Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirate's Life for We Halloween *2012* PTR has begun!

My husband is working on uploading all our pics but I thought I would get started and I can add the pics as they become available.

Well we were scheduled to leave at 5am and we did pretty well as we actually picked up coffee from my sister at the local convinence store and were out of town by 512 am.

When we left Malta Montana behind there was 3 1/2 feet of snow in our front yard and the temperature was 11 degrees below 0. Still the Big Sky was clear although still dark.

Our little town is in the far Northeast corner of Montana a 3 1/2 hour drive West to Great Falls and a 3 1/2 hour drive south to Billings where our flight was from this time. 3 1/2 hours is on a good weather day but according to Accuweather both our outbound and inbound days would have 30 degrees above highs so the driving should be OK.

It was still dark outside and Colton was asleep 10 minutes into the drive, Although I had not slept at all (Brant did sleep as he was driving) I stayed up until it got light outside to help watch for deer.

Just at dawn we saw a Doe near the edge of the road and although she was headed away from the road Brant started to slow down just in case. As we came up next to her she abruptly changed direction and darted into the road she hit us head on hard.

She got up and ran off so no telling what her ultimate condition was but we pulled over to assess what we thought would be major front end damage to our vehicle. The only damage inside was a wide awake kid and spilled coffee.

Do not ask me how because it should have been much worse but headlights, grill etc were all fine we were very lucky all around/ When I texted my sister from Round-up Montana where we had cell signal again she texted back that it was bad Karma to hit Bambi on the way to Disneyland. I really hope she was OK but since she took off we will never know.

The rest of the drive was uneventful thank goodness except for the fact that we reached the airport at 830am only 3 hours and 18 minutes from leaving Malta. Checked our car into long term parking and went to brave airport check in on a holiday.

I had done online check-in from the car on my droid so we dropped off our bag and headed for security.

We had no problems with security after all my stressing about it, maybe because we were at a relatively small airport that was pretty busy. Just checked the names on the ID matched the boarding passes and checked holograms.

We were past the hurdles and on our way to DL!

While sitting waiting for our plane Brant realizes he forgot his cell phone in the car. He got up to go get it, I stopped him as I was afraid that trying to go through security twice was tempting fate with his ID situation and I went out to get it, leaving my phone behind with him.

Well we had aparantly gotten through security the first time just before it got busy so I am waiting in line for my turn when my husbands cell phone rings and it is Colton (DS6) completely stressing that I am taking too long as they are making announcements that boarding will start shortly. The conversation had everyone in line and the TSA agents laughing as I tried to get him off the phone so I could send it through the scanner.

Well I made it back to our gate in plenty of time and we boarded without incident. All 3 of us were asleep shortly after leaving the ground. Brant & I awoke to the smell of those amazing Frontier cookies baking. What a small thing those chocolate chip cookies are but wow they are looked forward to whenever we fly with Frontier.

Woke Colton up when the cart reached us so he could get his cookie and milk.
Then we went back to sleep. I was a little annoyed when the Flight Attendant woke us again but it was to tell us the in flight TV was free for all passengers under 12 since it was Christmas Day. So Colton happily started watching Disney Channel as I never pay for the TV on a short flight this was a real treat for him.

We landed in Denver, went and grabbed some smothered fries from the terminal to eat on the fly LOL.

Our layover was only 25 minutes so when we got back from grabbing our fries we
jumped on our next flight from Denver to SNA.

Landed at SNA 40 minutes early at 205pm picked up our bag and waited about 10 minutes for the DL Resort Express. When Colton saw that bus with the castle on the side he just about lost it. He was so excited we were here!
I'm reading, glad to hear your first portion, can't wait to see more!

It's always good to hear from those following along..You can see how many people come by when you see your views but it is so much nicer to hear from those that are aboard in person! Thanks for reading!
Oh deer, oh deer.

No kidding! You think eventually the deer would figure out they cant win against a truck? No matter how closely you watch them they can surprise you. I think we were lucky we had slowed down otherwise it could have been much worse.
We hopped aboard the DL resort express where they were playing Alvin & the Chipmunks on the TV which made Colton happy. (every other bus/shuttle paled in comparison for him after this) Why weren't they playing a Disney movie though?

However at the first glimpse of the mountains (space & matterhorn) the movie was forgotten. I remember as a child seeing the matterhorn from the freeway (space wasn't there yet wow does that age me? Well when Space debuted I was still too short to ride it)
What a magical moment seeing Colton seeing it for the first time.

We checked into the Quality Inn across from HoJo (what a rude woman at that desk WOW!) settled in and showered so we could head out to DTD.

By the way another thing about the Quality Inn first the water in the sink had to run for like 2-3 minutes before it stopped being brown and when I grabbed the top towel off the rack in the bathroom it was wet and brown like something had leaked on it Yuck! When I mentioned it to the rude woman at the front desk she said something like the other towels were ok right? Seriously!

We wandered around in World of Disney for a couple of hours...man we could spend all day in there and not see everything!

Then we watched candy apples being made in the window Minnie Mouse & Jack Skellington this time.

Then on to the promised Lego store advising we were just looking because I didn't want to haul legos to Goofy's for dinner. This is when meltdown #1 happened he saw the giraffe, Darth Vadar etc then saw that overpriced Death Star kit. Telling him that 1 medium sized or 2 smaller kits were what he was getting didn't work we dragged him out of the store and sat on a planter trying to calm him down. Remember at this point we had been up since 330am travelling and it was about 730pm we still had an hour until dinner with Goofy and I was not at all sure any of us were going to make it.

Once we had him calmed down we decided to head for the DLH and check in for dinner a little early hoping we could get in if not early at least on time so we could get back to the hotel and get some much needed sleep before tomorrow. All 3 of us were overtired at this point.

We got to Goofys and waited in the first of many long lines just to find out they were running an hour behind so we would likely not be seated until 930pm. We snapped some photos in the car and at what I assume was Santa's spot before Christmas. Checked out the photo gallery and the old souvineer wall. It's amazing how many of these were my childhood souvineers wish I knew what happened to them all.







Went in the little theatre and watched some of our favorite disney shorts..Goofy on skiing, Plutos sweater etc I fell asleep in my DH's lap still waiting.

Woke up shortly after 9pm and we wandered back out to the waiting area to see what was going on. It was empty except for Goofy and his photographer & one CM at the desk. Had pics done with Goofy and since there was no one else there Colton got to play with Goofy for about 20 minutes. The Goofy CM was really good with him and I was glad his 1st character interaction was going so well.




Finally they took us upstairs at 940pm the waiter took our drink orders and Colton & I went to get some food while Brant stayed with the camers etc. While we were gone getting food a couple of characters stopped by to see Brant.




While Brant was getting his food the Character manager stopped at our table and informed us she was taking the characters back to the park and if we wanted any more pics we needed to get up and chase down the characters we wanted. We had been at our 90 minute character meal for 10 minutes and all the characters were leaving. I was in shock but managed to drag my son for 1 pic before they all left the room.


I got up from the table and walked over to the carving station as I did not want Colton to see the angry tears running down my face. The CM working the carving station asked me if I was going to be OK. Our table was very close to his station and he had seen the whole thing play out. He was very concerned and advised me to talk to the restaurant manager as well as writing a letter about our experience. None of the CMs are very happy about the Goofy's ballroom idea believe me as I talked to several of them. They are just not used to the disappointment that has been going on since the move.

The only reason I was the one crying and not my son was that he had gotten that 20 minutes of quality one on one time with Goofy which was what he wanted out of it. I was severly disappointed however.

On top of no characters the buffet was half empty they were out of virtually all the side items. However we had been traveling and were starving we were going to eat no matter what as there was no way my blood sugar or my son was going to wait while we found an alternate eating establishment then waited for a table again.

Eric the restaurant manager came over and we talked at length. I advised him of how good Goofy had been with my son and that he was the only reason I didn't have a more disappointed child. But that I was severly disappointed as what we paid for was a 90 minute character experience not a half empty buffet and 10 minutes of characters. I advised him a better way to have handled this was back at 8pm to let us know we weren't going to make it in before the characters had to leave (they knew they were an hour behind at that point because they advised me of that). We would have been disappointed but we could have had the option of going elsewhere to eat and making reservations at Goofys for later in the week. I can tell you the problem with the set up for the character meals is that there are 2 managers each with their own agenda the restaurant manager and the character manager. If Disney is going to sell these character meals the characters need to be dedicated to the restaurants not running off to do something else. It is a recipe for just the kind of disaster that this meal was. I am not adverse to trying Goofy's again at a later date once he is back in his correct location but this was horrible (however the ham from the carving station was fantastic).

Eric asked if we would be there for another 10 - 15 minutes as he needed to check on something but wanted to see us again before we left. We hadn't had dessert yet so I agreed. (the mini pumpkin pies were really good)

When Eric returned to our table he handed me an envolope with a complete refund of the cost of our meal. Never asked for that just wanted him to know how we felt but the gesture was appreciated. At this point in a trip that was to include 4 character meals I was apprehensive at best.

When we left Goofy's it was pouring rain and we popped in to World of
Disney and bought Colton's first pair of Mickey ears and a Mickey Mouse lightsaber. Then we went back to the hotel for some sleep as we planned to do our magic morning on Sunday.

As Scarlett said "Tomorrow is another day!"
Sorry Goofy's kitchen was such a bad experience. I am glad they reimbursed you though.
It wasn't really 100% a bad experience. What food was there was good and the CMs were very good and very caring. We were just plain exhausted or it probably wouldn't have come to tears on my part but really the truth is if someone is seated for a character meal at 940pm then the characters should be there for 90 minutes after the last seating. This is what they advertise.
Well, I will not stay at the Quality Inn. That would have made me a bit rageful.

I love the World of Disney store and I could spend hours in there. And I have.

As far as DS melting down in the Lego store, after I have been up as many hours as he had been I would have been melting down too. Not to mention all of the stimulation.:hug:

As far as Goofy's Kitchen goes I think they dropped the ball. They need to manage it a bit better it sounds like it to me. I am sorry that it was so bad. I prefer Goofy's in the morning.

I am thrilled your little one got all that time with Goofy. That sounds great, and the pictures are wonderful.
Well, I will not stay at the Quality Inn. That would have made me a bit rageful.

I love the World of Disney store and I could spend hours in there. And I have.

As far as DS melting down in the Lego store, after I have been up as many hours as he had been I would have been melting down too. Not to mention all of the stimulation.:hug:

As far as Goofy's Kitchen goes I think they dropped the ball. They need to manage it a bit better it sounds like it to me. I am sorry that it was so bad. I prefer Goofy's in the morning.

I am thrilled your little one got all that time with Goofy. That sounds great, and the pictures are wonderful.

Yep I am quite upset with Quality Inn Thankfully we only had to stay there one night. However we have stayed at the other Quality Inn near the park and been quite happy not sure what is wrong at this one but I have been on the phone with the higher ups since the woman at the desk was so rude we shall see what comes of that.

Over the course of our trip I'm sure we spent many hours in that store we popped in 5 or 6 times.

Everyone told us to do Goofy's for breakfast but we wanted a "special" Christmas Dinner and neither Napa Rose or steakhouse 55 etc would have been Coltons idea of special. Thank god for Goofy as far as Colton was concerned he played with Goofy and got some food he was happy.
Yep I am quite upset with Quality Inn Thankfully we only had to stay there one night. However we have stayed at the other Quality Inn near the park and been quite happy not sure what is wrong at this one but I have been on the phone with the higher ups since the woman at the desk was so rude we shall see what comes of that.

Over the course of our trip I'm sure we spent many hours in that store we popped in 5 or 6 times.

Everyone told us to do Goofy's for breakfast but we wanted a "special" Christmas Dinner and neither Napa Rose or steakhouse 55 etc would have been Coltons idea of special. Thank god for Goofy as far as Colton was concerned he played with Goofy and got some food he was happy.

Isn't it amazing how easily kids are made happy.

You know I never used to complain about bad service or anything. But somewhere along the line I thought wait a minute I am paying good money for this service. I have learned the internet can be your friend in such things. And you were right that Goofy's was a better choice for dinner with a little one.
Sounds like a bit of a rough first day. I will scratch Quality Inn off my list. That is unfortunate it was such a mess.

Glad your DS enjoyed dinner, even with all the stress involved. I hope your trip improved after the first night!
You know I never used to complain about bad service or anything. But somewhere along the line I thought wait a minute I am paying good money for this service. I have learned the internet can be your friend in such things. And you were right that Goofy's was a better choice for dinner with a little one.

Too true in my 20s when my girls were little I would have just steamed & let it go.
Add another 20 years and I value the money I spend way too much to be this disappointed and I always try to think of the next families that will continue to have the same problem over & over if no one speaks up.
Sounds like a bit of a rough first day. I will scratch Quality Inn off my list. That is unfortunate it was such a mess.

Glad your DS enjoyed dinner, even with all the stress involved. I hope your trip improved after the first night!

That first day was brutal. Not to spoil the surprise but it definitely even with all the crowds got better from there....We had some magical moments and even some pixie dust.
So no death star? Isn't that the most expensive reguarl set ever?

Anyway knowing your spirits were up later in the weak I am very much looking forward to your reports on the more rested days.
So no death star? Isn't that the most expensive reguarl set ever?

Anyway knowing your spirits were up later in the weak I am very much looking forward to your reports on the more rested days.

Ya no Death Star $400.00 seriously? It was the most expensive one I saw in the DTD store or anywhere else I've ever bought legos. DH has been trying to map out what parts they will need to build it then we will paint some of his 10 million legos with model paint. We did buy some smaller Star Wars sets that included the "people" from the death star set like Darth Vadar etc. So if they pull this off we will have built the death star for about $40.00 saving 90% and this mom likes a bargain.
Great start to the TR (although not great start to the trip!)!!

Every time we get close to DL and see TOT and the Matterhorn from the freeway, it doesn't matter what else is going on, we all point it out and get that excited flutter in the stomach going.

Sorry about Goofy's - what a mess. We have only once eaten there - a splurge for my boys birthdays (their birthdays are a month apart) on one of our first trips - and while not the disaster yours was, not a good experience at all. The few characters that even came near us spent a total of a minute a piece - they didn't even try to engage my boys - and the place was mostly empty. We had paid for birthday bags and stuff too, so they could see that it was a special event. We've never been back and doubt we ever will - just not worth the money.

My boys are teens (and of course the adult - my DH) and they all want that Death Star - on one of our last trips I had given my DH a certificate for a Lego as part of his birthday presents and as soon as we walked in, they all headed to it and then the teens were outraged when I said no. Luckily, I had put on the certificate a "small" one, so I was covered, lol. So it doesn't go away. If your DS and DH succeed in making one, please post pictures AND instructions! :worship:

Can't wait to read more, especially with your teases....
Ya no Death Star $400.00 seriously? It was the most expensive one I saw in the DTD store or anywhere else I've ever bought legos. DH has been trying to map out what parts they will need to build it then we will paint some of his 10 million legos with model paint. We did buy some smaller Star Wars sets that included the "people" from the death star set like Darth Vadar etc. So if they pull this off we will have built the death star for about $40.00 saving 90% and this mom likes a bargain.

My boys are teens (and of course the adult - my DH) and they all want that Death Star - on one of our last trips I had given my DH a certificate for a Lego as part of his birthday presents and as soon as we walked in, they all headed to it and then the teens were outraged when I said no. Luckily, I had put on the certificate a "small" one, so I was covered, lol. So it doesn't go away. If your DS and DH succeed in making one, please post pictures AND instructions! :worship:

Can't wait to read more, especially with your teases....

Death Star instructions, though this I believe is and older model.

Joining in:goodvibes

So sorry to hear about your bad experience at Goofy's...it's always been one of our favorites.

Why was it moved from its normal location to the ballroom??

Hopefully your other character meals made up for this one


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