WW Weekly Weigh-in

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Awesome Job Melessa!!!!! I'm sure you'll get that .6 pounds in no time :D
Wow-- everyone has great losses!!

I just found this thread! I've been on WW (forever), but off and on-- just got back on a couple weeks ago (with Wish)-- had a weigh-in yesterday after two weeks (couldn't go last week because I was in DisneyWorld)!

I didn't expect to lose because of vacation, but surprise-- I lost 4 pounds!! I'm also training for the half-marathon in January, and have kept up with that-- so maybe that explains the loss!
This was my second week of doing the flex plan and I lost 2.8 lbs. this week! Which makes for a grand total of 4.8 lbs. in two weeks, so I must be doing something right. :tongue:

Next week I WILL get that 5 lb. clippie!
Great job Kristi!!

Well I'm done another 1.8 pounds for a total of 16.6 pounds in 9 weeks. I only have 4.2 pounds to go to my first 10% goal!!!! Still have a long way to go, but I'll get there... one pound at a time :sunny:

Those 4.2 will be gone in no time! 16.6 in 9 weeks is awesome - I hope I can duplicate that.

I have about 6 more weeks until WDW, so hopefully I can be down about that much also by then.
Thanks Kristi - I find if I really stick with my points, I've been losing an average of 1.84 pounds per week, which I think is great. My leader says they don't like you to lose more than 2 per week. Also drinking TONS of water :crazy: 6 weeks is plenty of time to lose weight before your trip. Keep reading journals on here and it'll modivate you plenty :D Good Luck!!!
Lost half a pound this week. Wow, I'm losing slowly, but I do know why. I have set a couple of goals for this week like stick with the allotted points and drink more water!! I'll do better next week.
Well I weighed in tonight for the first time. :( Shocking is all I can say...but then again was that TOM too. Well, the first step was walking back in the door, now I'm just gonna stick to it and take the much needed lbs. off. ::yes::
I gained .4 pound this week :p Sometimes I just hate, hate, hate being a woman - especially when our monthly "friend" comes to visit!

*sigh* I can not give up...but it is really frustrating sometimes.:(
I lost 1.2 this week! Better than I expected since I was out of town a few days, and I ate out 4 nights! But, I'm back on track and in charge again! :teeth: Let's hope we can all make it past the Halloween candy this weekend!
I thought this thread needed a little bump. ;)

I lost 1/2 a pound this week. It's ok, considering the awful October I had. I'm back exercising again, and I hope to bump things up again with that. ::yes::

With the holidays approaching, I feel it's even more important for me to keep losing a little, rather than gaining, in order to have a 'cushion' maybe for those days. Just a personal thought. I really don't ever want to lose that 65 lb clippie, and I truly hope I'll see that gorgeous 75 lb clippie some day. To quote JT from the movie Angels in the Outfield.....It could happen! :teeth:

Onward & Downward!! :sunny:
Well I'm down another 1.4 pounds today for a total of 18 pounds!!!! Only 2.4 pounds to my first 10% goal and 50 to my final goal!
Just finished week 3 and I was down another 1.2 lbs. for a grand total of 6lbs.! Finally, the new clippie! :Pinkbounc
Thanks Tera! You are sooo close to your 10% goal - you'll be there in no time, keep up the good work!
Well, I hadn't seen this thread and therefore posted a thread all on my own. I had my FIRST WI at WW Wednesday night and lost 3.6 lbs. I'm excited 'cause I was sick all week and not even able to follow plan. Could really only eat yogurt, spaghetti-os, juice, water and diet soda. I can't wait until next week's WI too. :tongue:
Way to go! That's enough to keep you motivated for next week! ;)

I'm really looking forward to my WI tonight, even though TOM is getting ready to visit!
Great job QuiltTeddy and Welcome!!!! I've had a loss almost every week since I started WW and actually look forward to my weight in (for the most part) every week:D Keep up the good work an dhope you feel better.:sunny:
Ok, I only ended up losing 1.2 lbs this week...but, it's because it was also the first day of TOM visiting! :rolleyes: I had been so excited about my WI, because I did pretty good this week! Maybe it will pay off next week, even though I'm going shopping in Atlanta tomorrow. I'm already trying to decide where to eat...Any suggestions? I don't want to eat at Applebee's, because we have one locally. Help! ;)
Went to Disney.. For 9 days and gained 9 POUNDS!! HOLY COW!!
Im back on track now..
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