You might be a DIS-er if........

OMG, yes. And then you bug her because she doesn't read everything right away or have a gazillion questions so you call her to see if she did read everything and what did she think of it all and if she's ready to start tweaking her planning list you have her and.....

Or you go running to the Boards to post a thread about how they toured WDW all wrong and you can't believe it and how did they even have a good time and what a waste you think the trip was because they didn't follow your advice.

(I read a thread like that was really pretty mean. If you don't know what you're missing, then how do you miss it? Sounds like the people enjoyed themselves despite the Disser's disbelief in their touring plans)
:) You actually sit awake at night wondering how much time DOES Robo spend on the DIS and HOW many people has he helped over the years...

and one for the ages......what does DVC Mike really do for a living??:confused3

DH just asked me "don't you get tired of that ??(the DIS)", when he regains consciousness I will give him an answer.

:rotfl2: :laughing: :rotfl: :lmao: you go girl! :woohoo:
I work in an appraisal

Every time I hear the words ADR...I think Advance Dining Reservations NOT Average Daily Rate...haha....imagine me putting THAT in a report!! :lmao:
You have a dream of walking right into LeCellier for Dinner with all of your extended family members with no ADR and being able to see their new menus THEN trying to find enough good lighting to take a picture so I can hurry back and post it on here for everyone else to see :)
If you can recite from memory.... " You're listening to the magic on Disradio, and, Streaming the best Disney music 24 hours a day 7 days a week."
You tear up every time you get a new Disney vacation planning video and see the guests riding Dumbo
Or you tear up each time you see a Disney World commerical.

I am guilty of both.
and let's not forget: if you have an entire wardrobe of clothes only suitable for Disney--clothes you wouldn't be caught dead in anywhere else, and they're already packed away in a special suitcase (for that unexpected quick trip), you're definitely a seasoned DIS'er.

I'm going to pack my "Disney" clothes now.
-when the first thing I do (before brushing teeth, starting coffee machine, etccc) is coming on this board to see "whats new"
-when I cry watching EVERY Disney-related commercial
-when I refer to my "husband" as DH in real life
-when I seriously consider changing my dog's name to either Aurora or's happened many times.
You might be a Dis'er if:

You only consider a handbag that would be Disney friendly-
You constantly looking for the best Disney shoe-
Disney trip planned or're always setting things like ponchos aside for the next one!
When you go to a training conference and get a big smile on your face when the guest speakers mention Walt's name.

Yes, this happened to me. Not only once but twice these past 2 days. Went to a training conference the past 2 days and they mentioned how people back in the days, thought Walt was a crazy man; and how trying to market a mouse was a bad idea. We know how the story ends. Couldn't help but think of the Diser's and wished I was in WDW (instead of the training conference) after they mentioned his name.
You know the parks like the back of your hand, but still by the annual guide books to give to first timers.

Not a week goes by without you getting some form of Disney mail.

Your pets and or children have Disney names. (twin cats Cheshire and Figaro here)

You know all your time and effort has been for good when family and co-workers say..."next time I'm coming to you before I book my trip"

You DVR new Disney commercials so your spouse, kids, and pets can watch.

You check ride times daily on your smartphone and your trip isn't for another 30+ days.

You're known as the "Disney" person at work. I'm the Disney cop :laughing:

You're constantly looking for the best Disney shoe-
Disney trip planned or're always setting things like ponchos aside for the next one!

Guilty -- doing both tonight........... :rotfl:
If your day is not complete without listening to Four Parks One World at least once with a side of Wishes CD...
LOL......if you plan your next trip around the birth of your grandchildren and how old they will be the next time you go....:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2


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