Would you book 4 or 3 nights....

I know i'm going to be thinking about college very soon too and I really don't 'need' an additional luxury DVC purchase. Especially if now I'm able to get into Poly at the 7th month mark. In the future I may very well add on there if I get a windfall or win Powerball,:daisy: but for now I have to stay where I am. Thinking BLT points are enough for now. Thanks for all your insight. :)

I think holding off is wise decision. BLT is a nice resort too.

The whole college thing really creeps up fast on ya and it's a lot more $ than you expect. We'd always just assumed that our DS would go to an in-state MD school like UMD or UMBC - in which case our 529 plan combined with the scholarships he was offered would have been enough to not have to borrow like we are now. BUT when it came down to it tho he didn't want anything at all to do with UMD and I couldn't even get him to go LOOK at the UMBC campus (although he did apply becuz we made him have at least 1 state school and he was offered good $ there). He said "if that's where you're going to make me go it doesn't matter what it looks like or if I even like it." KNIFE TO THE OLD HEART. Between the scholarship they offered & our 529 we literally would have only had to fork over about another $2K per year if he'd gone there including his room & board. Killed us. Where he WANTED to go (RIT) also offered him a nice scholarship AND invited him to join their honors program AND they consistently rank in the top 10 schools in the country for his desired major. So his thinking was he wanted to go to the best he could get into. Nevermind that it's far from home and $30K a year more. But in the end he LOVES his school and now that he's got a year under his belt we know he's where he belongs - he wouldn't have been happy at UMBC and although a decent enough school it's not even on the radar for rankings for his major. Hopefully, it will pay off and when it comes time to start repaying all these loans. For the duration tho we're strapped and signing our life away to Sallie Mae....

Take your time to think it over. Make sure it's what you need and not just what you want.


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