I'm sorry. I'd be super annoyed too. What does your BF think about his mom?
Ok first, do you pay anything to live with them? I do think she can ask you about money but she doesn't need to know all the details of your finances. And second, yes, she needs to give you guys privacy, if you are in YOUR room with YOUR door closed the least she could do is knock. She sounds jealous and controlling and honestly, I think your best option is to get your own place!! And get it quick!! Is there a reason that you and your 21 y.o. boyfriend live with his parents? She sounds similar to my DBF's Mom and he's 33......LOL
Well we really wanted to live with my mom, she just got divorced to my mean step dad, but she moved to a place that doesn't have enough rooms. She is trying to find a place with enough rooms for us though. But in the meantime we don't make enough to be able to afford our own place, even as low as the prices are now. We really want to be able to go to DL as often or at least once in a while, but that would just be out of the question. So I guess you have to give up something but for some reason I am just not going to stand for giving up my privacy. We don't pay to live here because she wants him to stay here so bad, but we do A LOT for them. His dad is cool and doesn't really know anything of what she does because she doesn't do it around him. He was not at the dinner table when she did the cheek pinching thing. She even says so much about how she wants him to grow a mustache, but I don't understand why she would care how he looks in the first place?

It is a bit weird, yes. Unfortunately, because you are living in her home and not paying rent to do so, you will probably have to stand more than you'd like to. Maybe you could talk to her and offer an exchange...you pay a set amount for rent and groceries, and in exchange, you would ask that she observe your privacy by knocking before entering.
She sounds like she is very controlling and that she "babies" your bf a lot. But, you have to remember that you are living in her "territory".

As much as you guys love Disney, maybe you should plan to save some money to move out. Privacy is priceless.

In the meantime take a deep breath and hang in there. :lovestruc
Well then, IMO if you're not paying anything you're giving up everything. Seriously...you need to save some money and move out, it won't get any better until you do......good luck hanging in there until then tho! :) And FTR, I do have a DD21, she and her DBF lived with us for about 6 months, they didn't pay rent and they did help us around the house but it was still my house, my rules and they had to deal with it. If they had paid any rent I would have cut them some slack but they didn't so I didn't. LOL Sorry, it's not what you want to hear but honestly I think you guys need your own place.
Don't mess with the slippers until after you've moved out...otherwise you will have NO way of knowing if she's going to interrupt your "adult" time. LOL Let me tell you, it won't end after he moves out but you won't have to deal with it anymore....see DBF doesn't tell me how often his Mom calls but I know it's a lot, because his top 3 received calls in his cell are me, his Mom, his Dad in just about that order, sometimes she even out calls me! LOL When he says he wants to get rid of his cell I ask him if it's because his Mom won't be able to call all the time and the look on his face screams "yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" but he always denies it. LOL Seriously, Mom's like this never "let go" of their little boys, mine's not as bad as yours but it can be pretty bad....
I don't really get why he needs to ask his parents if he can go away in the first place? :confused3 If he is old enough to work, have a girlfriend live with him etc etc he should be allowed to go on a holiday with his own money??
Is this her oldest son? I'm sure to her, her son is still a little boy and she doesn't realize he needs his own adult time. I could see how you would get frustrated. It is rude of her to come into your space and she must be doing it for obvious reasons. Unfortunately tho, it is her house and those are her grounds. As much as she is driving you nuts, I don't think you are in a position where you can do anything.

Be appreciative she is allowing you to stay for free.
I believe the point of having a boyfriend/girlfriend is see if you are a match. It doesn't mean you have to stay with them no matter what. If you do marry him and even have your own place someday, just realize that she will always be very involved in your lives and your guy likes it that way. It sounds like he will put her first. It is up to you to decide if this is the life you want. If someone leaves it doesn't mean one person is the "bad" one, it just means you are not a match for how you want to live your lives. Only you can decide if this is what you are willing to live with. Personally, I couldn't do it. I'd rather have my privacy. But you have to make up your own mind. Wishing you all the best and some pixie dust! :wizard: Take care! :hug:
I'm sorry, but if your 21-year old boyfriend's mom bothers your 19-year old sensibilities so much ... MOVE OUT! Get "jiggy wit it" on your own dime. *sheesh*
I'm glad you talked to him, and I really hope for your personal sanity and for your relationship sanity that you guys can get your own place sooner rather then later. :)
I can understand his mom but he is 21 freaking years old. Sorry but I think it's time for him to put on his big boy undies and MOVE OUT! Maybe it's the way I was raised but in my family, once a guy is 18 years old he needs to be on his own. Us girls got a little slack. The fact that he had to ask for permission to go to DL is RIDICULOUS on his mom's part.

If things don't start changing soon I think it'd be a good idea to jump ship! :scared1:


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