Yeeha - A fistful of Euros! Part 5

A Small World

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Feb 22, 2007
Trip report part 5- - Yeeha -A fistful of Euros!

Wednesday 26th March

Me - 5th time to DLP
DH - 5th time to DLP
DD (8) - 5th time to DLP
DS (21) - 1st time to DLP but has been to WDW 3 times but not for over 10 yrs

We had decided to go into the main park early today to make the most of EMH however DS had decided he didn’t want to get up so early so we had arranged where to meet him the night before. We had set the phone for a Goofy alarm call but it didn’t work properly. Fortunately we were awake but it’s a good job as it didn’t ring –it just gave a quiet buzz and flashed, certainly not enough to wake you up. Anyhow we were awake already. We had booked breakfast at 7.00 (aaargghhhh!!!! – I don’t do mornings!!!!) so DD and I had decided we didn’t want to go that early so DH went on his own with instructions to bring us back a pain au chocolat and croissant. While he was having breakfast we got up and dressed and made a cup of tea. He then returned with a selection of goodies for us. DD munched on a pain au chocolat but I still didnt want anything so took some with me in my bag for later.
We walked along the river and lake to the park and found quite a crowd waiting for EMH. Just as we got there they opened the bag check area and we were through quickly.

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We had decided to hit Fantasyland first, then Discoveryland then queue for the Princesses before the rest of the guests got in. First ride was Peter Pan which we then rode again, and again and again – 4 times in a row with no wait at all (It would have taken us over 4 hours to do that later in the day.) DS cant understand why we often ride things twice in a row but it gives us chance to spot things we’ve missed. Ive never noticed the cars driving along the London Streets until I heard them mentioned on this board but then when I saw them I couldn’t understand how Ive not noticed them. Anyhow we decided 4 turns were enough so we headed to Dumbo. It was still very quiet in the park so we were able to have an elephant each. We then had a 2nd go but it was a bit busier this time so DH and I shared as DD wanted to ride alone.
It was then over to the Carrousel and then onto Snow White which again we rode twice.
We then made our way into Discoveryland where we rode Buzz. There was quite a long queue but it moved quickly.

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For the first time ever (and never to be repeated so far) I beat DH. He gets quite competitive on this ride so I don’t usually expect to win so I was delighted. DD and I then rode it again. (DH obviously couldn’t face being beaten again!!!) DD wanted to be in charge of steering and kept turning it the wrong way however she told me later she did it deliberately to stop me hitting the targets easily – Crafty!!!
As it was getting almost time for the hordes to be allowed in we decided to go and queue for the Princesses. A lot of other people had had the same idea and there was already a queue. We joined it and Cinderella came first. Whilst we were still in line DS came and found us so we sent him to join the queue for Winnie the Pooh. We were almost at the front of the queue when Cinderella went and Snow White came to take her place.

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She chatted to DD asking her name etc. We then went to rescue DS in the Winnie the Pooh queue (well join him as he decided to stay in the queue to meet Winnie as well). Again we were almost at the front when Winnie needed to take a comfort break but he returned very quickly.

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I cant remember exactly what we did after this but we didn’t have long before our lunch reservation at Lucky Nugget – we had reserved for 12.00. We may have done Small World on route or may have just wandered through the park looking at the scenery and theming.
Anyhow we arrived at Lucky Nugget just before 12.00 and were seated in the centre of the room. It was the first time we had been here and were really looking forward to it. We ordered drinks and then decided to quickly grab some starters before the characters appeared. DH, DS and I got a selection of things and DD had some soup – I tasted it as well and it was delicious.
The characters started coming round, First Pluto (Im sure he must have been following us as he seemed to be everywhere) then Goofy (who insulted the size of DHs stomach), then Eeyore and Donald. Some children were leaving their table to go to the characters but most were really good and we got visits from them all. Whilst eating we were also entertained by the band on stage. We had just got our main course – Nuggets and fries for DD, a varied selection including Chicken, Tortillas, Rice, Pasta, Pork, vegetables and other things for us- when the 2nd lot of characters appeared. This time it was Prince John, Baloo and Mickey. By now it was much busier so there were more tables for them to visit. Baloo was struggling to get through to some tables but made a joke of it and managed to squeeze through eventually. Prince John was being very mean and throwing things on the floor- pens, coats off the back of chairs, serviettes etc. DD decided if she blew him lots of kisses he would be nice to her but no he still scowled, grabbed her autograph book off her and threw her pen on the floor. We suddenly realised Mickey was about to go without visiting us so DH and DD quickly ran across to where they were to grab a photo. No problem Mickey was happy to wait to allow her to get an autograph and photo.

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The deserts were delicious – crepes, fruit salad, chocolate mousses, rice pudding, chocolate cake, other cakes, yoghurts, ice lollies, cheese etc etc. We had to make 2 visits!!!!!! We then had a coffee as well by which time the original characters had come out again. By now it was a bit quieter again so Pluto and Donald visited again then Pluto again (Told you he’s following us).
After all that food we needed a gentle ride so went on Phantom Manor then onto the Steamboat. We then wandered over to Woody’s round up to try and see him and again were disappointed (you may remember we just missed him on last week). This time the CMs weren’t letting anyone else into the queue – well at least that was better than queueing and him then walking away.
We decided to go and see the Winnie the Pooh show so wandered over to Fantasyland only to get there and realise it was only on at weekends – I had only glanced at the programme and not read it properly. We decided to go on the train so walked up to Fantasyland station We didn’t have to wait at all- there was a train there and we got seats although in different compartments at first. After one stop we were able to get seats together. There was a big queue at the other stations and even though there were seats they didn’t fill the train and there was a whole compartment empty at one point. We stayed on all the way round then for an extra stop and got off at Discoveryland.
We then went to see Honey I Shrunk the Audience ( I think we did this today), did Nautilus and noticed there was a very short queue at Buzz (unusual) so decided to introduce DS to Buzz which he really liked – he and DH became very competitive over their scores.
After this we went to join the queue for the Lion King show. I wish they’d bring back the ticket system for this show as its just chaos. We were about half way down the queuing area and they started letting people in a few at a time (the people after us were stopped) however when we got in the middle area was full and most of the left hand side but they were directing everyone over to the left. We followed everyone else but couldn’t see any seats at all but the CMs were still waving people down that way. We turned to go back but the CMs were still trying to make us sit there. They then realised there were no seats so told us to go over to the other side but by then they had let lots of other people in and so the seats on the right were also full. There were some full rows empty at the back but they weren’t letting anyone sit on those. (I know they need to keep so many for disabled guests and family but it seemed an awful lot). We managed to get seats eventually but only because people squeezed up to let us in and we weren’t together. There were a lot of people after us still looking for seats and at one point they tried to sit on the steps but were moved on by CMs. Im sure people just wander into the seats once they see people starting to sit down. They know roughly how many they can seat each time and at least by having the tickets you were more guaranteed a seat. Anyhow rant over….. the show was excellent as usual and we were in a good position just by the aisle where the characters come – DD was delighted when Nala shook her hand.

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We then went for a drink in Hyperion and whilst in there the French version of the show started so we watched the first part of it again.
After this we decided to wander over to Frontierland again. Im not sure if we did any other rides on route or not- possibly Buzz again or possibly POC I think but we really wanted to ride BTM and had not been able to get FPs that day- the times were wrong earlier on and then they’d all gone. We also wanted to ride it in the dark as it was something we’d not done before. So we decided to join the queue for it. We don’t normally queue for rides – we prefer to use FP or ride early/late when lines are almost non existent. The time said 30 mins wait so we decided to join the queue. It wasn’t too bad as there was lots to look at (we’ve only used the normal queue area once before so not really seen most of the themeing) and it was constantly moving. At this stage it was also still light so we figured the longer we left it the more chance there was of it being dark. When we eventually rode it it was just getting dark- another 5/10 m ins would have been perfect. When the ride finished we all started saying again again so we got off and decided to joint the queue again. DS thought we were mad at first and that it seemed silly queuing for another 30 minutes to do the same ride again but the queue was shorter. Also when it went through the part where it first separates and it tells you to use both sides we noticed there was no one queuing on the left side so we took that lane. We walked and walked and got almost to the front before we found the queue. What amazed us was that everyone was looking at us as though we were jumping the queue (but the lane was open) but no one else changed queues. They were happy to stand in the long queue and wait. In the end it meant we queued about 5 minutes and it was dark when we rode it. Fantastic – you get a great view of the park and the lights from up there.
By this time the park was about to close so we wandered over to Caseys for hotdogs before we left. We sat inside and enjoyed them.
As we were leaving Mickey was waving Goodbye to everyone.

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We called into the Station on the way past to buy our train tickets for tomorrow as we planned another day in Paris.
We thought about going to Newport Bay to the bar there but were too tired so instead intended returning to Cheyenne and then going to the bar there for a drink but as soon as we got in the room we lay on the bed and within 2 minutes I actually fell asleep.
I woke up for just long enough to get undressed and then climbed into bed to fall asleep again totally exhausted but ready for another busy day in Paris.
The Lion King show looks super exciting.

My family gets competitive on Buzz too!

Snow White looks very bundled but good she doesn't get too cold. I don't think I've ever seen her in long sleeves, kind of fun!

And the sight of Mickey waving good-bye, just gets me all teary-eyed for some reason. Can't wait to see him!
Another great day with lovely photos:thumbsup2
Excellent well detailed TR, this is the first one I have read, now must go back and check out your other days.

We loved the Lucky Nugget too but it is hard for the 'larger' characters to get around the dance floor. Eeyore got stuck on our visit.

I've never been in in EMH but it definitely seems to make a difference :thumbsup2

Sounds like a great day :goodvibes
What a lovely day. :goodvibes We enjoy the Lucky Nugget too.

Oh dear, although it was a drag having to queue for tickets then queue again to get into the Lion King show, at least it guaranteed you a seat. :sad2:
Thanks for sharing your day with us. Sounds like you had some great chracter interaction in The Lucky Nugget.:goodvibes I'm glad the frustration with The Lion King didn't upset your day and that you still enjoyed the show.


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