Year of the Mouse – An AP TR -Leap Day PTR

Oh I'm so jealous of all your trips this year! I get to go on one and I am beyond excited! I'll be following along and living vicariously. :)
You do get your exercise on a Disney vacation that's for sure! Looking forward to more of your TR....HINT popcorn::

I know. Mantra! But so much unpacking to do. I will try and put both days up tonight so I can start my PTR for the next trip.

Oh I'm so jealous of all your trips this year! I get to go on one and I am beyond excited! I'll be following along and living vicariously. :)

Thank you for joining! It is a lot of trips, but I have to get as much in as I can before going back to school. Milk the AP!
I forgot to add that while we were at the French Market eating these

We saw this dude

Joy said he's from a show on the Disney channel. More importantly, he's Ted's future son on How I Met Your Mother! :yay: My first celebrity sighting while at DLR! :cool2:
January 2012:Day Two

I almost wish I took notes. I’m forgetting what we did and when we did it!

Our second day at DLR was a Friday. It was the first day of DLR’s Three Kings’ Day Celebration, the first day the Jolly Holiday Bakery was open, and the first time my friend Ayit brought her daughter to DLR! There were several other big firsts, but we’ll get to those.

I believe this morning Joy and I skipped the breakfast at the Cortona Inn and went straight to Mickey and Friends so we could make it to the park by rope drop. I’m a firm believer in early mornings at the park. This drives B (my DBF) crazy as he is not a morning person. That is why he is only going on one of my Disney trips this year! :lmao:


First ride of the day, because Joy is nuts, was Space Mountain. I think she also made us get FPs too. I rode Space so many times the last trip I think I’m going to skip it all together next time. ;) After Space we went on the Matterhorn. It was Joy’s first Yeti experience. We got in line on the Tomorrowland side.


Here’s one of Kogal waiting in line.

After Matterhorn we hit Star Tours standby, grabbed a pair of FPs for later, and headed to Riverbell Terrace for some breakfast. We rode HMH after breakfast, visited Tarzan’s Treehouse, and hit Frontierland for a little Three Kings’ strawberry churros!


This is my pirate face pirate:





My friend Ayit let me know that she and Munch (short for Munchkin, what she calls her baby girl) we’re still on the way down from LA. After getting FPs for Indiana Jones, Joy and I decided to check out the new Jolly Holiday Bakery. I was so excited! I got to meet Oscar for the first time! :worship:

Thanks for 55 years of magic!

Kogal and her Practically Perfect Punch

When Ayit and the Munch arrived, we headed over to DCA to eat at Paradise Garden Grill. We also got FPs for Soarin, rode Little Mermaid, Heimlich’s Chew Chew Train, and Ladybug Boogie. Ladybug Boogie is not fun with a 9 month old. Babies aren’t allowed to stay in your lap for that one, and they can’t really sit by themselves when you’re in a spinning ladybug. Argh. :scared1:

We headed back to DLR to catch Billy Hill and company at the Golden Horseshoe and cruised the park for photo ops.

First character meet!

First time meeting Mickey Mouse!



It was almost time for WoC so we went back to DCA (I love park hopping!) to collect our WoC picnics and snag a spot for the show. Joy and Ayit both got the Mediterranean veggie things. I got the antipasto. I think the antipasto is my new favorite. The tiramisu is delicious and the smell of the thing definitely clears the area a little! I had LOTS of room in the blue zone once folks got a whiff of that pepperocini! :eek:

After WoC we rode Soarin. Joy got to ride twice since we did child swap. Munch was getting tired so Ayit headed home while Joy and I went back to DLR (I love park hopping!) to use up our FP stash.

Kogal on Indie

We rode Star Tours, Space Mountain, HMH, and Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones broke down while we were on it. It was our vehicle that broke. It broke right in front of the skeleton that pops out of its little coffin thingy. Not fun. Not magical. I never want to see that ride with the lights on again. Sooo not magical. :sad2:

That did it for us. A Dole whip and a pit stop to In-N-Out and we called it a night.

NEXT UP: Blue Bayou, Holiday Tour, and Fantasmic!
WOW you got some wonderful pictures. I don't know where to start... well maybe I do.

The one of you and your friend with Tink in front to the tree was GREAT. :thumbsup2 I love the one with the baby and Mickey for the first time.

You met Oscar you lucky girl! When we were there we had lunch at Carnation Cafe the day before it closed. What day were you at the new bakery?

We love park hopping too! You don't have to feel guilty at all for the delicious looking Churro after walking back and forth many times a day.

Your fastpass collecting was top notch!

So glad I checked my email for updates before bedtime! :surfweb:
Very nice photos.

Got to do a lot of rides that day and get to meet Chef Oscar is always great.
WOW you got some wonderful pictures. I don't know where to start... well maybe I do.

The one of you and your friend with Tink in front to the tree was GREAT. :thumbsup2 I love the one with the baby and Mickey for the first time.

You met Oscar you lucky girl! When we were there we had lunch at Carnation Cafe the day before it closed. What day were you at the new bakery?

We love park hopping too! You don't have to feel guilty at all for the delicious looking Churro after walking back and forth many times a day.

Your fastpass collecting was top notch!

So glad I checked my email for updates before bedtime! :surfweb:

You know I have never been to the Carnation Cafe! We got there the day after it closed. We went to the bakery that Friday. To be honest, I wasn't a fan of the gingerbread I got there. I like the ones at Pooh, Marcelines, and the one they give you on the tour better. The picture with Chef Oscar was my profile pic on facebook for awhile.

Munchkin had a great time! I should upload the video of her dancing at the Golden Horseshoe. It's adorable!

Very nice photos.

Got to do a lot of rides that day and get to meet Chef Oscar is always great.

Thanks, Brett! I'm glad I finally met him!
January 2012:Day Three

By day three I was EXHAUSTED. I usually like to get to the turnstiles before park opening, take a few hours off in the afternoon to have a nap and go to In-N-Out or Sprinkles cupcakes, and head back to the park and stay until closing. The naps make me happy. I need the naps to stay sane. Joy didn’t need naps. She park hopped with Senorita Cranky Pants on day three. :headache:

Joy tried to wake me up an hour and a half before DLR opened, but I wasn’t having it. It was our last day, and we had to check out before leaving the Cortona Inn. We didn’t make it to the parks until DCA opened. We rode Soarin and then headed to Paradise Pier to ride California Screamin. We grabbed FPs, rode standby, then used our FPs.

Last day! Make it count!

Oh, the guy behind us….:laughing:

We left DCA for our reservation at Blue Bayou! Joy had never been there before. We took the Railroad to NOS and made our 11:30AM lunch ressie. They seated us at the last available waterside table. We both had the gumbo and the short rib. It was delicious! I’ve had short rib A LOT at restaurants. That is a HUGE portion! I’ve never received that large a serving of short rib before. I thought it was a great value. You pay the same price at fine dining establishments for a much smaller piece of meat.



Kogal and lunch!

To be honest I can’t remember everything we did between lunch and our holiday tour. :goodvibes I know Joy walked through Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. We also got more treats at Pooh’s to snack on while waiting for F!

Kogal watching the candy making

Kogal in the center of it all

Kogal in the popcorn

We did the 2:00 Holiday Tour on Saturday, the day before the last day of the tour. I did the 2010 tour, but Joy had never been. I booked the tour for us, so she was oblivious to a lot of what we were going to experience.


Our tour guide was Genesis. He said that he started at Disney as a balloon vendor. From balloon vendor to plaid! I love it! I kept teasing him about the power of the plaid. I should ask that mom from the WDW side of the board that makes princess costumes for her daughter to make me a plaid outfit and hat! POWER OF THE PLAID! :wizard:

Our group was fun! There was a family in our group who had a little girl maybe six or seven. She was Genesis’ new best friend. She wouldn’t leave his side. :love: She rode the rides with him and stood next to him and told him her life story. It was adorable. I sure hope her family took him home with them.

I love all of the bits of information you get on the tour, but I was sad that we didn’t get fudge since the Main St Confectionary was closed. Of course, the best part of the tour is walking on two rides that have really long lines! The reason I chose Saturday to do the tour was to get the most out of our line cutting.

Genesis telling us about the castle

After HMH, we had to skip the train and walk around to get to IASWH. The hard part about that is the “Kraken.” Genesis said that the CMs call the crowd in front of NOS the Kraken because it’s almost impossible to escape its grasp! :rotfl2: This is never more true than after F!

After walking on to IASWH (I love it!), we watched the place light up, and headed to Toontown for our hot cocoa and cookie. Genesis played music from Babes in Toyland on the way to and from Toontown! I love that movie! B and I watched a week before I was there. We had lovely seats of the evening parade. All of the pictures are on Joy’s camera.

After the parade we went straight to snag a fabulous spot to watch F! We brought a couple of blankets. I went to get chicken fusilli from Pizza Port and when I came back Joy got a corndog from the LRW. I always carry a little knitting project in my purse. The three hours went quickly and we watched an awesome show!

After F!, we disappeared into the “Kraken” only to come out in Tomorrowland for one last ride on Space Mountain. My poor feet had had it by now. I sat on a bench while Joy grabbed a dole whip for the ride home. :sad1:

We left DLR, made a final pit stop at In-N-Out, and got on the highway to drive back to the Ontario airport. On the way there I thought the roads were getting really bumpy. It was hard to keep the tiny rental car in my lane. Joy said it was wind, but it didn’t feel like it. Then we started to see some palm trees bent over. It WAS wind! :scared1: Now I know what they’re talking about on the news when they mention Santa Ana winds!

COMPLETE! :dance3:

Next: PTR for One More Disney Day and my first solo trip!
Pre-Trip Report: One More Disney Day Solo Trip!

Ack! :eek: I kind of rushed through the last day of my January TR because my next trip is fast approaching! In just 14 days, I will be off on my second DLR trip of the year. I knew I would take at least three trips to DLR in 2012, but I didn’t think I would be going back so soon! Now I have FIVE planned! I had my January trip planned for a few months. My February/March trip was a newer addition to the calendar.

When Disney announced that Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom would be open for 24 hours, I really wanted to be there for it. Then Seattle had a huge snowstorm in January. I was stuck in my house for a few days. Maybe it was cabin fever, maybe it was all of those hours I spend on the Dis that week, or maybe it was the awesome airfare deals they had on, but I booked another trip to DLR! :woohoo:

I am going to the land on Wednesday, February 29th. I’m taking the last flight out of Seattle to SNA. I snagged a $29 room at the Anabella for my first night there. I hope to be at the park by midnight. I’ll hang at the park for a few hours, meet up with other Disers at 2AM, and head back and crash. I'll pick up my rental car at the Alamo across the street from the Anabella the next morning, and drop my bag off at the Ramada, and head to DLR. I’ll spend Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at the parks. Sunday I’ll head to Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner and Sprinkles Cupcakes before heading back to SNA that afternoon.

My last couple of trips to DLR were really busy. I wouldn’t get enough sleep and my feet would hurt. This being my first solo trip, I’m looking forward to taking it easy. I really want to take the time to enjoy the parks and not just try to ride as many rides as possible.

Two weeks to go! :yay:
Great TR! I love your picture on California Screamin'! I'm glad you get to go again so soon and will be following along through your trip report. popcorn::
Great TR! I love your picture on California Screamin'! I'm glad you get to go again so soon and will be following along through your trip report. popcorn::

Thanks, TK! I'm hoping by taking more pics on the next trip, I'll be more motivated keep up the TR.
Damper on my budget. I’ve had the worst toothache know to man last Sunday and Monday. Monday was a holiday so I couldn’t go to the dentist. I went on Tuesday and found out that I needed to have the tooth extracted and a cyst underneath it removed. I don’t have dental insurance. I had to pay for the exam, xray, and the upcoming extraction all out of pocket. Ouch! :eek: Totally not a good time…

In other news, I’ve had a slight change in hotel plans.

I had originally planned on staying at the Ramada from Thursday night until Sunday. I wasn’t going to get one Wednesday night since the park will be open until 6AM. Then someone on the Dis posted that the Annabella would be having a $29 special for the night of leap day. Not too bad for four hours of sleep! So I snagged a room at the special rate for one night.

Now I get priceline emails all of the time. I’ve used the name your own price tool on hotel rooms before, only never at Disney. The ticker on priceline said that someone booked a three star resort near DLR for $60 a night. That was only four dollars more than the Ramada. I bid $50 a night on a three star hotel.

:cheer2: Boom! Marriott! A $129 room at the Marriott on Harbor (not the convention one, a suite near the Target in Garden Grove) for $50! Score!

Not only that, but I did a bit of shopping to prepare for not only this trip, but the others that are coming up.

As previously discussed, I needed a new pouch for my lanyard to hold my AP and FPs. I got a pack of two from amazon.

I also decided I needed super comfy park shoes. As much as I love my crocs, they weren’t doing it for me. I decided to go with a pair of Keen sandals. They’re super comfy, lightweight, and you can wear them in water and they dry quickly without getting smelly. They’re just not cute…but it’s okay. I’ll wear cute ears to compensate for ugly shoes.

Lastly, I treated myself to a park bag. I’ve been using either a purse or a small Dakine backpack, but I needed something big enough to hold my jacket and a blanket. I don’t want to bring a normal sized backpack because then I would start filling it with things I didn’t really need to carry all day. I picked a small Timbuk2 messenger bag. I liked it because it has a pocket you can access without opening the big flap. It’s smaller than a backpack, and I don’t have to tote on my shoulder.

Yesterday I purchased my WoC picnic for Thursday night. I don’t plan on going to DCA during the day on Thursday, so a picnic was safer. Okay, so the real reason was because I LOVE the tiramisu in the antipasto picnic! It’s so yummy! So I have most everything I need. I have tickets to SNA, rental car reservation, and two different hotel reservations.

Let the laundry and packing commence!
So sorry about your tooth. :guilty: I hate going to the dentist. To have to pay big buck for it would make it all that much more odius.

Your plans are really coming together nicely. I have a pair of Keen sandles and LOVE them. Just perfect for the park. Break them in a bit first if you have a chance. They do come up a bit in the back and you don't want any blister issues for your full day :goodvibes

LOVE your new messenger bag. I have a small Eddie Bauer backpack I use so I don't fill it with unnecessaries too (or end up schlepping all my family's stuff).

Great rate on your hotel!

I'm sorry about your tooth. Ouch!!

Great rate on the room!!

I love your new bag!! So cute. There are plenty of cute ears to pick from!!
So sorry about your tooth. :guilty: I hate going to the dentist. To have to pay big buck for it would make it all that much more odius.

Your plans are really coming together nicely. I have a pair of Keen sandles and LOVE them. Just perfect for the park. Break them in a bit first if you have a chance. They do come up a bit in the back and you don't want any blister issues for your full day :goodvibes

LOVE your new messenger bag. I have a small Eddie Bauer backpack I use so I don't fill it with unnecessaries too (or end up schlepping all my family's stuff).

Great rate on your hotel!


The dental bill isn't affecting next weeks trip as much as it's affecting my May trip...I'd consider postponing that one if I didn't already have nonrefundable hotel reservations and airfare.

I've been wearing the keens all day. I'll wear them all weekend in the Seattle rain if I have to!

I'm sorry about your tooth. Ouch!!

Great rate on the room!!

I love your new bag!! So cute. There are plenty of cute ears to pick from!!

Thanks Michele! Advil is a wonderful thing. This has been a learning experience. I learned that I can't take percocet unless I'm already planning on going to sleep. I took it at work and ended sleeping for an hour and a half on the chiropractor's table after the office was closed! :rotfl: I meant to lie down for a bit until I felt better, but I totally knocked out!

I have an ear budget. At least two pairs, but no more than three! :yay:
The dental bill isn't affecting next weeks trip as much as it's affecting my May trip...I'd consider postponing that one if I didn't already have nonrefundable hotel reservations and airfare.

I've been wearing the keens all day. I'll wear them all weekend in the Seattle rain if I have to!

Thanks Michele! Advil is a wonderful thing. This has been a learning experience. I learned that I can't take percocet unless I'm already planning on going to sleep. I took it at work and ended sleeping for an hour and a half on the chiropractor's table after the office was closed! :rotfl: I meant to lie down for a bit until I felt better, but I totally knocked out!

I have an ear budget. At least two pairs, but no more than three! :yay:

Next trip I am bringing my ears that I bought this trip, if I don't I might end up repeating myself. I am addicted to the headbands. Hopefully in the next few days I will be able to get far enough along on my trip report to post all the ear headband photos we got. I took pictures of everyone.:rotfl:
Sorry to hear about your tooth. Hopefully everything will be fine when you are at DL this upcoming week.
I am so ridiculously jealous of you! I am only going once or twice this year but was thinking about gettin an AP, have you ever used the discounts for any of the Disney Hotel properties?

I love that you are sharing your pics and I cant wait to see more.

I am also from Seattle but a little to the eastside. Hope to see some more updates soon :)
Next trip I am bringing my ears that I bought this trip, if I don't I might end up repeating myself. I am addicted to the headbands. Hopefully in the next few days I will be able to get far enough along on my trip report to post all the ear headband photos we got. I took pictures of everyone.:rotfl:

I can't wait to see them! Right now I have that pair of Minnie ones and a pair of the glowing ones for at night. I've had those for two years. I'm excited to a get a few more!

Sorry to hear about your tooth. Hopefully everything will be fine when you are at DL this upcoming week.

Thanks, Bret! I've still got the stitches in. I'm popping advil and hoping I'm back to normal by Wednesday!

I am so ridiculously jealous of you! I am only going once or twice this year but was thinking about gettin an AP, have you ever used the discounts for any of the Disney Hotel properties?

I love that you are sharing your pics and I cant wait to see more.

I am also from Seattle but a little to the eastside. Hope to see some more updates soon :)

:cheer2: Welcome!

I would never be going this much if I didn't have the AP. I haven't used it for hotel discounts. I've only been to DLR once so far with the AP. For all my DLR trips this year I'll be staying off site. We're using my DBF's discount when we go to WDW in April (he's a CM) and I'm using his CM guest discount in June.

So happy a local is following along!
This trip keeps getting better and better!

The only thing better than a trip to DLR is a trip to DLR with your BFF and goddaughter! :woohoo:

My DBFF (monana on the dis) got managed to take off this Thursday and Friday. She and her daughter (my god daughter or DGD) are going to meet me at the Anabella on Wednesday! I already have hotel and rental car, so all she had to do was get a airfare and a park hopper. My DGD is only 21 mos, so she's practically free. Though I know she won't be free for me, because I'm buying her anything she wants!

My first trip to DLR ever was with my DBFF. She and her DH got engaged in front of SBC. They were married at Epcot two years later. Princess Tiana (DGD) came next! My DBFF and I are the perfect set of Disney friends!

I am so excited to share this trip with them! :yay:

Two more days!


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