be going back to DLR:rolleyes:)

Now, remind me which is the one in DLR vs. WDW

This one

or this one

We will need to be quick if we want to get everything done so immediately we will jump off of Snow Whites Scary Adfentures to


Again, two signs... which is wich?



Ok..and a third one just because...


And again... quickly off Peter Pan’s flight and onto


If at this point, we are good for time we will attempt to ride this.

If we are unable to do so, we will be sure to catch it later since this is a MUST DO! In fact, we will be doing it with the boys. I just want to do it as soon as possible. This is one ride I truly miss not being in WDW.

Next we will be having our breakfast at the Plaza. Yes, after much thought I decided that a sit down breakfast and lunch in the same day would be problematic. Not to mention might interfere with the mad dash to get fast passes for RSR.

The reading I have done about character meals in DLR all point to one being the best and that is the Plaza. We have actually gone there before. I don’t remember the food being particularly wonderful, but the characters were outstanding. The boys will not care about seeing characters so I am hoping they are ok just having breakfast the hotel or if not they can hoof it over to Ihop or Denny’s and have some quality bro time.

By the time we are done with breakfast the boys should be in the park. Hopefully they will have rode the above rides (mainly so we don’t have a repeat of how december went) I am committed to sticking to our touring plan no matter who happens to be along. I really hope I can stay firm and say “you snooze you lose” If people want to ride x ride then they will have to do it when I have it scheduled or find another time to do it. I don’t want to have to go back and redo things and completely lose my schedule. We will be on such a tight one in order to get everything done in three days. It will be important!

All together now (in theory) we will head to

Just another ride I miss and will be thrilled to ride again. But wait... there is yet ANOTHER ride in DL but not in WDW.
That next ride is



Mr. Toads Wild Ride, from what I remember is fun and not to be missed.

Next up is a ride I much prefer in DL. As I am looking over the signage for each ride, I am begining to remember why it is I like the fantasyland area of DL better than WDW. I remember the first time in WDW thinking the area reminded me of a strip mall. Everything seemed to be house in one long string of buildings where as in DL each ride had a separate unique look and feel. This ride by far embodies that “uniqueness” that I so find missing at WDW.


The last time we were in DL, we did take Zoe to the


I can not remember what it was all about. Stories? Princesses? Well, you know with my princess it has to be on the list. However, the plan that TP did lists the duration as 5 minutes.I am not sure that will be enough time.

By now, if all is going well we should be coming up on 10am. TP is very ambitious, isn’t it? This is my first time using it. I have in the past.. prior to our December trip, stuck to and sworn by ridemax. I hope it is as reliable.

Next yet ANOTHER ride I miss.


Storybook Land Canal Boats is odd to have such a wait. I am willing to wait, but I anticipate (according to TP) a wait.... much longer than I am normally willing to do. Thinking back this was the case on previous trips. ALWAYS a long line.

Next I think the guys might get a snack nearby while Zoe and I ride this.

King Arthurs Carrousel is just a Carrousel, but Zoe will enjoy it and I also won’t lose my breakfast over it.

Even though we will have likely “walked through” on our way into fantasyland, we are going to do a walkthrough in this


I was just commenting on someones TR to DLRP how neat it was that there was a walkthrough in the castle. I don’t remember DLR having it the last time we went. Now, it does and so we WILL be exploring the castle

Then we will grab a fast pass. It seems odd this will be our first one of the day. Course, if on schedule it will only be about 11am. Our fast pass will be for


One last thing to do before heading out of the park and that is ride this


I know this was around on our last trips, but for some reason I do not remember ever riding it. I know we have rode the riverboat in both parks. We can skip the riverboat,but since the Saling Ship Columbia is unique here, we will be riding it.

Pretty full morning. Any bets as to how much I can actually get us to do and if us actually ends up being all of us or just Zoe and I? Actually, I think Zach is getting quite excited. We went to dinner tonight and he kept wanting to discuss it. He wanted to speak in code since Zoe was there. That is something I do when excited and can’t wait. I am glad to see some enthusiasm from him.
Ann, I will keep everything available crossed for you! :hug:
It is heartbreaking to hear that "my" cute little Zoe friend has to go through so much. Life is just not fair.
Then you have to worry about yourself - but I will send you LOTS and LOTS of pixie dust so your results will come back negative! :hug:
As for your sugars .... I had a friend in a similar situation and she is coping quite well. AND she is allowed a "sin" now and then. They went on vacation and was actually put on medication for her blood sugars as her doctor could relate to the fact that she would have a hard time staying on her low carb diet while spending two weeks in Italy. ;)

Thank you so much, Karin! Life can certainly hold its challenges. Zoe is a trooper though. She (and I) will get through whatever may come.

Good to know that your friend was allowed to sin a bit. I know I will be able to as well. I just get worried cause I do looooove sweets. :goodvibes
Now, remind me which is the one in DLR vs. WDW

This one


or this one


Again, two signs... which is wich?





Ok..and a third one just because...


I "think" this one is DLRP :rotfl2:

I love your plans .... even though it is going to be a BUSY one! ::yes::
You are right, there are so many rides that are different or exclusive to DL and I cannot wait to go there myself again in 2014!!
Can't wait for the rest of your plans. :thumbsup2
I love your plans .... even though it is going to be a BUSY one! ::yes::
You are right, there are so many rides that are different or exclusive to DL and I cannot wait to go there myself again in 2014!!
Can't wait for the rest of your plans. :thumbsup2

I had a feeling you would know which were which :thumbsup2 And yes... I threw the DLRP one in there just for you. ;)

It will be busy. It kinda makes me worry it is soooo packed. All of that by about 11am? I don't know... I guess in a couple weeks we will see.
Your plans so far sound great! I am getting excited for you! It brought a tear to my eye to see how excited Zach is! I love that he wants to speak in code! My friend who has never been to any Disney is all giddy because I pre-ordered the Photo Pass + CD lol.
Your plans so far sound great! I am getting excited for you! It brought a tear to my eye to see how excited Zach is! I love that he wants to speak in code! My friend who has never been to any Disney is all giddy because I pre-ordered the Photo Pass + CD lol.

I ordered it too. I was considering not... but then I figured "how many times will we be able to travel with most of the kids?" and I thought any pics we got as a family would be priceless. Plus, since I know we will not always be together it is a good trial run for if we want the + for the fall trip.
I think that it is cool that Zach is getting excited and speaking code! Sounds like a couple of weeks ago is long forgotten!
I think that it is cool that Zach is getting excited and speaking code! Sounds like a couple of weeks ago is long forgotten!

Yeah, my Zach is a good kid. He was already sold on going once he got back last week... but then I showed him a video of the Mad Tea Party. That totally appeals to him. I have a feeling we will lose him each night to the party.
First of all I think they have now extend it to both parks everyday, I don't know if that is continuing n to July as well, but that may be something to keep in mind.

Second there is no Rope Drop for Magic Mornings, they do a brief countdown with the gates locked and a special first family of the day, they they just open the gates and let everyone through the turnstiles. At a certain point they put up a rope, I think about a half hour before the park opens to regular guests. On my last trip I actually got a picture of then guest with out Morning Magic hours waiting to get in from the Hub.

Ann, I am so far behind, and have to admit I skimmed a lot (so many TR's to catch up on and I haven't done mine in probably ten days, if not more).

It sounds like Zach is a yes? If so, that is great.

And your plans sound wonderful thus far.
Anne, your plans are really wanting me to make a trip to Disneyland :rotfl: Your plans are coming together wonderfully!

I love Mr. Toad's Wild Ride! I agree IASW is better in DL. It really is interesting how DL and WDW are similar but yet so very different.
I ordered it too. I was considering not... but then I figured "how many times will we be able to travel with most of the kids?" and I thought any pics we got as a family would be priceless. Plus, since I know we will not always be together it is a good trial run for if we want the + for the fall trip.

Oh yeah that would be a great test! My friend has wanted to do Goofy's Kitchen ever since I went there for breakfast last year, and the photo for that was I think $30, plus since she has never been we wanted to get the ride photos (I always get a few anyway), so I think the $70 was well worth it (and hopefully will be)! Make sure the boys write down their photo numbers on the rides (or text the numbers to you) so that you can go and get them put on the photo pass later. Texting would probably be easiest.


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