"You are going to Disney again?"

I can totally relate with y'all! We're go every year, sometimes more than once a year, and most people don't understand why. We also go other places, but nothing beats Disney. We have two or three friends that have caught the "Disney bug" and they get why we keep going back over and over again, so we go with them a lot. If my mother-in-law tells me one more time that our kids are spoiled and they're going to get sick of Disneyworld....:eek:
I have all the guide books for every year we've gone. What I've also done (which takes things to the extreme, I know, but...) is printed out everything pertaining to each park, trimmed off the detritus, and glued the pages into a spiral notebook. One for each park. It contains all the information you need for: say World SHowcase. It has the "not to be missed" fun stuffs that are easily overlooked. I also have a notebook pertaining to all the hidden mickeys that have been posted to date. I also have one or two relating to the Overlooked Attractions.
see im 23 and was told my whole life i was spoiled. my son is 4 and i have been having his real dad tell me stop spoling him..im sorry but life is borring and life is nothing with out family and fun and disney is all of that rolled up together. and I dont care if my son is spoiled he is also polite and says please and thank you and yes he dosent always stop repeating things when i ask him to but he's 4 lol
I have all the guide books for every year we've gone. What I've also done (which takes things to the extreme, I know, but...) is printed out everything pertaining to each park, trimmed off the detritus, and glued the pages into a spiral notebook. One for each park. It contains all the information you need for: say World SHowcase. It has the "not to be missed" fun stuffs that are easily overlooked. I also have a notebook pertaining to all the hidden mickeys that have been posted to date. I also have one or two relating to the Overlooked Attractions.

Me too!! I have a 2 inch thick "Disney binder" that has everything-maps, menus, parade and show info, you name it. I'm glad I'm not the only one!! :lmao:
omg i dont have all that any more. i was gona make it up in our album and tape the tickets to wdw in there..but never did..tho my fionce found two the tickets and looked at me "you still want these" i snatched them and said yes and put them away agine..i relly should get the pics printed the others sent to old family and the disney memroal stuff togetehr i keep forgetting (of course its high and out the way so i forget)
I live at the Jersey Shore and have not been to the beach in almost 5 years. It just does not appeal to me. We vacation at WDW every year and it's something we look forward to very much.
I live at the Jersey shore too and the reason I don't go too often is because I can't get on thanks to the Bennies!!! :headache:
I've been to WDW over 40 times and never get tired of returning to my "happy" place! I'm so lucky that my DH and one of my DD's love Disney almost as much as I do. Friends and family still give me saracastic remarks about going back again and again but I just tell them I get the "magic" and some people just don't! I use to feel funny telling people I was going back again but now I'm proud of it. I'm always the person people come to when they are planning a first time trip to the World.:cool1:
We get the same thing from everyone. You're going there again?? WE love disney and would go more than once a year if could. We also go to Niagara Falls, Canada and add a few days at Daytona Beach before Disney.

If we wanted to go somewhere else we would, but we love Disney. We return home refreshed and reminded there still is magic in the world!!!! :)
I think there are a lot of people that go there, ride all the rides, and see the major attractions, and think they've now "done" WDW so what's the big deal in going back for a while. If all I did was go commando style to the same rides over and over, I'd probably see it the way they do (wait in line, ride a ride, yada, yada, yada). And of course, there are even those that think MK is all of WDW. They fail to realize:
- There are new things added every year. I've heard negative comments from people that don't even know about Animal Kingdom since they haven't been in so long, not to mention all that's been added to the other parks in the last 5 years.
- There is so much more there than just the major attractions - all of the dining options, all of the other smaller performances that the majority never see or walk past on their way to the rides, character interactions (I don't think any ride got the same reaction from my DDs last time than when Wendy walked up to them and talked to them for 10 minutes - they were enthralled).
- It's not just for children. Besides getting to relive your childhood again, there are nice bars, restaurants, clubs, beaches, shops, beautiful scenery, activities, it's amazing. And I don't just mean adults get to be kids. My DD11 is very much at that "I'm too cool for everything" phase where she's overly concious of how she dresses, looks, etc. and is normally mortified by hanging around her uncool parents - yet this is the same kid who wore her new mouse ears all day long every day.
- The resorts themselves are destinations. I don't think we'll have "enough" of WDW until we've stayed at most of them. We've stayed at POFQ, POP, CSR, and are staying at BC in August and each place brought its own magic to the vacation. We aren't just staying at BC because it's a deluxe which we haven't done, but because we loved the Boardwalk area last time and want it to be convenient to hang out there next time and we also didn't get enough of Epcot last time so the proximity to it is nice as well. We've also purposely planned dinners at the other resorts to have an opportunity to explore them. Which leads to my next point.
- Nobody does things like Disney. Like anywhere else, sometimes things go wrong or you run into the occasional problem, but so much goes right for us at Disney that it's hard to beat anywhere else. The theming, attention to detail, how well-maintained and clean they keep everything (despite the number of people that come every day), the vast majority of CMs that are kind, polite, helpful, and go out of their way to make your vacation special, not to mention all of the little extras they do, especially now during the year of a million dreams.

We'll definitely go other places. Next year we're thinking of a cruise (though as much as I look forward to some evening gambling on the ship, we will seriously consider a Disney cruise since I have no doubt we'd love it). And we do want to see more of the world still. We went to WDW in April for Easter break and while we're normally a one-trip-per-year family, this year is special since it's going to be my DW's 40th b-day as well as our 15th anniversary so when we were deciding on something for August, we were down to about 5 options and picked, you guessed it, WDW! And this over choices like Atlantis, or an all-inclusive in the Caribbean, and everyone is anxious to go back.
I agree, we always get 'you're not going there again are you?' :confused3

We are lucky enough to live on a small island off the south coast of the UK and so spend alot of time on the beach, we don't want to then go on holiday to the beach!!

We love Disney and have recently become DVC members and so hopefully we will be returning for many years to come!


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