Worried about marathon


DIS Veteran
Jun 4, 2000
Please forgive the selfish post---just trying to work through some stuff and hoping someone here will have some advice. I have been training for the marathon since August, and I am still planning to run, but I'm worried I've lost a little of my "drive" this week. My dad passed away(pretty unexpectedly) on Tuesday. It has been pretty emotionally wrenching(I was also named executrix of the will) and I have not felt like even thinking about running. I made myself run 3 yesterday---I went outside to run even though it was 22 degress because I knew if I got on the treadmill I would just get right back off.

I have followed a training plan pretty rigidly, already did my 20 miler on Dec. 18 so I guess I am ready, but I guess I am worried because I just don't feel very "strong" right now. I'm glad I am tapering this week, hoping that will help. I'm supposed to run 8 tomorrow and I hope that after that I will feel better.

Thanks for listening,
So sorry to hear about your loss.....

Take care of yourself first and try and get some much needed to rest as your mind and emotions are on overdrive....

Your training is a result of the last 4-5months, these last few days won't hurt your performance.. I suspect your Dad will be with you this Sunday when you cross that finish line
I'm very sorry to hear about your father. I can certainly understand how that would make you have a bit less drive for running. I wouldn't worry at all about not feeling strong, though. As Joanne said, you're not going to lose months of fitness in a week. Get as much rest (mental and physical) as you can, and use the memories of your father as the strength you need to get across that finish line after you start. I'm sure he'll be there with you.
{HUGS} Jen :hug:

So sorry for your sudden loss. I agree with everyone else, you have already done your training, and a week won't make you lose it. Your dad will be with you all along the way giving you the strength you need. :angel:
:grouphug: Jen

I'm so sorry for your loss. Maybe going for this Marathon will help you - you have so many places to focus, the run, you will focus on you - and its such a mental game at times -

Like others have stated, you have put your training in, so you will finish, know that there are pace people out there that can also help you keep focused on a stride...
sorry for your loss

know that you'll have an angel on your shoulder as you run
I am sory for your loss :( You are more than ready physically. You could run the run in memory of your father. This would make it like he is there with you. Good luck!
Wow, can't imagine. I am so sorry. As others have said the training is done, don't worry about it.

Focus on yourself and your family. Getting away will probably be good for you temporally. Dedicate the race to your dad, talk to him every mile. He will be there when you need help along the way. It's OK to cry while you are running as you will not be alone. So many people dedicate miles or the race to loved ones and just the memories bring tears.

Hang in there,
My deepest sympathies for your loss. Echoing what others said, I'm sure your dad's spirit will be with you as you run. Hang in there.
I am sorry for your loss. Your training is there and you will do the event just fine. Get rest this week to help you, hydrate this week too. I find that getting out there and putting in the steps is a huge stress reliever. Take your Dad with you. I know it will help.
I'm so sorry for your loss. When you start the race I hope it will be a good temporary distraction for you. Trust your training and use your energy to get through this difficult time!
Sorry to hear about your Dad, Jen.

I agree with what others have posted. Dedicate the race to your Dad and know that he'll be smiling down on you as you cross the finish line.

Thank you all so much for your kind words of encouragement. I am reading/typing with tears in my eyes, I am so touched. I did my 8 miles today and did fine. I was having a hard time finding the motivation to just get out there and go these last few days. But, today was better.

I like the idea of dedicating miles. I was kind of already thinking about that during my run today. My dad was a very hard worker and he was proud of what I was working for. I think I will take those last 6 miles and dedicate to loved ones(some that I've lost, some that are thankfully still with me).

Thanks again!!!
Jen - Oh, wow! I'm so very sorry! :hug::hug::hug:

My dad passed away several years ago; I always dedicate my races to him. We used to go jogging when I was little. We probably never went more than a half a mile but I always enjoyed being with him during these "runs". I'm sure he would be quite proud of my accomplishments if he were still here. I like to think he's watching over me and helping me somewhat. I'm sure your dad will be watching over you as well. :hug: :grouphug:
Jen, so sorry for your loss. Dedicating miles to your dad and other loved ones is a terrific idea.

I lost my mom 6 years ago, and I now wear her necklace all the time. Even running, with it bouncing around, she is close to my heart. And many times I will just hold it in my hand and "feel" my mom with me. My MIL runs every race with a photo of her parents in her pocket. They may not be here one Earth, but they are always with you.

Good luck on your run-you will make your dad proud!
Thank you all so much for your kind words of encouragement. I am reading/typing with tears in my eyes, I am so touched. I did my 8 miles today and did fine. I was having a hard time finding the motivation to just get out there and go these last few days. But, today was better.

I like the idea of dedicating miles. I was kind of already thinking about that during my run today. My dad was a very hard worker and he was proud of what I was working for. I think I will take those last 6 miles and dedicate to loved ones(some that I've lost, some that are thankfully still with me).

Thanks again!!!

Hi Jen,

There aint no way in this world you are not finishing this race with that to drive you on and you will do your dad proud. I am not a tearful person but your post made me cry, i am running in memory of my best man (my cousin) who died while serving in the forces for my freedom.



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