Worst Ride Experience..I lost it on Mission Space

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May 11, 2011
Ok, this is embarrassing but here goes...last week we were in Epcot. DH and DS's love Mission Space. DD not so much. Her and I had not ridden it in years. This year she decided she wanted to give it another go. I remember not loving the experience (green) because tight spaces aren't my thing. While in line I kept hearing the warnings. DD now 11 was excited so I didn't give it too much thought. Until they shut the door on that tuna can :scared1::scared1:. What the heck was I thinking quickly enters my mind. DD is excitedly chirping away. 'Isn't this fun mom?' Oh yes I manage to eek out. Now my heart is racing and I can't catch my breath. That stupid air blowing in my face is not helping. :rotfl2:. I am in full blown panic attack, I can laugh now. I am on the end and gently rapping on the door. I am caught between not wanting to ruin DD's experience and not wanting an unsuspecting cast member to find my limp body at the end. When my knocks of terror went unnoticed I decided it best to clench my eyes shut, pray to the dear Lord for mercy and go to my happy place ( all the while answering my daughters million questions and hitting my button at the appropriate time). I'm proud to tell the tale- I lived through it and will never ride it again :rotfl: What was you're worst ride experience and why?
Oh, man! I'm so sorry you had that experience! I know I would have been the same way. I would have been scared to death and sick as a dog thanks to motion sickness. Boo. :( I have always vowed to avoid this ride like the plague. I haven't had any really bad experiences at Disney. It was touch and go on Star Tours one year, though. I was *this close* to throwing up, and boy, wouldn't that have been embarrassing?! But I remember riding the backwards Racer at King's Island when I was about 13, and I was never so terrified on a ride before (or since!) I can't decide if it would have been better or worse for me to be able to see what was coming next...
I had one very similar on Mission Space, that ride is off my list.

Last year we had a horrible experience on Splash Mountain. It had been my youngest son's favorite ride for years but we hadn't been to Disney for a couple years. Anyhow it was only open the first day of our trip so I happily scheduled the fast pass even though I dislike it. We got on the fricken ride and all five of my kids start freaking out, saying how much they hate the ride. And then it stops, for 10 minutes, right before the darn drop. Everyone is panicking saying "I hate this" and "why did you make us go on this" and I should note three of them were teens at the time and the two youngest were pre-teens. Anyhow finally we get moving and go down the drop and it was horrible, I hate drops. When we got to the bottom they all said in unison "we are never doing that again". The picture was seriously of sheer horror.
Oh my, I'm sorry you had to go through that, I can sympathize with you! I don't like Mission Space AT ALL-either side. Don't be embarrassed! At least yours is a real "thrill" ride. Mine is REALLY embarrassing.

I can barely tolerate ITTBAB! I love going under the tree, seeing the posters, hearing the buzzing music-I think that's all great. I just get all freaked out at some of the 4D effects. My family of course thinks it's funny to see me squirm. One time I made sure I was in front of my family so I could lead the way down the row. I picked a row went all the way to the end and kept on walking-I exited with the group that was leaving from the previous show. By the time my family realized what I had done the doors were shut and I was "safe" on the outside. Now I only go on if we have a Disney first timer with us and my family is sure I don't have an escape route.

I get to suffer through this in September since we have a first timer with us. Yay...NOT!
Oh, man! I'm so sorry you had that experience! I know I would have been the same way. I would have been scared to death and sick as a dog thanks to motion sickness. Boo. :( I have always vowed to avoid this ride like the plague. I haven't had any really bad experiences at Disney. It was touch and go on Star Tours one year, though. I was *this close* to throwing up, and boy, wouldn't that have been embarrassing?! But I remember riding the backwards Racer at King's Island when I was about 13, and I was never so terrified on a ride before (or since!) I can't decide if it would have been better or worse for me to be able to see what was coming next...

I practically lived at King's Island as a teenager-the Racers were rough no matter which direction they were going. Haven't been there in MANY years now.
I practically lived at King's Island as a teenager-the Racers were rough no matter which direction they were going. Haven't been there in MANY years now.

Yessss! You've felt my pain lol. I grew up in Indianapolis, so King's Island was only like an hour and a half drive and we were there several times every year. I live in the south now, so I'd say it's been a good 25 years since I've been there. Not sure I'd want to go back haha!
I haven't had too much of a bad time on rides, but my mom sure has. One year she went to DL alone to have some fun. Every ride she went to broke down. She was like a curse to the rides! She tried to ride Alice in Wonderland 3x. First time, the ride broke before she could get on it, second time, she got 1/2 though before the ride broke and everyone got evacuated. 3x, she got stuck at the top of the ride, in the Cali sunshine. It took them so long to get all the vehicles cleared that one of the cms got an umbrella for my mom! He sat with her until they could safely get the vehicle down.

This year, my mom's BFF shut down the big California Screamin' coaster! Her eyeglasses accidentally flew out of her bag and into the coaster! So, coaster shut down for about 2 or so hours until cm's could safely find them. She got her glasses back, but not in the same condition she had left them!
Yeah, we really don't like Mission Space. Way too cramped space and we didn't like the intensity even with it being the green one. We went once and that was it. Why did they replace Horizons with this?
I thought this title meant you lost your lunch! I'd say this kind of freak out can happen to anyone so don't feel bad, especially women over 30. I happen to looovvvee it and have never tried green, I'm an orange kinda gal.

I think the closest thing I have to that right now is Falcons Fury. I always ride it. But on that agonizing upward leisurely ride up, I start rechecking the harness and pushing up on the harness and then when it tilts you up, yikes. That one is the most terrifying one I've been on in a long time. Even beyond Cedar Point... And yet husband isnt even phased!

The only bad experience ay Disney that is memorable we have ever had was Jack Sparrow Experience!!! It was no experience!!
This is embarrassing. I completely lost it on ToT. I had watched the youtube videos, my kids begged me, and I thought "how bad can it be?" Omg. It was fine until the thing shoots up. I was shrieking and screaming like I was being murdered. It was so awful! And how is it there's only a flimsy seatbelt holding you in place? I swear I had air time. The photo is me shrieking, with my eyes clenched tight, holding on for dear life. My kids are looking at me with alarm. Everyone else is smiling and taking selfies. NEVER. AGAIN. Note to self: when your choice of answers to the question "how bad can it be?" is "not bad" and "really bad", go with the latter.
Yessss! You've felt my pain lol. I grew up in Indianapolis, so King's Island was only like an hour and a half drive and we were there several times every year. I live in the south now, so I'd say it's been a good 25 years since I've been there. Not sure I'd want to go back haha!

I live 10 minutes from Kings Island and grew up near it too! I get way more freaked out on stuff there than I ever do at WDW. Although, the backwards Racer always felt safer to me than the front facing side. I would always rise out of my seat when going frontwards and feel like I was going to fly out of the coaster. Now they have better harnesses, and I'm larger so it's not an issue!

At WDW, the WORST experience I've had was when I was a teenager. My sister and I were stuck on Splash Mountain for about 45 minutes. We heard the Laughing Place song over, and over, and over, and over..... We came very close to stabbing our eyes out!

Turns out now it's my kids' favorite ride and the song is among their favorite Disney songs!
Ack. How was it?

Well, it starts when you uneasily climb up that freaking staircase, and as you make your way up, your fellow guests remind you exactly how high off the ground you are, which is just what you want to hear. This is only then exacerbated by looking behind and noticing that you can see the Contemporary and it seems to appear that you are on par with the heigh of California Grill (you know, the place where it looks like you're looking down on most of the Wishes fireworks). Then, you turn around and have the lovely opportunity of watching those in front of you lie down, cross their legs, scream like the Dickens, and drop straight out of sight (not to worry, we know they're alright because we can still hear them). And this is all before you actually get on the slide.

That's when it gets real fun, because you're asked to assume a very specific position (and if you're like me, your committed to getting and remaining in that exact position out of fear that any slight alteration in that position may result in your sudden and untimely death), while trying to avoid looking down at the well over 100 feet separating you from the ground. Finally, the green light flashes and you find it somewhere in you to push yourself (I reiterate willingly doing so) over the abyss, focusing on trying to maintain that position as (I kid you not) you're blinded by splashing water getting in your face and in areas where no chlorinated water should ever be. That is until the wedgie of all wedgies is formed, and it is at that point that you realize you've just landed (yes, you immediately realize you were slightly and not necessarily voluntarily in freefall for a slight moment) back on the slide, but luckily, you are able to process all that has just occurred just in time for an all-too-friendly Disney PhotoPass photographer to snap a picture of you, the look of sheer horror on your face, and your unevenly tanned exposed thighs (remember, the wedgie...). It's certainly an interesting memory (if you want to call it that), but that photo is certainly one I don't mind expiring from my Disney PhotoPass account.
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