You don't realize how lucky you are......


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Mar 1, 2002
until you hear that a 5yob died in a matter of hours last week from Meningitis that his parents didn't realize he even had. The infection was so aggressive they were advised there was nothing they could have done even had they known. This little boy went to the doctor with an ear infection and was dead just a few hours later. The family lives in a nearby town. Please keep them in your prayers.
Just one more reason to not regret the money we spend on DVC. I want my children to experience the wonder of WDW as often as they can, and I cherish those memories with them because life can be just too short.
"The infection was so aggressive they were advised there was nothing they could have done even had they known."

So true, meningitis is extremely serious. However, one thing every parent can check for (I do) in their sick child is the chin to chest test. If a child is complaining of a headache and they cannot bring their chin to their chest, it's a sign to get to a doctor/emergency room quickly. Dh is a paramedic and he's seen way too many cases of childhood meningitis. So sad. My dd's classmate just died on Sunday in an ATV accident in the desert. This community is devastated. Causes a person to stop in their tracks and hug their children. Life's too short - can't take it for granted.
My friend's 1yrold is dying of a rare, fatal, progressive genetic disorder that the doctors cannot even diagnose properly.... not for a lack of trying. We are waiting to see if she made it last night from her most recent hospital visit. Now, the question is, are her two sons carriers? The medical detective work continues... and, as terrible as it sounds, we are praying for a quick release. It has been hell WATCHING this family go through this and I cannot imagine, nor do I ever want to, having to watch your child slowly die. Or suddenly, as you have described!

Yes, please, count your blessings. Next time those little ones start to annoy you, be grateful for their energy and spirit!
So many sad stories of horror.

we are very fortunate to have had the chance of going to WDW and in such luxurious resorts! Today walk around and look at all the people who will never ever get to a Park let alone a resort.

We are truly blessed. thank you dear God.
I realize how lucky I am-my cancer has not grown at all in the last 6 months and before that was growing about as slow as any cancer can--there is nothing like cancer to open your eyes to a different world. Sorry to hear about the sick and dead children. I will say a prayer for them.
:grouphug: You have raised a point that so frequently is the hardest lesson to learn. We have a similar story. Almost 4 years ago, our beautiful baby boy was born with a serious, life threatening congenital heart defect. His first trip to the OR was at 36 hours old. He has had countless procedures and hospitalizations. This past September we were informed he'd most likely need more surgery this spring.
So, this past Oct., on what was our first adult only vacation in seven years, my DH and I bought 200 SSR points!!! We plan to bring the whole "fan damily" down for Will's 5th b'day! What a fabulous way to celebrate his life!
Did we need a resort ownership in DVC? No. Was is money we probably could have spent on something else? Retirement, kids education, home improvement? Absolutely. But the memories of being together as a family at the most magical place on Earth are priceless.
Sometimes it takes a life altering event to change your priorities. It did for us. God hits you between the eyes with a big fat wake up call. We are so, so fortunate to have all that we do. Anytime you begin to feel a little sorry for yourself, go sit in the lobby of your nearest children's hospital for about an hour. The thing we learned, was that for everytime we thought we had it tough, someone came along who had it far worse.
So give your kids a hug today and never, ever forget to tell them how much you love them. God Bless, dear friends.... You are in my thoughts and prayers:wave2:
All you have to do to realize how lucky we are is to get to know mommie2angels as I have. Anybody that can still be happy and still believe in God having gone through as much as that family has is a lot stronger than I could ever be. I feel fortunate to have gotten to know her,and make me realize how lucky I am.

I thank God every day for all that I have in my life. I have a 2 yr old and a 3 mo old and a DH who cherishes me. My children seem to be healthy and energetic but I keep hearing these stories of horrible things happening like the poor boy you told us about who got sick at 5 yrs old. You never know and you must cherish every single moment.

My son had a neurological scare when I was pregnant w/ my daughter. He was having seizures and we thought it might be a tumor or epilepsy. He had an EEG? and they found nothing and the Pediatric Neurologist told us he will be fine and sure enough the seizures stopped. My son then needed to go in for another circumcision since he was getting infected from his original one. There I was 8 mos. pregnant, holding his hand, as he was falling asleep on the surgery table. A minor surgery, but still frightening nonetheless. Then I took my daughter in for her 2 mo. appt and shots and she had decreased from the 25 percentile to the 5 percentile in 2 wks. I spoke w/ the doctors for 1/2 an hour about this syndrome and that and why her rate of growth decreased so drastically. I was hysterical when I called my husband after her routine appt. Luckily, it was just a mechanical issue and she is a little Piglet now. My very dear friend's child has William's Syndrome and my nephew has a genetic disorder as well. These disorders will affect both children for the rest of their lives. I see what my friends and family are dealing w/ and how dear these children are and my heart breaks for those parents and loved ones who are living thru these difficulties. But to lose a child...... I can't even imagine what they must be going through.

They are in my thoughts and prayers. And I will be thankful for all of my blessings. I truly appreciate your reminder to do so.
Reading these stories just makes me ill. We have lost two children: My 20 month old dd, Gillian, 3 years ago and just recently my 20 week old (in pregnancy) ds. Both due to complications of a rare syndrome which as of yet has no name.

While pregnant with Gillian my foremost concern was whether or not she was going to be a pretty baby. Unbelievable to me now that I would have such a meaningless concern. Boy, have I come a long way since then.

We understand how precious life is and how precious each day is. This is why we chose to buy DVC. We wanted to make family time a priority in our lives and part of that is making sure we take vacations together. DVC guarantees this. We are so blessed to have our completely healthy daughter, Emily. And though I would love to have my Gillian back and my ds with me, I can't, so learning from their lives is what I can do now.

Some family and friends think we are crazy to have spent money on something so extravagant as DVC. I believe they think we don't have our priorities in order. But I think they are the ones with the fouled-up priorities. To each his own.


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