"You and me, we're in a club now!" - a DFTW/Disneymoon/Vacay August 2017 PTR

Hilarious. A lot of my friends do this with boxes in Buffalo for all that great US online shopping.

So helpful when you want to order something that frustratingly only ships to the states!! It was much more convenient when I lived 30 mins from the border though.

Oh what? do you have a PTR for that one too? Do you mean the 5K run? I totally want to do a RunDisney one day...they just never seem to fall at times when I can go...sigh...

Yeah, we're doing RunDisney for Marathon Weekend in January, but we only signed up for the 5K. That'll even be a stretch for me since we're not exactly runners. But every day gets easier to push a little farther. I don't think I'll do a PTR, though I'll probably throw some of the plans on this one and/or the honeymoon TR...but I suspect there will be a TR when the RunDisney trip is over. :)
Following along, had to read all the previous TR before to see the proposal, very nice one. Can't wait to see the wedding :)
I'm here :cool1: I love that you did your journal as a PTR. That didn't even cross my mind! I feel bad for talking about non-wedding stuff, but oh well!

she remembered how much we had both liked Poly when we went for our meal on our last trip (N especially!) and offered to pay half the cost of a room there for 3 nights for us.

That is so nice! Moms really are the best.

Our suspenders and bowties that we ordered from Etsy for N and his best man...

Those colors look quite familiar! I love the suspenders colors. We ordered ours from Macy's and they were a little darker than we had planned!

So after over two years off, I'll be going back to school! Wild. :eek:

I know all about that life. It gets super crazy, but you'll be so glad you went back.

I've been working away at running, and I've been hitting the gym 5-6 days a week. This week I've gotten as far as running two 8-minute stretches, with 5 mins walking in between. It may seem like a small achievement, but it's more running than I've done since before surgery, and probably ever, so I'm pleased so far. (What can I say, I don't run.) Onward!

That is a HUGE achievement! You go girl! :cheer2:

we're spending part of the day catching up on all the superhero tv shows we're behind on.

Those are my favorite kinds of days!

Can't wait to read more!
Sounds like you guys had a nice, laid back Easter!

and I finally got the passholder deal on our stay at Poly! Which saved us $160!! Which just happened to be the difference between booking a value night on the passholder rate and booking a night at Wilderness Lodge on the passholder rate!
Awesome! You know WL is my favorite resort, right? So I love when someone is excited about staying there! Even for one night, I'm sure you'll absolutely love it and want to stay there again and again and again and again..............:goodvibes
A suite at ASM sounds like a good idea for your January trip. We're still going back and forth on a possible Aug. trip and at one point we considered staying there in a suite b/c one was available under my TA discount; but then it wasn't lol. I think for the space you'd get you'd all be happy.
Following along, had to read all the previous TR before to see the proposal, very nice one. Can't wait to see the wedding :)

:welcome: Thanks for following the story (both installments)!! I'm already so looking forward to the wedding trip and reporting back about it. I'm tweaking our plans or I'm on the Dis reading other people's TRs multiple times a week now just to help fight the Disney fever that's setting in.
I'm here :cool1: I love that you did your journal as a PTR. That didn't even cross my mind! I feel bad for talking about non-wedding stuff, but oh well!

:welcome: So glad you're here! Thanks, I wasn't quite sure how to go about it, but there just seemed like there was tons of wedding- and non-wedding-related stuff to talk about, so that's what happened. I think your PJ works perfectly, too, though. I figure, your wedding, your rules! Everyone else can just enjoy the planning in whatever method you deliver it in :)

That is so nice! Moms really are the best.

They so are. Mine is amazing. I'm lucky to live close and see a lot of her.

I know all about that life. It gets super crazy, but you'll be so glad you went back.

I'm thinking (and hoping!) it'll be the right decision. I know I'm not where I wanna be right now, and school seems like the best way to get on the road to where I wanna go...already stressed just thinking about the stress though! :P

That is a HUGE achievement! You go girl! :cheer2:

Thanks so much! The other day I'd bumped it up to doing 3 sets of 10 minutes, so its getting better all the time.

Awesome! You know WL is my favorite resort, right? So I love when someone is excited about staying there! Even for one night, I'm sure you'll absolutely love it and want to stay there again and again and again and again..............:goodvibes

I thought I remembered you also loving WL. I'm so excited to experience it, even if only for one night. Not counting my chickens before they hatch, but I have a feeling it may be the first step to a new loving resort relationship. It'll be a great high note to end our Disney portion of the trip...it would have felt a little lame to end it on a night at All Stars or something after CSR and Poly... hehehe

A suite at ASM sounds like a good idea for your January trip. We're still going back and forth on a possible Aug. trip and at one point we considered staying there in a suite b/c one was available under my TA discount; but then it wasn't lol. I think for the space you'd get you'd all be happy.

I'm thinking it'll be a good fit for us! I like the space, and that there's a little kitchenette area for preparing some meals. (I.e. race day it'll be good to have somewhere to keep breakfast things for our SUPER early morning wake up...I have a feeling they won't be serving much for breakfast at 3am :P) And the extra bathroom will be great if we end up being a party of four adults.
Hello, all! Just dropping in to say that I hope you're all having wonderful weekends. It seems to be a busy weekend on the Dis, and many of the TRs I'm following have gotten updates the last couple of days...so I felt like I wasn't very on the ball and needed to post SOMETHING! It's raining here today, but it's not snow, so for that I'm grateful.

Also, a big ol' HAPPY EARTH DAY to you! Is anyone planning to go see the new Disney Nature film, Born in China? N's away painting this weekend, and possibly through past next weekend, but once he finally gets home, I'm dragging him to the theatre. I love pandas. :lovestruc

Also, just in case you didn't know...I'm crazy. o_O We're crazy. There are still a few details to be ironed out before I can explain why...but stay tuned. The crazy is coming...soon.
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Also, just in case you didn't know...I'm crazy. o_O We're crazy. There are still a few details to be ironed out before I can explain why...but stay tuned. The crazy is coming...soon.

Me too.... we should totally hang out ! :crazy:

Hope you're having a good weekend too!!

I just found your report. I'm gonna try my hardest to keep up-- I'm pretty terrible at it but I can't wait to hear about your wedding!
Just wanted to pop in and say hello!! I'll be joining in over here on your PTR! I haven't had the time to get caught up yet, but as soon as I do I will be back with some proper responses! I'm so excited for you and cant wait to hear about all of your wedding plans!!

I just found your report. I'm gonna try my hardest to keep up-- I'm pretty terrible at it but I can't wait to hear about your wedding!

:welcome: So glad you're here! I haven't been doing so great with keeping up with TRs, myself lately, so no worries there!

Just wanted to pop in and say hello!! I'll be joining in over here on your PTR! I haven't had the time to get caught up yet, but as soon as I do I will be back with some proper responses! I'm so excited for you and cant wait to hear about all of your wedding plans!!

:welcome: to the party! party: Haha. I apologize in advance for my ramblings, but so glad to have you here! The closer the wedding gets the more fun the planning becomes...and the more I deplete my bank account. :P
The One Where I Reveal the Extent of our Crazy to All the Good Folks of the Dis

I don't want to start this chapter off with a bummer or anything, but I'm gonna be honest here, because mental health transparency is important. Lately, I've been sad. And not just sad, but depressed, anxious, and overall not feeling like my best self. There are lots of reasons for this, some internal and some external. For instance, while I love the purpose of my job making braille books, the actual execution of it isn't a good fit for me. It's an office job in all its glory. If you've ever seen the movie Office Space, it's like it was written about my job. (And if you haven't, watch it if you've ever worked in an office, and don't if you haven't because it won't be as funny to you.)
(Insert Office Space gifs...)



(My life. And I joke, but it feels kinda lousy for someone who just doesn't thrive in an office environment.)

I go to work, spend my day mentally exhausted and frustrated, and come home, do the menial life tasks I need to in the evenings, go to bed, and then do it all again the next day. I'm not finding it fulfilling, which is part of why I decided to go back to school. I'm also stressed lately with wedding planning and the financial undertaking that is the wedding/honeymoon combo, and sometimes it gets to me. It's also been hard because N is away a lot for work lately, and the last few trips have been for a couple of weeks at a time. And finally, I've struggled in past with depression and anxiety, especially seasonally in the winter. Usually I perk up when spring rolls around, but I'm still waiting for that shift. I'm doing what I can, taking care of myself and getting lots of healthy food and exercise, but sometimes I'm still pretty droopy.

N's also run pretty ragged lately with all his shows.

We both wanted to get away.

There! So, if you've read to this point then thanks for being super allies and getting through that downer paragraph with me! You're all beautiful people. Here's a cute hamster eating a carrot to reward you for your patience:

So with that stage set
...why are we so crazy??

We're going to Disney.

But you knew that right? We're going in August. And also in January for Marathon weekend.

...we couldn't possibly be going again...right....?....RIGHT??


Well. It's tax season, and just a couple weeks ago I found out that I would likely be getting a MUCH larger tax rebate than I expected. Like...cuz I was expecting nothing...and it would definitely be more than nothing. I started thinking about what I could do with that money...and then I decided that I'm going on a Disneymoon and I'm going back to school, so it only made sense to save every penny. End of question.

But I was sad. N was tired. We wanted to get away.

Tax rebate would more than cover a short little pop down to Orlando...I wish...

But no! Stupid responsibilities!

And besides...I had almost no vacation left, and N works painting at shows every single weekend. (Which also is part of the problem, because one of us is always working when the other's not, so we don't see much of each other.) So we shut the door on that idea...


...except we didn't. I couldn't stop thinking about a whirlwind trip to Disney to give us the strength we needed to make it through the homestretch. So I priced flights for the May long weekend. (In Canada we have Victoria Day weekend the weekend before you have Memorial Day weekend.) I had enough vacation left to take the Thursday and Friday before the long weekend off. Nathan had a show, but it was one he could cancel, and it was likely to be the least profitable weekend he'd have all summer based on last year's numbers. We couldn't fly out of Halifax, but if we drove down to our family home in New Brunswick and then crossed the border into Maine, we could fly out of Bangor (8 hrs from here) direct for a really reasonable price. If we grouped our hotel and rental car in with them (since there was no availability with such short notice at any Disney value resorts) we'd also save a lot of money...


But we wouldn't save enough. I was crushed. I tried to let it go. I had the money from the tax rebate, but I couldn't justify spending so much of it. My mom kept telling me how I might need that money for the wedding, or once September rolled around and my student loan didn't give me enough, etc... and I knew she was right.

Then...I had an idea.

My grandmother has a timeshare in Orlando. And I thought I remembered her having a flight voucher for the airline we wanted to fly with. I though I'd ask her if she'd sell us some nights/her voucher for a good rate...

Turns out, not only did she have a flight voucher that was about to expire and she'd never be able to use (which would almost cover the cost of one of our flights) which she was willing to gift us for FREE...she also had 3 free nights at her timeshare which were going to expire...that she would also gift us...for FREE.

Suddenly this was becoming a possibility!!

(I asked her over and over if there was really NO way she'd be able to use these things herself before they expired!!)

We would now only need to pay for 1.2ish flights, a rental car, gas (both to Bangor and driving around Orlando), airport parking, and groceries/meals (the timeshare has a full kitchen.) We were doing a budget trip, so we'd be eating light and bringing snacks into the park, so I figured we could eat pretty frugally.

So all of a sudden...we're going to Disney!!...AGAIN!...in, like, 22 days!!


I wanted to wait until things were booked to tell you all, but now it's official. It's going to be the craziest whirlwind trip ever, with just enough park time to tide us over, and with some opportunities to tie up some wedding loose ends! We will be flying May 18, getting in late at night, doing Disney the 19-20, and flying home the 21st. We're meeting our officiant, Rev. Kevin, and talking through the ceremony with him in person, which makes me feel much better. (Like, what if I didn't find out till the wedding day that I hated him or something?? I'm sure I won't. He seems so very lovely. But, you know, puts my mind at ease.) I'm also in the process of trying to order cupcakes in our allergy-friendly wedding cake flavors from Erin McKenna's bakery so we can be sure we're getting what we want.

It seems crazy. But we're so excited! As long as I've been old enough to the involved in the planning of a Disney trip, I've never planned one less than 180 days out. It felt insane to be booking our flights, ADRs, and FP+ all at the same time!!

My biggest and saddest regret is that I will JUST miss both @xlsm and @Raeven on their May trips (coming up soo soon!)

(Like, I'm actually SO sad, ladies.)

I will, however, be at the World the same time as @ariane37, though I'm not sure whether our plans will sync up at all in the crazy short time I'll be there to facilitate a meet. Fingers crossed, but no pressure on either of us and our busy schedules!

I suddenly have SO MUCH new information to add to this PTR, so I'll be back soon with some May updates, as well as a few small wedding trip things. I haven't done this in past, but I'm also planning to post (and add to) my May trip costs as we go since I'm priding myself on trying to keep this a very frugal long weekend trip to save money for the wedding. So...

May Trip $$

  • 0.8 flights (voucher) and hotel 3 nights (timeshare): Free
  • 1.2 flights and rental car (bundle from Allegiant Air): $482
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The reason for this PTR is simple: The boy and I are in a club now...the Engagement club! And soon to be in the Married Folk Club! And our Disney Fairytale Wedding is going to be a dream that neither of us thought would be possible for us.

It’s amazing to have someone to share your Disney love (and regular love) with, and who will get just as excited as you will about the prospect of going back!
It really is :lovestruc I have that as well, and couldn't be happier!

We’re Canadians (which you'll probably notice by my spelling), and we will be driving down (35+ hr road trip each way for the win!!) the East Coast to spend Aug. 16-26 in Florida.

Aug. 19-22: Polynesian
Good choice!

That's when my mom offered us a pretty cool wedding gift...she remembered how much we had both liked Poly when we went for our meal on our last trip (N especially!) and offered to pay half the cost of a room there for 3 nights for us.

My grandmother knew we were planning to stay off site and offered us another wedding gift: 4 nights at her timeshare property.
Awesome wedding gifts!!

And probably my favourite purchase...a TEENY TINY BOOKBAG!
Vera Bradley has some really cute mini backpacks as well.

I actually really do. Whenever I'm feeling sick, sad, cranky, tired, etc
Girl, you and me both!

Now most people are pretty hit or miss on it, but I actually LOVE eating quick service at Disney, at least once in a while.
I actually really like Disney QS as well. The portions are HUGE and there are so many different options.

Wrong. Actually ALL the food.

Oh well. In the end we decided that it was our honeymoon, and if we want to eat well, we will!
We got deluxe dining for our honeymoon as well. SO. MUCH. FOOD.

  • Cape May Cafe (a treat for just the two of us the day before the wedding, new for us!)
  • Crystal Palace (the morning after the wedding day for my side of the family)
  • Kona (new!)
  • Be Our Guest (PPO. Currently at 8:20, but I keep stalking to see if an earlier time will open up. We've done lunch and dinner but never breakfast, and we've never done a PPO breakfast before :D)
  • Ohana (breakfast is new for us)
  • Boma (x2)
  • Tusker House


  • Beaches and Cream (new!)
  • The BOATHOUSE (new!)
  • Boma (in place of a formal reception for all our guests)
  • Ohana (also for my side of the family the day after the wedding)
  • Kona (new!)
  • Coral Reef
  • Cape May Cafe (new!)
  • Sanaa (new!)
  • Hollywood Brown Derby
All great choices!!

Added bonus: RANT #1!

So I mentioned some life updates/rants in my previous post. I guess every family probably has them, and big life events like weddings/births/deaths/etc. always seem to bring out issues... Seems that there are two particular causes for concern/stress surrounding this wedding, one on each side of the family. I'll throw N's family under the bus first!

So while neither of us were born into wealth, N's family had more kids than mine, so they tended to be even more frugal. While their financial situation is in good shape these days and they'll retire comfortably, and while we'd intended from the get-go to fund our wedding ourselves, his parents weren't thrilled at the price tag of a Disney wedding. But more than that, his side of the family is mostly more traditional and conservative (also religious) than mine, or than he and I currently are. We met at Bible camp and still hold many of those values, but we're much more open and liberal than we once were. This is causing some friction, to say the least...

...a Disney wedding is NOT the traditional wedding they envisioned for their son. They're coming around a bit now (his mother and one of his sisters are finding Disney things to be excited about,) but we got an awful lot of flak for how "selfish" it was to have a destination wedding that his whole ginormous family was not invited to or could not afford to attend.

As families do, they seem to feel they get to have a say in our plans: "If you want to have a small wedding, why not just have a small wedding here and then have a honeymoon in Disney?" "Why summer in Florida? Why not over Christmas break in December?" "You should fly! You don't want to drive. You know she can carry on her wedding dress right?" Etc. The biggest issue right now is over the fact that I will not be changing my name — a decision that's important to me, and that N and I agreed on together. It's hurtful to them that I won't take their name, and shows a lack of commitment on my part to N/our marriage/the family/etc. Of course, if N were asked to take my name, that's just "not the way it's supposed to be!" They'd never expect him to. But they don't think that's sexist... I have a list of good reasons why I'll be keeping my name, not that I should have to defend that decision to anyone, but they're not really interested in them. And of course, these things typically come out as complaints to N behind my back every time he visits his parents/sister/etc, and they're not discussed in front of me, like I'm not even part of the equation...and they wonder why he doesn't visit home more often.

Oh, and another recent development! They've offered us weekly bribery money to go to church. Apparently they've been doing it with his youngest sister for some time now. Never mind the fact that I already have a church I like to attend, but we both often work weekends (I guess the bribery money is supposed to make up for us missing work?) ...and also ignore the fact that faith should be a personal choice thing, and if we go to church it should be because we want to, not because we're being forced there...

GAH! Ok, end of rant #1. I realize these are small issues in the scheme of things, and we're lucky to have the families we do...but man, people gonna' drive the bride nuts!
Its YOUR wedding. You are allowed to celebrate it however you see fit. I know sometimes its hard to put your foot down with family, but this is YOURS and N's day. Your wants are the only ones that matter!
Then part-way through the week I got my official acceptance letter letting me know I got into a masters program at a university here in speech language pathology. So after over two years off, I'll be going back to school! Wild.

Then yesterday we had a bomb scare at work.


Ok, let me preface this by saying that everyone was ok, and it turned out the police determined there was "no threat," and also let me tell you that I live in what's considered a very small and very safe (most parts) city. My work schedule usually has me working longer days Monday-Thursday and leaving at lunch on Friday, but this week I chose to stay late on Friday because my desk load was heavy. A couple hours after I would normally have gone home I was told we were on lock down and instructed to stay away from the windows because a suspicious ticking package had been found outside our building and it was being investigated. In that moment, all I wished was that I had gone home at my normal time like I do every other week. We were held a couple of hours and left with very little information. The only info we were getting was from a twitter handle that reports news in the area. It showed pictures of the bomb squad in suits with the package in question...then them bringing out the bomb robot for more investigation, etc. (By the way, the bomb robot totally looks like Wall-E, which was a small comfort.) My mom and I also work for the same company, but in two separate buildings side by side, so I knew that we were both potentially in danger, and that we were both locked down in our own buildings and couldn't leave to see each other, which was more than a little unsettling. It was very nerve-wracking and stressful, and I sent out a few "just so you know, I love you" texts during the ordeal. And while it turned out to be nothing harmful in the end, an event like that definitely puts things into perspective! Makes me want to spend a little more time in my life doing this now:
That's SO scary!! I'm glad everything ended up okay.

Apparently only getting two trips out of our annual passes just wasn't quite enough. We're in the process of planning one last hurrah before they expire in January...to hit the RunDisney Marathon Weekend!
Trip #3 for the WIN!

And the biggest development is what we've now got scheduled for Aug. 19...

Discovery Cove!! :jumping1:
That's awesome! I've been trying to get there for ages. I cant wait to hear all about it!

Turns out, not only did she have a flight voucher that was about to expire and she'd never be able to use (which would almost cover the cost of one of our flights) which she was willing to gift us for FREE...she also had 3 free nights at her timeshare which were going to expire...that she would also gift us...for FREE.
GRANDMA TO THE RESCUE!! That's awesome! Theres nothing better than a little R&R at WDW!
My biggest and saddest regret is that I will JUST miss both @xlsm and @Raeven on their May trips (coming up soo soon!)

I fully admit that once you said you were going back I started speed reading to see when, and I was getting so excited...I"m so happy you get to go back down and get your mind off of everything, but I am super sad we'll be missing each other!

I completely understand about your work situation in combination with everything and needing a getaway. I have been there, believe me! I hope this trip down will be the boost and recharge you need :hug:
I usually lurk but after this last post I had to pop in! My husband and I got married last October and around March of last year I was in the same spot as you with the anxiety and just feeling down and then mix that with planning a wedding and figuring out finances.... cue tax return time! We booked a trip to Disney for May right then! The trip did wonders. We came back and finished wedding stuff and had our Disney moon in October to look forward to!

Your trip in May will be wonderful and it sounds like very much needed!
As soon as I got the jist of your post, I thought, "she's going to say she'll be there when we are!"

We will be flying May 18, getting in late at night, doing Disney the 19-20, and flying home the 21st.
And I was right :cheer2:

My biggest and saddest regret is that I will JUST miss both @xlsm and @Raeven on their May trips (coming up soo soon!)
Yes, a big regret of mine, too, believe me. However @Raeven only lives a couple hours from me and we've discussed getting together here in NY (to shop of course, what else lol) and I swear I'm going to make that happen! I'll probably end up meeting @xlsm here in NY too, when she comes to stalk my almost neighbor Kevin Bacon :dancer:

I will, however, be at the World the same time as @ariane37, though I'm not sure whether our plans will sync up at all in the crazy short time I'll be there to facilitate a meet. Fingers crossed, but no pressure on either of us and our busy schedules!
We should do whatever we can to make this possible!! I'll be anxiously awaiting your plans so we can see when and where we can meet up :goodvibes So happy for you that you're getting to do this trip!
Lately, I've been sad. And not just sad, but depressed, anxious, and overall not feeling like my best self.

Aw :hug: (that's a hug for you because your not feeling well I feel like it looks like a "your adorable" hug).

It's an office job in all its glory. If you've ever seen the movie Office Space, it's like it was written about my job.

I work in an office job and have never seen it. I feel like some parts of The Office are accurate though :laughing:

So true :rotfl:

I go to work, spend my day mentally exhausted and frustrated, and come home, do the menial life tasks I need to in the evenings, go to bed, and then do it all again the next day.

It took me awhile to adjust to an office job. I don't mind having one though I hope to work somewhere else someday (even if it's just a better office job somewhere else) but it took me a longer than I thought to adjust to it. Because I basically do nothing all day. Well I go on Disboards to keep my sanity :rotfl: It definitely helps to have trips to look forward to. When I worked part time in college at the mall I was always doing like 50 thing at once and I barely even got a chance to relax and I always wanted a job like this while I did that so I try to remind myself of that from time to time. Also it's nice to have set daytime hours, and after a string of bad bosses I have a nice one. It's not for everyone though, I know a lot of people who can't imagine working in an office (Josh is one of them). I hope you get to get out of that office soon!

...we couldn't possibly be going again...right....?....RIGHT??



Well. It's tax season, and just a couple weeks ago I found out that I would likely be getting a MUCH larger tax rebate than I expected.

Same here...then it all went to Disney. I wanted to plan an extra trip too but I couldn't get Josh on board with a 4th one :rotfl:

So all of a sudden...we're going to Disney!!...AGAIN!...in, like, 22 days!!



My biggest and saddest regret is that I will JUST miss both @xlsm and @Raeven on their May trips (coming up soo soon!)

(Like, I'm actually SO sad, ladies.)

Aw I was thinking that too!


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