Wow, I'm stuck!


DIS Veteran
Jul 9, 2002
I gained five pounds this past holiday season. The extra weight became permanent it appears after our NYE WDW trip.

How can I possibly be up to running 16 miles a week (I was running less before the holidays.) and not lose a single pound?!? I'm so totally stuck. I don't get it. You'd think I'd at least lose one or two now that I'm back to my old routine and not eating holiday cookies like everyday... :confused3

It is kinda discouraging, makes me wonder why I even bother. If I didn't enjoy it, I would have probably quit cause it sure isn't helping me on the weight.

Thoughts? :headache:
I hear that -

but I've gained and lost f5 - 10# so much this past year its not even funny!!
The weight might be muscle gain if your pants still fit ok. You probably had a good gain from going to exhaustion at the marathon. Also more miles means stronger larger muscles.

You also may be hydrating better now and the difference is the water weight.

Give it a chance and stay off the scale for a while.

Hakuna Matata Panda:hippie:
I have read that there are many people who don't lose weight when they train. Burning calories causes you to be more hungry. I know that's what happens with me. I also agree with the muscle building. Stick with it and monitor if you feel hungry after a run. If you do, it may be something to watch.
Shan - I'm with Dave. It's not so much about the weight as about where that weight is.

I went from doing nothing to averaging around 30-35 miles a week and haven't lost more than a couple of pounds. That said, my pants tell me that I've lost a couple of inches around the gut.

As long as you don't fall victim to the "I run therefore I can eat EVERYTHING" trap it's all good.

Don't get discouraged. Keep with it and don't obsess over the pounds.
I wish I could say my jeans aren't tight, but they are. :headache:

It is not muscle weight. :sad2:
Shan, sometimes when you do not take in enough calories you body revolts also and will tend to hold onto anything it can. I would reassess my diet and try adding in a little more fiber here and there. As we women age our hormone levels decrease and that also causes tummy weight gain. Increasing fiber and water intake will help with that too. Don't get discouraged though. I have been told by multiple people that I am wasting away to nothing and I weigh exactly the same as I did when I started running. By adjusting my calories and the things that I eat, I have also readjusted my weight so my clothes fit differently. Of course, finding jeans for my thighs has become an issue.....

Again, do not get discouraged. That is usually a vicious downward spiral that just causes more weight. Keep thinking positively!!!
Last November when I was training for the Donald, I came across a NOVA special about Marathon Training for the Boston Marathon. Most were in poor condition some fair and I think only a couple of "good". All trained as best as they could and only ONE lost weight. She was also doing Boot camp traning. To say I was shocked is an Understatment. I too thought all my training would help me lose weight. I did about 8 pounds and a LOT of inches. All of our family that trained together last year lost a bit of weight but those that dieted(ate good) lost weight. The special was right -- Diet over exercise will help you, I"m working on the diet thing now and still continuing my training. Watch your intake unfortunately it's the only way.

Nova Special:

As long as you don't fall victim to the "I run therefore I can eat EVERYTHING" trap it's all good.
WHAT? its a trap?! Nobody told me!

Shan - Men have long kept secret from women that the ultimate weigh loss tool is lifting weight. Running is great and does a lot of good for your body but alone, it actually doesn't really help you lose weight.

I would suggest adding just a little weight training in your routine. You will be surprised at what a difference it makes in your running as well.

The other bad news: no matter how many miles you run, what you eat that effects your weight. I know, its a bummer. I ran close to or over 40 miles a week all fall and I never lost a pound. I told myself I was going to watch my diet, but I was so hungry all the time that I just ate everything. I guess the good news is that I didn't gain a single pound either!

Cecilia, I was actually looking at some upper body and core DVDs today! I thought maybe I should do some weights...
I can relate. I gained about 5 pounds during Thanksgiving week in Vegas. I have still not lost it even though I had many long runs over 15 miles not counting the marathon itself. Heck I had an 18, 20, 22 and then 26.2 mile run and didn't lose any weight (other than water).

It's now time to get back and focus on my diet. There are things I knew I shouldn't have been eating but heck, it was the holidays and I was training for a marathon so it was "OK".

I do weight train 2 days a week but honestly during the last month of training if I got in one weight training session a week I was lucky. I seems to make a difference.

So, I am going back to eating normally and will weight train at least 2 days a week. But, I am training for a half marathon in 4 weeks.... :)

Shan- I lost a pretty good amount between the Minnie and say Sept, but then didn't lose any training for Goofy! It irritated me to no end until I compared my race pictures from the Minnie and the Goofy. Go back and find some pictures of you from about a year ago (I had to use race pictures because I generally don't like to be in pictures!) You will probably be pleasantly surprised.:thumbsup2

The numbers may not be telling you everything (I can wear some clothes that are smaller than my mom's size now and I'm only an inch taller, but I probably have a good 15-20 pounds on her).

OH, and the weekend of the Goofy, I GAINED 4 POUNDS! Oh, water weight, you say? OK, why are they still with me?!:laughing: How ridiculous is that?! Try not to let it get you down. I'm sure you look great!

Jen in GA
I have been weight training for...ever! I was weight training back in the 70's :hippie: I was one of the few women who showed up in the weight room. If you haven't done it before, please find someone to teach proper form, without proper form, you can hurt yourself.

One of the most important things to remember is that WOMEN DO NOT BULK UP! Bulking up requires too many caloires and usually for women it requires testoterone and/or steroids. You can't accidentally bulk up doing weights an more than you can walk by a University on your way to work everyday and accidentally earn a degree!

Other benefits, include things like weight resistance training helps the skin shrink to fit, better! And muscle burns calories. Good strong muscle burns lots of caloires. Also, Women don't have the upper body strenght of men, but we need good strong upper bodies, but we can make it stronger and have great core strength. Once women wore corsets to simulate an attractive shape, now we wear muscle. Muscle is much better than corsets! Weight lifting helps prevent osteoporosis and you don't even have to take a pill once a month! My personal favorite benefit though, is that weight lifting fight wrinkles, saggies and the that crepe skin!

Personally, I like dumbbells and reisistance tubing. I can carry the tubing with me, anywhere. It comes in a nice small neat bag. The tubing is much better for me than the stretchie band things. As you increase your resistance, the stretchie bands hurt your hands. The tubing has handles! If you have a set of tubing with the ankle bands and door attachment, you can do any exercise with them that can be done on a Bowflex machine! And it costs way less.

Dumbbells put all the weight in your hands. There is no machine to support the weight at any time during your exercise. I think this makes dumbbells a better choice for actually getting the most out of your workout. The really big downside is that you need a partner to spot for safety and it hurts like the dickens when you drop one on your foot.

I know y'all didn't ask, but I thought I would share some of my experience with weight resistance. Btw, I am 51 and I don't have that hanging down saggy stuff under my arm!! I love weights! :cloud9:
I have been weight training for...ever! I was weight training back in the 70's :hippie: I was one of the few women who showed up in the weight room. If you haven't done it before, please find someone to teach proper form, without proper form, you can hurt yourself.

One of the most important things to remember is that WOMEN DO NOT BULK UP! Bulking up requires too many caloires and usually for women it requires testoterone and/or steroids. You can't accidentally bulk up doing weights an more than you can walk by a University on your way to work everyday and accidentally earn a degree!

Other benefits, include things like weight resistance training helps the skin shrink to fit, better! And muscle burns calories. Good strong muscle burns lots of caloires. Also, Women don't have the upper body strenght of men, but we need good strong upper bodies, but we can make it stronger and have great core strength. Once women wore corsets to simulate an attractive shape, now we wear muscle. Muscle is much better than corsets! Weight lifting helps prevent osteoporosis and you don't even have to take a pill once a month! My personal favorite benefit though, is that weight lifting fight wrinkles, saggies and the that crepe skin!

Personally, I like dumbbells and reisistance tubing. I can carry the tubing with me, anywhere. It comes in a nice small neat bag. The tubing is much better for me than the stretchie band things. As you increase your resistance, the stretchie bands hurt your hands. The tubing has handles! If you have a set of tubing with the ankle bands and door attachment, you can do any exercise with them that can be done on a Bowflex machine! And it costs way less.

Dumbbells put all the weight in your hands. There is no machine to support the weight at any time during your exercise. I think this makes dumbbells a better choice for actually getting the most out of your workout. The really big downside is that you need a partner to spot for safety and it hurts like the dickens when you drop one on your foot.

I know y'all didn't ask, but I thought I would share some of my experience with weight resistance. Btw, I am 51 and I don't have that hanging down saggy stuff under my arm!! I love weights! :cloud9:

Wait, Wait - :rotfl2: from one :hippie: to another!! :rotfl2:

I dont know how to do dumb bells, but I do use the resistance bands - and on the exercise ball too - again, working on that core!! Something happened to me on my journey, and I may be heading to 50 (not this week.. :rolleyes1 next year tho) I also use 5# weights in each hand - and if you can ever check out Callenetics - she has some exercises (no weights/resistance) that also work on that... arm bat wing problem... also on that exercise ball - really easy uper arm strength exercise is to lay on your tummy and legs in the air, walk with your hands forward till the ball is at least under your knees, then do push ups (2 sets of 8 to begin with!) and work up to walking to your ankles!! (i'm not there yet, but I'm up to 2 sets of 12 at the knee! Shocking I know!!)

and I will have to say that Kelly Ripa has been shown on Fitness magazine, and talks about the hours she puts in the gym with a trainer - and she's young... (er than me any way!!) BUT she has underarm bat wings!! :rotfl: she shows it off ! Quite frankly I think its a trick when she gets that skin to wave at us!! :rotfl2:
Found a balance ball, resistance band, DVD combo on clearance at Target today. I'll give it a try! :thumbsup2
So today on The View some guy said cardio doesn't help you lose weight. He says it only makes you hungrier and you eat more and you then gain weight... Well, considering I'm running more than ever and I still have these extra five pounds from Christmas... He said weight training is how you lose weight. It burns fat and speeds up your metabolism. OK!
So today on The View some guy said cardio doesn't help you lose weight. He says it only makes you hungrier and you eat more and you then gain weight... Well, considering I'm running more than ever and I still have these extra five pounds from Christmas... He said weight training is how you lose weight. It burns fat and speeds up your metabolism. OK!


I'm definitely not the expert here....but I can tell you that I lost all of my weight (35 lbs) by doing cardio (elliptical & bike), running and eating a little healthier. I have done no weight training during the process.

I do see a lot of people riding the bikes slow at the fitness center, more into their books than the workout...people walking at a very slow order for the cardio to be successful, it has to be a good solid workout that elevates your heart rate for a good 30 minutes.

Not sure I believe the theory of cardio causing you to eat more and therefore you don't lose weight. If you exercise (cardio) and eat more frequently, and in smaller/healthier portions, your metabolism reacts better and the pounds will fall off.

Don't want to confuse you...just wanted to throw my 2 cents in.

Have a good one! Good luck with that ING training :) Are you doing the Silver Comet 10k as a preparation?
Wow, people will say anything, won't they???

A balanced diet and a balanced workout, and a balanced spirit are all needed to have a balanced life. You should be doing cardio, weight resistance, and stretching, I am always amazed that some people think that there is a huge disconnect between the movements. You can do all them at a heart pounding pace, you can do all of them as if you are porcelain and might break, or you can do them all such a way to get the most benefit out of each.

My D.O. says that a stretch should be performed slowling and methodically. You should do a minimum stretch and then a little deeper stretch and finally a full stretch, but even the full stretch should not hurt. Weight lifters tell me that you should do slow methodical movements when performing the exercise so that you aren't using momentum to move the wdight. And cardio should get your heart rate up!

So balance it out and it is all good!
I know that feeling Shan! I weighed myself on Jan 1 and then on Feb 1 after I had been running and exercising for a month. I know I definitely saw a difference in the mirror - especially on my hips and butt but the scale wasn't moving. I think I lost a total of 0.8 pounds and I felt really crappy because after all that work I couldn't even make it to 1 pound. Anyway, I'm staying off the scale this month - I think as long as I'm looking and feeling better, I'm just going to ignore the numbers :)


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