You know what is really sad?


DIS Veteran
Jun 6, 2007
I havn't been on VMK for too long but I've seen a MAJOR decline in respect. People have become SO rude. I'm actually really sad about it. Has anyone else who has been a member of VMK longer felt the same way?
Yes it's amazing to me how much the respect for each other has gone completely downhill.
Sometimes i still wonder why VMK is even open now.

Its just making people quit, I mean why would Disney keep up such a game, thats bad for kids?

I dont know. It just doesn't make sense to me. Although its fun.. Its VERY sad.
No I realize the good in VMK it's just that the people who are so rude and for no reason at that really bring it down and it just makes me sad thats all. I still love VMK its an awesome game and I dont plan on leaving just because of a few party poopers I just wish everyone would be more respectful thats all.
I've been playing since the beginning. I have seen the good in the game but yet I have seen the bad as well. I think that VMK should have really put a foot down about lots of things sooner and it wouldn't have gotten out of hand with the rude well as the scams and other things breaking the rules that still go on. They let it all go for WAY to long and its just gotten worse with those things. If they can't control it soon they may end up having no choice but to shut it down if they get to many complaints about it all. I would hate for that to happen but with summer comes all the kids that will follow suit on other bad ones they see in the game. I doubt most of these players ever read the rules and the updated parts in the newsletter. But I do have to say I do see good in the game at times. I know I have helped out players when I can and they need it. I have seen others do it as well. I have seen some give things away to players for no reason but because they were being nice and felt like doing it. I think on the board here we can see alot of good come from bad situations as well. You will see a group of people come together for each other when its needed. Even though its on the board we are VMK players.
The good in the game is to send time in the parks without having to be in one.. It's a way to share the Disney magic.

it seems some people are taking it for granted
I was in the guys room earlier, and he said he had 5 stitch hats for trade so i had to get off and later on this night i was in this trade room. I said to him nicely can i still offer for a stitch hats. Then he went far off and said i was not thinking have like no common scence so i said dont have a cow. He is like i am a boy do you need a health lesson. I am scencitive at what people say to me but i dont know about vmk anymore:confused3
Well I've gotta say my feelings have changed a bit after tonight. I was in the park and I happened to ask a girl if she was trading something. She wasn't and kindly said Sorry no. But then another girl asked me to trade I accepted and she GAVE me the pin. Then I was asking about Winter Summerland Trades because I've never been in that room before and they were telling me all about it and how it works and two other girls gave me pins to trade in there. So I guess the good comes with the bad. I have to say that they really did change my view today and I really wish that more people would be like them. [No I dont mean the free part. I mean the respectful and helpful part lol] :)
Well that was nice of them to not only give you the pins for the host trade but really give you some help about the trading with host. Sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time to see that happen to someone or have it happen to you. I wish those that are around players like that would pick up on the kindness and pass it around to someone else and so on and so forth. It would really make a world of difference in the game I bet.
When you discover that the good in VMK is in the friends you make, the ppl you share laughter through a computer screen with, and not whether you have more beta and inferno in the form of pixels that will someday disappear, then you will find the true fun in VMK.

My wish? That everyone gets as lucky as I have to find it.
True, there is a huge lack of respect. I think it happens a lot in the pirate lobby because of these people who hate to lose in the game.
then bugs you over , and over again. Plz, plz, plz, plz, plz, plz, olz, plz, Geez enough already. That happens a lot to me. One person who I know has a lot of rare on her main account started a new character. She asked me for free. Since I know her I offered her a few things but she said no. She wanted the really rare stuff. LOL!

But all in all I think a lot of the people on vmk are pretty good. Once a CL gave me a crown when I was first starting out for free. That was really nice:yay: .
a few days ago a random girl started making fun of my name and started saying it was cheesey a huge argument broke out because im not the kind of person who lets little 12 year old stuck up vmkers push me around. sorry lol... the rudness Always happens to me
I feel thee samee in pirates its never oh gg you did great its YOU CHEATED OMG NOT FAIR I'M REPORTING and if your in front of someone waiting 2 get in the samee place you aree they'll be likee OMG YOU BETTER MOVEE CAUSE I WAS THERE FIRST AND I WILL REPORT AND GET YOU BAN...ughh i hatee thosee kind of ppl
a few days ago a random girl started making fun of my name and started saying it was cheesey a huge argument broke out because im not the kind of person who lets little 12 year old stuck up vmkers push me around. sorry lol... the rudness Always happens to me

I know what you mean earlier today I was in Town Square just telling people that taken wasn't allowed and it could get them banned and a boy who wasnt even part of the conversation decided to call me ugly and say I probably could get a guy so I was mad. It kind of made me laugh but at the same time no one knows what you look like in real life [usually] and I was not about to fight with a possible 12 year old about my dating habbits. [which for the record I am "taken" in real life and no fake e-boyfriend could come near a real relationship lol] I dont understand why things have to go that far...
I joined VMK about 2 weeks following the "grand" opening (after beta) so I've been involved with it for a while.

Now, I don't post often here anymore but this thread caught my eye because it's something I really believe is happening in the game.

When I first joined, I had fun! People were being kind, helpful, and just great to be around. Pirate games consisted of "Congratulations" and encouragement and the majority of guest rooms were of actual creativity rather than of rooms that edged on being against values. Now, this is not to say VMK never had those few bad eggs, you just didn't see it as often. The game was also new, however, and it can almost be compared to the first day of school - in slow motion.

You wouldn't walk into the school on the first day and start to bully kids around or publically gossip about certain people. Then, as the days progress people become more confortable expressing what's on their mind and the idea of what is rude and what is polite becomes a mixed haze. Respect slowly becomes a lost trait. Let's face it, sometimes school (especially middle-high school) can be brutle! Consider VMK as a slowly progressing first few days of school. At first, people participated in the game fairly and respectfully, but then it slowly became at a "comfortable" playing level where more and more people started expressing what was on their minds leading up to a level where it just became second nature for some people to lack in respect and dignity.

Fortunately, not all of VMK is like this but sadly, there is enough to be noticed at any given moment.

I know I have said this on the boards before, but it's true! I haven't played VMK, like really played, for a long time. Months, actually. And after being "gone" from it for a while and then to come back to it is like entering an entirely different game. I could not get over how the game had gone downhill so drastically as far as players having respect for others goes.

Nearly every game of pirates that I played, I found myself either teamed with or against rude players. No matter what room I found myself in, there was at least one person either begging for items or begging to start a game. It's sad, really, because it certainly has changed since the beginning.
I played one game one day during the double credits with a group that was that way about the "oh your cheating" bull. Sorry but you can't cheat in the game. I said so a couple of times. Do parents not teach the kids anymore about being good sports at losing? My kids know you win some and you lose some and its the way things are in life. I couldn't handle playing with people anymore after that and had to stop.
I have seen some rude people waiting for the ghosts the last few days. They assume things about getting the ghosts to pop up and when someone told them how it worked they were just rude with what they said. It has happened a few times. If I am there and see it I will always tell the to be nice. lol
I try to keep the magic up by staying in espelande and giving free sparrow to players who just started. I am tired of people saying "You are just a guest you can't be rich" so I think by giving sparrow the people will be shocked and wish they could take those words back.


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