Would you book 4 or 3 nights....


DIS Veteran
Feb 29, 2008
Hi, trying to decide whether I should book four nights home resort BLT, and use all my points, then at the seven month mark book the additional night (if available) and it would have to be a different resort as I still wouldn't have enough points to book one additional night at BLT, or book three nights and at the seven month mark buy the 24 one time use points and book the other two nights (at a different resort). I guess what I'm asking is three nights at BLT then two nights at a different resort, or four nights at BLT then having to move for one night. Which do you think is better? I'm traveling with my DH and DD14.
I forgot to add that the four night trip would be starting on Saturday April 8th right before the points jump for the busy season, and the three night starts on Sunday (higher points)
I'd book the 3 nights at BLT standard if available. Then try to change everything to something else at 7 months so that you don't have to move at all, maybe SSR or AKV. If you could borrow and book all at BLT, I'd do that. Or if you don't have enough points, maybe get a transfer or rent from another member then possibly bank the points you do have for the future. A one time transfer or rental could stretch your points considerably for several years. Or for that time possibly look for a discount and do cash, sometimes for premier it's more cost effective to go that route than use points.
I agree with Dean. I would personally hate to move at all for such a short trip. I know BLT is ultra convenient for spring break (did it once) but the whole packing up to move thing is a pain. Time will be extra valuable on a short trip - nice to unpack & settle in at one place for the duration IMO.
Hahaha!!!! Been there too!
For one of my trips, I booked BLT (home resort) and also booked through David's DVC Rental, for the additional night I needed. I was able to link the reservations & didn't have to switch rooms.

That's awesome. Changing rooms can be a real pain-especially for one night.
Will starting your trip on Sunday make any difference in points? I know Saturday nights are typically higher. Can you do 4 nights at BLT starting on Sunday with the points you have?

Personally, I would rather have the one night in a different resort at the beginning of my trip, then move for the remaining 3. Maybe booking the first night at a lower point resort will also help you, points-wise.
After a lot of hard thinking and researching .... I am about to purchase a small contract at the Poly-that is really where I want to stay and feels like 'home' to me! That solves the problem -we will have a split stay-4 nights at the Poly then move over to BLT for the last three nights! Thanks for all your responses!!
Having second thoughts now about purchasing PVB - would love to.... not sure.

Think on it. Don't do an impulse buy just to solve one trip. How small is small? Poly points aren't quite like buying a new purse that's on sale for 60% off....
Yes thinking I may cancel....I did put down my deposit but didn't sign any paperwork yet!! Talk me off the ledge LOL!!
Yes thinking I may cancel....I did put down my deposit but didn't sign any paperwork yet!! Talk me off the ledge LOL!!

Well, I'm in the situation where our DS is starting his 2nd year of (private) college and we have to go thru the whole student loan thing AGAIN in a couple of weeks. We're looking at having to take out $20K in loans EVERY YEAR now for a few more years because the 529 plan and scholarships only go so far (he's planning on staying thru for a 5 year masters). So. We're in a whole other boat in that there will be no splurges, luxury items (ie cars) or fancy vacations for the duration.... Had we not bought DVC we might be paying for it with so much debt. :rolleyes1
If you like the Poly because it feels like home, and you can afford the points and you think a 4 night stay and then a 3 night stay is your sort of vacation, but you want to be talked down, perhaps you were too impulsive!
If you like the Poly because it feels like home, and you can afford the points and you think a 4 night stay and then a 3 night stay is your sort of vacation, but you want to be talked down, perhaps you were too impulsive!
I agree....will wait and change the whole reservation to Poly if I can...I can always buy later if money isn't an issue. It was an emotional purchase yes, but so was my BLT and we love it there. Just like Poly more :)
Well, I'm in the situation where our DS is starting his 2nd year of (private) college and we have to go thru the whole student loan thing AGAIN in a couple of weeks. We're looking at having to take out $20K in loans EVERY YEAR now for a few more years because the 529 plan and scholarships only go so far (he's planning on staying thru for a 5 year masters). So. We're in a whole other boat in that there will be no splurges, luxury items (ie cars) or fancy vacations for the duration.... Had we not bought DVC we might be paying for it with so much debt. :rolleyes1
I know i'm going to be thinking about college very soon too and I really don't 'need' an additional luxury DVC purchase. Especially if now I'm able to get into Poly at the 7th month mark. In the future I may very well add on there if I get a windfall or win Powerball,:daisy: but for now I have to stay where I am. Thinking BLT points are enough for now. Thanks for all your insight. :)
I know how you feel.
Before DVC, I mainly stayed at CR & Poly. Both feel like home to me.
DH & I only stayed at CR, once we had children, so CR feels like home to them.

I always said if CR or Poly had DVC, I would buy it.

We bought DVC at BLT & love it! We have stayed at other DVC resorts & like them a lot, but BLT feels like home.

I have been thinking of buying a small contract at Poly because it also feels like home to me. I have taken the DVC tour there on my last two vacations. Beautiful spot & I know we would be happy spending a few nights there, every other trip.
But we have kids in high school & college. Lots of things to think about. I am taking my time before buying.

If you can comfortably purchase a small contract, do it. The price will only go up. But if this isn't the right time, wait & see what happens. You can always try to get Poly at 7 months out. You can also rent points from a Poly owner. I have used David's in the past with great results!

Don't let this one trip cause you to make a big purchase. There are other ways to book the perfect vacation. Take your time & think it through. I write all the pros & cons down, before making big purchases.

Good luck with your decision.
Either way, you will have a great vacation.
I know how you feel.
Before DVC, I mainly stayed at CR & Poly. Both feel like home to me.
DH & I only stayed at CR, once we had children, so CR feels like home to them.

I always said if CR or Poly had DVC, I would buy it.

We bought DVC at BLT & love it! We have stayed at other DVC resorts & like them a lot, but BLT feels like home.

I have been thinking of buying a small contract at Poly because it also feels like home to me. I have taken the DVC tour there on my last two vacations. Beautiful spot & I know we would be happy spending a few nights there, every other trip.
But we have kids in high school & college. Lots of things to think about. I am taking my time before buying.

If you can comfortably purchase a small contract, do it. The price will only go up. But if this isn't the right time, wait & see what happens. You can always try to get Poly at 7 months out. You can also rent points from a Poly owner. I have used David's in the past with great results!

Don't let this one trip cause you to make a big purchase. There are other ways to book the perfect vacation. Take your time & think it through. I write all the pros & cons down, before making big purchases.

Good luck with your decision.
Either way, you will have a great vacation.

Thank you- I am waiting for now. I'm sure my guide will be disappointed but I may change my mind in the future. Thanks :)


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