Would I be entitled to the DAS


Earning My Ears
May 9, 2019
Hiya! I was wondering anyone could help me
Long story short I have LQT which is a heart condition (it doesn’t effect my ability to use most of the Disney rides yay) but does leave me feeling exhausted very quickly. I plan for this accordingly with well spaced out fast passes and all my meals are Pre booked sit down meals
I know Disney says if a wheelchair can fix your problem your not allowed to use DSA but having used a wheel chair once before in a similar situation I HATED it, my anxiety of feeling everyone was looking at me (and I don’t look “sick”) meant I had to stop using it, I really really hated it. Would they still refuse it to me? It just seems weird that the way to make my problem better would be for them to make me more disabled?
Standing/walking for long periods of time puts me at high risk of fainting.
Any advice would be great and if anyone has been in something of a similar situation would be really helpful :) it’s not the end of the world if I can’t get it, but it would be a huge for help
No, they most likely will not give you a DAS. They don’t have to give anyone their preferred accommodation, just an accommodation that allows them to experience most of the same things as every other guest. Your needs are met with the wheelchair or scooter.

And remember this - hundreds if not thousands of people use mobility devices at WDW every day. You are not going to stand out. And if someone notices, who cares? You are never going to see them again anyway.
no you will most likely not qualify. the accommodations they offer for mobility and stamina issues are a WC or ECV. they don't care that you would prefer a different solution. they are only required to offer a solution, not the one you want.

keep in mind that you will actually do MORE standing and walking with a DAS and there are practically no places to sit down in the parks any more. basically, if you need a place to sit right now, you need to bring your own.
No, they most likely will not give you a DAS. They don’t have to give anyone their preferred accommodation, just an accommodation that allows them to experience most of the same things as every other guest. Your needs are met with the wheelchair or scooter.

And remember this - hundreds if not thousands of people use mobility devices at WDW every day. You are not going to stand out. And if someone notices, who cares? You are never going to see them again anyway.

Thanks for the help! Thought it was still worth asking :) I have Been given an Email to contact so waiting to hear what they say! I totally see what your saying that it would be solved with assistance, but I don’t think I will take it I just feel very uncomfortable while in one, think I will just stick to enjoying my fast passes :)
Your condition causing exhaustion makes it sound like a stamina issue. They could well determine that your best solution is a mobility device.

Thanks for the help! Thought it was still worth asking :) I have Been given an Email to contact so waiting to hear what they say! I totally see what your saying that it would be solved with assistance, but I don’t think I will take it I just feel very uncomfortable while in one, think I will just stick to enjoying my fast passes :)
Thanks for the help! Thought it was still worth asking :) I have Been given an Email to contact so waiting to hear what they say! I totally see what your saying that it would be solved with assistance, but I don’t think I will take it I just feel very uncomfortable while in one, think I will just stick to enjoying my fast passes :)

The people you are emailing aren’t the people at the parks who issue the DAS. Getting an email saying they will give you a DAS does not mean they will honor it at the parks. Plan to use you FP’s and please consider what I said about no one caring that you are in a wheelchair.
Hiya! I was wondering anyone could help me
Long story short I have LQT which is a heart condition (it doesn’t effect my ability to use most of the Disney rides yay) but does leave me feeling exhausted very quickly. I plan for this accordingly with well spaced out fast passes and all my meals are Pre booked sit down meals
I know Disney says if a wheelchair can fix your problem your not allowed to use DSA but having used a wheel chair once before in a similar situation I HATED it, my anxiety of feeling everyone was looking at me (and I don’t look “sick”) meant I had to stop using it, I really really hated it. Would they still refuse it to me? It just seems weird that the way to make my problem better would be for them to make me more disabled?
Standing/walking for long periods of time puts me at high risk of fainting.
Any advice would be great and if anyone has been in something of a similar situation would be really helpful :) it’s not the end of the world if I can’t get it, but it would be a huge for help
The one thing the CM will or should ask you is What are your concerns as it has to do with the lines ( or something similar to this)
It sounds like you have a hard time standing walking a lot. the DAS does nothing to help with this some line even the FP lines are very long ( like almost a half of a mile long, and I am not kidding) there is also a lot of walking anyways at Disney just going place to place and they have been taking away places to sit ( just got back from a week there).

At Disney, there are so many people that need extra help that having a wheelchair or an ECV is really not a big deal people are just too into there own vacation to really care about you and if you are standing or sitting. instead of thinking of it makes you more disabled to use a mobility device think of it like a tool to help you have fun just like someone wears glasses to help them see, spell check to help with spelling, hearing aid to help them hear. if you needed any of these things to help you out would you say no? a mobility device is just that a tool to help you

I would strongly suggest looking up some rental numbers and just keeping them with you even if you do not want to use something. yes, you might get by with walking but would you rather be in first aid or your hotel room or the ER ( yep been there done that one) because you overdid it or would you rather be out sitting on a mobility device having fun. I would choose to have fun. also just because you have a mobility device does not mean you have to use it all the time I have a friend that uses an ECV ( she has hip problem hart problems) and in the morning she does better so she will park her ECV in the land we are in and walk around do some ride and shop and then in the afternoon when she needs the help she will use it more but it keeps her out of first aid and she can enjoy the parks more she can do more not less ( we tried a day trip without it and had to leave by 2 pm and this was after she rested in first aid for over an hour and almost had to go to the ER) so please use any tool you need and it sould like you need to bealble to sit and not walk that much witch case having your own moblitie device is the only way to mave sure you have what you will need
Thanks for the help! Thought it was still worth asking :) I have Been given an Email to contact so waiting to hear what they say! I totally see what your saying that it would be solved with assistance, but I don’t think I will take it I just feel very uncomfortable while in one, think I will just stick to enjoying my fast passes :)

The people you are emailing aren’t the people at the parks who issue the DAS. Getting an email saying they will give you a DAS does not mean they will honor it at the parks. Plan to use you FP’s and please consider what I said about no one caring that you are in a wheelchair.
and they have a really good habit of giving really bad information to people
One last thing for you to think about I just got back from a week at Disney and I use the DAS here is how many step and miles I did each day I do not think people realize just how big Disney really is and how much walking they do but hopefully this will give you an idea so you can do what is best for you and most day I went back to the resort to rest.

Saturday 22,914 steps and 9.2 miles
Sunday 22,447 steps and 9.6 miles
Monday 24,610 step and10.6 miles
Tuesday 20,726 steps and8.9 miles
wednesday 24,962 steps and 10.8miles
thursday 25,990 steps and 11.3 miles
Friday 31,129 steps and 13.6 miles
Saturday 18,263 steps and 7,8 miles
I think it’s definitely worth asking at guest services. Worst case they say no. But you never know. You could get a compassionate CM and some pixie dust.
I think it’s definitely worth asking at guest services. Worst case they say no. But you never know. You could get a compassionate CM and some pixie dust.
the OP said she can pass out with walking standing too much not sure how compassionate the CMwould be if she did pass out because she had to walk too much or got stuck in line or anywhere and needed to sit and there was nowhere to sit.
The take aways here are:

-don't trust what the email response is. Unfortunately the CMs responding to these type of questions both on the phone or via email are notoriously incorrect.
-stop at guest relations and ask. While the people on this board can inform that stamina issues are not the INTENDED use of DAS, it does not mean a CM won't see it the same way. No one on this forum can tell you whether or not you will receive a DAS.
- Be prepared to address your needs. Honestly, a DAS will not really help with the standing or walking issues. Because you are required to go to the attraction first to get the return time you actually end up walking a lot more than you would with a good touring plan. The walk between transportation and the park entrances are some of the longest periods of walking all day.
-Seating is limited. be prepared to not have a bench or seat available if you need it. Truly the only way to guaranty a seat when you need it is to bring a wheelchair, ecv or rollator. Otherwise it is just luck if you get one.

Again, you may get a DAS, but be prepared to not have it be really helpful. It is not a front of line pass. The only way to avoid issues with walking or standing is a mobility device.
the OP said she can pass out with walking standing too much not sure how compassionate the CMwould be if she did pass out because she had to walk too much or got stuck in line or anywhere and needed to sit and there was nowhere to sit.
Yes, I don’t see it as compassion as much as a CM either to lazy to do their job or afraid to say “no”.
First off, no one is ever entitled to anything, anywhere, you may qualify for something, but to say someone is entitled is not a good idea as that implies you are guaranteed something and in life there are no guarantees except that you will pay some form of taxes and at some point (hopefully far, far, far in the future) die.

That being said, be honest with them about your needs and your anxiety when using such devices, but as others have pointed out, such a device really would be the right solution in your situation. I understand the "looks healthy" part, but really you have to do what works for your body and only you know what your needs are. I would actually suggest an ECV over a wheelchair and tell people to shove it if they give you a hard time about using one, seriously they aren't in your body, for all they know you just hurt your ankle the day before your big trip and while it doesn't require a cast, you can't walk long distances on it. So, in your case you have a similar condition where you can't walk long distances or stand for long periods of time.

I also would recommend renting a mobility device from an offsite company if at all possible, the ones in the parks are terrible.
I get how you feel about perceived judgments while in a wheelchair or ECV. I had to use one last year at Epcot Food and Wine. I am sure people looked at me and said look at that fat, lazy cow riding around on that ECV. They didn't know that my sciatica flared up and I couldn't walk more than 20 steps without searing pain. And you know what? I didn't flippin' care. I don't care what they think. I know I needed an ECV on this trip and I used it happily. I sure did appreciate having a guaranteed seat when I needed it and I didn't mind long queues. My husband was thrilled because he hates when I am in pain. I know that you said that you will probably use the stroller like a walker, but don't discount the benefit of having a seat ready at all times.
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I’d ask for one. Chances are you’ll get it. I never see posts where someone is actually refused. More often people post how they hardly had to give info and got one. It kinda seems like those who have one try to discourage others from getting one. And Disney has a habit of not saying no!
I’d ask for one. Chances are you’ll get it. I never see posts where someone is actually refused. More often people post how they hardly had to give info and got one. It kinda seems like those who have one try to discourage others from getting one. And Disney has a habit of not saying no!
I have seen plenty of people told no, especially at Disneyland and DCA.
I’d ask for one. Chances are you’ll get it. I never see posts where someone is actually refused. More often people post how they hardly had to give info and got one. It kinda seems like those who have one try to discourage others from getting one. And Disney has a habit of not saying no!

I've been fortunate to never need a DAS, but I've been with my sister who does need and use one. It isn't an issue of people who have them not wanting others to get them, it's an issue of if Disney is going to go back to handing them out like candy, as they did with GAC, then pretty soon there will be the same problems as those that emerged with GAC, namely, negatively impacting those who are waiting in standby, those with FP, and disabled people who truly need the DAS to access the attractions.
I've been fortunate to never need a DAS, but I've been with my sister who does need and use one. It isn't an issue of people who have them not wanting others to get them, it's an issue of if Disney is going to go back to handing them out like candy, as they did with GAC, then pretty soon there will be the same problems as those that emerged with GAC, namely, negatively impacting those who are waiting in standby, those with FP, and disabled people who truly need the DAS to access the attractions.

The last few trips there have been more times I have had to get out of the FP line because I just can not handle the length( time-wise) of the lines a wheelchair or other mobility device does nothing for me if it did I would use it so fast

I was at the kiosk at MK behind someone asking to renew there DAS the CM ask what their concerns are for the DAS and it was simply mobility the CM said they should have never had a DAS and did not give it to them

I have also been with a friend that does use an ECV but we were just going for the day so we left it behind huge mistake as she almost had to go to the ER and this was before noon. This is why I suggest what is best why I think the CM should ask what your concerns are for the line why some times a mobile device is better then the DAS and a DAS is better


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