You know I'm having skating lessons ... (updated)


Stranger from the outside
Apr 2, 2002
... well I'm sitting here with my arm in a sling. I fell over at the ice rink today and after spending 2 hours at A&E the doctor thinks I've broken my radial head in my left arm. I'll know more on Tuesday after I've been to fracture clinic.

It doesn't half ache.
O gosh....hope it heals soon. Make sure you rest it!
O gosh....hope it heals soon. Make sure you rest it!
Ouch, hope its not too painful:grouphug:
The worst bit was when the radiographer asked what a woman of my age was doing ice skating! And I don't think that he was joking. I'm only 47.
Poor you, but keep on skating. I do the PR for the Slough Jets Ice Hockey team and I see people at the arena of all ages skating around. They even have lessons for older people to learn as it's a great form of excercise. Saying that I'm 47 and haven't skated since I was 13;) . Hope this break does not put you off.

Take care
hope your arm mends quickly x
Hope it gets better soon :grouphug: Were you doing a fancy spin when you did it? :dancer:
A bit achey this morning but at least I've not got to go to work due to the snow. It's so frustrating having to do everthing with one hand - I've even had to ask DD to do up my bra!
That sounds really sore, hope it feels better soon Libby.
I'm just back from the fracture clinic and I do indeed have a minor radial head fracture. There is no treatment as it should get better by itself in 2 - 3 weeks. In fact I can use it more today now that the swelling has gone down and been replaced with bruising.

I was quite impressed that my hospital records now state that I have a "sports injury" as it makes me sound quite athletic!!

Thanks for all your good wishes.

P.S. My friend thought it funny that with all the ice on the pavements around here at the moment that I actually paid to go on the ice that I fell on!


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