Yeti Vision Level 2

kitashus said:
Hmmm...piratedash and I just played twice...and got to the "get a code" page but then it just takes us to the main Yeti page...WITHOUT a code. :confused3 So I don't know what it going on.

That happens if you play, get the code, and then play again without closing the window with the code from the first time. It happened to me, and I was like ARRRGGG then I figured out why. Once you copy the code, close that window before you play again!

I just played episode 2 and it said the prize was the room, but where the code was supposed to be, there was a big black bar! Gr..... but I did get a pin (or 30 credits) from episode 1. Oh well, maybe they will fix it for later today.....
Well since I just read all of this and havent played level 2 yet, I think I'll wait until tonight when I get back home to try it (and let them get the bugs worked out). Good luck today y'all. ;)
All of you are lucky! I can't even play Yeti Vision, because when I try to get into the train station it kept freezing on me! Could anyone be kind enough to pm an everest room and train cart code??
I got a room for episode 2 as well; but it says it is everest room. I don't understand though...

I hope that if I do get it to work, that they won't ban me.
DarkSideMoon said:
i finish it but get a black prize screen and it kicks me to the main menu. Thanks vmk, for another lousy job.

yeah same here. I even turned my virus stuff off..thinking it was the problem not being able to get to the internet or something. It goes to the black screen with the little arrow and just sits there...and if i push a button it says....that i need coal and fire in it to start the train....but its already lit when i go to the coal and just sit there in the train with everything done :) I was like hmmm lets just try to play level two maybe level one doesn't like me....but now it says..i haven't finished level one? SOOOO yep...i am kinda mad. :) I am going to uninstall it and try again...I wonder if having dial up has anything to do with it. ? If anyone has any ideas...or solutions PLEASE feel free to message me LOL. I sooooo want to play!
Just an update. Last night, the code page finally came up for us, so we got some codes. I just tried putting one of them in and the code still does not work for the room. So hopefully they will have it working soon.
I have not tried Yeti today yet, I am going to in a few minutes. Does anyone know if the room codes will be one time use per character (like each character can only use one room code) or can we get many? If so everyone will have about 20 room codes lol. That would make sense, for the ride making.

Oh, the game works fine for me, and I can beat it pretty fast so once the correct codes start coming out, anyone who cannot play can PM me and I will get you a code!


I have play many times and have put all the codes in and they have worked fine. My son got two of the rooms, my daughter one, my sister one, her son one, and I sold three (100 credits each). This was all on the same computer.

Momie said:

I have play many times and have put all the codes in and they have worked fine. My son got two of the rooms, my daughter one, my sister one, her son one, and I sold three (100 credits each). This was all on the same computer.


Hi Momie! How are you?! Long time no see :)

Thanks for the help, I am going to try and play now and see what gives....selling the rooms for 100 credits will really help my depleted bank account! I spend every dime of the 5,000+ credits I had saved up, on Sunday to get as much blue stuff as possible. I thought it was going off sale by Monday, and didn't know it was on sale until Sunday at 11pm when the game was being wacky. So I did not have time to make a mule. Silly me, I should have known the items would stay since they were not in the Emporium specials!


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