You mean we are allowed to rent our points out!?


Earning My Ears
Jun 7, 2003
I thought I read somewhere that we weren't allowed to rent them out as they were looking at it as "making a profit" or a Business transaction or something like that.

Maybe I misunderstood what I read?:confused3 That would be great as my family was all booked for SSR for October and now all but DH and I have had to cancel.:eek: We are changing the name on one studio & giving it as a birthday gift to a dear friend, but the 2-bedroom villa for my DB's family of 6 will have to be sent back for points for us to use by end of this UY since we borrowed and banked for 3 yrs. It will be nice to rent out a studio and maybe get enough money to pay for our train fare to FL!:thumbsup2

Can someone confirm that it is okay to rent out some of these points and where do I let people know they are available?
There is some debate about the technicalities about how the contract is worded (there is a "no commericial use" statement), but Disney knows people rent out their points and - except for some moves to stop excessive rentals - hasn't said anything to indicate that you can't rent your points on a casual basis.

There are a number of threads on the rent trade board about how to do this here - read the stickies and if you have more questions, ask. You may also choose to use a different site, eBay, and at least one person has set themselves up as a middleman.

"I see that train a-coming!!!!" Much better then a 16-18 hour drive, woo-hoo!!!!:woohoo:
I believe the DVC Public Offering Statement contains language permitting rentals. You may run into an occasional over-zealous MS person who will tell you it's not allowed, but they're incorrect.

What's not allowed is turning your DVC membership into a commercial venture, so there's some other language in the POS talking about "patterns of commercial behavior." A year or so ago, DVC sent out some letters to people who had more than 20 reservations in a year, cautioning them about commercial rental.

Also, DVC recently clarified their position on renting along the same lines as the letters mentioned above. I don't have that info bookmarked, but someone will probably post it for you.

Here are some links that should be helpful:

DVC Point Rental Primer
Effective DVC Points Rental Agreements
If you can find a friend, co-worker or relative who might be able to use the reservation, that could be the easiest way to "rent" that reservation.

You wouldn't want to cancel that two bedroom and get a longer stay OR a second stay for just the two of you?
Here is what I was told straight from the horsies mouth;) DVC has no desire to go after anyone who occasionally rents their points out. The people who however are running a commercial renting business off ebay etc are the ones that concern them. You however take the same risk as anyone else when renting your points so it would be beneficial for you to rent them to someone you know. Like anything in life moderation is the key:)
DVC has no desire to go after anyone who occasionally rents their points out.
It isn't that DVC has no "desire" to go after anyone who occasionally rents their point out, it's that DVC has no reason to go after them because they haven't done anything wrong. Renting is specifically allowed, so long as it isn't part of a commercial venture.
If you MUST cancel a reservation, have MS re-assign the points such that you use the banked and borrowed points first. You can then bank any points from the current year. This may not cover all the borrowed points, but it will help. You will need to do this soon as your banking dead line in now 4 months.


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