YOLO Part Dos -- A Journey Beyond Your Wildest Imagination Updated 9/9 Trip Video

Just joining in! I love yours and Alicia's TR's and cannot wait to hear about this trip!!
Sam! I'm finely caught up with all your TRs! Thank you so much for taking up the writing for Alicia. I love your trips with your friends. Oh and I also LOVE that a large chunk of your trip video is dedicated to food. Yay food!
I love the room tour, it's such an adorable room! If I ever stay in the family suites, I think I'd want to stay in the Lion King section, but the Nemo section is so cute too! :love:

I love your Disney shoes!!! :cool1:

I've never been to Hoop Dee Doo, can you believe that? I've been to Disney World SO many times, but never Hoop Dee Doo! I loved seeing your family photos from when you guys when there as kids, and that you're keeping that tradition alive on your YOLO trip! :woohoo:
No problem! Ah, thats what I need to do with my next pair then. What do you use to waterproof them? I got them out to look at them and its not as bad as I remember; just some smudging and Tinkerbell looks like a vampire :rotfl2:. Hoop de Doo looks amazing! Next time the family goes on a trip I'll definitely take them there.

I got some water proof spray from payless shoes, so any shoe store should sell it. That is so sad to hear about tinkerbell looking like a vampire!
Hoop Dee Doo is so good, it would be such a fun time!

Wow! Hoop Dee Doo looks like SO much fun. And the food... YUMMY!! I may have to add that into our trip now :)

I love hoop dee doo! It is SO MUCH FUN! If you like dinner shows I highly recommend it.​

It's been far too long since I've visited Hoop Dee Doo. Fun times for sure and the food is great. It looks like y'all had a blast.

You have such talent painting those shoes. What have you made so far?

We had a blast!

thank you! I have 4 pairs of shoes I made myself which include toy story, lilo & stitch, carousel of progress and the 4 park icons. other ones I made include Brittanys, magic kingdom themed, I just finished a pair which were HM on one shoe Epcot on the other.​

Just joining in! I love yours and Alicia's TR's and cannot wait to hear about this trip!!

Welcome, Glad to have you join us on our trip!​

Sam! I'm finely caught up with all your TRs! Thank you so much for taking up the writing for Alicia. I love your trips with your friends. Oh and I also LOVE that a large chunk of your trip video is dedicated to food. Yay food!

Oh wow thank you! haha we really have a love for disney food :rotfl:

I love the room tour, it's such an adorable room! If I ever stay in the family suites, I think I'd want to stay in the Lion King section, but the Nemo section is so cute too! :love:

I love your Disney shoes!!! :cool1:

I've never been to Hoop Dee Doo, can you believe that? I've been to Disney World SO many times, but never Hoop Dee Doo! I loved seeing your family photos from when you guys when there as kids, and that you're keeping that tradition alive on your YOLO trip! :woohoo:

I fell in love with the room. They are so nice, so much room.
You MUST try it. The show is so good and the food is real good too!​
Welcome to District 12

After Hoop Dee Doo we didn’t have anything else planned for the night. Since we were at fort wilderness we could go do the campfire, which we all love. But something else was calling our names.

Alicia took a quick pit stop. Then it was time to go on a lizard hunt!

Just kidding :rotfl:
We were going on a hunt, but for what? Two words….River Country.

For those who don’t know River Country was the first water park at Walt Disney world. It sadly closed in November 2001, some say because of deadly bacteria, others say because of the other 2 water parks it just wasn’t as popular. What ever the case may be River Country still stands but is slowy rotting away.

We made it our mission to find it. Come along if you dare.

After searching on our phones for old maps of the resort, we made a game plan. We started walking our path, no looking back.

Being the good children that we are, we were so nervous and scared of getting caught. What’s the worst they could do tell us to get out? We saw two teenage boys riding their bikes down the path so if they didn't get in trouble than we shouldn't.

That’s when we saw it, the saddest thing you could see on Disney property

I just want to slid down one of the slides, like look at how cool those are! The thing we questioned is why did they close down the pool? I feel like the resort guests could enjoy the pool with the pretty sweet slides. That wasn’t connected to the lake so there wasn’t the bacteria problem.

Anyways next thing we saw was the picnic area or what we like to call district 12. Seriously this would be such a good place to play hunger games in. Where is Peeta?!

Just take a moment to soak up all the sadness that is River Country.
Our hunt came to an end when we were escorted out by Disney security….

Just Kidding! If that happened I would have cried. But like good children we didn’t actually go into River Country (Maybe one day we will have the guts to go exploring around the whole park)

Our River country hunt came to and end

Before we left Fort wilderness all together, there was one last photo we needed to take.

We got in line at the dock where a boat was waiting. As we entered there was a real fun CM he told us to raise the roof as we got on. Too funny! Once again we thought it would be a good idea to squeeze onto a bench all together.

YOLO family love

We were soon arriving at the Magic Kingdom. As we were exiting the boat we decided to raise the roof again, which the CM greatly appreciated.

We headed to the bus stop because a park was just not in our plans for today.
A Disney trip would not be a disney trip without Brittany planking something.

This is when Alicia came up with a new plank

At first she called it the barenecessities, but then realized she wasn’t a fan of it so over the course of the trip we ended up calling it mowgabalooing. Although nobody sat on her like mowgli did to baloo but its ok.

While we waited some more, it turned into hair braiding time. (this will be happening a lot during this trip. Long hair + waiting in lines = braiding hair)

The bus ride back to AoA was a different one. Brittany and me encountered 2 little 3 year old girls wrestling and both of the dads where cheering them on. But it’s all fun and games till someone gets hurt and that’s exactly what happened. One of the girls started crying and was not very happy.

The fun was over, Andy was passed out. NO SLEEPING IN DISNEY!!!!

Boys and girls this is what true love looks like

When we arrived at AoA we browsed the gift shop then went back to the room.

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HDDR looks like you guys had a blast!! I can't wait to get back there in Sept, such good food! Yay for river country! It's totally an area I'd love to explore, never really knew where it was though haha. Maybe next time! Love that you guys thought of the hunger games too!
Hoop Dee Doo looks like so much fun! I really only ever hear about it from you guys, so your post was actually really informative! The funny thing is that the best thing I learned about it is that the show doesn't take place during the same time as the actual eating because I used to wonder how I'd either keep my eyes on the show or be able to eat as much as I'd want if I was too preoccupied. I love the fact that they serve the food in those buckets and such. To me it looks like it'd make the food taste that much better! The part in the video of Brittany nom-ing the ribs makes me super hungry!

Wow, it's hard to believe that there's something so rundown like River Country on Disney property. if it looked that horrible, you'd think that guest wouldn't be able to see it considering how they are with putting up scrims to covers buildings that are under construction.

Haha, you guys look like such hardcore braiders.
Wow, I can't believe you could see River Country so easily! I'm surprised Disney doesn't have totally blocked off. Such a shame. I never went, but it looked so cool!
OMg Bucky n paige are the absoloute best ever!!!! My congratulations to u ,whether number 1 or number 2...if ure a woman or a man we hope u washed your hands our congratulations to u ooh ooh........i know u sang it with me n how could ya not BEST YOUTUBE SONG EVER!!!
Very cute pics! :)

Thank you!​

HDDR looks like you guys had a blast!! I can't wait to get back there in Sept, such good food! Yay for river country! It's totally an area I'd love to explore, never really knew where it was though haha. Maybe next time! Love that you guys thought of the hunger games too!

Thats super exciting! I love the food so much, delicious. We were shocked that we passed it all the time and never really knew how to get there.​

Hoop Dee Doo looks like so much fun! I really only ever hear about it from you guys, so your post was actually really informative! The funny thing is that the best thing I learned about it is that the show doesn't take place during the same time as the actual eating because I used to wonder how I'd either keep my eyes on the show or be able to eat as much as I'd want if I was too preoccupied. I love the fact that they serve the food in those buckets and such. To me it looks like it'd make the food taste that much better! The part in the video of Brittany nom-ing the ribs makes me super hungry!

Wow, it's hard to believe that there's something so rundown like River Country on Disney property. if it looked that horrible, you'd think that guest wouldn't be able to see it considering how they are with putting up scrims to covers buildings that are under construction.

Haha, you guys look like such hardcore braiders.

We're just a big obsessed hoop dee doo family. The only part that the show is going on while eating is when you get your dessert. So I didn't eat as much as I would have because I was to engrossed in the show.
Agreed it's so sad and rundown that I surprised Disney has just left it like that.​

Wow, I can't believe you could see River Country so easily! I'm surprised Disney doesn't have totally blocked off. Such a shame. I never went, but it looked so cool!

It is crazy how much you could see. I don't understand why Disney never did anything about it.​

OMg Bucky n paige are the absoloute best ever!!!! My congratulations to u ,whether number 1 or number 2...if ure a woman or a man we hope u washed your hands our congratulations to u ooh ooh........i know u sang it with me n how could ya not BEST YOUTUBE SONG EVER!!!

The fact that you know that song makes me beyond happy! I sing it all the time, it is just so catchy. I love it!​
Swimming The EAC to Radiator Springs

We didnt have anything planned for the night, Brittany and I talked about going to the boardwalk and exploring over there. We discussed going to DTD to get some ice cream. All we knew was that we needed to put our phones on charge.

We hung out in the room for a while till we figured out what we were going to do.
Andy enjoyed sitting in his chair

The Alicia suggested playing a Yolo favorite& BE THAT STATUE!
Andy was first, be that towel animal

Alicia be Crush!

Next it was Brittanys turn, she thought we were kidding when we told her to just do it on the table but we were for real. So she accepted the challenge

We looked all over the room for something for when we found squirt

Brittany just loves to plank things

After so much excitement in the room we decided to go explore the resort! I was so excited, because it would be Alicia and Brittanys first time experiencing the resort. Andy and I went around doing a photo shoot in January but I was so excited to go around again.

On our way out Alicia wanted to take a swimming photo. What does that mean? Well the carpets in the nemo buildings were water and bubbles.

This is what swimming photos look like

This is what looking cute under the sea looks like

Thats when we heard people coming so we quickly got up. We lingered the hallway and decided to take some more photos down another hallway

My camera was too complex for Andy, he wasnt sure how to zoom in. As I was helping with him, Alicia and Brittany were just laying in the hallway. Thats when this real sweaty guy came walking by. It was a whole lot of awkward, he didnt know what to do, we didnt know what to do. Thats when we realized we were in front of his room. He knocked on the door calling for someone but no one answered. So after a good 3 mins of him knocking on the door, Alicia and Brittany laying on the ground, Andy and I just standing there, he ended up leaving.

Just swimming the EAC

After our swimming photos it was time to go exploring.
First stop Radiator Springs!

Our first order of business was to check out the pool, we needed to sit in one of those cozy cones!

This section was designed perfectly. The lobby is really the way to get to the pool.

Oh my goodness this pool area, I love it!!!

To bad it was real chilly this night so we didn't go swimming. So instead we opted to just take pictures in the Cones :thumbsup2

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I was cracking up about the whole incident that occurred when you guys were swimming in the EAC and the sweaty guy came along! I had to read it to my husband too because it's just too funny picturing this entire scene in my mind. I can only imagine what that guy is telling his friends when he's asked what happened on his vacation!
Sam!! I'm so excited that I found your TR today, and I'm all caught up! :goodvibes I was thinking to myself...I wonder if she every started that TR? So luckily I clicked on your name and here I am! :rotfl:

Love all the HDDR pics, it looks like a really fun way to kick off a trip on the first night! I wouldn't mind having some strawberry shortcake right about now either.

Swimming in the halls looks like tons of fun until a sweaty man is trying to get in his room. :lmao: I can just picture how that all went down...must have been hilarious!

Yay, looking forward to the rest! :yay:
LOVE those swimming in the hall pics! Such a fun idea!

Thank you! I feel like people would have looked at use weirdly, good thing no one was around.​

I was cracking up about the whole incident that occurred when you guys were swimming in the EAC and the sweaty guy came along! I had to read it to my husband too because it's just too funny picturing this entire scene in my mind. I can only imagine what that guy is telling his friends when he's asked what happened on his vacation!

It was sooo awkward. But thinking back it was probably more awkward for him then the four of us. He probably told his family all about it once he found them. :rotfl:

Sam!! I'm so excited that I found your TR today, and I'm all caught up! :goodvibes I was thinking to myself...I wonder if she every started that TR? So luckily I clicked on your name and here I am! :rotfl:

Love all the HDDR pics, it looks like a really fun way to kick off a trip on the first night! I wouldn't mind having some strawberry shortcake right about now either.

Swimming in the halls looks like tons of fun until a sweaty man is trying to get in his room. :lmao: I can just picture how that all went down...must have been hilarious!

Yay, looking forward to the rest! :yay:

Sorry I didn't link this report to my last one, silly me.
I could eat that strawberry shortcake every day of my life. There was a whole lot of awkward in that situation, I hope he found his family and was able to get in his room to take a shower.​
Welcome to the Cozy Cone

We were super excited too sit in a cozy cone. Alicia and Andy made themselves at home.

Looks like we got a creeper creeping through the window :rotfl:

Then it was my turn to try out the cozy cone, I have been waiting for this moment my entire life

Andy thought he was so funny peeking in through the window, he was smiling so big. Alicia decided to show him what a real creeper looks like.

After so much excitement wrapped up in ten minutes we left our cozy cone and went to explore more of Radiator Springs!

We tried real hard to take nice photos

But we wanted to be different from everyone else and decided to be creative

Mowgabalooing time

The rules are pretty much if Alicia Mowgabaloos Brittany needs to plank. Therefore it was Brittanys turn.

Alicia then ran over to where Fillmore was and said she had the best idea for a photo.

After being run over we made our way to see Luigi and Guido

We didnt spend a lot of time here because we needed to go visit everyones favorite tow truck


CAUTION: the next photo can be traumatizing for people

Silly Mater Brittany isnt food.

We then found some hobos living in Maters trunk&.

The cars section has to be the best-designed section at AoA. It feels like you are actually at Radiator Springs. As we were leaving Alicia asked us if we wanted to move to a cars room half way through our stay, unfortunately we did not. But one day I will stay in them.

We left Radiator Springs because we had 2 other sections to explore tonight

We were off on a crazy adventure!

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Haha, those creeper photos and the Mater ones are the BEST!


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